I literally just got a message to say that this chapter was not up

I want you all to know that I did post it when I promised but for an unknown reason it didn't update and I cannot believe it has been this long but I didn't know that it had not been put up so for that I am sorry.

I really hope you do enjoy this chapter

Love you guys, thanks for sticking with it


"Why do you want to know about Kate and Maria? How do you even know who they are?" Edward asked.

"So I take it you don't know then?" I asked, well this is interesting it seems those bumfaces have been keeping secrets from their brother as well.

"Know what? Kate and Maria are Emmett and Jasper's Ex- girlfriends but they left and Em an Jazz were heartbroken so they started dating… a lot, well you know the story" He trailed off, we were still in his room sitting on his bed. I don't know where the fudge the beastly brothers are now.

"Yeah? Well apparently these girls are back and your brothers are having conflicted emotions, is there something that you would like to tell me Edward?" I raised my eyebrow, I personally like to call it the bitch brow but whatever.

"They're back? Shit. This is not good. Wait, why would I have something to tell you?" Oooh, He raised his eyebrow too, shit just got serious.

"Well I was just wondering if a mysterious ex-girlfriend of yours is going to pop up and make you feel conflicted, if so then I need to go and kill that bitch"

"Why would I have an ex-girlfriend that will come out of nowhere?" He turned my head to look him in the eyes, he looked seriously confused.

"Well they turned to their man whore ways because of these girls, so if you don't have an ex-girlfriend that you 'loved' then why did you become a 'ladies' man'?" I asked, isn't it kind of obvious as to how I came to this conclusion?

"No there isn't any ex-girlfriends, you don't need to worry. You're the only one I have ever loved" He smiled, kissing me lightly on the lips.

"…And the only one you will ever love, don't forget that." I kissed him again.

"Yes exactly, but ever since I was little even though we're the same age I've always been the one to sort of follow them, believe it or not but I use to be painfully shy but then Em and Jazz started dating a lot and encouraged me to do it too. I guess I didn't want to feel left out, but I always made a promise to myself that I wouldn't give my virginity away to someone that I don't love." He finished with a big breath, wasn't that cute in a weird way? I sure do love this dude.

"I love you, but dude what are we going to do about Maria and Kate? And Rose and Al? And Bumface number one and number two?" I rambled off.

"Honestly? I have no idea, I think we just have to hope that they make the right choice, Maria and Kate are two bitches, like smarter versions of the sluts." He hugged me closer.

"Hmmm…I guess so, I just don't want my sisters to get hurt. Edward?"


"Can we sleep now?" I smiled and hugged myself closer to his chest.

"Hmmm…Okay" The bugger was already half asleep, he can deny it all he wants; he loves sleep as much as I do.

I woke up to Edward kissing a trail down my neck, well this is one way to wake up.

"Hmmm…." I mumbled into my pillow causing Edward to laugh lightly.

"Baby, it's seven and I'm hungry and your phone has been buzzing like crazy" He poked me, I sat up straight.

"It's seven? Where is everyone?" I asked, trying to wake up properly grabbing my phone.

I had a text from Rose and Al sent about ten minutes ago, I opened up Rose's message first


Al and I are wondering if you want 2 get dinner?

Called Em + Jazz, apparently they're 'busy'

Bring Edward if you want

Love you lots babe,


They're BUSY!? I swear to god if they are with those trampy shitfaces, I am going to put their balls in a blender! I opened Alice's text next, with Edward trying to look at my messages over the shoulder; I slapped him round the head.

"Ow!" He rubbed his head.

"Don't be so nosey then, love you"

"You know you can't add I love you on the end so you don't feel guilty' he poked me…again.

"I can do what I pleases" I grinned.

"You did not just sing Nicki Minaj to me." He gave me a horrified look. What? It was catchy.

"Shhhhh…I'm reading my messaged." I put my finger to my lips and returned to my phone.


No idea where Jazz + Em are

Need cheering up

Dinner at 7.30?

Meet back at dorm

Bring Edward, if he's not with THEM



"Your asshole brothers are apparently busy tonight; do you know anything about this?" I asked, with my bitch brow in full force.

"They said to me they were studying, yeah I know THEM studying it's pretty ridiculous but it's not just Rose and Alice they're keeping stuff from, it's me as well and I'm supposed to be their brother."

