
Disclaimer : I don't own Hey Arnold *Sigh* If only I did though

Helga's POV

As I lay in bed after another night of interrupted sleep I can't help but wonder what you're doing right now. I look at the clock that reads 5:36 am and I smile because I know that in just a few hours I will get to see him once again. It still amazes me how close we have become over the years and even though I'm happy that we're friends I can't help but want to be than that and the reason is that I love him. Now I know that to some people my loving him sounds like a broken record but trust me it's not. Before when we were younger I thought that I had loved him based on the fact that he was the first person to ever be genuinely nice to me so how could I not I not love him. As the years passed I slowly was becoming nicer to people so when our best friends (Phoebe and Gerald) started dating in the eighth grade it only made sense that Arnold and I would see more of each other and eventually we became best friends. But that's not how I feel in love in with him; the day I knew absolutely positively that I was indeed in love with Arnold was May six sophomore year of high school. It was I nice spring day and everyone was out having fun well everyone except for me. That day I had came home and walked in on my parents fighting now that was not the first time they had argued but what had happened next was the first and sadly wasn't the last time. Just as I was about to walk up the stairs to my room I had I loud bang followed by my mom crying I rushed down the stairs to see what had happened and what I saw scared me. There was my father standing over my mom hitting her. When I rushed down to help her my father turned around and punched my dead in my mouth when he realized what he had done he tried to apologize but I couldn't really hear him as I ran out the house with tears flowing down my face. I kept running until I reached the park and that is where Arnold found me.

"Hey Helga!" Said Arnold smiling but suddenly stopped when he noticed the tears falling and the blood flowing from her lip

'What happened?" he asked with concern

"Nothing Arnold I'm fine" said Helga

"Don't give me that bullshit Helga if someone hurt you I need for you to tell me who it was" said Arnold

"Why should I tell you huh? I know you have that thing about you where you feel the constant need to try to help people but guess what Arnold I don't want nor need your fucking help!" shouted Helga angrily

"I know what you're doing Helga and guess what sweetie it's not going to work! Said I an angry Arnold

"I don't know what you're talking about" replied Helga

"Oh don't give me that you know exactly what I'm talking about" said Arnold

"Yea I guess I can't fool ya anymore can I football head?

"Nope you can't! But I guess years of friendship with a person can teach you things…but back to my question who did this to you?

"Uummm it was was…" said Helga

"Who Helga?" said a concerned Arnold

"It was my dad" she said quietly

"What!! Helga I'm not letting you go back in that house again tonight." Said Arnold

"Well where do you suppose I stay the night at then Arnold…the park" said Helga with sarcasm

"No you'll stay with me" said Arnold

"Umm I do have female friends Arnold I could always stay with them" said Helga

"No you're going to stay with me" said Arnold

"Why do you want me to stay at your house so bad? She asked

As he looked into my eyes he said "Because I need to know that you're safe and the only way I'll be able to sleep tonight is if you're there next to me so I can protect you………………………………………………………………………………………..

That was the moment I fell in love with him. Since then things have only gotten better between us. That same year a girl named Jasmine Wright moved to the city and for some reason i instantly took a liking to her and we started hanging out. She was a good friend to me and I was to her. We had grown really close and besides Phoebe she was the only person who I had ever told my feelings for Arnold to. After I told her she would tried to hook us up by dropping subtle hints to him about us getting together but nothing worked. Even though I consider Jasmine a close friend of mine I can't help but feel a little bit jealous of her not only was she the most beautiful person I know she also had the attention of every guy in our grade including Arnold.