Roses Have Thorns-Chapter 1-Meeting the Famous Detective

Sherlock Holmes.

His intellect and logic surely surpasses me by no doubt.

That is why he has the title of the greatest detective of all of London.

Some say the world.

But seeing that I have not traveled anywhere out of Europe I will leave that one open for farther debate.

You must be thinking that he is my idol.

Or enemy.

I will gladly say that he is neither. Just an interesting person that intrigues me.

Even now as I stand not but a few blocks outside of his apartment and I find myself thinking about him.

Just to know something about him would be astounding.

Then an interesting thought came to mind.

Whats keeping me from investigating?

The London street were crowded with many middle class men and women going to work or already working. I walked on the sidewalk, hands in my pockets, head down, but my eyes were up scouting out for any individuals who looked like they were worthwhile.

Out of one of the rather unlucky man's back pocket was a plump wallet. By his weight and the way he dressed I could tell he was a particularly wealthy man. I smoothly cut into the crowd which bumped and jostled beside me. It was an unpleasant experience with all the people crowded around me.

I inched closed the man letting my hand go towards his back pocket.

My fingers, quick and quiet, plucked the wallet and put it into my inside my own coat pocket.

Taking a quick pan across the people surrounding me none of them showed signs of seeing my pinch.

But I took into account that a man with that size of a wallet would notice fairly fast that it was missing.

I quickly turned down an alley that was intersecting the main street to the left.

Chester Ave.

The passages in between the buildings twisted and turned. Many men wouldn't know where they were heading. So I guess it came as a good thing that I knew them like the back of my hand.

I stayed calm. It seemed like the first rule in being a con. Stay completely normal and don't show any signs of anxiety or nervousness. The ones who get caught are the ones who looked like they did something.

At an intersection I made a casual quick spin. Nobody suspicious. Then took a left.

Belgrave Road

Taking another left I pushed open the green back door of a familiar pawn shop. The shop owner greeted me and in return I tipped my hat. Exiting through the front door I took a right.

Lupus Street

After a few steps a left.

St. George's Street

It was the narrowest, and longest passage of all of London and it also lead to my secret spot.

The pathway began to open up into a fork and taking the left one the alley opened up to be much larger. I slowed and leaned against a wall. Taking a quick look to the left and right still making sure no one was there, I grabbed the wallet out of my coat.

It was made of an expensive imported leather from India.

Opening it revealed some business cards, a few keys, a picture, but mostly money.

I smiled and threw the wallet to the ground, keeping the money in my hand. I began to count it making sure that it was worth it.

It was.

"Excuse me."

I whipped around to the right and then to the left again.

No one was there. Only an empty path.

I pulled down my top hat and put up the collars of my coat then nonchalantly turned left and walked barely a step before noticing another man standing directly in the middle of the alleyway.

I stood frozen. Where did he come from? I personally had made sure no one had followed me.

He wore worn, gray pants, a long dark brown coat, and underneath a pinstripe vest covering a white collared shirt, and a small brown scarf tucked in his shirt.

The man was a bit of scruff with brown untidy hair. He wore a bowlers hat that looked like it was a bit too large for him. Fit for a different man. He had a rounded but square jaw and soft eyes.

"Excuse me. But I take it that, that isn't your money," he said while pointing towards my hand that held the money.

I tried to keep my head down afraid that he would see my face. Backing up into the shadows I assured that.

"I assume that you are the infamous Black Rose."

"I guess I'm a tad bit notorious for that," I said gruffly, to disguise my voice. "How did you know I was the Black Rose though?"

"Well the mud on your shoes tells me that you have been around this area quite a lot and this is of course where you are known to make your move. Then there is also how you choose the client which you were going to pickpocket. A novice would have chosen a much quieter person."

His detections were very accurate and precise.

"You're a detective," I absolutely hate these people, "Here take the money," I threw it towards his feet. If I hadn't I knew that they would follow me or something just waiting for an arrest.

"Well not to be picky, "he said while leaning over to pick up the money, "but I prefer to be called a consulting detective."

There was only one "consulting detective" of all of London.

"Sherlock Holmes," I said aloud.

He chuckled to himself then said, "I must be going now. Nice to meet you Black Rose."

And then he turned around, walked for about a minute and took a left down a path that lead directly to main street.

And that was the first time I met the famous consulting detective.

Alrighty then. I hope you guys like this. The vocab I'm using is a bit different from my normal writing but I'll get used to it.

This is going to be a MULTIPLE POINT OF VIEW thing. But its simple.

This chapter: My character POV.

Next chapter: Sherlock POV

After That: My Character POV

After That: Sherlock POV

Pretty simple right? (ill also put it up in the chapter title thing so you don't get confused.) Thanks for reading. Please review.

Oh by the way. Does anyone know anything about the money system back then? I get confused with the pounds and shillings and things.