Hi everybody!

Terriermon: Wow, where have you been?! It's been... Like... 2 months or something!

Me: Good question.... Um... Anyway. Welcome to chapter 3, finally. And thanks lots to those who reviewed! And they are, DLG1210, Beowulf1111, Raakshii, and Starowner! Yay for all of them! xD

Lopmon: Terriermon has a point though. Where were you all this time?

Me: Um... I don't know! Stop interrogating me!! Also, voice in my head came back so now you can't call me Rainbow anymore.

Terriermon: What? Can you tell her, or it, or whatever, to just make up her mind?!

Me: Um... Well, I think she's staying this time. Anyway, I had some idea for this chapter like a month ago, but I forget it now. So I'll just wing it.

Lopmon: As usual.

Me: Um... Chapter starting, I guess! xD

It was the next day, and Ayaka was at home doing nothing in particular. She started thinking to herself. "Why does it always have to be us that end up with the crazy people? The murderer person that killed Kenta and kidnapped Rika, that Angemon that kidnapped Rika and Kazu, and that weird Blackgatomon. And now that weirdo 'guidance counsellor' person! I bet if anyone else, who wasn't me and the Tamers and the rest, got a counsellor, they wouldn't go insane, try to kill someone and then jump out the window! Why me? And all the rest? Are we just bad luck magnets...?"

She sighed. There probably wasn't any real answer. She started staring into space, as there wasn't really anything else to do.

After about five minutes, her mother walked in. "Ayaka," she said, "Are you just going to sit there doing nothing? On a nice day like this? I'm sure you're a bit shaken up after yesterday, Henry's mother told me what happened, but do you not want to even go out in the garden and play?"

Ayaka looked at her mother. "Play? I'm twelve. I'm too old to play!"

"Oh. Right, of course. Well, go outside and do something, anyway."

Ayaka stood up. "Oh, alright."

And with that, she left. She had no real destination in mind, she just hoped she wouldn't be killed or kidnapped.

She had been walking for about ten minutes, she thought she was going towards the park, though she wasn't entirely sure. But with every minute that passed, she got a bit more scared and paranoid. She knew that nobody was going to hurt her, well, most likely not anyway, but she was still worried. With everything that had been happening the past few weeks, you could never be too sure...

Ayaka got to the park, and she still felt nervous. She felt like someone was watching her, or following her. She felt her heart beating a bit faster, and tried to force herself to calm down.

"Calm down!! There nobody following you, for goodness sake..." She said, in her mind.

Then, she heard a noise. The first thing she thought was, "I am being followed! It's another murderer! I'm gonna die!!" But then, common sense prevailing, she figured it was probably a squirrel or something. But, just to be sure, she walked over to the source of the noise, a bush. She was suddenly kind of afraid again. It looked like there was a person behind the bush! But, before she could move any further, the person jumped out and grabbed her!

Ayaka screamed at the top of her voice. The person let go. "Sorry... Ha ha."

Ayaka glared at him. "You idiot, Kazu! Were you stalking me, or something?"

Kazu looked somewhat guilty, and kind of nervous. "No, I just saw you walking, and you looked kinda afraid-"

Ayaka interrupted him. "I looked kinda afraid- So you decided to scare me?!"

"Well, yeah... It seemed like a good idea... Well it worked!" Kazu smiled nervously, but he knew she'd still be mad at him.

Ayaka glared at him more intensely. "Why?!" She yelled.

Kazu went slightly red. "I don't know... I'm sorry, okay? It seemed like a good idea, maybe it wasn't. No need to yell at me about it..."

Ayaka softened, but only slightly. "Alright, fine. But don't ever do that to me again. Ever!"

"Okay. Um, bye..." Kazu said, and walked away.

Ayaka turned and walked away too, in the opposite direction.

"Stupid Kazu," She thought, "Why did he think that was a good idea? I thought I was gonna die! I can not believe I actually used to like him! He's such an idiot!"

She stopped walking, and stood still. She sighed. "I guess I might as well go home now..." She thought. "It's been a while, like half an hour..."

Ayaka turned around and started to walk home.

Okay, chapter over! Yeah, I know that was really short, but my excuse is that I haven't written anything in a long time, and I couldn't come up with much...

Terriermon: That sucked.

Me: Did I not just admit that?!

Lopmon: Well... Maybe next chapter will be better!

Me: Thanks for the optimism... Anyway, please review, people! Tell me what you thought, if this was too short, whatever. And I'll update at some point, but I'm not sure when.