Author's Note: Ideas for one shots keep popping up in my head recently. So I decided to use one of my favourite anime couples to help bring them to life. This is mainly Naruto/Hinata. If I feel like more couples may be added. So in conclusion this is just my one- shot collection featuring those two. Read, Enjoy and Review. Constructive criticism always welcomed.

Summary: My collection of one-shots featuring Naruto X Hinata.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and all works associated with Naruto. They are all owned by Masashi Kishimoto and Co.

Daddy's Little Girl

"These are the targets?"

"Yes, did you not read the mission briefing?"

"They are nothing but a bunch of kids. You can see that they are barely genin."

"Orders are orders."

"Is this what the once great hidden village of metal has come to?"

"The reason behind this is so that we can use these hostages as bargaining chips. So that our fellow shinobi will be released from prison. It is well known that Konoha treasures their youth over anything else, some rubbish about the Will of Fire."

"So what about the Jounin accompanying them?"

"Nothing that our team cannot distract."

"As you can see they haven't even detected our presence as yet."

"Well this is indeed considered to be friendly territory and there haven't been any incidents in the past few years especially since the end of the last Shinobi war."

"Excellent spot for an ambush."

"Will you two shut up, this is not a time for idle banter and history lessons. We need to prepare. Now let's get going."

Night soon fell and the team from Konoha was starting to settle in for the night. This is when the team from Hidden Village of Metal decided to strike. The attack was swift, their first goal was to separate the Jounin from the rest of the group. This was done by using an iron tomb shooting out from the ground and enclosing its target. Using this moment of free time the others descended from the trees and used the panic to launch after their targets. What they didn't expect was that the Jounin had no intention of letting them have their way. Flames tore through the metal prison and in a blur the Jounin emerged lashing out at the assailants. A full scale battle erupted, the Konoha Jounin being able to hold his own against the two attackers.

"This is pointless! We need to pull back!"

"Like hell I'm going to allow this mission to be a failure." With determination in his eyes the attacker found one of their targets and decided one was definitely better than none. The fledgling genin was momentarily paralyzed by fear, and that one moment of hesitation was all he needed. A quick blow to the back of her head and the female genin collapsed into his arms. Seeing what happened, the Konoha Jounin lunged after the attacker.

"Metal Hidden Technique, Demon Steel Fortress!" As the Hidden Metal's Jounin hands touched the ground, out sprung four huge slabs of steel towering towards the sky. With prize in hand the group bounded off towards their home leaving the Konoha Jounin to swear endlessly at the night sky.

The captured genin's eyes began to open; she winced as she regained consciousness as she finally felt the blow. Still groggy and only seeing forest floor passing below her she panicked. She shot up knocking her carrier slightly off balance. She began to squirm as she realized her limbs were bound.

"Where am I?" she shouted.

"I thought I told you to plaster her mouth shut."

"At what point in time was I going to do this? When I saved your ass from the Konoha Jounin?"

"Who cares? Just do it when we arrive."

"What if she screams?"

"There isn't anybody in hearing distance."

"What do you guys want?" asked the plum haired genin.

"None of your business, young one."

"I hope it's important."

"Why does it matter to you? We could simple be moving to another area to slit your throat." said the other kidnapper attempting to frighten the child.

"If that was the case you could have done it a long time ago."

"What if we wan..."

"Stop talking with the hostage."

The genin flicked her flowing plum hair so it wouldn't dangle in her crystal blue eyes."Like I said I hope it's important because when my dad finds out..."

"Do you really think you're father will be able to save you."

"Yep, he promised."

"Foolish child your father is hundreds of miles away and where we are taking you not one man can destroy."

"You obviously don't know my father."

"Who cares about your father?"

"He is a legend amongst ninja even you bastards should know his name. Hell you would probably pee your pants if I uttered his name."

"Well who is he then?"

"None other than..."

"Enough of this nonsense!" the commanding officer knocked the trapped genin out once more.

The genin's eyes once again opened slowly, her vision blurry and that familiar knock to the back of her head pained her once again.

"Bastard, did he have to hit me so hard."

