(This is basically a mixture of the series "Sonic Universe: X Years Later" and "Dark Knight"
It's coming together really well, so tell me what you guys think of this first part.)
Many years ago when Sonic the Hedgehog & his two-tailed friend Tails made battling Dr. Ivo Robotnik a chore, they began to make new friends along the way like Team Chaotix. Then there was one hedgehog in particular that adored and loved Sonic more than anyone, Amy the Rascal (Later moved on to the name Amy Rose). The day Sonic saved her from the clutches of the evil doctor, she knew it was love at first sight and they would be together forever. But before she had a chance to tell him how much he really meant to her, he was gone...
Chapter 1: The Plan
Decades later in the future, Sonic finally married to Princess Sally Acorn. They were both royalty, so it was appropriate for them to be King and Queen of Mobius. The kingdom couldn't be more happy for them and with the fall of King Shadow, the former ruler of Mobius, and with the birth of Sonic and Sally's twin children, the Kingdom couldn't be more safe. Everything was peaceful in the kingdom as it should be with no worries of the old doc any time soon. Sonic's friends even settled down and got married as well, but what happened to Amy you may ask? Well, after Sonic's wedding day, she hasn't been the same. No one has seen her for years, so they assumed she left Mobius and they were right. She was heartbroken. After all the years of fighting along him, talking to him, and trying to get a date with him, it has all been a waste. She wanted to be with Sonic, she didn't care if she'd ruled the kingdom as long as they were bind; too bad it didn't come true.
She cried in a forest asking herself "Why?" constantly for days. She couldn't go back to her because it was destroyed from the attack of King Shadow, so she had nowhere to go. She cried and cried until at the point she lost herself to be strong. Once she pulled herself together and got up from the wet grass. She took off her fake, synthetic muzzle she wore for years and revealed her long scars on her mouth which looked like she had a long smile on her face. She wanted to be stronger and she began with taking a stroll through New Robotropolis. It was unknown of what she did there, but she left as a different woman as the flames of the buildings shined throughout the forest.
Many days later, the citizens were really stumped about the attack of Robotropolis, but no one, not even the doc knew what happened, like it was an inside job. Mammoth Mogul, the supreme Kingpin, and his gang on the docks of the kingdom didn't seem concerned of something so random has a surprise in the metallic city. They were hanging out fishing by the docks on a calm morning and planning their first move in years. This is were the story begins...
Mogul was joined by two other gangs: The Batlex Squad that consisted of bats lead by one of the most intelligent women in mobius, Mettle the Bat, and The Moonlights that consisted of wolves lead by one of the most feared predators, Max the Wolf. Two new masked gangs from a far away place was called by him to join forces in their scheme to rule over Mobius.
"You called Mr. Mogul?" Said Mettle
"Ah yes, Mettle and Max, I expected you here earlier." Said Mogul as he stood up showing his incredible height, "The pizza boy would've made it here faster."
"Believe me, if we got here sooner...um. Wait...man I forgot what to say," said Max being forgetful as usual.
"The main thing is we're here, nothing else," said mettle as she took off her mask.
"True, I honor that. Now that you separate groups are now combined as one, our plan can proceed as scheduled," Mogul said with a grin on his old face, "I believe now is the time to take back what's rightfully mine, this kingdom. I have been denied for much too long, what I want you guys to do is to spread, a little anarchy in the streets to let these people now I'm back! Then once we created enough destruction and chaos, Mobius will be mind! Not even that high speed hedgehog Sonic, will see this one coming!"
Then suddenly they heard repeated boos from behind his building, even a mysterious voice.
"Boo! Boo! Your joke stinks! Boo! Get off the stage!"
That made him mad, "Who dares interrupts me!"
"Boo, you stink!"
"I demand you show yourself!" He yelled as he stomped his big foot on the dock. The stranger finally came from hiding and she slowly approached the group meeting as she hummed Mary had a Little Lamb.
"Mh hmm hmm hmm hmm hm hmm..."
Her appearance was scary looking, it was like a hedgehog version of a clown with a purple suit. She wore a lot of make up. Her fur color was completely blackish green, her muzzle was white with red paint covering her scared grin, and black mack-up covered around her eyes.
"Gee Mogul, you think of years of isolation would give you a better background." She said with a smile on her face.
"Who are you?" Growled Mogul.
"...what? Don't you recognize me?" Said the lady, "Is it the scares?"
"I don't care about the scares, I want to know why some clown like you is doing in my terr-"
"My my my, everything always has to be owned by you," she said, "I guess all the years of happy meals have gone straight to your head."
"She does have a point sir!" Laughed Max judging Moguls girth, then Mettle had to shut him up before he made him more angry. So without getting enraged, Mogul calmed down, took a deep breath and said to her, "Who are you and what do you want?" Then the lady took a barrel and made herself comfy.
"...I'm just a simple girl with simple taste and I'm here, to help you with your simple plan. First lets look back decades ago when you were the top boss, you had wit, strategy, and you made Dr. Eggman look like a whinny nerd. You even had the chance to take it all without even trying, so, what happened? Did time get to you? Did your candle light spark out? Or have you gotten soft in the heart? I say, that you failed so many times that you, just gave up apparently and let the freedom fighters get to you. Eggman never gave and you're like ten times his age."
"What's your point!" Mogul yelled.
"The point is you need a better plan," She said, "With these new freedom fighting off-springs, these two gangs wouldn't last in a single comic book's worth. You can't just dive right in and expect it to go through another series of events, you need to set a simple goal first."
"So what do you propose?" Said Mettle.
Then the lady acted more serious than before.
"Glad you've asked, the goal is...we kill the King and Queen.