Hola heres the next chapter of Deaths Door, Hope you enjoy. I do not own Harry Potter or the charicters the plot is my own. So :P

Enjoy/….. Pairings JP\SS, LM\RL, HP\DM, PP\SB

"Other world speak"

"Normal speak"


Animal speak

Deaths Door

"Oh no" sighed Yuki shaking her head trying to figure out the best way to explain to the assemble what was going on.

"Ok, ok, please calm down…. Hello …." After being ignored by the raging adults who refused to act there age and act like two year olds. She did what any other person would have done in that situation she lost her patents which for her almost never happened so you knew it was bad.

"Will you please SHUT UP!!!......." after looking at the gob smacked faces of the assembled she coughed and turned a lovely shade of pink.

"Thank you.. now to begin I am truly sorry for this happening to you but you few have been selected to be …how to say this… to be reborn or something close to it." Pausing to look at them to see that they understood what she had said. After seeing the understanding in there eyes she continued.

"You selected will each be brought into a family that has been trying for children… some of them you know and others you do not. Now keep in mind you can choose to not go through this..Rebirth… but the consequences for that is you will be sent to your own personal hell. The reason that you are getting this 'second chance' is purely based on the wish of Lady Fate herself. Now I will give you a moment to digest this and talk among yourselves before you decide whether or not to 'take this chance'." Yuki stated after regaining her breath she silently exited the holding room to allow the once human occupants to discuss the information just given to them.

"What do you think Siri? Should we take the offer…? I mean it has to be better then hell. James said with an audible gulp.

"What lose your Grifendore courage Potter? And here I thought you were all about how you are never afraid. Sneered Severus.

"You know what Snape we will take this chance and we will become better than what we were. Will you or are you to much of a coward? James shot back as his temper got the better of him.

Sneering at Potter Severus took a threatening step towards the insufferable man.

"Really Potter well I can tell you this we all agree to go through this but I bet you won't be able to change and you will end up the same as you are now." Severus stated, as he looked around he saw the stunned looks on the others faces.

"Well I am glad to hear that, now we can get this show on the road…Now who wants to go first?" Yuki chirped happily.


"WHAT!!!!!!!" The group coursed.

Yuki continued to smile at the group of adults.

yay done how did you like it??? R&R PLEASE!!!