"Nathan, I thought we were going down to the cottage for Christmas, you promised," Haley whispered softly, as Nathan pulled out his suitcase. He didn't even have to pack anymore; there was an always packed suitcase in the back of their closet, ready for his impromptu business trips. Had he taken the time to look at his wife, he might've noticed the heart break in her eyes. But he didn't, he didn't realize how much his obsession with his business hurt her, he didn't realize that every time he put his work ahead of her, it chipped at her heart.

"I know babe, but this is important," He insisted as he crossed the hall to his study, Haley followed him, and stood in the doorway watching him shuffle through a stack of papers in frustration, "Where the fuck is the contract," He cursed under his breath, throwing papers to the floor that didn't meet what he needed.

"Nathan-…" Haley began in protest.

"What?!" He snapped, looking up at her angrily, "Its not like you have to clean this mess, we have servants so stop annoying me when I'm already so fucking frustrated!"

Haley stepped back as if he had hit her, "I just-…" She began look at her feet suddenly, she hated when he got like that, she hated when he took his frustrations from work, out on her, "Nate I just wanted to say, I don't-… is it really that important, can't it wait?" She asked hesitantly, "Can the trip wait, I was really looking forward to this Nate, we haven't been able to spend time together for a while now,"

Nathan's eyes softened, "Baby," He began, "You know how important this deal is to our business; if I don't go it could cost us a lot." He explained.

Haley nodded, "Yeah, you're right, I just… I miss you that's all," she whispered vulnerably.

"Oh fuck yeah! I found them, great, I can still make the flight!" he exclaimed looking down at his watch, he put them in his suitcase and was about to walk by her when he stopped and turned to her finally, "Don't be sad, I'll be back soon, it's only a matter of four months,"

Haley's eyes moistened and her hand rested lightly on the bump on her stomach, "But I'll be close to my due date by then," She whispered hurt.

Nathan looked down at the bump, "I know, I hired the best care in the world to take care of you babe, you'll be fine I promise, they will do anything to make sure your comfortable, any cravings, any movie you want to watch, anything you want, they'll be here I promise." He said, and before she could reply, he leaned in and kissed her forehead quickly, "I gotta run, take care," He said quickly, before grabbing his cell from his back pocket, leaving her standing by the doorway to the study.

"What if I want my husband," She whispered sadly.

The water was slowing her down tremendously, but she still tried her hardest to run towards the shore, she knew he was gaining on her and she would have to pick up speed to avoid him. She was so close; the water was to her thighs now, and just when she thought she had gotten away she felt a pair of muscled arms wrap around her waist, a little shriek leaving her lips as her back crushed against his chest, and both bodies fell back into the water.

Both of them broke the surface again, seconds later coughing out the water and rubbing their eyes. Brooke turned to her attacker laughing, "Asshole," She scolded as she playfully shoved him away from her.

He grinned back mischievously, "I wouldn't be so disrespectful if I were you,"

"Well you're not me, so fuck you," She answered with a raised brow.

Before she knew it, he had grabbed her wrists and crushed her against his hard chest, "Sorry, what was that?" He asked smugly.

Brooke tried to pull away, but now his arms were securely around her waist and there was no way she would be able to break free, not that she really wanted to.

There was a momentary pause as their eyes remained locked; Brooke could feel her heart beating almost crazily, "Let go of me," She insisted, but she knew it sounded weak to even her own ears.

"No," He whispered, they were so close now that she could almost feel his lips brush hers when he spoke.

"Why not?" She asked, her eyes trailing down to his lips. She prayed that he couldn't feel how embarrassingly fast her heart was going.

"Because I don't want to… and you don't want me to either," He answered smugly, his eyes on her plumb lips, and his tongue darted out licking his lips slightly, and this action almost made Brooke squeal.

"Luke…" She began, but before she knew it a roguish smile grew on his lips and his arms left her waist and he submerged in the water.

Brooke's mouth fell as she looked around, disappointment weighing down her racing heart, "Lucas!" She muttered under her breath, but before she could look for him, she felt arms encircle her ass and before she knew it she was being picked off the ground and she let out a startled scream. The water was at his mid chest as he stood up, and he grinned up at her as her arms draped around his shoulders holding onto him, she looked down at him so that their faces were inches apart, "Luke-…"

But before she could finish he leaned up and captured her lips with his, silencing the rest of her sentence, and Brooke responded so quick, it was like she had been waiting months for this… which she had been. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, and she leaned down some more as he deepened the kiss, his tongue flicking against her lips and hers parted to allow entrance. They both clung to each other, equally trying to pull the other closer against them, urgency in their joined lips, tongues battling for dominance. Any onlooker would see the pair pressed tightly against each other, his arms wrapped around her lower back lifting her slightly in the air, her arms wrapped tightly around him, one hand somewhat grabbing at a fistful of hair, passion radiating out of them almost as if they were making love.

The truth was, the two of them have been longing for each other for a while now, but it had always been the wrong time to be together. It began from them competing from the same job, and led to Brooke working for him. While it began with the two hating each others guts, the sexual chemistry had been there from the beginning, but as they spent more and more time together, it got harder and harder to resist. But it wasn't only the physical attraction either, the day she had accidently ease dropped on him defending her to a co-worker she knew, that she was completely in love with this guy;

Brooke readjusted her hair as she made her way toward Lucas's office, she had realized that the stack of folders she had given him this morning from yesterday's meeting had been one short, so she made her back to his office and she felt the familiar flutter in her heart. She felt like an idiot every time she got a buzz of excitement at the prospect of being in the same room as him. They had been harmlessly flirting back and forth for a while now, and it had a certain thrill to it that she couldn't describe. The way that he looked at her sent a chill up her spine, and the way their hands would linger seconds longer then they needed to when in any sort of contact, whether it be handing him and folder or passing him a cup of coffee.

