Note: When I say "The Queen" I'm referring to the Queen of Hearts, not the White Queen.
The three of us (Mum, Alice and me) ran to the stairs and climbed them as quickly as possible. We reached the top floor to fine the Queen of Hearts standing over Jack and Violet, who were tied up and kneeling, with an axe.
"-so I'll just have to take off your heads myself, you insolent children!" she screamed.
Violet began to weep. "Please, we just wanted-"
"I don't care what you want! I've tried to get rid of you both and you've always gotten away!" she yelled.
"We don't have it!" Jack exclaimed.
The Queen held up Jack's chin with one hand. "Don't lie to me, boy. Where is it?" she said through clenched teeth.
"Don't hurt him! We don't have the ring!" A fresh wave of tears poured down Violet's face.
"Jack!" Alice ran into the room.
I followed close behind. "Violet!"
"Let them go." My mother walked up to the Queen.
"Why should I?"
"They do not have the ring."
"Then where is it?" the Queen screamed.
Mum calmly answered her. "I have it."
The Queen held out her hand expectantly. "Hand it over."
During this, Alice and I untied Jack and Violet and helped them up.
The Queen of Hearts welded her axe. "Give me the ring, damn it."
"Give it here now, and no one gets hurt."
"How many times must I say 'no?'"
I could hear someone coming up the stairs behind me. I turned to face the Dodo, who ran past me, holding a gun, at my mum.
"Mum!" I yelled.
The White Queen spun around to see the Dodo rushing at here. With ease, she knocked him unconscious.
Alice and I dragged him back and tied him to a pole with the rope that had been binding Jack and Violet.
Meanwhile, Jack was cradling a bawling Violet in his arms.
"Don't think you'll defeat me as easily as that miserable pawn you knocked out," threatened the Queen.
"David!" Mum called to me, "Catch!" She threw me a small white box.
"You just threw him the ring." The Queen of Heart's glared at me. "Give it here, boy."
"No. Catch, Alice!" I tossed it to Alice, who caught it. She chucked it to my mum again and in no time the three of us had formed a circle around the Queen, creating a Monkey in the Middle-like game.
"Give it here!" she whined, hopping up and down.
Violet stopped sobbing to laugh.
"Just give up!" shouted Alice.
The next time the box came to me, the Queen held out her arms in surrender. "I give up. You win."
"May I do the honors?" Violet had gotten up and walked over to us, holding a bit of rope.
"Go on," I replied.
We had given the ring to Jack, who proposed to Violet and became the King and Queen of Wonderland. The ring was returned and locked into place int the Looking Glass, never to be taken out again.
The White Queen took up inhabitance in the small cottage near the castle as a Lady-in-Waiting and personal advisor to the Queen of Wonderland.
The Queen of Hearts and the Dodo were locked up in the prison guarded by the Jabberwock.
After many weepy good-byes to Mum, Violet and Jack, Alice and I walked to the Looking Glass.
"So," said Alice, "you're real name is actually David?"
"Yes, but I've grown accustomed to Hatter," I replied simply.
"Alright, David."
"Don't push it, Alice. I've had a long day," I said as we reached the mirror.
"Same time?" she asked.
"Lemme carry you, it'll take a lot less time," I said, noting the last two times we had gone through the Looking Glass.
"Haha, you're very funny."
I held out my hand. She took it and squeezed. "Let's go then."
We hopped through, leaving Wonderland far behind.
"You two are home early," said Carol as we walked through her door.
It turns out that our week in Wonderland was only an hour on Earth.
"Well, we ran out of things to talk about," said Alice.
I nodded in agreement. "Well, I must be off. I have a couple things to do." I kissed Alice on the cheek. "See you later, Alice, Mrs. Hamilton. Good-bye."
And with that, I walked out the door, ending my adventure in Wonderland.
THE END!!!!!
I hope you enjoyed it! I'm not very good at endings... Sorry.
I'm working on a Doctor Who Fanfic right now, if you want more to read by me. Thanks for reading!