An Excerpt from the Alcove of the Ash

1Tree could not believe it. 2The man whom he had let use his own brothers to save Mans life is making an abomination. 3It smelled like tree. 4but was not tree. 5It looked like tiny tree. 5But it could not root. 6Tree was sickened by this and forevermore would ban use of his brothers. 7But man was cunning. Man had used his power of life, his Chakra, and turned it into the horrible red. 8Man threatened Tree with the horrible red until Tree let Man use his brothers once more. 9Tree gave in, Tree did not want Earth and Brothers to suffer the horrible red. 10Then man do worse to Brothers. 11Man kill Brothers so he can remember things on their skin. 12But Tree could do nothing, for Sons of Man could use power too, and their horrible red was worse than Mans horrible red.

This isn't really a strong story its kinda touch and go…but its mostly so I can beta for a few really good authors.