Speaking of coffee, she should probably drop by the staff room and grab him a cup; maybe they could drink coffee together? Yeah she should grab them both a cup and he might ask her to sit down. 'Oh god, Brooke, you're pathetic,' she scolded herself. Forget it, grab yourself coffee, and pass him his folder, if he asks you to get him a cup THEN get it for him. He would ask if he wanted you to stay and have coffee with him, and he won't if he's busy, this is a full proof plan where she wouldn't look desperate or pathetic.

Brooke made her way toward the staff room but stopped in her tracks when she heard two people talking… about her.

"Seriously man, you should see my fucking assistant, she's a fat mother of five! Your fucking lucky to have some next model chick as yours, I would so take advantage of that man, make her stay late one night and have her on the desk or something," One voice said, and she recognized him as Gary from a few units down, he was the manager of the HR department.

Lucas snorted, "Shut up man,"

"No seriously, that bitch looks like she needs a good fucking man, she walks around so all mighty, I would love to be the one to take some of that arrogance out of her, and she's fucking hot man, seriously, slut needs a good fucking I tell yo,"

Brooke frowned disgusted, it hurt that they would talk about her like that, she expected better from Lucas, she expected more from him… she felt her vision blur and Brooke knew tears would soon follow so she turned to leave;

"Gary, shut the fuck up man, you don't know Brooke Davis so I'd suggest you keep your mouth shut," Lucas said sternly, his voice strained with anger.

Brooke stopped in her tracks, her mouth falling open slightly, turning back around slowly.

"Dude relax, why are you getting so worked up,"

"Listen 'dude', I respect Brooke Davis, and I'm not okay with hearing you talk about her like she's some next slut, you don't know anything about her, and she's ten times better then anything or anyone you'll ever know. But I don't need to defend her to you, just know that the next time her name comes outta your mouth, you'll deal with me,"

Brooke felt her heart melt and before she knew it, a tear had escaped her eyes and trailed down her cheek. No one had ever defended her like that, no one had ever said that they respected her behind her back, he looked at her like he wanted to eat her, and that sent a thrill through her, but she did not expect for him to actually care about her, because that did something else entirely to her. She had never felt the emotion buzzing through her chest before, and Brooke knew that it wasn't pure lust or infatuation that she felt for him… she totally, and irrevocably loved this guy.

"Luke, stop," Brooke whispered, pulling away, both bodies breathing hard trying to regain their breath, as much as Brooke wasn't sure if she'd be able to stop herself, or how much it would break her heart if he stopped, Brooke had always been a girl with morals regardless of what anyone said, and she knew the company policy and she knew that this could cost Lucas his job.

Lucas ignored her, now Brooke's legs had been wrapped around his waist and he just pulled her tiny waist more tighter against him as his lips attached to her neck, urgently sucking at the flesh his mouth covered, Brooke moaned in pleasure, and the fist encircled around his hair half heartedly attempted to pull his head away, "Luke, your job, we can't do this, and… I can't be a one time thing, that's not me," She whispered.

He finally pulled away and looked up at her, and Brooke tried her best to mask her vulnerability, "Brooke, I would never want a one time thing with you, I care about you Brooke Davis, more then you know, and about the job, we'll work something out, I want to be with you,"

Brooke signed in relief and a half smile played on her lips, and this time she leaned down and covered his lips, passion and urgency in her kiss as she wrapped her arms tighter around him, not that there was much room between them, their bodies were pressed so tightly against each other that it was almost impossible to breath as they two attacked each others lips as if it was their only source of oxygen. His hands cupped her ass securely, as he walked towards the shore with her on top of him, pushing against the force of the water before he finally had her at shore and he kneeled down on the sand before finally laying back with Brooke straddling his waist. Brooke finally pulled her lips away, "Luke," She moaned, she wanted him so bad that she was ready to rip off his clothes right there and then, but this wouldn't really help their 'work situation' if anyone saw them doing it on a public beach.

"Brooke," He groaned almost painfully, he needed her so fucking bad right now, after months of flirting and resisting, he couldn't take it anymore, but he respected her, and doing it on a public beach was not the classiest way to show her he cared about her. Plus, they still had a lot to work out with the job thing.

Brooke's leaned down, nibbling his earlobe affectionately, purring slightly, causing Lucas to flip them over so he was covering her, before growling at her in return, "I want you so bad," She moaned.

"Stop saying that," He whispered, his hands sliding down her naked sides before his thumbs curled into the string of her bikini bottom, "Or I'm not gonna be able to control myself," He managed between gritted teeth, causing Brooke to feel hot all over. She couldn't help but press her hips against his almost urgently.

"Luke," She whimpered painfully, and as his mouth began to lower towards hers, a wave of cold water crashed onto the sand, covering both of them for a couple of seconds, drenching them again with the cold water, and Lucas stopped midway, "Ok I needed that," he laughed, before his fists dug into the sand by the two sides of her waist before pushing himself up and off her. She could tell that it was hard for him to do that, and it made her want him more.

But Brooke gritted her teeth to calm her racing heart and subside her longing for him, and took the hand he offered her, sparks flying with the simplest touch, as he helped her up, "Now go cover yourself up before I can't hold myself back any longer," He whispered, grinning mischievously.

It took a second for Brooke to plaster the smirk across her lips, leaning in and capturing his lower lip between his teeth seductively, before turning to walk away, purposely swaying her hips before him, moments later she half turned to find his jaw hanging open and his eyes unable to tear away from her, and she winked laughing.

"Oh fuck this, get over here!" He growled deeply, making towards her causing Brooke to squeal, breaking into a run.

Two Months Later…

"HALEY!!" Brooke screamed at the top of her lunges when Haley got out of the car, one hand holding her bulging stomach while the other balanced herself against the window frame of the door, "Oh my god, Haley, Haley, Haley!" Brooke sang, as she ran down her porch steps and came to a halt just in front of her sister, before looking at her with eyes wide open, "How should I… can I hug you?" Brooke asked nervously, causing Haley to smile affectionately.

"Yes Brooke, you can hug me," Haley nodded, but leaned back when Brooke raised her arms happily, "BUT, be very gentle," She warned mockingly.

