i own nothing!
Pepper Potts watched, disgusted, as Whitney Stane walked up to Tony and planted a kiss on his lips. You would think that she would be used to this, considering that Whitney and Tony had been dating for a month now. But she wasn't. She still felt like her heart had been ripped out every time she saw them together.
Whitney turned her head to give Pepper an evil smirk, something she did a lot. Of course, Tony and Rhodey didn't see it. Pepper hated Whitney with every fiber in her being. But then she thought that if Whitney wasn't dating Tony, she probably wouldn't hate her as much.
What did he see in her? Sure, she was pretty. But aside from that, Pepper couldn't think of any redeeming qualities. She was rude, stuck up, snobbish, and she had this "it's all about me" attitude.
Pepper's gut wrenched even more when Tony kissed her back. The boys that walked by in the hall started to drool when they saw Whitney, but then they would stop when they saw Tony. Pepper knew they were all jealous of him. She wanted to hit every single boy in this school with a sludge hammer, except Rhodey. He was the only sensible one. His crush on Whitney had passed months ago, and, believe it or not, he had a girlfriend.
Her name was Emily Browning and she was the sweetest girl you would possibly ever meet. Right on cue, Emily walked up to the group and started a conversation with Rhodey.
Pepper looked at the two couples and felt tears pushing at the back of her eyes. She felt so miserable and lonely. Didn't they notice? Didn't they care? Pepper had never had a real relationship with a guy and had always felt like a loner because of it.
She didn't know it then, but in about three days that feeling would completely go away.
The bell rang and Pepper wanted to get away from there as fast as possible, so she started walking down the hallway and didn't look to see where she was going.
A teenage boy running down the hall with a schedule in front of his face failed to notice this, and crashed into her. They fell onto the tiled hallway floor, him on top of her.
"Jesus! Watch where you're-" Pepper stopped her lecture halfway through when she saw the boy's face. Had an angel fallen from heaven and crashed into her?
"Oh, god, I'm so sorry, here." He said. The boy got off of Pepper and held out a hand. Hesitantly, she took it. He put his other hand around her back and helped her up. When he pulled her up Pepper noticed how the muscles in his arm flexed.
"Er, no... I'm sorry I didn't see where I was going." Pepper stammered. She didn't recognize him, but he looked to be around her age. (he looks like aaron johnson, if you don't know who that is I suggest you look him up on google images right now, he has a british accent in real life but I dont want him to have one in the story).
"No it's my fault. I'm new here and I'm kind of in a hurry." That explained a lot. "By the way, do you know where room 217 is?" He asked her, bending down to pick up the piece of paper he had dropped. Pepper shook her head up and down.
"Actually, I have class there next." Pepper said.
"That's great!" He told her, sounding relieved. Pepper just stood there staring at him, she could not believe her luck.
"Um, shouldn't we get to class?" He asked her. Pepper blushed deeply and started walking towards her math class, Mr. Good Looking trailing behind her.
"By the way, my name is Blake." Pepper could feel her blush deepen, she had always loved that name.
"My name is Patricia, but everyone calls me Pepper." She was surprised to hear him laugh. She immediately fell in love with his laugh.
"That's awesome. Pepper. I love it." Pepper was pleased that he liked her name.
When they got to math the teacher introduced Blake to the class. Their math teacher was pretty nice and he took pity on the new student, so he let him choose his seat.
"Um..." He trailed off looking around the room. All of the girls were giggling and whispering to each other, staring at him with googly eyes. Blake finally looked at Pepper sitting alone at a desk meant for two. She was staring at him, but not the way the other girls were. She looked like she was genuinely interested in what seat he was choosing. He cocked his head in her direction.
"I'll sit with Pepper." He announced. Every girl in the class gasped and turned around to glare daggers at her. She didn't notice though, she was too busy staring at probably the best looking guy she had ever seen walk towards her with a smile planted on his face. A genuine smile. Not those fake ones people give you when they think you're a nut case. A warm smile that Pepper loved just as much as his laugh.
She had never been so lucky. And the best part was that she didn't even remember who Tony Stark was.
