Title: Blood of Thy Fallen Lover

Summery: A hundred years ago Edward Cullen me a man that changed his life forever. Hadrian Potter left him broken and alone, without as much as a simple note.

Rating: M

Warnings: SLASH, AU, at least until I get to Twilight era, even then most things will be different.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight, and I never will.

Prologue: Love of a Lifetime

Loud moans and gasping breaths were the only thing that permeated the dimly light bedroom, if one looked close enough they would see two figures in the middle of the room moving against each other in perfect sink. Lips crashed together, tongues battled for dominance and slick pale bodies moved against each other grasping at any uncovered flesh that found their wondering fingers.

Hadrian sighed sadly as he gazed down at the sixteen year old man that was sleeping soundly, nothing troubled the mortals mind as he dreamed of things to come. 'So innocent,' Hadrian wished that he would never have to feel the pain of war or death touch his life. But he knew that his thoughts were nothing more than wistful musing. Hadrian knew that the pending war, the war to end all wars would rip through his little lovers' world with not a care for what it does to the people involved in it. It was the sad truth, a truth that neither of them could run away from. He moved from the window ceil that he had been sitting motionless in for the better part of the night. "I love you." he whispered and kissed his lover's brow softly. He didn't want to leave him, god would it kill him to leave the only light in his dark tortured existence. But he had to, he had to put the welfare of others in front of himself…again.

With one last look towards the figure on the bed he ducked out of the window and ran. He ran until the sun broke through the darkness of the night. Never once looking back, because he knew he was weak. If he looked back, he would abandon every duty that he had. He would let the world rot in its own filth, just so that he could hold his beloved in his arms for another second.

_____________________________________________________________________________________Present Day

Edward Cullen sighed as he watched the sunrise break through the rain that clouded the sky in Forks, Washington. The sunlight danced off of the individual drops making them sparkle like a thousand tiny diamonds falling from the heavens. "I miss you." he whispered as his left a single rose on the monument he had built to his fallen lover. He felt Jasper enter the clearing and stop just inches from him.

"Are you okay?" he asked, Jasper already knew the answer. And he already knew that his elder brother would smother the hopelessness that he felt, and blatantly lie.

"I'm fine." Edward responded and looked towards the horizon. "We won't be able to go to school today."

"I figured that Edward." He said. He motioned towards his and Edward's skin, that simmering in the faint sunlight. Neither of them could have possibly known that at that exact moment the pixie like vampire named Alice had fallen into a vision, not only was it a vision of the stoic Edward, but it was a vision of his past, his present and his future. A vision that would change the lives of their family forever.

AN: Hey it is scorpiousharmony and well I decided that I would try and write a serious Twilight/Harry Potter crossover. Tell me if you like it, and if you want me to continue it.