Brooke laughed, wrapping her arms lightly around her, before leaning to be face to face with the huge bump, "Hey little one's, you two should be coming out very soon, and then your aunt Brooke is going to spoil the shit- oops, I mean, spoil my little two munchkins like a crazy women," She promised, before leaning in and kissing the bump with a grin.

Haley laughed, as Brooke stood back up to face her sister with a huge grin, "Brooke, you'll never change will you," She whispered affectionately, before cupping her cheek affectionately, "I missed you little B,"

Brooke's smile softened, "I missed you too H, it's been so long, I missed you so much, much more then I can explain," She whispered, her eyes beginning to glisten slightly.

Haley nodded, the truth was, ever since she had been married, she hadn't been able to come back to Tree Hill because of how hectic Nathan's schedule's been. And Brooke was in her last year of university, and quickly followed to her summer internship and had been too busy to make the five hour trip to Haley's. It had been a year since she'd seen her little sister, and only god knew how much she missed her family.

Brooke put her arms around Haley again, before planting a kiss on her cheek happily, but before she could pull away, Haley heard her mom.

"Oh my baby!" Victoria screamed, from the stairway inside, tears already brimming from her eyes as she made for the doorway.

Haley's face lit up as she met her mom half way in a loving embrace, "Mom! Oh mom, I missed this so much," She sighed, relishing the feel of her moms embrace.

"My baby girl," She whimpered, as she pulled away and cupped Haley's face between her hands and looking at Haley as if drinking in the sight with her eyes, she kissed Haley's forehead lovingly, before looking down at her huge stomach, "My little grandchildren," She said in awe, her hands touching the roundness, her eyes brimming with new tears.

Brooke, who had been quietly watching from the doorway, finally stepped forward and put an around Haley's shoulders, "That's right mom, we have two new additions to the family coming soon!" She grinned.

Her mom smiled at Haley, "I was so happy to find out you were pregnant, and overjoyed at getting a grandchild, but I didn't even imagine I'd be getting two! I'm so excited baby girl, I'm twice as happy!" She grinned.

Haley smiled, her hands wrapping protectively around her stomach, almost in habit, "Where's dad?"

Brooke rolled her eyes, "Where else?"

"The office," Haley sighed knowingly, their dad wasn't much different from Nathan; in fact she had met Nathan because of her dad. John was just as involved and obsessive with his company as Nathan, they were actually each others biggest rivals before at a social gathering, Nathan lay his eyes on Haley, and now the two companies were partners, controlling the whole industry together. But that just meant that her dad was in the office pretty much all day, and just as completely absorbed.

Haley sighed, "I'll go meet him upstairs,"

Later on that night the two sisters finally got more time alone as they sat in their old room together, where their beds were diagonal from each others, and there was a huge computer desk in one corner.

Haley sat, leaning against her headboard with a pillow propped in between, "Ok, so tell me about this new job, why the hell are you working as an assistant when you can be working as a vice in dad's company?!" Haley asked incredulously.

Brooke laughed at Haley's shock, laying on her stomach, with her feet toward her head rest, propped up with her elbows, "I know, it doesn't make too much sense, but it's like… like we're so blessed you know, we've always gotten everything we've ever wanted, the best schools, the best clothes, the best cars, everything. Everything was always handed to us… you even had your husband handed to you,"

Haley raised a brow, "And?"

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I mean you got a crazy rich guy with a huge mansion, and he's as hot as fuck!" Brooke added slyly, before leaning up a little more seriously, "But it's like, we've always had everything handed to us, I just don't want my career handed to me as well, you know. I want to do this myself, I want to make a career on my own, the normal way, I want to work for it; I want to earn it you know?" She explained, looking up at her sister, but when Haley didn't reply, Brooke continued quickly, "I know this might sound totally crazy and all, I just-…"

"No, Brooke," Haley interrupted, "I'm just so in awe. I never ever imagined something like this from you, you've always been daddy's spoiled little girl that took everything for granted, we've both been-…"

"No Haley, don't put yourself in that category, you've always been amazing, you've never been like me, you always appreciated what you got, you always treated our parents so nicely, you've always been the perfect girl H, and you know it,"

"Brooke-…" Haley said, about to protest before Brooke cut in again.

"Ok cut the saint crap, jeez. You were, and I know mom and dad always loved you more because of how ideal you were-…"

"They didn't love me more-…"

"Yes they did. I'm not saying they didn't love me, because obviously they did, I know that. It's just, I've always been the taker, and I took it all for granted, as if I deserved it for being born into this family, but you, you've always been the giver. You always knew from right and wrong, you never let mom and dad shower you with gifts like they did for me, you always sat with mom and cared about things like her day, her feelings, her opinions, and you even became dads confidant, his best friend. And truthfully, I always looked up to you, and I always felt like you were too good for me, you know?" Brooke insisted, and when she saw Haley's eyes tear up, she quickly continued, "And I feel like, that by being someone others can be proud of too, I'll finally make myself proud, and I'll deserve to be called your sister,"

And before Brooke knew it, Haley was climbing out of her bed with a wet face and filled eyes with her arms outstretched, "C'mere, little one," She managed between blubbers of chocked tears.

Haley came and took a seat next to her before gathering her into her arms, Brooke hugged Haley's waist, her head resting in her laps beside the bump as Haley ran her fingers through Brooke's hair, "Little B, you do know that you're already an amazing girl," And when Brooke was about to protest, Haley hurried on to explain, "You've always taken life with a huge grin on her lips, you've never let anything put you down, you've always stood up for what you believe in and for your family, you have so many things that make you stand out Brooke, I've always been the shy one that took what life gave her, unlike you, you made your own rules and when life tried to pull you down, you knew how to kick your way out. You are an awesome sister, and you don't need to change yourself for anyone, you hear?" She whispered, looking at her sister's face in admiration, "And if you do this, 'get your own career' thing, I want you to do it only for you, and I'm so proud of you Brookie, I love you,"

Brooke's eyes brimmed with tears as well, as she sat up cross legged, "I knew pregnancy is suppose to make the girl emotional, but why the hell is it effecting the girls sister, jeez," Brooke said, laughing between the tears sliding down her cheek.