Tony watched, flabbergasted, as some boy bull dozed Pepper over, started a conversation with her, and then watched the two walk to class together. Pepper hadn't even said bye! She had just completely blown them off. She never did something like that. Usually she would think someone was a spy or an assassin before she even started talking to them. This guy just ran her over, and now she was showing him to his next class! If someone ran into Pepper , she usually would have yelled at them or threatened to sue.
"Bye Tony." He heard Whitney purr. He saw her strut to her next class and realized Emily had left too.
"Tony we have to get to class." Rhodey reminded him. He didn't seemed concerned at all that Pepper had just ditched them.
"Rhodey did you see that?" Tony breathed. "Pepper just ditched us!" Rhodey gave his friend an odd look as they started for history.
"Ditched us?" Rhodey asked, surprised. "You were having a "moment" with Whitney and I was talking with Emily. I can hardly say that she ditched us." Rhodey sighed and shook his head. "Where did Pepper go anyways?" He asked stupidly. Tony shook his head in disgust.
"Some idiot ran her over and then she showed him to his next class." Rhodey glanced over at Tony and saw the bitter look on his face.
"I can't believe you man. Pepper starts hanging out with some guy other than you or me and you are-"
"Wow!" Tony practically shouted. "I don't think that she's hanging out with him. She's just showing him to his next class." Tony said. Rhodey gave him a dirty look, but didn't say anything because they had reached their history lesson. He knew one thing though.
It was going to be a long week.
Pepper and Blake walked out of math class, smirking. Pepper was on the verge of having another laughing fit. Blake was smiling because of her laughing fit.
The math teacher was nice, but he was big. Really big. After he had written all of the notes on the board, one of the students had pointed out a mistake. He had backed up to get a better look at the board.
When he had started backing up, Blake had made beeping noises under his breath, only loud enough for Pepper to hear. (if none of you get that, its like when a giant truck is backing up and its beeping so people will get out of the way. i realize how mean this is, and yes, he has the humorous mean streak that Tony lacks.)
Pepper started laughing, loud. You could hear her laugh all the way down the hall in the boys bathroom. The teacher had obviously noticed her laughter and was smart enough to realize she was laughing at him. He had immediately given her detention. Then, Blake had started laughing. He wasn't laughing at the teacher though.
When Mr. Munn (the math teacher) had given Pepper detention she had stopped laughing instantly. Her smile had been wiped clean from her face and she looked like she might be sick. Blake thought it was pretty funny and couldn't help but laugh at the face she was making.
"You too Mr. Fletcher!" Mr. Munn roared. The look on his face made both teens burst out laughing and they earned themselves another week of detention.
As they walked out, Blake asked Pepper what her next class was.
"Phys-ed." A smile spread across his face.
"Well it's you're lucky day. We get one whole period to make fun of the P.E. teacher together." A similar smile spread across Pepper's face and they started walking towards the gym. She wondered what Tony would think of her hanging out with Blake. Pepper snorted when she realized that he could care less. He had a lot to worry about. He had to defend New York City as Iron Man while trying to maintain an acceptable grade point average. He also had a girlfriend... Pepper pushed those gloomy thoughts to the darkest corner of her mind and tried to replace it with one that was also bad.
"Don't forget, we have detention after school today and the rest of the week." Pepper sighed. She was wrong though. That wasn't a bad thing.
Tony watched the guy that had ran her over walk over to Pepper as she was getting books out of her locker. He said something that startled her and she dropped the text book she had been holding on her foot and yelped. Whats-His-Face started laughing and Pepper punched him on the arm.
That's exactly what she does to me...
"Yeah so I wont be able to make it to the movie. Sorry Tony." Whitney's voice snapped Tony out of his trance. He looked down and saw her staring up at him with a bored expression.
"It's fine." He assured her a little too quickly. She gave him an odd look but proceeded to peck him on the cheek and strut down the hall to the limo that was awaiting her outside. Tony's eyes searched the hall until he saw Pepper and that weirdo with her. He said something that made her laugh and Tony's hands clenched into fists. Without thinking, he marched over to the two.
"Hey Pepper. Do you want to go to the movies tonight?" Tony asked out of the blue. She hadn't even noticed that he had walked over. Tony hadn't asked Pepper to do anything in weeks. Pepper was amazed that he wasn't doing something with Whitney. She didn't know if an opportunity like this was going to come again, so she agreed immediately.
