(A/N): Hello guys! I know it's been so long, but it was my senior year of high school and everything was just so busy! Now it's winter break (first winter break of college!) and I decided to check up on my fanfics again :P Have ya'll read Son of Neptune? :O haha
I do hope that with every chapter, a new Zuke shipper is converted :)
Even If You're Not Sorry
She prays for him. Just because he's given up on himself doesn't mean she has.
"Did thou not even think of the consequences? That thy actions would lead to this?" she keeps her voice low and attempts at sounding unaffected. But the sadness is there all the same. "Is this worth it, Luke?"
It's one of the rare times she'll say his name.
"I'm not doing this for evil. You know that. I'm not doing this because I don't believe in good, Zo."
The huntress shuts her eyes tight, as if she'll find the answers in the darkness behind her eyelids. "Then why?"
"Because. Because they're wrong. Their ways are wrong. Their rules are wrong." He touches the scar on his face lightly. "I shouldn't have to do this to get attention from my own father."
Zoë finds it a bit strange how calm the atmosphere is around him despite her questions and opposing viewpoint. It scares her more that he's so nonchalant about his position now. He's passionate, still, of course, for his cause. It's just that he doesn't get angry at the need to explain himself anymore. Maybe he already knows he's going to lose. Maybe he, beneath his plotting and power and anger, he doesn't even care.
It was never about winning to Luke, anyhow. And Zoë knows this even if he won't say it. No, it was always about something else-about right, about change, about love. Luke Castellan was just another scorned boy from a long history of lonely children with untouchable parents.
She finds herself in his arms soon enough. But they're Zoë Nightshade and Luke Castellan which means these points in time don't last very long.
"I must go. The Hunters." It's a forced statement. She really doesn't want to let him go but there are more important choices to make in this stage of their lives.
He doesn't protest, just holds her a bit longer before they part ways. "I'll see thou again, of course," she says as she pulls away. When she says the next part, she makes sure she looks him square in the eyes. "Either with my bow drawn or not." A promise because duty always comes first.
He kisses her forehead. "I look forward to it."
They both have already started walking away when she stops in her tracks and spins around to call out to him. "Stay true to thyself, Luke, thy soul. Despite all thy wrongs, I still hold hope that thou will do the right thing. In the end."
He laughs like it's a joke that's run it's course. "Sorry, Zo. I think it's too late for me and my soul." Without another word or backward glance, he goes on his way. It's a sight she doesn't want to get used to because with each meeting, she thinks she loves him more and to watch him walk away is just another reminder of who they are and where. Anyway, it's obvious he's slipping further away from the person he was each second he continues on this path of his. She asks the gods to look out for him though, all the same. There's only so much hope she has left and she's going to use it on him.
"Every soul can be saved," she whispers to herself and maybe even to the gods. "Even one as broken as yours, Son of Hermes."
Zoë Nightshade looks to the sky before she joins her sisters once again.
thank you to all my reviewers and readers.