Welcome one and all to my new story! I intended to post it next year, but I am still working on my other stories and I've had this one, along with another one, planned out for months! Plus, I think that I need to write a little more angst and morbid humor a bit. Nothing like practice, right?

Like I said, I have this story all planned out! I even made a little booklet for it that contains a 6 page plot web. It should be around 43 chapters if I stick to my plan but I may go over, and I may go under but I think that this will turn out to be a good story!

So, may I introduce my newest fan fiction: Anguished Flames!

Anguished Flames

Chapter 1

In the rain. Of course it HAD to be in the rain. The psychopaths just love to ambush me while the madman theme of a thunderstorm kidnapping continues on in their twisted brains. I thought Fullmetal was the one who always got into trouble. -sigh-, I guess it's my turn to tell the tale of how I became entwined even further into the clutches of the mythical philosopher's stone. Seems that Elric brothers and I are becoming more alike in each passing year.

My name is Colonel Roy Mustang and I looking for the philosopher's stone. You may have heard about my exploits in the Ishbal war, but I prefer to forget. I am the superior of Edward Elric, the Fullmetal alchemist who is the youngest state alchemist in history. You might even know the Elric brother's secret, however you know I wouldn't but if you do then you might sympathize with my situation right now, even if I'd prefer to not be pitied.

I never attempted human transmutation, but my existence has ended up as though I had. I could literally be called a 'puppet' of the military. You may be wondering what exactly happened to me. Well, I'll tell you my story if you want to know. However, it's classified. If to speak of it to another person then you'll be sent to the Amestris military prison. Well, you can talk about it to my personal team and the Elric brothers. Other than that, it stays between us.

It began on a mission straight from the Furer. It was to investigate the home of a runaway state alchemist: the Psychic Alchemist. Perhaps I should have prepared more. I decided that I would lead my team in and we ended up being separated. I remember being knocked out from behind. The next thing I knew I was waking up, strapped to a table. The madman, who I am assuming was the Psychic alchemist, ranted on about me being his new perfect specimen. It took me a few moments to understand what he meant and he must have recognized the confusion on my face. He grabbed a huge knife and slammed it into my arm and I winced, waiting for the pain to arrive but it never did. I opened my eyes to see him holding up my arm. He laughing manically before explaining that I wasn't going to die, or at least not yet. It was then that I noticed that I wasn't breathing, yet I was still alive. That's when my mind drifted to the Elric brothers. I demanded that he tell me what he did to my soul and he laughed. He laughed right in my face as he reconnected the arm back onto my body. Then he got up and opened a box and I felt disgusted. I saw my pale body lying in there, still in uniform and shallowly breathing. He said it was still alive, but that my mind and soul were transplanted into this body of a puppet that he designed specifically for me. Wonderful, he was probably a stalker. However, I must give him props for making it so realistic. It was even covered in a plastic that looked exactly like skin and I could still blink and move my eyes. The mouth worked as well, so I was basically inside a perfectly made puppet. Just wonderful. I just knew I had to wait till the time was right to make my escape, or my team find me.

Ta da! So, that basically Mustang's monologue at first. You know, like a speaking story would start. However, it'll be switching to a regular format starting next chapter! So: like? Dislike? Tell me in a review! I'll put up the next chapter soon!