Haley's hand reached out to wipe the tears from Brooke face, and Brooke smiled before taking both of her hands to wipe the puddle off Haley's face, completely soaking her hand in the process, "Shit women," Brooke teased, causing Haley to giggle.

"Ah," Haley winced, and they both automatically looked down at her bulging stomach, "That one's a kicker," She said affectionately.

"Which one?" Brooke asked, looking up in awe, "You can tell the difference?"

"Yeah, I know where both are positioned, and I'm telling you, this one to this side, is a kicker, while the other one is a little more gentle with mommy," Haley grinned.

"Can I feel?" Brooke asked.

Haley grinned, before guiding Brooke's hand to the right place, "Press down slightly,"

Brooke did as she was told, and sure enough after a few moments she felt another kick, "Oh shit," Brooke exclaimed, "She's a fighter!"

"Reminds me of someone else I know," Haley said, grinning slyly.

Brooke looked up suddenly, "Me?" She asked excited.

Haley laughed, "I think I already know the names,"

"No way!" Brooke exclaimed, "No way, you're shitting me! Tell me, tell me!"

"Well I need to run this by Nathan first, but I'm thinking of naming our fighter girl, Brookie, and my lazy son, Hale,"

Brooke was quiet for a few moments, her eyes opened wide and her mouth hanging.

"Uh Brooke?" Haley asked after a few seconds, "Brooke can you hear me?" She asked patting Brooke's cheek lightly.

Brooke's eyes fluttered open and closed, "Hale," Brooke whimpered.

"Haaaaaaaaaale!!" Brooke wailed loudly, "HALE!"

"What's wrong Brooke?" Haley asked running down the porch steps to find her 5 year old sister beside her fallen three wheeler on the sidewalk, clutching her knee with huge droplets of tears running down her face, "Oh my god, let me see," the 8 year old Haley insisted pulling at Brooke's hand covering the knee,, but Brooke wouldn't move it, "I need to see it!"

Brooke continued to cry loudly, one hand rubbing at her eye, while the other clutched her knee, "HALE!" She screamed between sobs.

Haley finally managed to pull the hand away from her knee to find the tiniest of scraps there, with just a drop of blood squeezing out, and Haley sat back relieved, "Are you serious?"

"It hurts so much Hale!" Brooke cried, and when she didn't feel like Haley was showing the right amount of sympathy, she covered her face and cried louder.

"Okay, come inside, let's put a bandage on,"

"I can't move!" Brooke sniffed, looking at her sister with puppy eyes.

Haley broke into a smile, "C'mere Brookie," She said, before helping Brooke onto her back and slowly piggybacking her back up her porch steps.

Brooke grinned, tightly holding onto Haley's shoulders, "I lowe you Hale,"

"I 'lowe' you too, Brookie," Haley smiled.

"Are you actually serious?" Brooke asked, tears falling from her eyes again, her throat clogging up.

"Yeah, I can't think of any names better,"

Brooke broke into a tearful giggle, "Brookie and Hale? You know they're going to hate you right?"

Haley giggled through her new batch of tears as well, "Yeah well, the morning sickness I go through? I think its fair,"

Brooke made a face, and Haley just rolled her eyes laughing. It was so nice just sitting and laughing with Brooke, she hadn't felt this carefree and happy since her honeymoon. Haley's laughter disappeared and her smile dropped the second she brought Nathan back into her main focus.

Brooke who knew her sister better then anyone and could read her like a book sighed, leaning back against her headboard, "So how long is the hubby gone for now?" Brooke asked with a raised brow, Brooke made it no secret how much Nathan being away from Haley all the time bothered her.

"Brooke," Haley sighed, "It's only two more months,"

"Yeah but it's your crucial months Hales," Brooke insisted incredulously, "I don't understand how you're okay with this?"

Haley sighed, getting up and absentmindedly playing with the blinds by the window, "He had to go, he didn't want to," Haley insisted, looking out into the darkness. Truth was, these last two months had been hell for Haley. She felt so lonely and abandoned that she sometimes felt suffocated in that huge mansion, "He wouldn't of left if he had a choice,"

"Like hell he had to do," Brooke muttered, "It really gets to me how you let him treat you like that. Which husband leaves his wife the four months before her due date?"

Brooke sighed when Haley didn't acknowledge her question, no matter how much Haley tried to hide it, Brooke could see through Haley's façade. She looked so worn out and tired and lonely, that Brooke's heart ached. How could anyone put up with such a man?

"You don't understand Brooke, I know a lot of the things he does might make you doubt the type of person he is, but you don't know him like I do, he has a heart of gold, he just doesn't show it so often," Haley insisted sincerely, "But trust me, he's one of the greatest people I've ever met. He cares about me, he just… he just has other responsibilities too," Haley explained, things were great with Nathan when they were together at the beginning, they had gone to their honeymoon, he had taken a whole month off, and that time had been the best time of her life, he was such a romantic, she had never seen that side of him before and she had fallen even more in love with him. It was just really rare to see those sides of him, but when she saw it, she knew that this was one of the most caring, loving and one of the greatest guys she's even known. But of course they didn't get to stay the whole month, and they had to return for a crucial business meeting. He was busy a lot, but she knew he loved her, and he never did it to hurt her.

Brooke watched the conflict on her pain as she clutched her stomach more protectively and just shook her head; his other responsibilities should never come before you or your children, Haley.

Haley snapped out of it and quickly turned around to face Brooke with a genuine smile, "So tell me about this Lucas guy,"

Brooke who had crawled back onto her stomach, quickly flipped around onto her back happily, "Lucas," She grinned sheepishly.

"I already know his name," Haley teased, "Tell me more about him,"

"Well, he's my boss first of all,"

Haley's eyes widened, "Brooke, you're screwing your boss!"

Brooke got up and looked at her, "Hales! It's not like that!"

