A/N: Sorry, this is kind of short and very, very crappy. I was very tired, this is at about 4 in the morning. I make a reference to Kristen Stewart's acting in this chapter, I hope you get it! Oh, and check out my friend RealisticFate who writes this hilarious crossover called Ultimate Randomness. I'm in it! (I don't act that weird... well, maybe a little... or a lot... weirder?... um... let's just get on with the chapter shall we?) Baii for now, have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night/blueberry.

Almost instantaneously, Edward recieved a text back from Bella. Wow, was she just waiting for me to text or something?

To: Eddie-pie

From: Bella-boo

Subject: Re: OMG

EDDYKINS! *gasp for air* You pr-pr-prom-promised! I-I-I-I don't-t understand-d-d! A-a-alright, I'm g-going sh-shopping with Alice-ce. I'm getting a new b-b-boyfriend. –Your sexyangel_69

Mhm, my sexy angel loves me. 69? Nice touch. Yeah... *drools*

DAMN! Where'd that unicorn go? *sigh* Life just isn't going my way, is it?

Edward sighed, it's time to go find Neville. A part of his miniscule brain thought, what's the point? His curiosity got the better of him and he went back to the brick wall.

*I pop into story, acting all narrator-esque* They always did say curiosity killed the cat, let's hope that applies for sparkly fags too.

HEY! Edward snatched in the air, but I had already disapparated. And he doesn't even know what that means. HA.

Wow, I must be going crazy, he thought. Hm... I'll just smash through this brick wall. Yeah, that'll work!

Edward's enthusiasm pumped. He was sure this would work. I mean, smashing through a brick wall, how hard could it be? He ran, braced himself for the attack and –

Crack! Ow... were vampire bones even allowed to break?

Fine, I'll just climb over it.

Surprisingly, this worked.

Edward walked into an alley that was busy with people, chattering and laughing. These people were strangely dressed (they've probably never even heard of Abercrombie & Fitch!) and had the strangest thoughts running through their minds.

Beetle eyes, 9 sickles a pound, bloody hell!

I wonder if mummy will get me a new owl, what with all the noise Edgie's been making lately...

Wow, a Nimbus 2002! That's even faster than the Firebolt!

Harry! Blimey, it's Harry Potter!

Harry Potter, I swear I just saw Harry Potter!

Defeated 'e who mus' not be named, an' so young an' all, that chap has somethin' to be proud o' all righ'.

Wow, this Harry Potter is very famous, Edward thought, slightly jealous. Suddenly, in his mind came a thought of this Harry Potter and he looked exactly like –

"Neville," Edward said under his breath.

For one crazy second Edward thought that maybe Neville was lying. Then he realised that they were probably twins and felt foolish indeed for thinking this. Then he realised that they didn't have the same last name. So he was lying.

Wow, that was a lot of thinking for poor old Eddie there (Hey, I'm not old! I'm frozen in my 17 year old perfection remember?!) but at least he came to a good solid conclusion.

Time to find my buddy Harry... Edward thought to himself.

As he looked around he saw the strangest shops and the most queer displays in his life. There were moon charts and magic wands and owls and frogs and lizard legs and bezoars (whatever those were) and potions and broomsticks and cauldrons and robes and parchment and quills. (Yup, no Abercrombie & Fitch) But what did this all add up to? Edward had no clue (though it was painfully obvious).

At long last, he found Nevi - Harry, sitting at a table with a red haired, freckled boy, a girl with brown bushy hair and slightly large front teeth and the girl he had seen in Harry's thoughts, the one with the same colour hair as the other boy.

Edward took a deep breath and walked towards Harry, hoping he would be treated with a bit more respect this time they met.

"I know you lied to me."

A/N: Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuun. :)