Thanks everyone! I got a flood of reviews from you all, and now I'm on top of the world! Thanks. *Cries tears of JOY*

Chapter Three

Everyone's got Problems!

Starfire burst into the common room, beaming at Robin, the only other person there. "We have recieved more of the letters!" She exclaimed, ecstatic. Robin smiles back at her, "Alright Star. I'll get the others." Saying so, he leaves to the hallway. By the time everyone is gathered up, the letters were spread all over the coffee table, some teetering off the edge.

Raven observed, "This is more than last time." She paused, "A lot more." Robin took a sharp intake of breath, then nodded in agreement. Starfire swiftly caught one that had fallen off, and was already unfolding it.

Dear Titans

How do you tell a crush you like them?


Robin gaped at the question, something he had thought of several times. So he scribbled down, Sorry, can't help you there. -Robin. He flushed crimson when Cyborg launched a teasing attack. "What about Starfire? She seems to know how you feel!" he taunted.

Starfire squealed happily at the thought of Robin returning her feelings. She then added in her curly writing, Dear one with the heart that is golden, I advise you to say it bluntly. Or leave the hints. If the hints are well, he or she shall figure it out. Hope I have helped! *Starfire*

Raven pondered the question for a moment, then wrote in her neat slanted writing, Just say it. You've got a mouth for a reason. ~Raven She rolled her eyes, hoping a certain green boy (Not Captain Planet!) would take this approach. She had been suspecting he liked her for some time now, but she was never one to jump to conclusions.

Cyborg was next. He put an arrow leading to Raven's comment, then scrawled, Ditto. `Cy` Now Beast Boy took it. He simply scrawled, Dude, just say it. It takes a while, but you feel better after you did. ^BB^They put the letter away and pushed it into the finished pile. A light blue one was opened next. It read:

Theres all these shipping wars when we all know that raven is with either speedy or aqualad (perferably aqualad) well how do we stop them?


Raven's face took on a light pink tinge. (Ep. Deep Six. You may wanna watch it) She recalled when, for a half hour episode, she had a crush on Aqualad. Not that she'd ever admit it. She wrote in her neat writing, Comprimise is best. But I'm NOT with Speedy or Aqualad. Keep your couples out of our heads. ~Raven

Beast Boy scribbled beneath it, Rae isn't with Speedy or Aqualad but I bet she likes one of them. To stop the wars, just agree both couples are awesome and leave it at that. ^BB^ He handed it to Cyborg. Cy scrawled Hey! I don't know if Rae likes Speedy or Aqualad, but, for once, BB's right. Agree both are cool and leave it alone. `Cy` Starfire took the paper next.

Hello! I do not know if Raven is indeed with Speedy or Aqualad, but I do know how to stop the fighting. Simply talk and find a way that works well for both and therefore, no body shall be left unhappy. Good bye! *Starfire*

Robin was last. I hope you know your fan coupling annoys us. But, because I don't know whether Raven is with Speedy or Aqualad, I shouldn't be talking. Anyway, fighting? Over a couple? Talk it out, and comprimise. A couple isn't a big deal to argue about either. -Robin

The letter was completed and folded away. Beast Boy picked the next one, a pretty yellow one decorated with small fairies.

Dear Teen Titans,

I am a girl in high school with really bad gas. What can I do?



Beast Boy was the very first to answer. What up? As a vegan, this is a prob for me too. Don't worry, 'cause here are a few tips: Pine freshener in the pocket works great, He paused as Cyborg yelled at him, "Thats where are all the T-car's car fresheners have gone!" He sweatdropped and continued. Another thing, blame the closest person next to you. And lastly, dont even mention it if somebody else doesn't. Or else you'll say something stupid and everyone will be like, "What is she talking about"? Hope I helped ya! ^BB^

Raven snatched the paper away and wrote Don't listen to Beast Boy. Pine freshener is NOT going to help. Its just gas, and everyone gets it. Whenever somebody's about to taunt you about it, just tell them that. I'm sure everybody has had gas at some point in their life. ~Raven She rolled her eyes at Beast Boy, as if silently saying, "You are such an idiot."

Starfire took it next. She thought about it and then jotted down Hello! I wish I could be of assistance but Earth ways are still strange to me. I do not understand how one could tease another about something they all recieve. As Raven has said, please remind them of this. As to stop the 'gas', may I suggest eating foods that will not effect the stomach into creating the 'gas'? As you have said, the beans are bad. *Starfire*

Cyborg took it, and scrawled. Take my advice. Stay AWAY from the beans, and the mystery meat. It ain't a mystery that it isn't really meat. `Cy ` Robin thought about it, and realized he never had bad gas problems, so he scribbled, Sorry, can't help you there. -Robin The letter was folded and put away.

The sun had gone down and the titans were tired, they decided to tackle the rest of the letters tomorrow.

HEY! Sorry I took so long, but you gave me so many questions and so much material! I have enough for about two more chapters! Thanks, and happy 2010! (Yep, 2010, one year closer to our own death, aging and end of the world! TIME TO CELEBRATE!!!)
