Boatlight Brigade


Taking a seat in the chair in my cabin on the ship, I sighed in relief. After I had started my journey from the Sevii Islands at age ten, I had traveled around Kanto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh collecting a few badges here and there, but battling didn't interest me that much and I downright hated contests, so I was pretty much in a rut. Now as I travelled to Olivine City in Johto at age nineteen, I realized that I had no idea what to do when I got there. I had a job waiting for me at Olivine Lighthouse, but that was short-term.

Maybe I should be a breeder? There's nothing for me to lose.

I didn't even know much about the job. However, I knew that the job required me to battle from time to time. In truth, I had nothing to complain about. I had a pretty average life. Both of my parents were alive and the only thing that was tragic about my past was my psychotic ex-girlfriend, Melina.

Speaking of Melina, I wonder how Mom and Dad are doing with Sierra?

I admit, I did feel a bit guilty about leaving my kid with my parents instead of taking her with me to Johto, but they assured me that it was okay for Sierra to stay with them until I got on my feet in Olivine. I figured they'd do a much better job at looking after Sierra than her insane mother would ever do. I had left most of my Pokemon in the Sevii Islands as well, only taking Ledian, Manectric, and Magcargo with me.

I wonder how the rest of the Pokemon are doing?

Now that I thought about it, my team of Pokemon were unique in the way that people didn't really care about capturing the kind of Pokemon that I had. Every day I could hear people talking about how they wished they had a Pikachu or a Lucario or one of the Eevee evolutions, more specifically Espeon or Umbreon. I had only one starter on my team and that was the Blastoise that I had left at home in the Sevii Islands. I couldn't see why people obsessed over certain Pokemon while they passed up other perfectly good ones.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said calmly.

One of the sailors entered. He was a clean shaven, stocky fellow with a Machoke at his side.

"Excuse me, Mr. Rollins," he began. "I'm here to inform you that the ship will be arriving in Olvine City shortly."

"Thank you."

It felt weird being called 'Mister' considering the fact that he was a lot older than me. The sailor closed the door to the cabin and I stretched back in the chair. Picking up the pamphlet that I had recieved in the mail, I skimmed through it...

Apparently I would be staying in the Oceanview Apartments while I worked at the Olivine Lighthouse and would be rooming with some of my co-workers. However, I wasn't nervous at all. After all I had went through with Melina, there was nothing that I could be afraid of.

"Attention passengers! We have arrived in Olivine City..."

A/N: It was a little short, but it was a prologue. The rest of the chapters will be longer.

OC Form

Name (First and Last. List any nicknames)
Age (17-25)
Gender (Male/Female)
Hometown (It can be from anywhere from any reigon)
Ambition (Trainer, Breeder, Coordinator, Ranger, etc)
Appearance (Need to know the looks and the regular clothes, swimwear, sleepwear, etc.)
Personality (More than just one sentence)
Family (Any important relatives?)
How you got the job at the lighthouse (You don't have to be detailed. Just tell how they ended up working at the lighthouse)
Thoughts on Shawn (Your character's view on him)
Pokemon (Up to three, but you can list additional ones as long as they're in storage)
Other (Anything else)


Name: Shawn Rollins

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Hometown: Two Island, Sevii Islands

Ambition: He's currently leaning towards Breeder

Appearance: Shawn has short black hair that he keeps spiked up, medium brown eyes, and peach skin. Average height and weight for his age. He usually dresses in black jeans with a green t-shirt that has the word "CHILLAX" on it in black, and a black coat that he keeps halfway zipped. He wears green shoes and dawns a pair of black gloves. His swimwear consists of a pair of blue swimming trunks with black stripes and his sleepwear consists of a white t-shirt with gray basketball shorts.

Personality: Shawn is more on the relaxed side than anything. He doesn't get annoyed easily and it takes a lot to upset him. Always having a sarcastic remark, Shawn doesn't get intimidated much, but knows not to cross the line with anyone. His main goal is to find his place in the world and accomplish something before he turns thirty. A bit of a procrastinator, Shawn takes his time when doing a task. Around women, he tends to judge them heavily due to his past relationship with the psychotic mother of his daughter which influenced his view on people in general.

Family: Michael Rollins (Father), Laura Rollins (Mother), Selena Rollins (Sister), Sierra Rollins-Tiasa (Daughter with ex-girlfriend)

How you got the job at the lighthouse: Shawn's older sister, Selena, recommended him to Jasmine when she traveled to Johto.


Ledian (On hand)
Magcargo (On hand)
Manectric (On hand)
Blastoise (At home)
Weepinbell (At home)
Drapion (At home)
Other Pokemon (In storage)