Author's Note: Ideas for one shots keep popping up in my head recently. So I decided to use one of my favourite anime couples to help bring them to life. This is mainly Naruto/Hinata. If I feel like more couples may be added. So in conclusion this is just my one- shot collection featuring those two. Read, Enjoy and Review. Constructive criticism always welcomed.

Summary: My collection of one-shots featuring Naruto X Hinata.

Disclaimer I do not own Naruto and all works associated with Naruto. They are all owned by Masashi Kishimoto and Co.

Midnight Stroll

The radiance of the moon's beauty shone down on the village of Konoha. Its rays of light penetrated the blanket of darkness that brought tension to the hearts of its inhabitants. Much has changed these past years. Even with the fragile peace obtained from the climax of the last war, the villagers were uneasy. The cover of darkness provided no comfort from the relief of the sun's rays as it once did. Instead it brought tension due to the scars left by their enemies past. Many retreated to their homes for safety, for comfort and to share precious time with the one's they loved. The value of life was something they now understood all too well. There were a few that embraced the night and the silence it brought.

"There she goes again."

"Should we follow her?"

"Not the best plan."

"Why not?"

"She wants her privacy."

"Everybody does but it's our job to ensure the safety and security of every villager. Especially those heading outside the wall without a mission assignment."

"But she has requested to be left alone. At first she would be polite and ask the guards to refrain from following her. Then kunai would fly past the guards, narrowly missing vital parts. The last guard that didn't take her warning requested to be removed from guard duty. I asked him what happened but he said his pride as a man would not let him repeat those events."

"What does the Hokage say about this?"

"She's a member of the Konoha 12, she survived the last ninja war. If anyone that can pose a threat to her is so close to the village we have bigger things to worry about."

"So we should just let her go."

"Exactly rookie."

The guards just simply watched as the sultry figure drifted into the forest eventually out of sight. The moon reflected off her porcelain skin giving her an angelic glow as she moved. The silver lining on her kimono simply added to the effect. The lavender-eyed beauty navigated through the forest, gently striding without an apparent destination in mind. Her eyes conveyed a sense of worry and the language of her body spoke of angst. The deep breaths gave the feeling of unhappiness and the posture of her shoulders displayed a look of burden. But as the wind began to blow through her navy blue hair tossing it into the wind. The heavy feelings weighing on her mind seemed to become less and less and joy slowly crept into her pace. She continued on her path until it met the edge of lake, her elegant figure reflecting on its surface. Kneeling down, she used the edge of her kimono's long sleeve to stir the water. She stared at the ripples of the lake and seemed to be relaxed by their gentle motions across the moon lit lake's face.

Suddenly deep veins appeared around her eyes, her body now alert and tense. Her eyes scanned for a threat but found none and in time she began to relax once again.

"A young lady should not be out by herself this late..." came a deep voice. The porcelain doll turned around, the veins once again present around her eyes. "Who knows who she could run into or what they would do to such prized beauty."

She now stood in a defensive stance, her eyes frantically searching for the source of the voice. The fact that this person was able to evade her piercing gaze seemed to worry her even more. That was when she felt a warm touch on her shoulder, she instinctively struck out but her attack only pierced the air behind her.

"You're going to have to be faster than that."

Her head turned from side to side, hoping to catch even a glimpse of the phantom. In a matter of seconds the phantom came into view, startling her as it appeared right in front of her. As she reached to strike, he once again vanished but not before letting his presence be known.

"Don't you think that's a better look?"

She was now beginning to feel a little threatened. It was not every day that someone was able to elude her gaze. The conversation from earlier this evening began to play in her head.

"My Lady, it is not wise to be taking a walk this late at night."

"A walk in Konoha has never hurt anyone." she curtly replied.

"That would be the case, but guards have mentioned that you always make your way out of the gates..."

"I did not know my affairs were a concern for the village's guards."

"It is part of their duty to report the activities of members of the village, especially an heir to one of the prestigious clans of Konoha."

"I will not be gone long and I think I am capable of handling myself."

"My Lady will you please reconsider. Even though there hasn't been any war or conflicts recently between the great nations. I do not think it best for you to offer yourself as a spark for the next Ninja War."

"I understand your worry and your concerns are duly noted, but no matter what you say I am still going for a stroll."

"My Lady, at least take a guard with you."