Haley raised a brow, "So your not screwing your boss?"

"Well, it is like that, but not in that icky, trashy way. I love him, Hales," Brooke admitted shyly, "I can't imagine a day in my life without him. You need to meet him, he's honestly so… ugh, you know, but in the good way. Like I just love this guy with my whole heart, the way he looks at me Hales, the way he cares for me, the way he talks to me, the way he fucking touches-…"

"Ok, too much information," Haley interrupted, making a face.

Brooke giggled, "No but seriously Haley, everything about him, I just completely and utterly love him,"

"I really want to meet him now," Haley smiled, surprised at the intensity of Brooke's feelings, Brooke wasn't the type to throw around the word love, and the fact that it was even being spoken from her lips was a huge deal right now.

"Good, because we're having dinner with him tomorrow!" Brooke informed slyly.

Haley opened her mouth startled, "Brooke!"

Brooke laughed, "Uh… surprise?"

Haley shook her head smiling, "And how does it effect your work atmosphere, I can't believe they're letting you two work together still!"

Brooke blushed, and looked away.

"Brooke," Haley said sternly.

Brooke pretended to busy herself with her nails.

"BROOKE? Tell me your company is informed of this relationship?" Haley asked incredulously.

"Well… not exactly, its just we haven't figured that out. The departments we're both in right now, and working directly together… is convenient,"

Haley made a face, "I can't believe you,"

Brooke sighed, "I know, we will tell them eventually, but we just want to enjoy this time together. We're nearing busy season and once we get there, we'll never see each other if we're not working in the same department! We just plan to get through this one busy season and then we'll come clean! I promise!"

"You realize this could cost you or him, or both your jobs right, if you get caught without telling them first," Haley warned logically.

"Well I'm going to be there tomorrow, so drop by anytime and check out the office. You'll see, we're very good!"

Haley shook her head, but the puppy eyes and pouted lips Brooke made at her made her smile.

They talked until Brooke passed out, and Haley still sat up against her headrest holding her stomach, the words of the doctor echoing in her head…

Brooke piled together the last stack of papers, stabling them in her arms carefully, motioning for Sarah to hold open the door for her in the copying room. Then Brooke proceeded to slowly make her way towards Lucas's office, making sure the pile of papers didn't topple over.

Brooke saw Gary walking past, turning to call out after another co-worker, Brooke 's other hand huddled over her work protectively, "Gary, watch out," she called when he was a few steps away from her, avoiding collision at the last second. Brooke breathed out in relief; that was close.

Now just get this pile on the desk safely Brooke, step by step, you can do it, Brooke guided herself slowly towards the office, she has been known to being clumsy around the office, and Brooke had to prove herself, she could do this, she could carry a simple stack of papers from one room to another without dropping it, easy, just a few more steps Brooke.

Brooke tapped on Lucas's door with her heel, hoping he'd get the hint. When it didn't open, Brooke sighed, turning around and using her back to push open the door while protectively holding the heavy stack.

"Mr. Scott, I-…" Brooke began, but felt a hand encircle her wrist and she was pulled to the side so fast, the breath was sucked out of her and the stack of papers she worked so hard to hold, went flying out of her hands, and when she was about to let out a startled scream, her mouth was covered with a strong hand as her back hit the wall with a little thump. Brooke opened her eyes to stare back at a familiar pool of blues.

Brooke couldn't help but glare as the papers flew around the room, lazily finding their way to the ground, every which way, "Luke!" She muttered, pushing him away from her but he didn't budge, except to move his foot backwards to nudge the door closed.

He leaned in closer smugly, "It's Mr. Scott to you…" but then his mouth lowered to nibble on her ear, "…or you can just call me, Sir," he growled.

Brooke couldn't help but feel a hotness spread through her, she couldn't help the effect he had on her, she never could, but she was still annoyed with the floor of white paper surrounding them, so she resisted by trying to push him away still, "Stop,"


"Luke," Brooke objected, her hands pushing at his chest.

"Call me Sir," He growled, keeping her trapped against the wall with his body.

"No," She glared; trying to ignore the feeling his wandering hands were sending throughout her body. His hands made their way up from her waist to right below her breasts.

"Say it," He demanded urgently, grabbing her bottom lip gently between his teeth.

Brooke moaned in pleasure, it was getting harder and harder to pretend like she didn't want him to take her up against the wall right then and there, and before she knew it, her body betrayed her, and as he led her arms to his shoulders, she found herself wrapping her legs around his waist, and he stabled her by squeezing her tighter between him and the wall, "Sir," She moaned urgently, seconds before his lips crushed hers in a heated kiss.

Before she knew it, his hands were on her blouse, ripping it open and Brooke vaguely recalled her buttons going flying, but she didn't have enough time to think, before his hands were on her covered breasts and his face had dug into her neck. Brooke could only grab at a fistful of hair and moan passionately at the sensations his simplest touch could send throughout her body.

He had her squeezed against the wall behind her, one hand cupping her ass as the other was on her chest, doing things that made Brooke groan in desire, as her fist holding his hair pushed his head deeper into her neck, while the other clawed passionately at his back.

"Oh god Luke, I need you so bad," Brooke moaned as she grinded her hips against his crotch, causing a deep growl to escape his lips as he sucked on the flesh between her shoulder and neck, his hands sliding under her bra.

"Uhm excuse me is Broo-… BROOKE?!"

Lucas half turned and Brooke caught the sight of Haley's wide eyes on them, "OH MY GOD, HALEY!" Brooke hissed, as Lucas moved to let Brooke down, and Brooke quickly pulled the two sides of her ripped blouse closed in front of her.

"Oh my god!" Haley quickly shut the door behind her, before a scene was created, "What the hell? So much for drop in whenever, we're so good!"

Brooke blushed and Lucas looked from sister to sister awkwardly, "Uh… hi, I'm the other part of the "we", Lucas, Lucas Scott," He smiled awkwardly putting out a hand to shake, but Haley just stared at it making a face, and Lucas recalled back to where his hand was 20 seconds ago before stuffing it in his suit pocket, "Uh hi," He said sheepishly.