"You're lucky we are supposed to keep you alive. I personally can't wait till you are of no use to us and I can slit your throat. I think I would enjoy watching the life ebb slowly from those pretty blue eyes of yours." The captor had now pressed a kunai against the genin's throat, just hard enough for a small amount of blood to trickle down her porcelain skin. "Now do me a favor and shut up until I can kill you."

Instead of crying and breaking down like any normal inexperienced genin, her blue eyes glared holes into his skull.

"Keep that glare up and I will remove those eyes of yours slowly. They need you alive, but not in what condition." he said with a maniacal grin

"I hope he kicks your face in."

"Who? Your father?"


"Listen kid, I know everybody thinks their father is the best ninja in the world. The reality is we are inside one of the last remaining strong holds of our village. Even if he did find it, he would need a small battalion just tailored for the primary mission of extracting you with as little detection as possible."

This caused the genin to smirk."I like to prove people wrong." The genin grinned and stared her guard right in the eyes. The guard began to look skeptically and got the feeling something was up.

"Hey what are you doing?" he asked as he noticed that the strands of her hair where starting to get lighter.

"You'll see."

"Stop it right now or I..." the Jounin didn't finish his statement as a large explosion rocked the ground. The ceiling and walls began to shake, debris falling slightly from the roof. All that was heard was a loud bellow, a bellow filled with such murderous intent that the seasoned Jounin actually lost his nerve temporarily. He looked over at hostage who had a toothy grin plastered on her face.

"What did you do?" he asked. Another loud explosion rocked the compound; he could hear the sound of an intense battle being raged. The building was beginning to shake with each impact. The screams of his comrades began to fill the corridors. He began to seethe with anger.

"You little bitch. What the hell did you do?"

"I told you, you would be sorry when my father reaches."

"Who? How the hell did he find us?" That was when he remembered her hair glowing slightly."You led him here! To hell with this plan, I'm going to kill you and then leave this place."

Realizing that the Jounin wasn't lying, the genin started to squirm. She thrashed around trying to remove herself from her bonds but was having no luck. The jounin got closer and closer and was about to strike. That was until the door flew past him and embedded itself in the wall. He turned around ready to engage the intruder but what stood before him was something he knew he could not beat. There in front of him stood a tall figure emanating a fiery yellow aura, his chakra pulsing, shooting off waves of malicious intent. The Jounin's mind was now in panic mode and he did the only thing that he thought would ensure his survival; he grabbed the genin and placed the kunai to her throat.

"Don't take another step, or I will kill her."

"Don't listen to him dad!"

"Shut up! I have had enough of your mouth!" the Jounin motioned to stab the genin in her throat. That was when he realized his hand was being held and a hand was wrapped around his neck.

"Nobody threatens my daughter!"

"So your father was the Dem..." his face had a smirk as he uttered those last words.

As she was released from her chains she latched her arms around her savior. "Daddy!"

The figure's aura had dissipated; the only thing surrounding him was his daughter's arms around his neck. As he stood up he held the young girl in his arms, using his other hand he brushed her flowing locks out of her face and kissed her gently on her forehead.

"What took you so long?"

"I had to wipe out an entire fortress dattebayo."

"You still took your time."

"I only travelled a few miles to this destination, give me a break."

"Only because you rescued me, I will let you off this time." She had a prideful smile on her face. "You know I told them that they were making a big mistake."

"How many times have I told you not to tell the enemies that you are my daughter? That might cause more harm than good."

"The daughter of Uzumaki Naruto has nothing to fear! A simple chakra molding and out pops the most bad ass ninja in history."

"Suko! Watch your mouth! If your mother hears you saying that she will definitely blame me."

"Sorry dad." she apologized half heartedly.

Naruto could only shake his head at this daughter's defiance. He stood up and used his hand to form the seal necessary to perform the Flying Thunder God technique. "Now let's go home, I'm sure your mother is wondering why I disappeared from dinner so suddenly."

Author's Note: The thought was dancing round my head since I saw Kushina's hair dance in the manga. So if you don't like it, let me know why not? If you loved...i love you too. Until next time