"And thus ends the story of the first Narnian Christmas, as passed down to me fro my father, whose father passed it unto him, whose father passed it to him, whose father died too soon to pass it, so his mother passed it on to him, and her husband had given it to her, and he's received it from his father—"

"I thank you, kind Squirrel Joa. Without your tale, we would have less of the Narnian tradition." King Peter smiled gently down on the creature. The king and his siblings were seated by the fire in the great hall, with their personal guard, but few others. It was Christmas Eve, and their first one as rulers.

"It is a lovely story," the Valiant Queen said sleepily. "What are we doing for tomorrow, Su?" The year had been busy, and the four had forgotten about Christmas, until the first snows that fell three days ago. They were still busy after that, but with the added factor of Lucy running around asking everyone what sort of parties there would be and what everyone would like for Christmas.

"Perhaps we should, like Queen Helen, take into perspective what is most important to us this festive season," King Edmund was saying softly. "We come from a similar back ground to hers, and so we too have the set ideas and traditions that she had when thinking of Christmas."

"Capital, Ed," Susan said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "What is most important to you this Christmas Eve, Lucy dearest?"

Lucy was quiet for a while, staring into the fire, and then she smiled. "Family. But not just you three, but all my family. The family we've gained here. The dryads and the nymphs and the Foxes and Bears and Beavers and Wolves and Swallows and Ravens and Rats and fauns and dwarves, and the gentle Giants, and the Hawks and the Lions and—"

"Haha, alright, Lu, alright, I think we get the picture," Peter laughed.

"The whole of Narnia would be related to you, then, sister?" Edmund asked with a smirk, pulling the blanket closer around him.

"Oh, of course! But what of you? What is the most important thing to you all this Christmas?"

"Something our old world has long tried to achieve," Susan said, "Peace. Our beloved Narnia is at peace."

Peter smiled at her, and nodded. "You're right, sister. Spare Oom has so longed for it, and here, by Aslan's grace, we have it. But I think the most important thing this year is that our beloved general and trainer has given us tomorrow off!" the four laughed, and then Peter grew serious again. "No, in honesty, I think for me, the most important thing is that we are together. I think back, and this war could have ended any which way, but it didn't. For that I am so grateful."

"Ed?" Lucy said when Just Ed was quiet for too long. "What are you thankful for this Christmas?"

He looked at each of his siblings for a heartbeat before replying.

"Forgiveness," he said, and smiled.


A/N: This has been edited a bit from it's original state (not too much though.) Thus ends my story of two Narnian Christmases, and I hope I've done them justice. The second chapter would not have been if not for the kind reviewer Sapphire Warrioress, so many, many thanks and kudos to her for that. Another mention to rthstewart, who's way of 'beginning' Narnian tales influenced the editing of this one. (In ch 1).

Thanks to all who review! I really appreciate it!