Madame Pince was in a mood today. When was that woman not in a mood, Neville thought. But today was especially gruesome, he could tell as soon as he walked into the Library. Her cheeks were flushed and the scratching noise her quill was making against the bit of parchment she was staring at sounded like it could be doing damage to the document. Neville had been going to ask her where he might find a book on self fertilizing plants that he was researching for a special project that he had requested from Professor Sprout. Maybe he'd just poke around a bit by himself before resorting to speaking to her, though.

Making his way back through the stacks towards the section where he usually found his Herbology books, he breathed in the scent of old, resting books. As Hermione Granger would say it was one of the best smells in the world. It was comforting. There were few things Neville liked smelling more than old books. One, no surprise, was the smell of a greenhouse, turned dirt and plants. He could stay in the greenhouse forever just for that smell.

Another smell he enjoyed was bit odder than that, however. He liked the smell of the hospital, St. Mungo's specifically. It wasn't something he would ever admit to anyone because no one would understand but it probably had something to do with the amount of time he had spent in his parents' ward as a child. Some people hated the smell of medical facilities. He had come to enjoy it.

The sound of a wispy hum reached Neville's ears. He couldn't help or explain the smile that crept on to his face as he recognized it. The song she was humming was of her own creation as was everything she did in life but he was coming to accept more and more every day the odd kinship they were forming. Turning down an aisle he found her and immediately stopped, furrowing his brows as he looked down at the odd site that met him.

On the ground sat Luna Lovegood. That was not the odd part about it however. It was not a strange site to see her on the ground, after all, she didn't need a reason to be down there. What was odd was the fact that Neville could hardly see her. If he hadn't known it was her he would have had to ask because her blonde mop of hair was completely covered along with most of her head with a large triangular thing made out of what looked like the Daily Prophet.

"Luna….I'm probably going to regret asking this but what are you doing?"

Neville wanted to laugh when her head tilted up quickly to look at him. The immediate consequence was that the newspaper concoction atop her head slipped even further over her face until she reached up and pushed it up onto her forehead. When she did he was not disappointed, because a large grin, the same that he was becoming so fond of, lit up her face.

"Neville! I'm so glad you're here! Come and see!" He knew now what Madame Pince was in such a foul mood. Luna was extremely excited and extremely too loud for this library setting. However, Neville knew as well as anyone that this tiny Ravenclaw was oblivious to every world but her own and most of the staff in the castle chose to just leae her alone rather than enter into conversation with her. He shook his head at her ridiculousness as she reached up and hauled him down onto the ground by one of his hands.

"Hermione Granger taught me how to make these. Muggles make them all the time apparently, they call them 'paper hats'. I absolutely love them, I can't wait to show my father! Here I'll make you one!"

Instead of giving him one of the already made hates that were sitting in front of her, Luna snatched up a bit of paper that was still in tact and seemed rushing through it. She pulled a large piece of it off; her own large hat fell back over her face as she leaned over her project. Neville could hardly see what she was doing as she folded and pressed the glossy paper. After a few moments she had finished and sat up, presenting his hat to him.

Neville didn't say anything, just took the thing from her and looked at it for a moment, studying it, before lifting it up and placing it on his head. The joy on Luna's face was worth the fact that his hat, like hers, was far too large for his head. "Oh Neville, it looks absolutely perfect. And in that section there's an article on a Devil's Snare they found in the country, they think it's hundred's of years old. You'll like that."