Title: Partner
Author: Donna DeKaren
Pairing: mentions of Mika/Ryan | Mika/Raizo (late chapters)
Length: 1019 words
Rating: T
Warning: Beta'd by myself
Disclaimer: I don't own Ninja Assassin or it's actors. I'm not doing this for profit. Everything is copyright by the ppl who made the movie, etc etc
Summary: AU: Mika is a head strong and loner officer. Raizo is the assigned partner she does not want. Together they will find who is behind the ninja like slayings.
A/N: I keep trying to write whole stories and THEN posting them. Rather than do that, I'm just gonna post what I have and consider it a WIP. If it ever gets finished, great. If not...blame writer's block. Thanks for the awesome reviews for my other Ninja Assassin fic 'Lead Me.'

((Please review. It inspires me to keep writing. Thank You.))

Officer Maslow stood in front of the blinds of his huge office window with his hands behind his back, looking at the busy city. He calmed his thoughts for what he knew was about to come, at storm. This storm was named Mika Coretti. She was a head strong woman, a loner, often stubborn and had a thing for doing things her way, even if it sometimes went against orders. Mika was also cunning and smart, the exact type of person he needed for a certain kind of case. His office door burst open. Here it comes.

"What is the meaning of this Maslow!?" Mika exclaimed as she slammed down a pile of papers upon his desk. He turned around to see a furious woman standing there in jeans and red shirt under a feminine leather racing jacket. He walked calmly to his desk and took his seat.

"Mika, you know you're the only one we've got who can do this case. There have been a string of killings and we suspect Takeshi is behind them. We're not sure and that's why we need you; you and your new partner."

She crossed her arms and he knew another tirade was coming. "I don't need a partner. What the hell is some pretty boy Asian gonna do for me anyway?"

Maslow pulled the photograph of her partner out of the pile of papers by a finger and held it up so she could see it. "This 'pretty boy Asian' has extensive martial arts training for one. Two, he's a top notch cop. If anyone can get in with the Ozunu Clan, it's him. I'm going to need you two to work together and gather all intel you can. We can't go in there guns blazing on suspicions alone you got that?"

Mika sighed and took the papers. "Yeah, I got it." She said with as little enthusiasm as possible. Maslow leaned back in this leather chair and locked his fingers behind his head in a relaxed pose.

"Good because he'll need to be picked up at the airport in 20 minutes. Chop Chop." He waved her out and she rolled her eyes.

"You know I hate you." She said.

"And that's why I keep you around." He said and smirked as she was already walking away.

Traffic was horrible on the way towards the air port. Cars were going nowhere and with her radio not working, he mind started to wander.

~~~It was the annual Christmas party held by the precinct. Decorations were adorned on the desks, doorways, on the office plants and anywhere else you could stick them. Music sounded on the loud speakers while food and alcoholic drinks were laid on a table. Mika, in a sleek black dress to her knees and black heeled shoes leaned against a wall with drink in hand.

"Don't look so bored." Her superior Ryan Maslow said, walking to her in a black suit with a white buttoned shirt underneath. A few buttons were unbuttoned up top. He had a walk about him, a presence, and Mika hated to admit, a certain type of charm about him. Ryan relaxed, leaning against the wall next to her and looking at the crowd.

"You know I don't like these things." She reminded him. Ryan moved from the wall and took the drink from her hand. Their hands brushed as he took the drink and sat it on a nearby table.

"Well, let's make it more lively." He said, pulling her into his arms and leading her to a space reserved for dancing. Mika was speechless as his hands moved fluidly to her waist as he moved her around on the floor.

"Where did you learn how to dance?" She asked surprised. He spun her around and dipped her back. Then he brought her in, their faces close before answering.

"Just one of my many talents." He replied and smiled. She smiled back and rested her hands on his shoulders. Her brow arched when he spun her around. Mika couldn't remember the last time she had so much fun and laughed. Ryan did in fact make the night livelier. As things began to whine down, they decided to go out to a balcony for some air. There were holiday lights wrapped around the bars which gave the surroundings a warm glow.

Ryan leaned forward to allow his elbows to rest on the bars as he overlooked the city. Mika rested her lower back against the bars, supporting her weight with her hands. She looked up at the night sky and chuckled.

"What's so funny?" He asked her. She turned so that she was mimicking his position. She playfully leaned over and bumped his shoulder with her own. Instead of bumping back, he straightened up and wrapped his arms around her waist. Without thinking she stood up and leaned into the embrace. To her, this felt right. She felt warm and protected. They stood there in silence. Finally he spoke.

"How come you and I never—"

"Never what?" She interrupted him. There were so many things he wanted to say, so many things he wanted to do yet he settled for saying, "Sometimes, I wish I weren't your superior."

Mika sighed at his words and turned around to face him. His arms never left her waist. To have any kind of relationship with him non work related would be considering unprofessional and fraternization. It would be impossible to sneak around or hide the relationship due to them working so closely together. At some point they both thought about it, both thought about the pros and cons. Each loved their career. Mika caressed his cheek and gave him a long kiss goodnight. After that party, after that night, the issue was never brought up again. To the average outsider, the only thing between them was teasing banter.~~~

A car horn sounded, jumping Mika out of her memory and alerting her to move along in her car. She arrived at the airport 30 minutes late. Pissed off, she parked, turned off her car and slammed the door.