Disclaimer: I own nothing related to the Teen Titans, nor do I own the DC universe. The story is the only thing that is mine, and any resemblance to any other existing story is pure coincidence.
Alright, y'all, I've been sort out of commission for a while, but college has brought up old memories of my fanfic writing days, and I wanted to see if I still had it...
Chapter One
The waves beat a rythm on the shore of their litle island. Slosh, woosh. Slosh, woosh. At least, that was what it sounded like to him.
He had no idea what posessed him to come to this particular place, somewhere that held so many memories for him, painful memories. He knew that he should feel happier. He now commanded the respect of the rest of the team. They saw his potential, they saw his newfound maturity, they saw the way he took on the Brotherhood of Evil -- and won. It was what he wanted for so long, to be seen and recognized as a hero, not the comedic relief of the team.
But how could he enjoy that when he knew what he knew? Because he knew she was Terra, knew it with every fiber of his being, but he could not get her to remember.
And there was something else, too, something that he would have to tell Robin. Slade was back. Of course, they knew that already, since Robin and Slade had worked together to defeat Trigon. But, still, they had not heard from him since Raven defeated her father; they never heard from him while they were fighting the Brotherhood of Evil, either. They had dismissed it, focusing their attention instead on the Brotherhood, and hoping against hope that it was just pure luck that Slade did not bother them when they were so preoccupied.
Of course, there was no such thing as luck where Slade was concerned. Beast Boy knew that, and he knew that Robin knew it, too. Slade was planning something; that had to explain why he had found a Sladebot at the amusement park.
He had investigated the area, of course, but he found nothing, just as he expected. Where Slade was concerned, it was highly unlikely that the man would be found anywhere he had already been. Still, Beast Boy felt it was his job to check, just in case.
It was still too early in the morning to wake up the others. Then again, Robin would probably be up by now, but on the slight chance that he wasn't, Beast Boy was still sitting outside.
He had, of course, conveniently forgotten that it was Robin's week to take out the trash. He turned around when he heard the telltale grunting sounds, and he saw the Boy Wonder lugging two huge trash bags out of the Tower. Those two bags were only the beginning; Beast Boy knew that Robin would probably have to make about five trips to take out all the trash.
It was something that Beast Boy admired about Robin, the way their leader kept up with the other Titans. With any other Titan, it would take maybe two trips at the most to take out the trash. Starfire might have to make a second trip only if she couldn't fit the bags in two handfuls; the alien strength could handle it all. Raven could simply levitate the trash out the door, and Cyborg was strong enough, had big enough arms, to take it out at once. Beast Boy could be a pack mule, a gorilla, anything large enough to carry it all out. But Robin didn't have that advantage.
Maybe it was because it was early, or maybe it was because Beast Boy did not want to have to think about Terra, but he found himself dwelling on that fact: that their leader did not even have any extraordinary powers, like the rest of them. And yet he kept up. More than kept up, really. Robin was the best, the one Beast Boy had looked up to since he first read about him in the papers. The whole idea had intrigued him, of someone else his age fighting crime, and with Batman, no less! Of course, the Doom Patrol were amazing, but Batman...
Well, maybe Robin wouldn't snap at him about Slade if Beast Boy offered him some help first. So, he quietly slipped into the front room, where he could see about six or seven more trash bags, each full to the point of bursting. He changed quickly into a gorilla and scooped up all but one, since Robin would probably want to do something.
Of course, Beast Boy had forgotten one crucial element: Robin's enormous ego. No way was the Boy Wonder going to let him help out with something as simple as taking out the trash. It was his responsibility, his problem, and he would address it on his own, thank you very much.
"What are you doing up so early?" Robin asked as he grabbed the remaining trash bag and looked pointedly at the ones in Beast Boy's arms.
The gorilla Beast Boy just shrugged, unable to talk. He started to walk out the door, but Robin said, "I got it, Beast Boy. Why don't you go back to sleep?"
Beast Boy shook his head, then carried the trash bags to the dumpster. Robin followed close behind, slinging the bag over his shoulder where he had enough leverage to actually tip it in. Sometimes, Beast Boy forgot that Robin was only human; it was amazing how something as simple as taking out the trash could bring out that side of the Boy Wonder.
"So," Robin said as Beast Boy morphed back into his human form, "are you going to answer my question?"
Beast Boy was surprised at the easiness in Robin's voice. The change in their relationship with each other was still hard for Beast Boy to comprehend. Ever since Beast Boy proved himself, something had changed in the way his leader treated him. Robin treated him more like an equal and less like a little boy who still needed help growing up. Granted, Robin was a little older than Beast Boy, but the patronizing used to get on his nerves. Now, that aspect of Robin was gone, replaced by something dangerously close to respect, but Beast Boy didn't want to get his hopes up. He had wanted for so long to earn his leader's respect, and now that he might have it, he dared not hope it was true.
"Couldn't sleep," Beast Boy said, though he had to stifle a yawn as he said that. It was strange behavior for him, he knew. If he could help it, he liked to sleep until noon, stay up until midnight, and then repeat the whole process.
