Hi guys! I was reading some stories about TieriaXMileina and I decided I wanted to write one too. Either way, please enjoy. It's pretty much just fluff about Tieria and Mileina and meant to be a one-shot but if people want it I can continue this as each chapter being a one-shot about Tieria and Mileina.


Chapter One: Piano Lessons*

"No, no, no! Mileina, those are the wrong notes! Play it again!" Ms. Hargreves snaps as she scowls at the girl.

Mileina Vashti scrunches her nose and tries to hold back the tears forming behind her eyes. Ms. Hargreves is very hard on her. Mileina always tries to be polite and see the good in people, but she can't seem to do it with this witch in human form. She has to bite her tongue to resist the urge to mutter some...colourful language being involved in war had taught her. Over those few years, she had learned that men tend to swear a lot.


The sound as Ms. Hargreves whips her wooden dowel at the piano.

"No! You keep hitting A instead of A flat! Do it again!"

Mileina puffs out her cheek with her tongue as she raises her arms to the piano again. She really hates the piano, and is only taking it because she wants to impress a certain someone. He heard that Tieria Erde likes classical music. Motzart and other famous pianist names came up when she asked her father what Tieria-san was like. Naturally, she kept the fact that she liked him a secret. Her father would flip his lid if he knew she liked a non-human, and Tieria-san would certainly act differently, if not hate her, if he were to find out. At times like that, she was glad he isn't human, it makes it harder for him to realize human emotions.

As she plays she hits a wrong note and knows that she's got it coming. She squeezes her eyes shut and waits for the inevitable 'snap' of the dowel being slapped onto the piano.

It never comes.

Mileina opens her eyes and looks up. She sees a pale hand gripping the dowel in midair.

"That's quite enough, Ms. Hargreves. I think you've done enough here. I'll take over."

Mileina gasps. She knows that voice. The entire world could be engulfed in a loud explosion, but she would always recognize that voice. It is the voice that has been in her dreams since she met the man behind it. It is the voice that she embedded into her memory since the first time she heard it. And it is the voice that she can ever tire of.

Tieria Erde stands a foot or so behind the stiff Ms. Hargreves.

"B-But, Tieria...I-I was just about to teach her how to play-"

"Not everyone learns the same way. I don't believe Mileina can learn anything from you. If you will please excuse me, I'll teach her myself." Tieria states in a flat tone.

Mileina gasps. She is happy that he would offer to teach her, but she doesn't want that. If he were to teach her he would find out how much she sucks at it! A-and he would be sitting on the same bench, their thighs would be touching; his hands would be touching hers...his delicate hands would ghost over her small fingers, making her too flustered to play.

Mileina brushes those thoughts aside.

Ms. Hargreves seems at a loss for words before scoffing and storming out of the room. She probably reached the conclusion that she has been fired.

With that, Tieria sits down beside Mileina. Mileina moves away from him a bit, almost falling off the small bench.

"Sit in the middle, Mileina. You won't be able to reach this side sitting so far to the right." Tieria tells her in a gentle tone.

"R-Right..." Mileina mutters, praying that he cannot see her face turn red.

She repositions herself and lifts her hands to the keys. Then it happens, the thing she had been dreading and looking forward to at the same time.

Tieria's hands touch hers.

"Your fingers should be curled more. And you should place them here for the best reach. Spread them out a little, you need to reach the other keys." Tieria mutters softly.

Mileina blushes deeper and nods, not trusting herself to speak. She lets his cold fingers gently reposition hers.

"Okay, now play." Tieria whispers in a voice barely above a breath.

Mileina plays and prays that she does not screw up. She can't afford to let Tieria see her screw up.

She manages to finish with only a handful of wrong notes. At the end of the piece Tieria nods.

"You have a tendency to stare at the notes instead of your hands. You've got to be able to do both, try not to make your gaze rooted on one thing, switch between staring that the keys, and then the notes." Tieria comments.

