Chapter Thirty Nine : of His And Her Ending

BGM: Stranger by Chris August






He turned his back and determinedly ignored the cute pout that surely was on her face along with that sweet voice and big brown eyes. She knew that always undo him and made him agreed to whatever she asked for even if he disagreed previously. She knew it and using it now even when she has promised not to use this trick on him.

Ji Hoo sighed and rubbed his temple. "Ok, how low?"

Jae Kyung grinned triumphantly and softly touched his lower back to answer his question. His eyes balked as he felt her finger position on his lower back and she felt him tensed. So before he could speak out his disapproval, she launched her final attack.

"Ji Hoo..." She tugged at the corner of his shirt. He sighed and felt the beginning of his determination crumbling. He was never going to win! In fact why did he even try knowing that it was going to be a lost cause.

"Ha Jae Kyung..." He growled her full name, sign of his frustration rising... She has learned his habits by now but she was determined to win! Putting on her best pitiful face and pout, she stood in front of him and threw him a hesitant and slightly disappointed smile (just slightly is the key). She knew if she were to win, this has to be the last weapon.

Yoon Ji Hoo stared down at her with determination for one full minute when his grandfather's voice floated in from outside, "Give it up, son, you know you are not winning this one." He turned his glare to the slightly open door as if his grandfather can see his betrayed expression. Annoyed, he finally closed his eyes in defeat.

Jae Kyung immediately whooped and hugged him with full vigor, "Oh! Thank you! Thank you! I promise you won't regret this!" She kissed him lightly on the lips and grinned widely at him. He ruffled her hair and slowly smiled back for her smile has always been the source of his happiness.

Ji Hoo pulled her into a hug and muttered, "I wondered why I even begin to think that I could win this talk." Her beautiful laughter answered his grumbling and it soothed his heart more than anything in the world.


"He said yes?"

Jae Kyung, Jandi and Ga Eul were sitting on The Tea House for their usual weekend girls-only time. She grinned at her friends and nodded happily. There were papers scattered on the table they shared, the top sheet has a drawing of a beautiful backless short cocktail dress in soft yellow canary color.

"Wow, I was sure he would said no and forbid you wearing this." Ga Eul whistled and grinned conspiringly at her, because Yi Jeong didn't mind the dress and she would really like to wear an identical dress as they walk Jandi down the aisle next month. "Did you show him the sketch?"

"You think? Of course not! A girl must know how to win the domestic wars." Jae Kyung raised her eyebrow and winked at her two friends.

"Are you really sure he doesn't mind you wearing such an open dress? I don't want him coming at Junpyo's door with threats; you know how reserve he is about showing skins. To be exact, YOUR skin." Jandi rolled her eyes teasingly.

Jae Kyung and Ji Hoo have been together for 5 months now and everyone knows how he reacted every time Jae Kyung showed up with something too short or too open for his taste. He would either took off his jacket or whatever he has on to cover her while she rolled her eyes at him or to the extreme, he once dragged her to immediately buy new clothes. Of course, she has managed to loosen him up a bit and quickly learned how to calm his jealousy if any man were checking her out (read: stare at her). But she is on a secret mission at this moment, there was something that Jae Kyung wanted out of her boyfriend and she was keeping her scheme to herself.

"Don't we all have our men wrapped around our little fingers?" Ga Eul grinned and raised her cup for a toast. Jandi looked scandalized at the idea but soon grinned back because she really couldn't agree more!


"Why did you say yes?" Ji Hoo looked at Yi Jeong accusingly. The four friends were having their own boys-only time too at The Tea House. The only difference was that they were sitting on the second floor balcony while the girls were on the ground floor porch. "Jae said you allowed Ga Eul to make that dress and they really want to wear the same dress for Jandi."

"He is always free about the things Ga Eul wears, don't you remember?" Woo Bin rolled his eyes.

"She is my country bumpkin and she is always too modest. I always love to see her dress up." Yi Jeong grinned innocently at him. Ji Hoo only glared in annoyance at his friend and sat back nursing his tea while the other three men laughed at his expense.

In all honesty, it was not that he is jealous of other men. He knew that Jae Kyung would not love another but him. Yes, he is a reserved man and has a streak of possessiveness in him but not this bad. Deep inside the real reason for his extreme cover-my-girlfriend-skin mission was because HE is deadly afraid of his own lack of self-control. The longer they were together, the more he fall in love with his girl and he really couldn't control himself when they were together.