Brooke winced, "Haley, I'm sorry, this isn't how it is, we just… uh honestly-…"

"Yeah this was my fault, I'm sorry; Brooke had nothing to do-…"

"Oh save it you two, next time, at least lock the door you horny kids," she muttered rolling her eyes.

Lucas's eyes widened, and Brooke let out a stifled laugh, causing Haley to laugh as well, "Ok so awkward way to meet, but hey, I'm Haley, Brooke's older sister, and you are her boss, aka her boyfriend, pleasure to meet you," Haley teased.

Lucas chuckled, reddening slightly, "Nice to meet you too,"

"Alright I'm going to wait outside for you two," Haley smiled.

"Oh no, Haley, we're coming with you now, we can just sign out-…" Brooke began, following Haley toward the door.

"I know, I know, but I thought this relationship was , so it probably won't help if you came outside with a ripped blouse and messy hair," Haley teased, causing Brooke to look down at her ripped top blushing.

"Do you need my sweater or something?" Haley asked.

"Don't worry about it, Haley, we always have one ready," Lucas grinned slyly, opening his bottom drawer to pull out another blouse.

Haley's mouth fell open and Brooke shrugged sheepishly.

Haley shook her head, "Ok, I'm going to wait for you two downstairs,"

As soon as she closed the door behind, Lucas chuckled before passing Brooke the blouse, but just as he turned to grab his jacket Brooke grabbed his arm and pulled him around, before shoving him against his desk, "Where do you think you're going sir?" She whispered hoarsely, pushing her chest seductively up against him, and her hands slowly making her way down to his pants.

His eyes widened in surprise, "Brooke-…" he began, when Brooke began giggling uncontrollably, and pulled away.

"I wish I could've recorded your face right now," She mocked, laughing uncontrollably, and mocking the look of surprise on his face, it was so cute, such an innocent wide eyed look that she couldn't resist laughing, but it was short lived, because before she knew it one arm had wrapped around her waist and he had picked her up and turned her around, placing her at the edge of his desk, and his mouth lowered to suck at the exposed skin around her bra as he ripped the torn blouse completely off her, while he pushed apart her knees, his pelvis pressing against her.

Brooke let out a breathless hiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her hips immediately reacting by grinding against him. But just as she reacted, he pulled away, leaving her huffing and puffing, and her eyes open in shock, "Bastard," She muttered when she realized his ploy.

He winked at her, "Let's go, Haley's waiting for us," He grinned.

Brooke shook her head, pulling on her new blouse, "Ugh I hate you so much,"

An hour later, the three sat in a coffee shop laughing at their awkward encounter, "Okay so, let's pretend that you didn't just seem me pressing your sister up against a wall, and instead we just met," Lucas grinned, "I'm Lucas, I've heard a lot about you, and it's a pleasure to finally meet you,"

Haley smiled, "All good I hope," Haley teased.

Lucas laughed, "Of course, all I hear from this one is 'Haley this' and 'Haley that' and I assure you, its all good."

Haley smiled at Brooke, "I've trained you well little one," She teased, causing Brooke to make a playful face back.

"Yup, lucky you, you're kids are gonna be just like me," Brooke mocked laughing.

Lucas chuckled, "Brooke can't wait for the babies, and to tell you the truth, she already drags me to baby stores every time we're out,"

Haley's eyes widened, "Really?"

Lucas grinned, "And to tell you the truth, we've already picked some things out,"

"Lucas, stop exposing!" Brooke mock pouted.

Haley laughed, "My babies are gonna be really lucky to have Brooke spoiling them,"

Lucas put an arm around Brooke's shoulders, "They'll have both of us," He stated with a wide grin.

"Oh yeah? Are you guys that serious?" Haley asked, surprised.

Brooke blushed, cuddling into Lucas's chest, "Shut up Luke,"

Haley grinned, "Honestly, you guys make a really cute couple, minus my first sight of you two together,"

Brooke grinned, tilting her face to look up at Lucas, and Lucas titled his head down smiling, and Haley couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness as she watched the couple smile so affectionately at each other. The last time Nathan had looked at her like that, or had time to look at her like that was a long time ago. Haley could even pinpoint it, it was momentarily when he found out she was pregnant, the joyful union lasted a day before he was interrupted for a meeting.

The rest of the day was spent amongst the three of them, Lucas took the girls shopping, which basically consisted him of following them shop to shop holding their shopping bags, and every once in a while treating the pair to something. But that one day was enough, Haley sadly didn't remember having that much fun in a while, the day was spent so carefree and relaxed, making jokes and not giving a shit about any real life problems. Haley missed that, missed worry about nothing.

"Oh one second, I'm getting a call," Haley stated, feeling the vibration against her thigh, the pair stopped beside her as Haley motioned for them to hold on as she walked a few metres away, "Hello?"


"Nate," Haley whispered, heartache washing through her, she hadn't heard from him in almost two weeks now, "Nathan, how come you haven't called?" She asked, trying to mask her pain.

"I know, I'm sorry, but we've been working around the clock on this last layout, if we can make this perfect, and they buy our idea, then that's it, Haley, I'll be back with you maybe even sooner!" He explained.

A smile lit up her face, "Really?"

"Yeah, but I got to go for now, my partner is suppose to be coming to pick me up soon, we have a social party thing for the company," Nathan explained hurriedly.

Haley nods, "Nathan," She whispered, as a hand clutched her stomach, "I love-…"

"Haley, he's here, I got to run; I'll talk to you as soon as I can! Take care!" He said distractedly, before the line went dead.

Haley took a huge breath, trying to plaster a smile on her lips and a finger quickly brushed at her eyes. Haley counted to five before turning around, and walking towards the pair, but they weren't just standing where she had left them.

Lucas was leaning against a store's window, with Brooke standing between his legs, she had her arms wrapped around his neck and his were against her hips, with all their shopping bags still in his hands. Brooke was playing with his hair while he was laughing at something she was saying.