Mileina nods. She still doesn't trust herself to speak, fearing that she will say what is on her mind instead of what she should be saying.

It's because I can't stare at you.

She wants so badly to stare at him and lose herself in his eyes, but he won't like that. She knows that he won't. Even so, she couldn't help but let her eyes wander and catch a glimpse of his face from the corner of her eye as she plays. She did that a grand total of seven times, the same number of mistakes she played on the piece.

"Well, I think that's enough for tonight. Shall we continue this tomorrow?" Tieria's question brings her out of her reverie.

"S-Sure..." She mutters.

Tieria nods and gets off the bench.

"Good work tonight, Mileina. You need to work on your timing though. Your play was a little erratic and the piece is supposed to be smooth. It's alright, that will come with practice, along with memorization and fingering. Practise whenever you have free time. We will try again tomorrow night."

"Uh...um...thank you!" Mileina squeaks out.

Tieria is already at the door; he turns his head and offers her a small smile before closing the wooden doors.

Mileina sighs as he door closes. She loves Tieria and wants to be able to play for him, but not like this. Thinking back on it, she has to say that her performance sucked tonight. She wants to be close to Tieria, but not that close. She wants him to hear her play, but him teaching her is a different kind of agony than with Ms. Hargreves. While Ms. Hargreves teaching was a physical pain and a pain to her ears; Tieria teaching her was doing the same thing to her emotions.

He has no idea how much I love him. He's supposed to be smart, I guess even he can see it. Erde-san, you can be surprisingly dumb for a lot of things.

* * *

The next night, Tieria is teaching Mileina again.

They are seated on the bench in close proximity. Mileina has almost gotten over the fact that he is touching her and begins to play.

She does a little better this time, but she still can't shake the feeling and nervousness that comes with the one you love being right there.

Tieria remains oblivious, of course. Or so Mileina thinks.

As she plays she feels something, Tieria has put his arm around her waist. This distracts her and she almost stops playing, but continues. She must ignore it.

He pulls her towards his body gently. This is too much for Mileina and she speaks.

"E-Erde-san...?" She gasps out.

He hugs her close, the movement pulling her fingers from the keys. He leans her into his chest and kisses the top of her head.

"I'm not as oblivious as you might think." He whispers to her.

His voice, his arm around her added to the feel of his lips touching her is too much. It makes Mileina dizzy. This is all way too much. Is Tieria telling her that he loves her too? She flushes a deeper red.

She is brought out of her reverie by his light chuckle. She can feel it through his chest, his laugh.

"Now, who's the oblivious one?" He whispers.

Mileina doesn't know what he is referring to until he puts his mouth right next to her ear.

"Yes, Mileina, I have always been in love with you, from the very first day we met." He whispers huskily into her ear.

This is too much for Mileina and she passes out right there, fainting in his tender embrace. Tieria chuckles and carries her to her bed. He has no intention of doing anything untoward her, but the least he can do is put her to bed.

He tucks her under the covers and is about to make his leave when he feels something tug at his sleeve. He looks down and sees Mileina grasping his sleeve.

"Please...don't go...Erde-san..." She whispers in her sleep.

Tieria sits down on the edge of the bed, bringing her hand to his lips. He kisses them softly.

"...U-Uhm...m-may I call you Tieria-san?" She whispers.

"You can call me whatever you like. Go to sleep." Tieria whispers.

"T-Thank you...good night...Tieria-san..."

"Goodnight, Mileina."

The End.

I told you it would be fluff. Cute, but still fluff, right? Either way, please leave a review if you liked it or whatever. If you want me to add more one-shots to this then please let me know through a review.

*I used to take piano lessons and I hated them. They were pretty boring, and what's worse, the person teaching me was a friend. It wouldn't have been awkward if the teacher were some certified piano teacher, but the one I had was a really good friend of mine and that person was really charming. Either way, it was torture for me. I wanted to illustrate how Mileina feels towards Tieria by thinking that the piano is that much better with Tieria around.