He didn't want to betray the trust she has in him and especially her parents' trust. That's why Yoon Ji Hoo always took her home before 11PM and developed this crazy control over her wardrobe less he pounced and kissed her senseless and maybe some other things that he would rather keep to himself.


It was a beautiful bright morning, it was spring, and it was the day of her wedding! Gum Jandi sat nervously while the make up artist put some finishing touch to her hair. She still cannot believe that the day they have been talking, planning and dreaming about finally came. Really, after so much they have gone through, Junpyo and herself would love to just get married in a small chapel out of town somewhere and be done with it. But of course being the heir of multi billion-dollar company, Junpyo did not have that option and she had to understand. So there she stood in her majestic flowing white silk gown, personally design by Vera Wang for her as the Cinderella of the century. She fingered the soft lace covered with crystal stones that was her veil solemnly, looked into the mirror and saw a woman she did not recognize.

Ga Eul took her best friend's hand and smiled encouragingly. "You look absolutely stunning, Jandi." Jae Kyung took her other hand and pat it softly, "Having cold feet?" She grinned at the beautiful bride.

"I don't think I can do this. I mean, he is son to this ... this, this..." Jandi flayed her arms in panic while trying to find the right words. But Jae Kyung caught her hands both and cut her words, "To this million dollar company? That you cannot even begun to imagine how much zero he has in his bank account?"

Jandi nodded weakly, looking down at her fingers that had begun to finger the flower crystal on her gown. Ga Eul caught her hands less she ruined the dress before she even walk in the altar. "Jandi, really, you have never care about his zeros and companies, that's why he loves you, that's why he chose you in the first place! So don't begin now." She took a deep breath as smiled gratefully at her friends for lend her the extra strength to find her footing at her big day.

There was a soft knock at the door and Ji Hoo's face pop in, "Are you guys ready? The place has begin to pack, we are starting soon." He saw Jandi sitting there in her long white flowing gown that seems to sparkle with every single move. He smiled and walked to her, "Wow. You look amazing. I think Junpyo might literally fall on his feet if he sees you." Gone were the pang he used to feel whenever he saw her, right now, Gum Jandi has really become like his own little sister.

His eyes shifted to her left and saw his girl for the first time and his smiled widened. Jae Kyung looked absolutely out of this world as she sat there in her soft yellow tube dress with her hair up pinned randomly with little crystal yellow flowers. His eyes shone with adoration and love as he looked at the beautiful woman. His woman.

"Earth to sunbae!" Jandi's amused voice cut his thought and he shook his head distractedly to clear his head. He smiled in chagrin, bowed gentlemanly and walked out after sending Jae Kyung one last adoring look. She smiled back gently at his disappearing back. He hasn't seen the real deal yet because she was sitting with her back to the wall and she couldn't wait to see if her plan would work or not.


Stranger, 'till I hear your laughter?
Crazy, 'cause you're all I'm after.
It's a pleasure… It was nice to have met you.
… and I'll remember to never forget you.

Ha Jae Kyung stood there in front of the white closed doors waiting for the cue for them to begin the walk. Ga Eul seemed nervous too even though it was not her wedding day, she stood in front of her and kept on taking a deep breath. Jae Kyung stole a secret glance to Jandi behind her and threw her a small smile and a thumb up. Her face showed nothing but confidence while inside she was quivering like mad.

… and the double white doors opened… they heard the opening of music signaling Ga Eul to begin the walk down the aisle.


'Cause when I'm excited, I don't hide it

Just to let you know… I'm feeling you baby from bottom to the top

How could I not stop to say hello?

The three of them stood beside Junpyo at the right sight of the altar as the piano played signaling the beginning of the ceremony and the double doors opened. Ji Hoo saw Yi Jeong's jaw dropped as he saw Ga Eul walked in. Woo Bin caught his eyes and both snickered, while Junpyo couldn't laugh because he was really too nervous. No one would deny that the famous F4 Casanova has totally lost his heart to his country bumpkin as his eyes stared openly at his girl. Ga Eul took one look at Yi Jeong's eyes and immediately looked at everywhere but him, too nervous to see and decipher the meaning behind his glowing eyes.

