Okay, so I know I marked this story as complete a long time ago, but I reread it the other day and I just felt like this was missing. Steve has a life after all this too and I felt like his voice needed to be heard too. I don't know if I've captured it perfectly or whatever, but here it is. All rights go to S. E. Hinton. These are her characters. I just stole them to make up my own little story.



I thought 'Nam was fucking hard. And it was. It sucked. As much as I like to play the hard ass, if I'm being truthful, it fucked with every aspect of my life. But the shittiest part was losing Sodapop. I didn't even know he was dead until I came back and only two of my buddies were there waiting for me. Welcome home Steve. And as much as envied the kid then, for escaping, running from all the shit that came from staying, I sure as hell ain't jealous now, looking at his bloodless body lying before me.

But I'm pissed. I really am. I mean, damn it, Soda's bones are probably dust by now, the kid's fucking dead, about to become one with the ground, and Darry's next to me here staring at his youngest brother's corpse. I look to the sky and wonder.

When Soda's parents died, I felt for the family. As much as I hated that kid, as much as I scowled and shrugged and feigned indifference, I thought it was pretty fucked up considering they were the only decent adults I'd ever encountered. Then when Dally and Johnny died, I chalked it up to be some bad luck, maybe some shitty karma Dal had coming after all the shit stunts he'd pulled. But now. Now I know we're cursed. I have no other explanation and it makes me feel better being able to cuss something out, blame something. Some sick, twisted, little shit in the sky laughing at a couple of pathetic grown greasers.

I stare at Pony's white face and wish he would wake up for one minute, just so I could kill him again. Except I wouldn't do it. I'd try to sustain that life until my own heart gave. I remember Soda when he dropped out of school explaining to the kid how he wasn't smart like him. Bullshit. Darry might have seen something in him, Soda and Two-Bit too, but I've always known how dim the little shit was. He leaves his only family behind to live in some shit hole and then finds himself stabbed to death. Either he was really stupid or sincerely didn't care. I like to think it's the first option for Darry and Soda's sake.

I catch myself sometimes at work, at the DX, tinkering under a car and asking Soda, Hand me that wrench will ya? And when there's no reply I silently ask the stands to give and end me too. And then I think of Two-Bit and Darry burying me next to my best friend and I feel ashamed. I think this is worse, though.

Pony's been gone for six years. Longer than I've been back. The last time I saw him Soda was beaming and I was embarrassed as we left ourselves behind and dived into hell. And I don't think Darry has ever given up hope. I'd walk into that cold, silent house and see Darry staring at the picture on the mantle. I'd see that look on his face, the desperate look that disappeared when he caught sight of me. Soda never had a chance, but the kid was out there somewhere, and Darry was waiting. Though it was sooner than I expected, I'm the only one that guessed he'd be dead the next time Superman saw him.

There's another picture up there too. Of a bunch of juvenile hoods. If anything can make me smile these days, it's that picture. Two-Bit doesn't crack too many jokes anymore.

I look at the two of them. Darry looks tired and sad, like he's given up. I'm sure he has. Pony was the only thing he had left to fight for. And Two-Bit's finally lost it. His body shakes and a sorrow as deep as four dead friends pours out.

And then there's me. On my way home from 'Nam, I'd wondered if Pony and I could actually become friends; I had a new perspective on life. But when I came back to find two Curtis brothers gone, I realized I'd never know.

A/N: Well, what did you think? Terrible, amazing? Frightful, ingenious? Criticism is very welcome. I'm sick and it's midnight. Please excuse any mistakes... or the entire passage if you'd like. Anyway, I've always liked Steve so I don't know why I wrote this two years late.