With a stern look on her face she adjusted her kimono, placing it properly on her shoulders. Once again into her defensive stance scanning, hoping to end this little game of cat and mouse. The phantom's laughter echoed throughout the darkness and the sound of this laughter placed her almost at ease. This caused a puzzled expression to come across her face. Then as it did once before, the chakra signature flashed into her view once again only this time behind her. He did disappear as he did once before but this time it was longer, more than enough for her to identify her assailant. That brief sense of relief was more than enough for the phantom to take advantage. Hinata could not help but let out a small scream as the chakra signal appeared in front of her and disappeared once again.

"Come on your making this too easy." teased the phantom voice.

Hinata looked down to see that her sash was no longer tied around her waist but at her feet. Out of nowhere a small gust of wind flew in her direction, parting the kimono and revealing her body.

"Seems you were expecting company later on. Or is that attire everyday apparel?"

Staying on guard she kneeled to the floor recovering her sash and putting in back in position. The veins in her eyes were still present by her body seemed to be more relaxed than it was before. A small smirk dawned on her face and she was off at full flight.

"Did you really think you could run away from me?" came the voice as Hinata zipped through the trees.

Ignoring her pursuer she continued on her path, darting back and forth in an attempt to cause as much problems for them as possible. In one quick movement she turned around and headed towards the lake.

"Here I thought it would be more of a chase. Time to end this."

Hinata's eyes went wide as numerous sparks of chakra appeared in her view and in a blaze she found her self being fondled from every angle. Her sash was once again removed and her kimono flew freely behind her in the wind leaving her body vulnerable to the groping assault of the phantom's touch. Hinata was determined to make it onto the lake. She refused to give in to the sensual touches of her pursuer and with a sudden burst she found herself in the middle of the lake. She stood, breathing heavily. Her kimono was in disarray, the right side falling off her shoulders with the left only being kept on by her elbow. She winced as the cold night air enveloped her exposed body but it was only momentary as she concentrated.

"So you basically ran around in a circle. Interesting strategy, unfortunately it won't work."

The veins around Hinata's eyes disappeared and her gaze fixated on the water's surface. 'He's coming' The surface of the water was disturbed and the ripples gave away the direction of the disturbance. Hinata stretched out her hands and spun quickly on her right foot, a wall of chakra began to surround her and the force caused the water below to wrap itself around her body forming a shield of water. Hinata then began to slow her rotation and eventually came to a halt as she realized that the attacker had abandoned his attempt. As the sphere of water collapsed, the veins in her eyes were once again present.

"That was a nice try. It would have worked if..."

Hinata's gaze quickly looked below her. She attempted to evade but it was too late. A hand emerged from beneath the surface latching onto her ankle strongly and pulling her back towards him. She struggled but the grip of the attacker was too powerful. She found her back pinned to his chest, with his hands clasping her arms.

"...I was behind you."

The stranger then leaned in and began to smell the side of her neck and let out a low feral growl that caused Hinata to blush deeply.

"Escaped the compound again I see."

"I didn't escape..."

The pursuer pulled her closer to his chest and nipped her behind her ear causing her to give out a small gasp. "Prisoners shouldn't lie."

Hinata whined a bit. "I didn't" she felt the grip tighten again. "I walked out the front gates."

"So if I happen to walk you back home. I shouldn't have to worry about your father or your cousin trying to seal off my chakra gateways for the millionth time."

This caused Hinata to giggle. "I think they gave up on that a long time ago. Neji's too busy with the twins and my father isn't as quick as he used to be."

"Sure doesn't stop him from trying."

She giggled once again. "I think it's sweet how you let him hit you now and again."

"Your pretty happy for a captive."

"It's because I love the prison I'm in."

"Is that so? So that means your ready for your punishment."

With a sly grin on her face, "You did see what I'm wearing under my Kimono."

"Oh yes I did. Yes I did." said her blonde haired pursuer as he carried her in his arms. Reaching the waters edge and laying her down with her kimono to keep her clean. The victor eyed his prize and with a devilish smile began his assault. The wind blowing through the forest howled, disturbing the silence of the night. Anyone listening to the whispers of the wind could hear its simple message. A simple message containing a single name.

"Seems Naruto-sama has returned from his mission."

"How did you know?"

"You'll learn'll learn."

Author's Note: There you have it, let me know what you think. Look out for more in the future.