Ji Hoo grinned amusedly at his best friend but that was before his eyes caught Jae Kyung walking behind Ga Eul. He had seen her just now but she was sitting; now as she walked down the aisle toward him, he realized that the modest yellow dress wasn't that modest at all. The tube dress was covered with yellow crystals and the soft material was cut just above her knee in the front then flow gracefully behind her as it covered the floor, it accentuated her long legs and he couldn't stop his eyes to stare as she walked slowly. He heard Woo Bin whistled and Yi Jeong gasped. He distractedly shifted his eyes to look at Ga Eul who was turning around to stand at the left of the altar right across of them. His eyes caught a glimpse of her white back and he gasped as he quickly glanced back his attention at Jae Kyung who was nearing them. That dress!


So hello there, how are you, amazing?

It's nice to finally meet you.

Been patiently waiting, been waiting just to see you, to tell you I dreamed you…

Now I found you so call off the search 'cause I found my stranger.

Ha Jae Kyung saw him looked at her with this tender and adoring look he always have whenever he looked at her but today she wanted to see something else. Something all together and her heart hammered as she walked slowly. She saw Yi Jeong's jaw dropped and Woo Bin whistled as Ga Eul turned to stand in her position and felt rather than saw his sudden intense gaze at her. She slowly looked at her handsome prince standing there in his magnificent white tux. She saw none of the other three men but him. His eyes were wide with apprehension and she knew that he has seen the back of Ga Eul's dress. He knew that they wore the same design, she told him that. She bit her lower lip and took a deep breath as she launched her final attack to get what she wanted.


Stranger, 'till they call your name.

It's amazing. It's such a simple thing.

I see you walking, don't you walk too far.

I may be nervous but I wanna where you are.

'Cause when I'm excited, I don't hide it

Just to let you know… I'm feeling you baby from bottom to the top

How could I not stop to say hello?

Ji Hoo's jaw literally dropped as understanding dawned on him that what Ga Eul wore was exactly the same as Jae Kyung. He watched and waited with apprehension as she walked toward him. He saw her bit her lower lip as her habit whenever she was nervous, she took a deep breath and slowly looked at him. He saw her eyes scanned him from his shoes slowly up until her brown eyes caught his straight in the eyes; there was something there that he has never seen before. Then as if that was not enough, she licked her red lips tantalizingly slow and threw him a sultry smile before she turned around to stand at her position so that her back was exposed in full glory for him to see.

The modest cut in the front actually flowed so low in the back that it reached almost to her lower waist. The crystals were scattered beautifully all along the line and formed flowers at her lower back where the yellow material flowed gracefully to the floor. Her hair was intentionally pulled up to show off more of her white neck and smooth creamy white back to complete the innocent yet sexy dress look. Ji Hoo staggered as his eyes feasted at the open back as she slowly turned around to stand across of him on the altar.


So hello there, how are you, amazing?

It's nice to finally meet you.

Been patiently waiting, been waiting just to see you, to tell you I dreamed you…

Now I found you so call off the search 'cause I found my stranger.

Ha Jae Kyung turned around and looked up to his smoldering eyes and saw what she wanted. She blushed slightly at his intense stare but her heart fluttered like mad. He has always been a perfect gentleman, never crossed any line and treated her with respect and care like she was made of glass. She wanted to see the look that Junpyo and Yi Jeong had sometimes when they thought no one was watching and so she crafted this little dress.

Yoon Ji Hoo looked at her with unguarded face; in fact he couldn't school his expression even if he wanted to after that little show. His clear brown eyes for once were dark and intense as he openly stared at his beautiful girlfriend, his woman, and wanting nothing more but walked across and hid her in his pocket knowing that all the men in the room had seen what he saw as she walked in. He was so lost at the vision in front of him that he totally missed Jandi's entrance and barely caught Junpyo as he literally fall on his feet just like he had predicted as he looked at the woman of his dream walked in.

Jae Kyung released the breath she had hold all the while his eyes on her as he helped to support Junpyo to gain his bearing as the beautiful bride walked in. Her heart fluttered and she felt warm all over she must be blushing like mad.


