Disclaimer: I do not own CSI :MIAMI, I'm doing this just for fun.

Hope you guy like it. The title is provisory, why don't you help me with it?

Warning: I'm Italian and the maaaany mistakes you'll find are all mine.

Enjoy!! R&R



It was another hot, sunny day in Miami… or not?

Lieutenant Horatio Caine surveyed the police officers as they finally led their suspect away in prison, hopefully… forever. He hated cases like that, in which children were deeply involved… every time he hoped they wouldn't be as traumatized as he had been when he was only fifteen, but he knew that was wishful thinkin.

He heard clothes rustling behind him; without turning around he knew, knew it was Tim, and Eric, and Calleigh, offering their silent support. He had never told anyone about his past, but they, being the C.S.I.s and the friends they were, instantly perceived when a case threatened to tear their leader's heart apart… they knew, somehow.

Horatio was about to put his shades on, to shield his vulnerable eyes from the outside world, when he heard his name being called.

-Horatio! Hellboy!-

Before anyone could comprehend what was happening, a red bullet flew into the Lieutenant's arm. The red-headed girl threw her arms around Horatio's neck and her legs around his torso; luckily for her, he was quick enough to catch her and sustain her by the hips before they both came down tumbling.


There came a girl with red hair, rushing toward Horatio, calling his name.

She flew directly in his arms, almost making them fall. A strange sensation cursed through me; I shivered, hoping no one would notice. A pang of… jealousy? True, Horatio was a very reserved person; physical contact was a rare occurrence to him and it was reserved for victims, especially children. We, Tim, Eric and me, were close to him, but HE never hugged nor kissed us, his FAMILY… Yet this girl could claim what we were denied… what I was denied…

-Flavia… they're staring at us…-, Horatio said, his cheeks red with embarrassment.

-Let them stare, I always knew we Caines were hotties-, the girl, Flavia, replied. We Caines?

-Guys, she's my hyper-active lil' sister, Flavia Caine. Hopefully, you'll get a chance at shaking hands…-

As if on cue, Flavia Caine landed on her feet, effectively freeing her brother, and extended her hand toward us. Now that I could observe her better, I noticed that she was smaller than his brother, but had the same delicate features; her eyes were as blue as Horatio's, but her hair, styled in a high braid, were a darker shade of red. What Calleigh found striking, however, was the lack of that cute, little nose… hers was long and straight, whereas Horatios's was little and upwards, so damn… cute!

-Hi, guys! I'm Flavia, nice to meet you. –

Flavia shook hands with Speed and Eric and smiled at them, then turned towards me.

-You must be Calleigh. You're my hero! It's a pleasure to meet you. –

I stared at her, dumbstruck. Her hero?

Horatio cleared his throat, now as red as a tomato.

-I… must have mentioned that you work with guns. Flavia, here, is a little obsessed with 'em. –

As if to prove her brother right, Flavia's cellphone started ringing… well, shooting might be more appropriate: her cell tune was really a gun shooting.

-Hi… Yes, I found him… Yeah, I had no problems whatsoever… Oui, I'm good. Listen, I gotta go… Sure, later. Bye. – Flavia flipped her phone shut

-Great tune. -, Eric commented. –Who was that?-, he asked.

-Unfortunately, my boyfriend. -, Flavia shrugged.

-You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend. – Horatio looked unhappy.

-And you aren't a woman. Besides, you would have sympathized with him. -

-Hi, I'm Erica and I'm all ears …-

We all started laughing… and I didn't mind Eric trying to mimic my voice. It felt so good, releasing all the tension…

-Well, I guess you would want to party…-, Horatio offered. We all shook our heads yes.

-Good, I'll take you. –

And he slipped his shades on.