A/N: I think Aleve mixes funny with my meds, but it does lessen the pain to a dull roar, and my physician said it was okay. So here we go. In this story, Vincent Valentine is Kadaj's and Yazoo's natural father, because Sephiroth was his son.

Fandom: Final Fantasy 7 - Advent Children

Summary: Prequel to "Just Rewards." Vincent's family, Turks included, takes care of their own.

Pairings: Cid/Vin, Tseng/Kadaj, Reno/Yazoo, Cloud/Rufus

Warnings: Shonen-Ai (for now), AU, OOC, Mama Bear Vincent, Papa Bear Cid and his Cursing, Big Brother Cloud, Protective Empath Yazoo, Looney Baby Kadaj, Tomcat Reno

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this fan fiction.

Vincent's Treasures - Part I


Cid Highwind stared out the entranceway of his Rocket Town home. Sky blue eyes lingering on his silent mate standing on the porch. "Vince, come inside. Ya been standin' out there fer over an hour. Eyes are startin' to water jest lookin' at ya."

Vincent Valentine-Highwind turned his head in Cid's direction. "I cannot, My Sky. Something has happened. I do not know what, but I am sure we shall find out soon."

On cue, the house phone began to ring.

Turning away with a low curse, Cid grabbed the receiver. "What!?!"

Hearing a rare silence, Vincent sailed through the doorway. Crimson eyes glued to Cid's tense frame. He quickly rushed to his husband's open arm when his spouse gestured in his direction.

Feeling Vincent's thin body near, Cid wrapped him up close. "Yeah, Cloud. Ah hear ya. Don't you worry. Nothin's gonna happen to mah kin, old or new, while this old man's breathin.' Be there soon. Bye."

Hanging up the phone, Cid embraced Vincent with his other arm. "Vince? Ah think ya better sit down fer this."

Shivering in the comforting hold, Vincent shook his head. "No, Cid. Tell me now. Has Sephiroth returned? Is he sane?"

Releasing a nicotine-tinged sigh, Cid tightened his grasp. "Well… Sorta. Two hours ago, Cloud took Marlene to Aerith's church to plant some flowers. While they were chuckin' 'round in the dirt, two unconscious bodies floated up from the pool. Cloud pulled them out, turned 'em over, and got 'em breathin' again. He says they're Yazoo and Kadaj kicked back from the Lifestream.

"Cloud claims Aerith spoke from on high, sayin' it was his job to take care of his two brothers until they could take care of themselves. She swears the boys are free from Jenova's influence, declarin' it was up to you whether you wanted to join in."

Vincent drew away from Cid's warmth. Ebony brows furrowing in the middle. "Me? Why me? When the Remnants were alive, I had no connection to them, other than rescuing Tseng and Elena from their torture."

Guiding his love to the couch, Cid sat them both down. "Hunny, Ah think ya know why Aerith's askin' fer yer help with the boys."

Lowering his head, Vincent hid his face on Cid's shoulder. "I've always suspected. Yet even with the Demons' help, I never detected a connection with Sephiroth. Both Hojo and Lucrecia swore Sephiroth was theirs and I had no claim. When I awoke from my long slumber, it was easier for me to believe he was not mine."

Cid rocked Vincent's rigid body back-and-forth. "Hate to tell ya, Vince, but Seph looked jest like ya. Right down to the tic ya get 'round yer eye when yer pissed. Ya never brought it up, so Ah kept mah trap shut. Ah wasn't the only one who noticed either. If ya remember, the group didn't say nuthin' when ya disappeared befer Cloud did his job the last time."

Careful of his enhanced strength, Vincent held on tighter. "I confess when Kadaj transformed into Sephiroth, I felt the connection for a fleeting moment, then Jenova's influence reared itself once more. From birth, my poor son never had a chance."

Cid nudged Vincent's head with a muscular shoulder. "Not sayin' ya have to, but we got one Hell of a chance now. Heck, Aerith did us one better. She gave us two fer one."

Raising his head, Vincent gazed at his beloved with hopeful tear-filled eyes. "We?"

Chuckling, Cid ran one scarred thumb under each red eye, collecting the dropped tears like rare jewels. "Fuck yeah. Yer kin's mah kin, Vince. Sure they're a little touched, but Ah figger they'll do fine in life, considerin' they're almost as pretty as their Daddy. Jest look at how good you got it. Ya get to be hitched to a near-broke old pilot fer the rest of yer days."

Transcendent smile lighting up his face, Vincent swooped in for a deep kiss and heartfelt hug. "Oh, Cid! Thank you! With your strength and guidance, Yazoo and Kadaj will do well."

Reveling in his Dark Angel's love, Cid petted Vincent's back. "Love seein' ya smile, Baby. Worth takin' on Bahamut twice over. Now quit tearin' me up with the cryin' and let's go get our boys."