Strangest thing that I ever did feel,

I had to make you smile just to prove it's real,

It was the lack of the starting tension

So if you're feeling the symptoms today all you got to do is say…

His lips crashed into hers as he backed her to the wall behind the building. They were walking to the open garden where the party will be held after the beautiful matrimony when he suddenly caught her wrist and stole her away from the crowd. Her toes curled as he licked her lip and invaded her mouth. He has never been this openly passionate to her and as much as it terrified her it also excited her. His large warm hands stroked her open back and settle at her nape while the other one wound possessively around her little waist. He pressed her to the wall like he wanted to devour her and she has never been more happier to see this side of her usual compose and calm boyfriend. They broke the kiss when the need for air was not to be ignored any longer. He softly trailed kisses down her jaw and neck; she shivered and almost missed his question because his kisses were so distracting.

"What?" She gasped as he kissed particular spot on her neck.

"I asked why?" Ji Hoo's voice husky, as he looked deep into her eyes and asked her again. She looked so adorable with face flushed and lips swollen from his kisses. He was burning with desire and mad for loosing control.

Jae Kyung played with the collar of his tux and answered softly. "Because I want to see the look in your eyes…"

"What look?" He was confused as hell. She wore this open dress in front of him and so many other men to see a look in his face? Did she want him to be more jealous than he already is?

"This look…" her fingers left his collars and began to trace his face from temple to his nose, his lips, his jaw… he captured her fingers before they drove him crazy.

"This look in your eyes… when your clear eyes turned stormy and dark like just now. This look in your face like you want to eat me alive and…" she never finished her sentence when his lips kissed her again. This time she responded as passionately.

"Don't treat me like I'm a glass… I want to feel all of you…"

Jae Kyung's eyes glittered under the sun as she looked at him with love and passion. His breath caught and he felt the laughter bubbling inside of him. He chuckled and laughed at the silly situation. His girlfriend decided to wear such a sexy dress just to see him lost composure while all this time all he did was trying his best to control his passion for her. Ji Hoo laughed so hard while hugging her.

"Are you laughing at me?" She crossed her arms pretended to be angry; although really she loved it when he laughed so openly because it was rare. Still laughing, he lifted her up and twirled her around as he smiled widely at her lovely face. "No. I was laughing at myself." Something glittering on her neck caught her attention as the sunlight reflected on it. He put her down and curiously touched her necklace. His eyes widened in surprise and more than pleased seeing the ring on her neck.

"You just realized that I'm wearing this?" She teased him.

Ji Hoo gently stroked his mother's golden ring that was hanging on her neck. He had given it to her a month ago and asked her to wear it when she was sure of him. She had wanted to smack him for not asking her hand directly but decided to control her emotion and created this little scheme.

"When you wear a dress such as this, no man would ever notice what necklace you wear." He grumbled good-naturedly. He bent to kiss her lightly on the lips and whispered in her ear, "Don't you think you're suppose to wear this ON your finger?"

She smiled and teased back, "Aren't YOU supposed to put this on my finger?"

Ji Hoo gently touched his temple with hers and whispered, "I will love you like I have never been hurt. I will live for you like today is the last day to live. I will not hesitate anymore and I will fear no more… I have loved you while you were sleeping and I will continue to love you for the rest of your days if you would let me… Ha Jae Kyung, will you be my wife?"


Yoon Ji Hoo and Ha Jae Kyung went missing for 15 minutes; they almost missed the toast where he supposed to do the best man speech. They were back in the party walking hand in hand with wide content smiles on their faces. If anyone noticed their slightly disheveled hair, no one said anything. He took up the champagne glass and begun the speech, his hand around her shoulder so most of her open back was covered. She held her champagne glass as her other hand went up to wound fingers with his hand on her shoulder, a golden ring glittering on her finger.


So hello there, how are you, amazing?

It's nice to finally meet you.

Been patiently waiting, been waiting just to see you, to tell you I dreamed you…

Now I found you so call off the search 'cause I found my stranger.


Author's Note: Finally the story reached its ending. I'm sorry for the long wait for the last chapter, I truly was lost on how it should end. I wanted to show more of the Ji Hoo's character I have in my mind. That really he is just a man, despite his aloofness and calm composure *grin* so I just had to whip up something to show that he truly is in love with his Ha Jae Kyung.

I didn't want to write a song fic in the beginning but I ran across this song and it was like a light bulb went flaring in my head, this song is their song! They were really like strangers in the beginning so I just had to use this song.

I hope this story ending has the right build up from the slow and antagonizing opening as we explored each character's depth. I love the interpretation I have on Ji Hoo and Jae Kyung, I hope you guys have had as much fun reading as I am writing it.