Full Summary: On his way to finish his latest bounty Boba Fett comes across a little girl who claims to be running from Bossk. On a whim the Mandalorian decides to steal the bounty from under his nose. The only thing he didn't take into consideration is the girl herself. As it turns out, there is a reason there is a price on her head, despite her young age.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything to do with Star Wars other than a video game and a book. I do own my character Kysha. Please don't sue me as the only things of worth I own are my Bible and my copy of Lord of the Rings.


This is the first story I have ever published. I have written several others but could never seem to finish any of them. I decided to try posting this one to see if anyone will read it. Any and all reviews are welcome, flames and criticism are both welcome. If anyone reads this, please tell me what you think.


Boba Fett lowered his smoking blaster as his latest bounty hit the ground with a thud. It had, a few moments before, been a female Corellian who was foolish enough to try stealing from the local crime lord on this backwater planet not far from Tattoine. Then she had been brave enough to draw a kitchen knife and attack him. He might have made more of an effort to keep her alive if it had affected the amount he was to be payed but with this particular job he got as much for her dead as he did where she to be alive. He took proof that she was dead and turned to leave.

He exited the kitchen where he had apprehended his quarry and was almost at the door of the apartment when some sixth sense warned him to turn around. He brought out his blaster as he turned. He saw nothing strange. He made his way down to the street and turned into the alley where he had left his speeder bike. His warning sense went off again as he did so; only this time he didn't get a chance to turn around.

A small girl with a tangled head of brown hair tackled him at the knees and to his surprise succeeded in knocking down. She jumped on his chest she kicked off his helmet as she did so. He was somewhat bemused that such a little girl could kick so hard. Her eyes where shining with unshed tears but the look she gave him was hard and cold. She slammed her clenched fist into his face as hard as she could. He hadn't reacted yet because he was surprised, but the blow jolted him into action. He grabbed her wrists and lifted her off his chest. The child reacted a lot faster than he had anticipated, kicking him in the face as her feet came up far enough to reach. His head jerked back but he kept his grip on her hands. He flipped her onto her face and pinned her easily down with one hand. The girl struggled briefly in his grip and when she realized she could not get free she lay still, breathing hard.

Boba looked down at the small child, she could not be any older than five but she was strong and had made use of that strength in a remarkably effective way despite her small size. "Why did you attack me?" He asked gently, not wanting to frighten her.

The little girl turned ever so slightly so she could see him out of the corner of her eye. Boba noticed that she had tear streaks on her cheek, pale paths down the dirt on her face. When she spoke it was in a strong, accusing voice that had only the faintest trace of a baby accent and a slight choke from having recently cried. "You killed my Nana. Now I'm going to kill you."

He raised his eyebrow. He had heard this many times before but this was the first time he had heard it from a five year old child. "Was your nana's name Ily'a?" He asked resignedly. That was the name of his latest bounty but he usually made a point of avoiding the use of his target's name. That made the target just that, a target. A name implied a life and relatives and connections tied in with it. And, while he was perfectly capable of doing the job anyway he preferred for his bounties to be mere nameless targets.

The little girl nodded. Then she took a deep breath. The bounty hunter sighed to himself, he was certain that she was about to scream but instead, "Are you going to kill me now?"

Boba raised his eyebrow again. "Why would I do that?"

"You're Boba Fett. That famous bounty hunter. I've heard stories about you, you kill anybody who gets in your way, especially anybody who attacks you. So are you going to kill me now."

The Mandalorian looked the girl with renewed interest. "What makes you think I'm Boba Fett?"

"Are there any other Mandalorian bounty hunters?"

He smiled. "Well most five year olds don't know what Mandalorian body armor looks like, I'm impressed. But I am not going to kill you, I don't hurt children. Tell me though, if you thought I was going to kill you why did you attack me?"

She glared at him. "I told you! You KILLED my nana."

He shook his head. This had been amusing but it was high time he left. He didn't really feel comfortable with just leaving the girl on the street though, this was a rough side of town and Boba had a soft spot for children. He suspected it was because as a child he had watched his father's head be chopped off. He never really felt comfortable around them though, he could figure adults out, he knew what motivated them having study the behavior patterns of many species. Children were more difficult for him though, they had different motives. 'Well I killed her... nana? I wonder if she was her nurse or her mother.' Fett thought to himself. "Who looks after you?"

"Nana did."

"Is there anyone else who could look after you? Your Dad? A friend?"

"My Dad is dead. So's my Mom. And now that nana is dead..." She paused and sighed, then finished softly. "I don't have anyone to look after me. I guess I'm going to live on the streets again." Her muscles relaxed as she sighed.

Boba rolled his eyes. "Come on. I'll take you to the orphanage. You don't have to live on the street." He let go of one of her wrists and helped her to her feet. She turned to face him and he saw a look of panic there.

"No. Please don't take me to an orphanage! He'll kill me if I go there!"

Boba frowned. 'She's a little young to have paranoia.' "Who exactly is trying to get you?"

She cocked her head to the side. "I'm not sure what his name is but he's a Trandosian bounty hunter. I don't know why he's after me though. I haven't done anything that would make someone with enough money to hire a bounty hunter mad at me. All I've ever done is steal food."

He froze when he heard this, staring at the tiny figure in front of him. He had heard that Bossk was on this planet but he had not been interested enough to find out why. Then he made a snap decision. "All right then. I will not take you to an orphanage. You are coming with me."

She had been frowning at the ground trying to remember what the bounty hunter's name was. But when he said that she looked at him in shock. "What?" She whispered. The bounty hunter did not intend to repeat himself, he simply turn, dragged her over to his bike and put her on in front of him. She began to struggle violently and protesting with increasing volume. "I am not going with you! I would prefer to starve! I'd rather be dropped in the Coruscant slums with both my legs broken! Let me go, you..." At that point the girl broke off into a stream of profanity that made Boba believe she really had lived on the street at some point. He did not want to stop and discus why he had a screaming child on his bike with the local security so he reached into his pocket and pulled out a one use sedative.

Shortly afterward a speeder bike pulled up to the space port. A man in full Mandalorin armor carried a sleeping child into a strangle shaped ship then load up the bike and took off.


I hope you enjoyed it. If anyone does decide to review, do you think I'm making Boba Fett AU? Is he talking to much?