Expecting Cid to fly their small plane farther to Edge, Vincent felt surprise when the plane landed in Costa Del Sol.

Jumping from the cockpit, Vincent waited until Cid covered the plane and took his hand. "Cid? I thought we would be flying to Midgar. Why did we land here?"

Grim-faced, Cid led Vincent to the town proper. "Don't know how they found out, but the Turks got wind of the boys poppin' back up. If ya agreed, Cloud said fer us to meet him here. We could then figger where to take the boys next. Accordin' to the Chocobo, less people the better."

Stopping in his tracks, Vincent gripped Cid's hand tight. "Cid? Is something wrong with the boys?"

Looking back with a grin, Cid yanked Vincent forward. "Fuck no! Ain't nothing wrong with 'em. In fact, they're downright special. Since Jenova ain't fuckin' with their brains anymore, the boys can feel what other people are feelin.' Cloud had some fancy-pants word fer it."

Glancing around for any tell-tale Turk markings, Vincent allowed himself a smidgen of a smile. "Empathic. My babies are empaths."

Nodding his head, Cid arrived at the Villa's door. "Yep. That's the word!"

Vincent winced when Cid banged on the door.

A cold voice queried from the other side. "Who is it?"

Hoping Cloud's ear rested on the wood, Cid banged on the door some more. "Who the fuck do ya think it is? Ya know no Goddamn Turk would be fool enough to be knockin' on yer door unless he was Reno!"

Yanking the door open, Cloud met the couple with wary glowing eyes and a hunted expression. "Not funny, Cid. I'm glad you came, Vincent."

Motioning the couple inside, Cloud shut the door and pointed to the master bedroom down the hall. "Vincent, I'll fill Cid in on the details. I think they need you more. Yazoo says he has no problem shielding himself from other people, but Kadaj doesn't seem to have any shields at all. He keeps complaining he can't turn the voices off. Yazoo tried to shield him for as long as he could, but I made him stop when his nose and ears began to bleed."

Releasing a low growl, hearing one of his resurrected sons already suffered, Vincent's countenance darkened. Nodding he understood the situation, the tall gunslinger quickly strode down the hallway.

Watching his brave Missus walk away, Cid clapped a firm hand on a stiff shoulder. "Relax, Cloud. The Captain's here. You let Vince take care of the crazy, while we take care of the little stuff."

Visibly wilting in front of Cid's confident gaze, Cloud looked up with lost confused eyes. "All I wanted was to plant some flowers. Instead, Aerith gives me two empathic little brothers I never wanted in the first place. I told her I couldn't deal with it and she laughed in my face. What am I going to do, Cid? I barely got the clothes on them when Yazoo warned me the Turks were coming."

Wrapping the small hero up in a big bear hug, Cid walked him to the waiting kitchen. "Take each day at a time, Cloud. Aerith wouldn't have saddled ya with the boys, if she didn't believe ya could deal with it. Heck, Ah remember when Ah opened up a coffin in Nibelheim 'cause Yuffie triple-dog dared me. Next thing Ah know Ah'm hitched to an ex-Turk and his four Demons."

Cloud's frown threatened to turn into an fierce pout. "I had plans to work on Fenrir's engine today. I wouldn't have gone to the church if Tifa hadn't guilted me into it. Stupid flowers."

With a loud guffaw, Cid sat down and made himself comfortable. "That's right, Chocobo. Blame the flowers. It's always their fault."


Opening the door, Vincent's crimson gaze landed on a pair of fierce glowing green eyes glaring up at him.

Taking one step forward, Vincent closed the door behind him. Exhaling a deep breath, for the first time in a long time, he consciously opened his soul to Yazoo's intense emotional probing.

Borrowed t-shirt hanging off one thin shoulder, Yazoo brought his fingers to his temples. Rubbing them hard, he stared at the tall man standing in front of him. "I don't understand. Why do you worry? Why do you care? How can you love us? You don't know me or my brother. I recognize the red cape you wear. You shot at us. You took Big Brother away. You and your gun. I don't have mine anymore. Big Brother Cloud cut it in half. He says I don't need it anymore, but that isn't true. How am I supposed to protect Kadaj without a weapon?"

Bending down on one knee, Vincent showed his hands, palms-up, signifying he did not come to harm. "Did Aerith tell you anything about your true parents before your return?"

Dropping petite hands back in his lap, Yazoo continued to gaze at the eerily familiar face. "Aerith told us our true Mother was never Jenova but another. She slumbers forever in shining crystal and tears. Aerith told us Kadaj takes after her. Loz looks like our grandfather and I look the most like my father. I felt sad. I wanted to look like my mother. Aerith said I shouldn't be sad because my father was far prettier than my mother."

Head tilting in awe, Yazoo brought a slightly shaking hand up to Vincent's visage. "Prettier than most women on the planet."