Haley couldn't help but feel the longing in her heart, they looked so cute together, so in love; they were the ideal couple that couldn't take their eyes or their hands off each other. Through out the day,, Haley noticed little touches of affection that they didn't even do knowingly. The way Lucas would always have his arm casually thrown over her chair as they sat, or how his hand would often be on the small of her back when they walked, or the way he would look at her when she said something funny or stupid, and just the little eye contacts they would make thinking she didn't notice, or how they would smile at each other randomly, he was the complete opposite of Nathan. Nathan never looked or touched her the way Lucas did with Brooke, not normally at least, the only time he had been so affectionate was two times; once on their honeymoon and the day he found out she was pregnant.

Haley cleared her throat, causing Brooke to pull away from Lucas, and he pushed away from the wall, "I really don't see how you two are suppose to be d. low," Haley teased.

Lucas laughed and Brooke grinned, "Why do you think we brought you so far away from home?"

Haley raised an amused brow, "It's all clear now, but I feel like I'm becoming a bother to this horny pair," Haley joked, with a mock pout.

"No way!" Lucas exclaimed before Brooke could, "We're together all the time because of the work stuff, and spend a lot of time alone; it's really nice to be able to hang out with someone else without having to hide our relationship, because there aren't that many people that we can do that with. Plus, I'm having a lot of fun today, and having you here with us is great," He insisted honestly, giving her a genuine smile.

Haley smiled in return and Brooke wrapped her arms around his waist, giving him a huge kiss on the cheek, "Isn't he awesome? That's exactly what I wanted to say too," Brooke said, before walking towards Haley, "Today is one of the bestest days of my life; I have the guy I love, and my sister who I love more then my life, with me," Brooke whispered, before bringing her into a gentle hug, "My two favourite people in the whole entire world, I couldn't imagine my life without either of you!"

Haley smiled, forgetting about her previous heartache as she jokingly hooked arms with Brooke and joined her other arm with Lucas's, "Alright then, now the three musketeers need to go get some food, I'm craving some cheeseburgers!"

Two Months later;

"She's in labour sir! We just called the ambulance; it was really bad; she was in a lot of pain!" His house nurse informed worriedly, "I couldn't take care of it; she needed to go to a hospital!"

"But she's not supposed to go into labour until another two weeks! She's early, the babies can't come yet!" Nathan exclaimed, getting up off his chair and ignoring the room full of his colleagues staring back at him.

"I know Mr. Cohen, there was tremendous bleeding!"

"I'm on my way!"

Nathan thought back to the horrid conversation over and over again, it was driving him insane, he had take an emergency jet back and now was in car driving toward the hospital, "Can you drive faster!" Nathan barked at his driver for the hundredth time. They were already pushing the speed limit by 50km/h, but every second was eating at Nathan.

When they finally got there, Nathan ran out of the car before it had even come to a full stop, "Where's my wife, Haley Cohen, she was brought in hours ago, where is she!" He demanded impatiently.

Moments later, Nathan burst into the waiting room to find Haley's parents and sister already there, crying causing his heart dropping further in his chest.

He couldn't look at them any longer… it scared him; so instead he headed straight towards her room but a nurse stopped him, "You can't go in there right now,"

"But, Haley-…"

"The doctor will be out with you shortly; there is surgery going on,"

"What the fuck, surgery, but there has to be some mistake, my wife is pregnant; I need to see her!" He insisted, looking past her.

"I'm sorry, but no one's allowed in,"

"But she's my wife, what's going on, what surgery? Please I need to know, that's my wife in there!" He pleaded, his heart beginning to ache with every second that passed.

"The doctor will be out with you shortly, I don't know much,"

Nathan's finally nodded in shock, turning back towards her family in the waiting room.

The parents held each other sobbing so much they didn't even acknowledge his presence, so he went to Haley's sister, who was sitting on a chair with her legs pulled up against her chest, crying into her crossed arms.

"Brooke," He remembered her name being, "What's wrong, what surgery are they talking about?" He demanded, but her sobs only hardened. Nathan frowned, as he kneeled in front of her, he paused a few seconds but when he realized she wasn't going to answer he resorted to forcefully pulling her arms away from her face, "Look at me, what's going on with my wife?" He questioned, "You need to tell me!"

"Sh-she…" Brooke began uncontrollably, "I- I never even, she never told –she…" Brooke attempted between sobs.

This only caused the knot in his chest to tighten painfully, and before he knew it, he had grabbed her by her upper arms, pulling her out of the chair and forcing her to face him, "Brooke, you need to tell me clearly, PLEASE!" He half yelled.

"HALEY'S DYING!!" Brooke sobbed out painfully, and just as the words escaped her lips, Nathan felt like he had been stabbed in the chest, his hands that had been tightly gripping Brooke's upper arm dropped to his side, and just as they did, Brooke broke down in front of him, falling to her knees in tears, "My sister's dying!" She wailed, so much anguish in her voice… it was one of the most heartbreaking sounds he'd ever heard.

He stumbled back in shock, tripping over the magazine table and landing on the ground. He sat there, staring at Brooke who was a few feet away from him, still on her knees, but now curling forward and holding herself around the waist, wailing terribly.

"No," Nathan managed to whisper, his eyes and mouth wide open, "Don't say that!" He yelled, "What the fuck are you saying, you can't say shit like that!"

"Mr. Cohen,"

Nathan turned to find the doctor step out of Haley's room, and he crawled to his feet quickly.

"Doctor, why did my wife just have surgery; what's going on, HOW IS SHE?! I need to know! PLEASE!" He begged, his heart pounding painfully in his chest.

The doctor sighed, "She never told you either?"


The doctor shook his head sadly, looking at Nathan as if looking at a dying puppy. This only caused Nathan's insides to hurt more, "Follow me to my office, I'll explain everything,"

"I'm ready to sign the papers,"

"But Mrs. Cohen, you realize this decision could cost you your life,"

Haley looked at him, a faraway look in her eyes, "There is no way I'll let my babies die just so I can stay alive. Ask this question to any mother, and their answer will be the same," Haley answered confidently.