He looked so sad, I'd been obsessing over them being possible cheaters and didn't realise they were also being a shitty brother to my Edward…this makes shit personal, It's ON those boys are going to wish they were never born. I climbed into Edward's lap and lifted his chin up to look directly into his eyes.

"Hey. Don't be sad, you're not allowed to be sad. I love you so much and if they decide to keep secrets from you then it's their loss because you are the best thing that ever happened to me and I will seriously shit on their faces for making you feel this way" I kissed him on the lips. That was some deep stuff right there, I'm quite proud of myself.

"Only you would make a sweet declaration then add a comment about shitting on someone's face. I love you so much, in case you didn't know you are also the best thing that ever happened to me." He smothered his face into my hair.

"I did know that, have you met me? I'm awesome" I laughed, getting off his lap and heading for the bathroom to take care of my business.

"Edward we're going out to dinner with Alice and Rose, we have to stop by my dorm to get them" I shouted.

"Okay…I am slightly disturbed that you're talking to me whilst sitting on the toilet" He shouted back.

"I'm just keeping the conversation rolling baby!" I replied, giggling to myself…man I am one funny chick.

After everything was taken care of, we pocketed our phones and were on our way to my dorm to get the girls. They were sitting on the couch when we arrived.

"Bitch you didn't reply to my text!" Was the first thing that Rose said.

"I was napping and I'm here now where are we going?"

"That new Italian restaurant in town? Edward's driving." Alice said.

"I am?" Edward looking mildly confused.

"Yeah we can't be asked." Rose replied as we walked out.

The car journey was awkward is one way to put it, Al and Rose sat in the back moping which made me sad, I don't think it helped that Edward and I were singing duets of love songs but what can I say? We were destined to be a duet. I'm kidding. I'm not really but it sounds better if I say I'm joking.

When we were seated at our table it was even more awkward because the only people talking were Edward and I.

"What did the traffic light say to the car?" Edward grinned at me, we'd been telling jokes back and forth whilst waiting for our food, I was happy that he had cheered up which made me grin back at him.

"I don't know what?" I asked.

"Don't look! I'm changing!" He burst out laughing, HA! That one was actually funny. I love this guy. Rose and Alice's facial expression had not changed.

"I feel like a pimp right now." Edward leaned back in his chair, I choked on my drink.

"What the fuck?" I asked.

"All the guys are glaring at me; I think that they think I'm on a date with three girls." He looked all smug.

"You might as well be our boyfriends obviously do not give a shit about us" Rose said bitterly, Alice nodding her head in agreement.

"I know you're not serious when you said that, but hands off my man bitch." They all laughed, see I can make people feel better. Point to Bella!

"I'm going to the ladies room" Alice got up and Rose joined, I couldn't be asked to move so I stayed in my seat holding Edward's hand.

Approximately two minutes later we heard a loud crash, I looked up and oh shit.

"Is that…?" I asked.

"Yup" Edward replied.

From our table we could see across the room a tray of food chucked all over two guys…Emmett and Jasper with an Angry Alice and Rose standing over them. I rushed over there in a blink of an eye with Edward following.

As we got closer I could see two other people at the table…well girls…well sluts. I assume these two girls are Maria and Kate. They just had to do it, didn't they.

"What the fuck is this Emmett" Rose shouted.

"Are you serious right now!? Studying my ass! Unless you're doing a paper on sluts" Alice also screamed.

"Wow. So when you guys thought that I was cheating on Bella which I DID NOT by the way, you were ready to beat me to a pulp…but here you are." Edward clapped sarcastically. My boyfriend is a hot motherfucker…getting back to the point.

Rose and Al stormed towards the exit, I don't think they realised Edward's driving…Oh, Edward has now stormed towards the exit. I was just staring at the four whores at the table. Em and Jazz were on their feet, looking slightly confused.

"You know? I thought I'd give you guys the benefit of the doubt but you had to fuck it up didn't you?" I sneered, I turned to the girls with their shocked expressions.

"Maria and Kate I assume? If I were you I'd watch your back you honestly do not know who you have just messed with" I glared, following my boyfriend to the exit.

"Wait!" Em and Jazz called after us, we all ignored them and got into Edward's car with Rose and Alice angrily crying in the backseat whereas me and Edward was just plain angry.

Drama Drama Drama

I love drama, in case you couldn't tell.


Seriously though, I need you to review to make sure that this chapter has actually uploaded.

I love you guys so much for your dedication to this story.