Edward, (wince) he left me. He's gone.....
What's the point in living without my angel?
Charlie. That's the only reason for me to live. I have to take care of Charlie.
Every day is the same. I wake up to a cold, lonely world and get ready for school. I don't bother to eat breakfast anymore. Why should I? I'm not hungry, I don't like to eat anymore anyway. School awates me and the day goes by in a blur. I can't eat lunch either. The mere thought of eating makes me neusiated most of the time. I head home and after homework if finished, I crawl under my covers and try to hold myself together. After making dinner for Charlie I just crawl back under my covers again. All of this was the same day after endless day. At nights I have nightmares.
I stand in the middle of Edwards medow, alone. I walk a little ways and find him just standing there on the edge of the forest. "What's wrong?" I ask but he doesn't respond. He gets up and starts walking away. "Stop!" I say, my voice somewhere between sobs and worry. 'Don't go" I plead. "GO BELLA! I DON'T WANT YOU! GO AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" He shouts at me. I don't know what to say so I grab his arm even though it wouldn't stop him. He growls and I let go. Instantly he turned around and ran away. I ran after him getting nowhere. Soon I fell and just screamed his name over and over again.
End of dream
I awake screaming every morning but Charlie is use to it. He doesn't come to chceck anymore.