"This isn't something to think about so emotionally, you really need to think about this logically, there are strong chances that if you decide to go on with this pregnancy and give birth to your babies, you will not make it, you know that your-…"

"I know, I know, you've explained it all to me already; I cannot let my children die. It's my final decision,"

Nathan felt like someone had put his heart on fire, he had never felt this type of pain before, and he didn't even realize that tears were pooling out of his shocked eyes, "No, please," He whispered, "...She never mentioned-… she couldn't have," He almost pleaded.

"Mrs. Cohen signed the contract stating that she knew full well going into the rest of her pregnancy that there are strong chances she won't make it if she gives birth." The doctor informed Nathan, "And she did, you have a baby boy and a baby girl, but because of the difficulties in her pregnancy, they were born early without their lungs fully developed, so we're going to have to monitor them but their chances are good, but Mrs. Cohen on the other hand, as predicted was too weak to be giving birth to twins. It has taken its toll on her, and her insides are slowly becoming unable to function, there is no possible way to keep her alive. I'm really sorry Mr. Cohen,"

"N-n-no, there has t-to b-be some mis- mistake, H-H-Haley wouldn't d-do that to m-me," He stuttered, each word coming out painfully strained, Nathan couldn't feel his body anymore, his vision was blurred; nothing made sense, how could he be losing the women he loved with more then his life? How could he not have any control over such a life altering matter? There was nothing he could do? How could he be so hopeless that he couldn't even save her? He had to save her; he couldn't live his life without her. He didn't need the kids, all he needed was Haley!

"You can go and see her Mrs. Cohen, she's barely conscious right now, we don't know how much time she has left," The doctor said sympathetically, "There is no-…"

Nathan stumbled out of his chair, everything was a blur; he didn't even hear what the doctor continued with… he couldn't even say how he made it to her room. He turned the knob, slowing pushing it open, Brooke and her parents were already with her, the parents were in one corner of the room, watching her tearfully, while Brooke was sitting by her bedside, holding her hand crying, but Haley wasn't facing her. She was lying in the hospital bed, an IV stuck in her wrist, with a monitor displaying her heart activity. Her eyes were open, but she was staring into nothingness, no emotion in her eyes. When Brooke saw him, she leaned in and kissed her sisters forehead before moving to join her parents.

And it was when he lifelessly took a seat next to her, that she slowly turned her head to face him, and just as their eyes connected, a tear escaped her glistening eyes and rolled down her cheek slowly, "Nate,"

But it wasn't until she weakly lifted her hand and gently touched his cheek that he sucked in a deep painful breath and finally spoke, "Haley," He whispered painfully; but that alone held so much; a plead, a question, and so much pain.

Haley just shook her head sadly, "I'm Sorry," She whispered.

"No, you don't get to get away with it like that," He said shaking his head, his strong hand covering her trembling one against his face, "You need to tell me why; why did you think it was okay to make such a fucked up decision, why did you think it was okay to not ask me, to not even tell me? WHY?!" He demanded, "What gives you the right to completely destroy my life, Haley!?"

"Nate, everything I did… I did it for you," Haley whispered, her eyes tearing up, but too weak to move.


"Nate," She interrupted, before looking at him, her trembling hands slipping out of his grasp lifelessly, "Please… just hold me," She pleaded.

He felt his heart shatter completely in that second; because that's when he knew… it was actually over. There was no miracle, there was so screaming and yelling that could make her not leave him… it was over.

Something hurt so immensely inside that it was difficult to breathe, but no emotion was left on his face as he climbed into the small bed of hers, carefully avoiding the wires.

Haley attempted to pull herself into a sitting position, but there was no use, she couldn't move an inch, "Nate… please," She whispered, and Nathan knew what she needed, so he slowly pulled her up, it was like moving dead weight, there was no life in her body anymore, and another tear escaped his eyes as he pulled her into his arms and cradled her in his laps.

"No, Haley no please," Brooked whimpered, dropping at the side of her bed, one hand holding onto Haley's. The parents followed, all three surrounding the little bed, and the couple.

Haley's eyes remained locked with Nathan's, and her breathing slowly got harsher and more painful, "I… need…" Haley began, each word harder to get out, "… p-p-promise me… you… will… n-name… our… twins, B-Brookie… and H-Hale," She managed, causing Brooke to let out another heartbreaking wale before covering her mouth in her folded arms.

"Please, l-love… them… N-Nate," Haley breathed out slowly, her eyes slowly closing shut; there was a momentary pause, as if Haley was mustering the last bit of energy she could possibly manage, "I…" Haley began, her hand twitching slightly in an effort, causing Nathan to take a hold of it and press it against his cheek, "l-love…" She whispered painfully, her face leaning lightly into him, "… you,"

Nathan felt as if his heart was no longer pumping, and it felt almost unreal as he leant down, meeting her lips in their last kiss; his lips merely pressed against hers, yet this union of their lips was more meaningful and passionate then any kiss had ever been. They had shared many different types of kisses before, but none had meant what this did. Both of their tears wet each others lips, before Nathan pulled back, his hands cupping her face, "I love you too, Haley, I love you so much,"

A small peaceful smile graced her lips slowly; her eyes still closed, and she breathed in deeply; causing Nathan to hold his breath, before breathing out; making Nathan take in a huge breath, as silence filled the room.

A horrible loud noise left Nathan, a noise that couldn't be made out as anything, as he threw his head back and another one of those noises left his lips, before Haley was pulled out of his arms by her wailing parents and Brooke fell back in shock, "No, no this didn't happen, no, no, no no, please no!"

The doctor rushed in, followed by a nurse and they took one look at Haley and then at her machine, before the doctor finally shook his head sadly, "She's Gone,"

A/N by far the longest chapter I ever wrote, hope people actually read it all. This story will be very different from any story I've ever read on this site, and I can almost guarantee the same for you.

Because… the real story starts