Bringing his golden gauntlet up, Vincent settled it on top of the hand resting on his pale cheek. "Your father is flattered and thankful the both of you came back to him."

Shaking his head, warm tears fell from Yazoo's eyes. "After Aerith told us of Jenova's manipulation, I didn't think I could hate the creature more. So close. Our own father was so close to us. Because of her, we never felt you."

Yazoo ventured a watery smile. "I always wondered why I loved guns so much. I suppose it's hereditary. Huh?"

Drawing his small son in, Vincent clutched the thin sobbing body close. "Jenova also blinded my senses to the blood we share. Because of her, I have now lost two sons, Sephiroth and Loz. Why did your brother not return with you?"

Yazoo inhaled Vincent's presence in, recording the scent in his memory as Safe and Home. "Loz never liked being here. He found people frightening. While my mental shields always held true, Loz was left to fend for himself. Kadaj never knew how bad it was for our sibling because Jenova shielded him the whole time. As you can see, Kadaj does not laugh anymore."

Moving away from Yazoo, Vincent stood up. Slowly, he walked towards the little rolled-up ball hiding in the blankets. With one pull, he drew the blanket away to gaze at his other son's terrified eyes. "Kadaj? Can you hear me? I'm your father, Vincent Valentine. I've come to help and take care of you."

Faster than even he could react, Kadaj had wrapped his arms around Vincent's waist in a death-grip. "Help me. Please help me. The voices won't stop. These feelings are too much. I'm drowning. Why did she make me come back? I didn't want to. Aerith told me I had something special I had to do. How can I do it this way?"

Sitting down on the bed, Vincent rotated around until his back rested on the headboard. Wrestling Kadaj upwards, he positioned his son's head on top of his chest. "Kadaj, listen to my heart and my voice. Whether it be me, Yazoo, or Cloud, the process shall remain the same until we can find an alternative. Center your thinking. Concentrate on the beats and the sound. Breathe with me."

Nestling up on Vincent's other side, Yazoo rested his head next to Kadaj's. Taking his hand, he smiled to finally see his exhausted brother fall asleep. "Father? This will only work for a little while. Kadaj can't live like this. I don't understand why Aerith allows him to suffer so. She stated we both have something special to do, but I don't see how. Kadaj can barely function."

Running his hand through long silver hair, Vincent kissed the top of Yazoo's head. "Fear not, my son. At this moment, my husband, Cid Highwind and Big Brother Cloud are making plans. I have faith all will be well."

Yazoo harrumphed, sounding almost exactly like his father. "What about the Turks? I was still throwing up water when I felt their close presence. Lying liars. I don't believe for a moment Shinra will leave us alone, especially with Kadaj being so vulnerable."

Fangs showing, Vincent allowed himself a small grin. Eyes momentarily flashing gold. "I'm afraid to say your father was once a lying liar of a Turk. Fortunately, there is nothing a Turk of today can do I have not accomplished faster and better. Believe in your family, Yazoo. If Big Brother Cloud's sword and Cid's lance should fall, I will unleash Chaos's might to destroy the whole continent to keep both of you safe. I swear none of my children shall be hurt in my presence again."

Cuddling closer, Yazoo suddenly stiffened. "Father!"

Uncharacteristically, Vincent rolled his eyes. "Yes, I know. I felt his presence a small while ago. If the rogue thinks to win my approval by staying discreet, he is sadly mistaken. Cid!"

Allowing a trickle of sunshine to filter through, Cid popped his head in with a smile and a wave. "Ah hear ya, Hunny. Cloud wants to gut him, but Ah talked the Chocobo down. Ah guess you want me to kick the tomcat back inter the alley?"

Vincent jerked his head. "Please swing for the smirk. The oddness of its constant presence always irritated me."

Grin widening, Cid saluted. "Will do, Vince! Nice to see ya, Yazoo. Say hey to Kadaj fer me when he wakes up. Welcome to the family, Son!"

Yazoo ventured a half-hearted wave towards the coarse man, now called step-father, exhaling in relief when Cid shut the door. "Father, I sense his deep love and devotion towards you. I am gratified he has extended the warm feelings to me and Yazoo. However-"

Vincent let loose a deep laugh. "I admit My Sky takes some getting used to, yet his love and devotion remains true. So it may seem for a certain prowling tomcat outside."

Grumbling, Yazoo hid a rising blush against Vincent's chest. "Vile Perverted Turk! You would think kicking a man across a whole city would turn him off, instead he tried to feel me up even more. The awful things he would say, Father! I honestly don't believe most of the acts are physically possible!"

With a rare smile lingering on his face, Vincent held Kadaj closer and resumed petting Yazoo's hair. "Oh, I would not be so sure, Yazoo. If there is a way, Reno would surely find it."