Summary: Allen is the merchandise of a human trafficking agency. When he's sold to Kanda for unknown amounts of money, he discovers he isn't actually Kanda's first purchase - he's the fourth person to be included as a 'Freeman'...whatever THAT means. Yullen.

Disclaimer: I don't own DGM, Kanda, Allen, Lavi, Lenalee, Miranda, Komui, or any other canon characters mentioned in this story.



Kanda arrived late to the meeting. Apparently, it was the last one before the plans went underway, so he had to be there. He knew that something bad would come of his lateness, but it wasn't his fault that people were holding him up in the streets. Until now, he'd forgotten that it was Halloween.

He sighed. Frankly, he was over 2003. He couldn't wait for 2004, something in his gut told him that it would be better. But, then again, something in his gut also told him that he needed to eat a wider variety of food, but he usually ignored that, didn't he?


Kanda pulled up on the side of the road, behind Lavi's motorbike. He grabbed the few sheets of paperwork that were required, and locked his car. Sending one last annoyed glare towards the redhead's vehicle, Kanda entered Komui's apartment.

A table of heads turned towards him as he opened the door quietly. "Sorry I'm late..." He said, although he didn't sound sorry at all.

He sat down in the remaining empty seat, and Lavi nudged him. "It's ok, Yuu-chan! You're late because you were trick-or-treating, aren't you?" He said.

Kanda noticed that the redhead wore a bunny costume, though thankfully not a playboy-style one. He hit him on the head in annoyance. "Idiot. It was Halloween that made me late, but not because I was participating." He said.

They were interrupted by Komui. "Ok, then! Now that Kanda's here, he can choose his Role, and everyone will get theirs confirmed!" He said.

Kanda nodded. That's more like it he thought. Then a hat was shoved under his nose. There was a single folded piece of paper in it. Kanda rolled his eyes, and took it, before Komui snatched it from his hand. He swore in protest, and watched as Komui opened it.

There were a few moments silence as Komui wrote Kanda's name on a yellow manila file, and Kanda finally understood. They would know their Roles when they got them confirmed. In this case, you got them confirmed by receiving information.

As the file was handed to him, Kanda could tell that Komui had put a lot of effort into this. "Kanda. I didn't tell you before, because you only just got here, but we made a joint purchase." Komui said as Kanda grasped it. His head snapped up in surprise. "What?!"

Beside him, Lavi nodded. "We purchased two of them. Whoever gets Owner gets double the trouble." He said in amusement.

Kanda suddenly knew which Role he was going to get, and he didn't like it.

He opened the file, and pulled out the first sheet of paper. On it, in large, bold letters, was the word 'OWNER'. His vision scrolled down to read the rest of the sheet.


In your role as owner, you will be provided with a house/apartment to live in. You will, as your Role suggests, be the "owner" of the Human Merchandise. You will not be expected to act as a parent would, or to spoil the child in any way, but you will have to be kind, though firm, and realistic in your views. You must not discourage the passions or interests of the child, unless they are unethical or immoral, although you do not have to be interested in their passions or interests either, and should probably encourage them to explore a wide range of things.

You must understand that the child has had a very traumatizing past as Merchandise in the illegal Human Trafficking business. You must also understand that they may not be used to kindness or freedom from their owners, and are usually treated as slaves, servants, sex objects, or all three. You must feign interest in their past, trying to get to know them is recommended, seeing as you will be acting as their guardian until they move out. Also, you must develop a special bond between them and yourself, a mentoring kind of bond, and be someone that they can trust, rely on, and who will be there for them.

As one last thing: They will never be a completely normal child or person, and they may have a few irrational fears due to trauma, but you must help them become as normal as they wish to be, to be the person who they truly are, because no-one deserves the life that they had before they met you.

Kanda read the last few lines five or so times before he realized that he was at the end of the sheet.

He flicked through the next sheets, which contained more Owner instructions, profiles of the two teenagers, and the information they had gathered about the Human Trafficking company thus far. He was then attacked by Lavi. "Yuu! Yuu! What Role did you get? I'm the Mentor!" He said excitedly.

Kanda mumbled something that the redhead couldn't hear. "What was that, Yuu-chan?" He asked cheerfully. Kanda sighed. This was so humiliating. "I'm the Owner..." He said slightly louder.

The rest of the table grinned back at him.

"What?!" Kanda said loudly. "The last one? We're only going to save four people?!"

"Kanda..." Lenalee said soothingly, leaning forward on the table. "We've saved a lot more than four. Remember, we managed to shut down five Agencies from the information we got from the first three Freemen?" She said. She touched his hand. "But this one will be the last person who we'll save who we know by name. Just by shutting down those Agencies, we were saving future generations of children from that same fate."

Kanda knew she was right, and sighed. "Ok, then. Go on, Komui..."

Komui nodded as he resumed. "The last Freeman is a boy named Allen Walker...he stood out the moment we saw him, and just knew he had to be saved." He said, as he clicked a button on the remote, changing to the next slide, which had a picture.

The boy was about seventeen, had whit hair, grey eyes, and a funny sort of scar or tattoo on his face.

Kanda's eyes widened when he noticed that the boy was looking straight at the camera, smiling.

A/N: Ok. There's the prologue. Happy? No? Well, YOU SHOULD BE! *threatening glare*