Chapter 1
"James! Come down here right now, or you will actually miss the train!" shouted Ginny up the stairs. Her husband and two youngest children were waiting in the hall, their coats on and trunks beside them. She had specifically told them to pack everything the previous night, but naturally James had left it until the last minute.
"James Sirius Potter, get down here this instant!" It was already half past ten, and the drive to Kings Cross would take about twenty minutes if they drove quickly. Thankfully, the eldest Potter-son came rushing down the stairs then, his trunk dragging behind him.
"Relax, relax, I'm here." He hurried to the hall and swiftly pulled on his jacket and tied his shoes.
"There, I'm ready to go." Harry rolled his eyes and led his family to the waiting car.
Lily sat looking out of the window at the passing landscape. It was her very first year of Hogwarts, but she was trying to hide her excitement. Albus was starting his third year and James his fourth. When Albus had come home from his first term at Hogwarts it was all he could talk about, something that drove Lily mad. She'd been wanting to go ever since she was old enough to understand what it was, and now she was finally on her way.
Her father glanced at her in the mirror before looking back at the road.
"Are you excited, sweetie?" he asked. Ginny smiled encouragingly at her daughter.
"Yes, it's going to be amazing." For an eleven year old, she was very mature.
"Let's just hope you won't be in Slytherin." James said with a small smile. His mother groaned and turned to look at him.
"Don't start that again, James. It doesn't matter what house she is put in, we don't mind." Lily really hadn't thought much of this, but started wondering. What if she wasn't in Gryffindor, the house that her whole family had been in?
"But, mum, what if I'm not in Gryffindor?" Ginny sighed, and looked pleadingly at her husband.
"Lily, sweetheart, you know we don't mind what house you're sorted into." Harry said softly, still watching the road.
"Yeah, I was worried too, but seriously, everyone in school is great." Albus put in, smiling at his younger sister.
"Okay then…" she said, still deep in thought.
Luckily, the Potter family arrived three minutes before the train departed, and they all said a hasty goodbye.
"Have a great time, Lily." Said Ginny as she hugged Lily. "Be sure to write later in the week and tell us how you are." Lily nodded and smiled weakly before turning to her father. Her brothers had already boarded the train, running to find their friends.
"Bye-bye, Daddy." she said, feeling a sting of sadness in her stomach. She had always been close to her dad, and would really miss him.
"Good bye, sweetie." He said hugging her and kissing her forehead. "Make sure you have an amazing time, don't let James get to you and write to us often." She nodded and hugged her dad again, feeling a tear rolling down her cheek. When he let go, he saw the tear and wiped it away.
"Relax, love, it'll be fine." He lifted her onto the train and closed the door. She leaned out of the window.
"I'll miss you, dad."
"I'll miss you too, honey." The train started rolling, and her parents walked along with it.
"Remember to visit Hagrid." Ginny said, now running along the train. "Behave, and make friends, okay?" She nodded, and let go of her father's hand. They stopped, and waved until the train disappeared into the distance.
"First years, this way please!" Hagrid yelled when the steaming train's doors opened. "All first years, follow me!" Heaps of young students nervously approached the half giant. "Come on, don't be shy." He saw Lily getting of the train, and beamed at her as she made her way toward him. They had met before, when Hagrid visited her parents.
"Lily!" he exclaimed, giving her an aching hug.
"Hello, Hagrid. Please, let go, can't breathe."
"Oh, sorry." He said and put her down on her feet. "Follow me, please!" he then shouted and started walking toward the lake. Ahead Lily could see the carriages, taking the other students to the castle. Fleetingly, she wished she was in one of them. She had always had a fear of water, and did not want to be in a small, rocking boat. They arrived at the side of the lake, with a stunning view of the castle.
"Please get in a boat. No more than four people per boat." Hagrid said, and waved to Lily to come to him.
"Harry told me about your fear of water, so you come in a boat with me, that okay?" She nodded thankfully and followed him to one of the boats. As soon as they were all filled, they magically started gliding forward, the lanterns swinging slightly by the motion.
"You know, they can't sink or anything, Lily. They are magical boats, you know that." Hagrid said quietly to her. She nodded a bit, but then sat still, trying not to look down at the black water.