Sometimes, Beast Boy wondered if Robin had some telepathic powers he was hiding from the rest of them. Or maybe it was just because the Boy Wonder noticed everything. He could spot the smallest crack in a rock, or notice if they moved something in the kitchen even an inch from its original place. Surely those powers of observation extended to his teammates. So, Beast Boy nodded, "I tried to talk to her, but she doesn't remember me. I don't think she remembers anything at all."
"She was encased in rock for a long time, Beast Boy," Robin pointed out, putting a comforting hand on the younger boy's shoulder, surprising him. "I would be worried if there weren't any adverse side effects. She'll come around sooner or later, I'm sure."
"That's not the only thing I'm worried about, though," Beast Boy said, taking a deep breath. Here it was, the revelation that he knew would send Robin through the roof. "I didn't want to wake you up. I got home so late, and everyone was sleeping, so I figured I'd wait until you woke up."
Robin could tell that Beast Boy was only trying to stall for time, trying to avoid the question. "Thanks for the concern, Beast Boy, but I'm sure I wouldn't have minded if you woke me up."
And he wouldn't have minded, Beast Boy knew. In fact, Robin would probably be more angry at Beast Boy for keeping Slade's reappearance from him than for waking him up. But then Robin would wake up the others, and they would be mad at him distrubing their sleep. But, now that he thought about it, maybe he should have gone straight to Robin. After all, they were finally building up something like respect, and he was finally an equal in Robin's eyes. Did he really want to throw that all away because he didn't want to bother the others by waking them up? "Yeah, well, I probably should have come to wake you up anyway, but I figured you needed all the sleep you could get after the Brotherhood of Evil fiasco. You know how you don't like to sleep when there's some new problem on the loose." He still had not actually told Robin anything, just made vague references, and that was grinding on the Boy Wonders nerves, he knew.
"Yeah, Starfire says that, too," Robin shrugged easily, appraising Beast Boy with his eyes. Even though Beast Boy could not actually see the Boy Wonder's eyes from behind that mask, he knew they were piercing him, reading his mind -- well, not really, but it felt like that.
Beast Boy squrimed uncomfortably, then said, "Well, Robin, you're not gonna like it at all, so maybe you should sit down or something or --"
"Beast Boy," Robin said, his voice tinged with something close to a growl that held all the warning of an impatient bull.
Taking a deep breath, Beast Boy blurted out, "I went to the amusement park because I was angry, and then I heard his voice behind me and I started fighting him, but it wasn't really him it was one of his robots that looks like him and then I thought I beat him, but I really didn't."
Beast Boy gulped. When it came down to it, maybe he wasn't the best person to tell this to Robin. He was too scared.
"Who?" Robin pressed, his eyes wide behind his mask. Beast Boy knew that Robin had probably figured it out, knew that, even now, the Boy Wonder was formulating a plan to track down Slade, but he was waiting for the confirmation, the one word that would feed the flame and confirm his supicions.
Robin's eyes narrowed, and he stormed off back into the Tower, probably headed straight to his room. Beast Boy groaned, "Great."
He had known that would happen, of course. Whenever Slade was involved, Robin started acting strangely. Not that he blamed the Boy Wonder. After all, being forced to work for someone probably changed his entire perspective. But, still, would it hurt to be normal, even just for a little while?
Starfire noticed the change in Robin almost immediately, mostly because he hardly looked up when she entered the room. After Tokyo, he had always been excited to see her, had always shot her a small, half-smile that made the inside of her four stomachs turn upside down. But not today.
"Robin, perhaps there is something the matter with the food you consumed yesterday," she offered, hoping to drag him out of his thoughts.
It worked -- or at least, it worked in the sense that it made him look up at her. He seemed to notice her for the first time, and he even managed a small smile, but it was not the kind he usually gave her. Something had changed.
"It's not dinner, Star," Robin said, giving her hand a slight, encouraging squeeze. But there was no kiss on the cheek, no "Good morning, Star!", no indication that he wanted even to be in the same room as her. She had seen him this way before, long ago, back before the Brotherhood of Evil, before Trigon. Back when Slade...
"Something else is troubling you?" she asked, hoping against hope. If it was him, if he had returned, it would tear Robin -- her Robin -- apart. She would lose him to obsession, something she considered totally unfair, since she had only recently 'gotten' him, as Cyborg said.
"He's back, Star. One of his Sladebots attacked Beast Boy. He knows about Terra, too," Robin said quietly. He was washing dishes, but Starfire knew that was only to distract him until the rest of the Titans woke up. In another time, he would have pulled them all out of bed to tell them about Slade, set them all to work looking for clues, and locked himself in his study. But he had matured beyond that, if only a little bit. He would still lock himself in his study, but he would come out occasionally, and he would not wake the others before they wanted to wake up.
Then, she smelled the bacon and eggs, and he realized he was going to wake them up. But he would not drag them out of bed, no, he would lure them there with a delicious breakfast. She wondered why she had not smelled it before; surely the rest of the team could smell the aroma all the way down the hallway!
So, he had not changed as much as she thought. But that was just fine; she had fallen in love with him long before Slade came into the picture, and she loved him through all of that nonsense, too. If this was meant to try their relationship, it was not doing a very good job.