"Sure I'd love to." Tony's face brightened and he completely forgot about Whats-His-Face, until Pepper reminded him.
"Tony, this is Blake. Blake, Tony." Pepper introduced the two teenagers. She didn't notice it, but they were practically having a silent show down. Blake would not break eye contact with Tony and Tony wouldn't either. Blake had a crooked smile on his face while Tony looked dead serious.
"Nice to meet you." Blake said politely and put out his hand. Tony took it warily and shook it. Blake's grip tightened and Tony followed suit.
Tony's grip loosened when he lost feeling in his hand.
"Nice to meet you too." He said carefully, making sure his voice was even. Blake let go of his hand.
"Tony me and Blake have detention. It's a long story. So do you want to meet at my house, like around 4:00?"
Tony smiled.
"Sure I'll see you then." He said. Blake smiled and glanced over his shoulder at the clock hanging in the hallway.
"We better get to detention, I really just want to get it over with." He said. Pepper agreed and hugged Tony goodbye before she trotted off with Blake.
Tony just stared like a moron. Pepper was in detention, with him!?! Tony noticed how every girl Blake passed practically melted away, and wondered if he had the same effect on Pepper.
But why should he care if he did? He had Whitney, Rhodey had Emily, and Pepper had...
No one.
Tony hadn't realized it before, but she probably felt a little left out. Tony sighed and shook his head.
Rhodey should start paying more attention to her... He thought stupidly.
Detention went by slowly. But when it was finally finished, Pepper got to wonder just one more time that day if she had been picked by God to be the luckiest person in the world.
"Wow." Pepper breathed.
"Yeah." Blake agreed. "Wow." They were standing in the Tomorrow Academy's underground parking lot- a place Pepper never really went into because she didn't have a car.
Or a Harley Davidson.
"Do you have a license?" Pepper asked in awe.
"Sure do." He answered.
"How old are you?"
"Seventeen." Pepper nodded in approval. She kept staring at the bike. She knew that she shouldn't be so intrigued by a stupid motorcycle when her best friend had a super suit of armor.
But still... She had always thought they were cool.
"Do you need a ride home?" Pepper was surprised by the question. She had never ridden on a motorcycle, but had heard enough gruesome stories about people who had just worn t-shirts and shorts and the horrible injuries they received from crashes.
"I don't have a helmet, or a jacket, you should wear a leather jacket-" Pepper was about to tell him all about bike safety, when he opened the seat revealing a compartment. He pulled out two helmets and a leather jacket. (btw: im not sure if motorcycles can do that but this one can)
"You can have the smaller helmet, and the jacket. I have my own." He held up the jacket he had been holding since they had gone to his locker after detention. Pepper didn't know what to say. She knew what she wanted to say. She wanted to say yes and get on the back of his motorcycle. But what if they got in a wreck? She could get hurt. And she barely knew this guy. Sure he was funny, charming, gorgeous, he was probably pretty smart considering he was going to The Tomorrow Academy... But she had just met him.
"It's 3:40." He informed her. "Don't you have a date to go on at 4:00?" He asked with a sly smile. Pepper shook her head frantically.
"Not a date! Were just friends! Tony and me. Just. Friends." She assured him. He snickered but Pepper realized he was right. It would take too long to walk home and her Metro card was out of money, and she had no cash on her so taking a cab or a bus was not an option...
Excuses, excuses, excuses.
"Sure I'll go, but you need to go slowly. I don't feeling like losing my legs."
thats chapter one. if you guys like it review and tell me. i know it seems that pepper and blake became friends fast but it's supposed to be that way, and besides, if you were the new kid and you knew no body, and someone was being nice to you dont you think you would start to hang out with them, like almost immediately? and pepper was lonely at the time so...
blake is a gentleman to the ladies, as you saw when he ran pepper over. but he has one of those funny mean streaks that you see in some people. i know it kind of seemed like he had a multiple-personality-disorder in this chapter, but he was new and was just trying to figure things out. he got his confidence when he started talking to Pepper.
(he doesnt like tony if you havent figured that out) ohh and don't start telling me you have to be 18 or something to drive a motorcycle. i really don't think it would work if i made Blake 20. do you agree?
tales of suspense has not happened. gene might be in this story, im not sure. and if he is it will only be for a little and he'll most likely be a comic relief.