Hey, thank all of you for taking the time to review! I'm sure this is not the last chapter of this story! Hey, it may be a short story but it was going to be a one-shot!

Disclaimer: (because I can!) I do not own X-Men Evolution. If I did, there would be no such thing as Lance or Amanda. Kurtty would have happened a long time ago!

First Arrival Chapter 3

"Kitty! Kitty!"

"Ugg… leave me alone!" Kitty mumbled still half asleep.

"Kitty I need you now!" said the Professor telepathically.

"Fine!" Kitty grumbled.

She looked at her digital alarm clock 3:05! In the morning! This had better be important!

Kitty groggily put on her slippers. They seemed to mock her every time she stepped. They made an ah-noying squeak every time she took a step. Sleep! Sleep! they seemed to say. Shut up! she told them.

"Ugg! People are not meant to be up this early!" Kitty moaned.

"Kitty, meet me in Kurt's room immediately." commanded the Professor.

"Alright…wait…KURT'S ROOM!!!" thought Kitty spastically. "I have to go IN there?! At NIGHT?! Well it's technically morning…wait, shut up! Kitty told herself.

Please oh, Professor! Grr… you owe me big time! thought Kitty as she phased through Kurt's door.

Kitty covered her mouth in shock. The Proffer was in there with… no one? NO! Halfway through the bed. Halfway as in the top part of the body was sticking out of the top of the bed, and the lower half was beneath the bed.

Oh my gosh! That body is Kurt! Thought Kitty.

It looked as if he was phased partially through the bed and was stuck. Only the sheets were stained with fresh blood from Kurt being gored alive by the bed. But how in the world did Kurt get stuck like that? The Professor hastily answered her question.

"Kitty, Kurt teleported in his sleep. If you do not completely phase him through, he will definitely die."

"Um… Professor, why can't Mr. Logan, like slice Kurt out?" Kitty asked.

"Kitty, Ororo and Logan are gone for the night and Scott's blast will blow Kurt up. you are Kurt's only hope if he is to survive the night." said the professor as quickly as possible.

Kitty glanced at Kurt's face, which was distorted with pain. His glowing golden eyes were half shut. He certainly made mistakes and felt pain like a human. He talked and acted like a human when they had first met.

All of the mean things she had said and done to Kurt flashed before her eyes. Maybe it was the Professor's way of saying hurry up. Or maybe it was fate coming and telling her to make a choice that resulted in life or death. The pictures flashed faster and faster until a picture of her looking in Kurt's eyes when they had first met flashed up then slowly faded away to reveal the present Kurt who was suffering.

"Hurry Kitty! I'm loosing him!" said the Professor.

Kitty quickly murdered her fear of Kurt and ran over to him. She grabbed hold of his limp hand. His fur was not rough like she had previously thought, but soft. His eyes were slowly closing.

"No Kurt! I… Won't… Let… you… die!" grunted Kitty as she pulled Kurt completely out of the bed.

"Kitty, phase Kurt to the infirmary and I'll meet you down there." said the Professor as he rolled out of the room.

Kurt shakily reached up and brushed a tear away from Kitty's cheek. Kitty managed a smile amongst her tears.

"I'm… sorry…Kitty." Kurt before closing his eyes.

"KURT!!!" said Kitty with tears rolling down her cheeks faster than before. Kitty grabbed Kurt's shoulders and rapidly phased through the floor. She arrived at the infirmary and gently laid Kurt on a bed.

"Kurt!" Kitty whispered. "Kurt, I'm sorry for being so bratty and mean to you! I regret it all! I wish I could take it all back! I didn't even know you, and now, if you could ever forgive me, please, could we be friends Kitty pleaded.

"Kitty, I'll take it from here." said the Professor.

Kitty solemnly left the room and sat in the waiting room in the chair nearest to Kurt.

About an hour later, the professor rolled in to the waiting room.

"Kitty! What are you doing up!" he said.

"Professor, is Kurt gonna be ok?!" asked Kitty.

"He's still out, but you can go in there if you'd like." said the professor.

"YES!!!" shouted Kitty "Thank you Professor!"

Kitty ran in to Kurt's bed. Kurt had fresh bandages around his stomach area.

Hmm… his muscles aren't bad. In fact they're pretty nice! admitted Kitty in her mind.

She took Kurt by the hand and sat down in the closest chair. She gently started stroking his palm.

"Kurt, I'm really sorry, this is all my fault!" said Kitty as another tear rolled down her cheek.

Kurt's grip squeezed Kitty's hand as he reached up with his other hand and wiped the tear away.

"All is forgiven mien Kätzchen" said Kurt.

"KURT!!! You are ok!!! Thank you!" said Kitty. "What does Kätzchen mean?" she asked.

Kurt smiled and turned a darker shade of blue. "It means Kitty." he said

"Really? I love it!" said Kitty enthusiastically. Then she leaned over and kissed Kurt gently on the lips.

Kurt looked stunned. "Kätzchen, why did you do that?" asked Kurt

"Because I always pay my debts, Fuzzy elf!" said Kitty. Kurt smiled and said

"That's fine with me! You need to get in debt more often!"

Kitty smiled and hugged her friend.

"OUCH! Watch the injuries!" said Kurt. Kurt was also a little sad. Why should I let her be my friend! She hurt me really bad. She made me so depressed, that I stopped eating and that is what caused me to teleport halfway through the bed! I was too weak to teleport completely! I don't think one little kiss could fix the fact that I almost died!

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" said Kitty.

It's ok. Hey I think I can walk now, that is if you will help me." said Kurt. Maybe she will change. At least I hope so.

"Of course. We could grab a snack, then like, watch a movie. You know, in the living room." said Kitty. Kurt then grinned one of his 1000 megawatt smiles that he was famous for.

"Sure Kätzchen, but I am REALLY hungry!" said Kurt.

Kitty phased them both to the kitchen because Kurt was too weak to teleport. Kurt ate a snack big enough to feed an army, then they watched a movie where the girl, falls in love with her best guy friend. Kitty was so tired, she fell asleep against Kurt's chest. After the end credits, Kurt shut off the t.v. and couldn't move without waking Kitty, so he also fell asleep. When Logan and Ororo returned, Ororo was the first to see Kurt and Kitty sacked out on the couch. Kurt had his arm around Kitty and Kitty was closely snuggled against Kurt. They both had smiles on their faces.

"Logan, look." whispered Ororo.

"How touching" said Logan. "It makes me want to dry-heave."

"Wolverine. You were young once too." said Ororo in a scolding tone. "It's nice to finally see them get along. I think they will be good friends."

"Yeah, I'm just glad the elf isn't around the house sulking anymore. And I was young once. Glad that's over." mumbled Logan as he walked out of the room. Ororo rolled her eyes and went to make some breakfast.

That is the end of this chapter! Yes, I have decided to let this story live on for a few more chapters. Did you like it? Hate it? No flames or I'll hunt you down and hurt you! (JK but please no flames!) P.S. I'm sorry for the spelling/grammar mistakes! I'm awful at both!