"Something smells delicious!" Cyborg shouted as he threw the doors open, a huge grin on his face. He spotted Robin turning off the stove, and he ambled over to his friend's side. "Special occasion?" For some reason, he shot a knowing look Starfire's way. But she shook her head; she and Robin had no reason to start making meals for each other.
"You could say that," Robin said darkly, which stopped Cyborg in his tracks.
Raven floated through the doorway seconds later, a slight smile tugging at the edge of her lips, "Please tell me one of you made breakfast, because I don't think I could put up with tofu eggs and bacon this early in the morning."
"Robin made it," Cyborg said, but without his usual happiness. He kept looking over his shoulder at Robin, worried about his friend.
Beast Boy's head poked out from behind the couch. "Everybody's here?" he squeaked, and he sounded tired.
Robin nodded, "Beast Boy, why don't you tell everyone what you told me this morning?"
Her adoptive parents were nice enough, she knew. They were nice enough to take her in, even though she had no idea who she was or where she came from. Maybe it was easier that way, because she did not have the memories of her previous family or anything like that. She knew she had been lucky to be adopted at all. Very few parents adopted anyone older than about eleven years old, at most. To be a teenager and to find a family. . . !
She did not actually know how old she was. Maybe fourteen or fifteen. So, her parents put her in a private high school as a freshman. She made friends easily, something she could not remember ever doing. Not that she remembered anything at all, but something in the pit of her stomach told her that trust was not necessarily a big part of her past. Maybe it was that she did not trust others, or maybe others did not trust her.
But, even though she could not remember anything, she knew, for sure, that she was no superhero. After all, she would probably know if she had the power to -- what was it her parents told her? -- move rocks and stuff like that. Besides, her parents told her that the Terra girl had tried to take over the city, had betrayed the Teen Titans. How could she even think about betraying the people who were keeping her safe?
She did not know much about the city, but she was intrigued by the Titans. Everyone was. Every girl in the school was disappointed when Robin and Starfire were seen holding hands. It made no sense, of course, since they all knew the Boy Wonder would not notice just another citizen in the city, another person to protect. Some girls would purposefully put themselves in danger, run down gang-filled alleyways or something, hoping that he would rescue them and fall in love or something. They all thought he was beautiful, they all had crushes on him. Of course, she secretly thought the whole thing was blown out of proportion. Yes, Robin was cute, even handsome, but she couldn't help but think that Beast Boy would be cute -- if he wasn't green, that is.
That was the only reason the visit from Beast Boy had bothered her. He seemed to like her, and she meant the kind of liking that Robin and Starfire had. And she was the only one of her group of friends that seemed to prefer Beast Boy to the 'obviously superior Boy Wonder', as her friend Chelsea had stated.
But that didn't prove anything, of course. It only proved that she had different tastes in boys. Besides, wouldn't she know if she had superpowers?
Just to test it, though, she looked out the window and concentrated on the ground just below her window. Maybe, just maybe, she could move it.
But, about five minutes into the intense staring contest with the ground, she realized how ridiculous it was. Maybe she looked like Terra, maybe she sounded like her. But she hated anchovies, and she could not move the earth underneath her window.
Well, she had never tried anchovies, so she didn't know if she hated them. But she probably did. They smelled weird.
She sighed and let her head fall back onto her pillow. This was ridiculous. Of course, had she been looking out the window, she might have noticed the slight cracks in the ground where the ground started to raise up. She might have noticed the faint yellow glow that settled in those cracks, then died away. But she was not looking out the window, she was staring intently at the ceiling fan, watching it go around and around. She hoped it would make her tired, like counting sheep, but, unsurprisingly, it only made her dizzy.
Sighing, she turned on the television, hoping to find something to take her mind off of these things. The news was on, and they were saying something about an incident at the amusement park several miles from the city boundaries.
"Officials assure us that the amusement park had been long deserted. No one fixed it up after it was destroyed by a fight between the villain known as Slade and Titan Beast Boy."
Her eyes widened as the camera showed the amusement park in shambles. She had the funniest feeling that she had been there before. But then again, probably every kid in the city had been there. She remembered feeling loved there, probably with a family. Okay, so maybe she wasn't Terra of the Teen Titans, but maybe she could find out who she really was.
And that was when she saw the picture on the news. The robot.
She stared at the pizza parlor. It had been abandoned. She bit her lip, trying not to think about it. After all, if she thought too much about it, she would remember him. So, she stared straight ahead at the road, but that was painful, too. It looked like an earthquake hit the road; it split down the middle so that it was no longer recognizable as a road.
She shook her head. What was that all about? She knew she had just remembered something, something having to do with a destroyed city. Chelsea told her about when Terra destroyed the city. She could not remember this, but the orphanage keeper told her that they found her wandering around a few months after they finished rebuilding the city. That made it almost nine months from the time Terra destroyed the city til the time she, Alexandra, showed up. Had she lost her memory then?
That had to be it. She was in the way, she was hit in the head, then she wandered around. There was no other explanation for it. Because she certainly wasn't Terra.