Chapter eleven

We drive to Forks with rain pouring against the roof of Alice's SUV, Jasper diving with Alice at his side, Edward sits directly beside me in the back with me sandwiched between both him and the sleeping Anna. My head rests on Edward's shoulder with my hand entangled with his, he kisses my forehead and I sigh, "I don't remember the ride to Forks ever being this long."

Alice turns her head to face us and rolls her eyes, "Be patient, we'll be there in twenty."

Edward frowns, mumbling "If I drove we could have been there an hour ago."

"Edward, if you drove we would be an extra hour because you'd get us pulled over for speeding." I tease and Alice and Jasper laugh along with me.

He rolls his eyes, "I've never had a parking ticket in my life thank you very much."

"Yeah, because Charlie let you off when you were a teenager."

Edward huffs, not saying anything as he yanks his hand out of mine and crosses his arms, mocking a pout. I laugh, "C'mon Edward, you know it's true!"

He crooks his head further to the side, not saying anything, I roll my eyes, "You are such a drama queen."

Alice laughs, "Remember when he went through puberty?"

"Yeah, like when his voice started to squeak and he'd stop talking for long periods of time." I laugh, Alice and I always had a game to play when we were younger, every time he'd act dramatic and still be sitting with us we'd go over the embarrassing moments of his life, he always cracks after a short period of time.

"Not as bad as when he used to come into the kitchen most mornings with toilet paper when he almost bleeds himself to death shaving, I mean seriously Edward, you didn't have much to shave anyway!" Alice picks.

I blush, remembering that I was the one that showed him how to shave, I honestly thought it would be the same as shaving my legs… "Or when he'd start taking the exceedingly long showe-"

"Okay! I think we all know about my childhood, let's leave the past in the past alright?" He most likely would have yelled if Anna wasn't asleep beside me.

"So you agree that you were being a drama queen and that Charlie really did stop you from getting the tickets?"

He huffs, "He may have gone easy on me-"

"Easy!? He practically flamed everyone else when they drove three miles faster, you drove ten and above!"

Edward shrugs, "It's not my fault your father favored me."

I glare at him, "Gee, I wonder why."

He grins and doesn't say anymore. I roll my eyes and lean on the baby carriage, folding my arms over my chest and stare at the sleeping baby. Her nose is starting to grow a ting of red from the cold, her lips part as she breaths through her mouth while her entire tiny body is tucked into a purple blanket, her black hair scattering over her head.

Can she get any cuter? I feel pressure on my shoulder as Edward's head leans on it, I take a peak at him as he does me, I roll my eyes once more, "I thought you were mad at me."

"You obviously thought wrong." He leans up and pecks my lips.

I laugh, and Alice sticks her head back again, "Hey! You'll wake the baby."

I bite my lip, "Sorry Alice." I pull back from the car seat and sit up straight with my hand in Edwards.

Soon we start to see the familiar road's- well, practically one road, of Forks. The diner, the grocery store, the church, Newton's sporting outlet, all down the one street. I think Forks' is the only place starbucks or Mac Donald's has forgotten…

Jasper drives straight to Charlie's, apparently I'm not allowed to go to the Cullen's, so Alice and Jasper are dropping both Edward and I at Charlie's and picking Edward up at seven.

Pulling into my child-hood home, I grab out my over-night bag, and say good bye, Edward pulling me along to the door. I open the door- the pure fact to the matter is is that no one in Forks ever lock's their door, never has, and probably never will. I squeeze Edward's hand and exhale deeply, this will be the first time Charlie has ever seen Edward and I as a real couple.

Edward squeezes back, I smile up at him as we enter the house, "Dad!?"

There's no answer, so I assume he's either at work or fishing, basically the only two things he can do. Both Edward and I shrug our jackets off and leave them on the old coat hanger that my mom picked out when she was living here…twenty-seven years ago.

We walk up stairs, Edward carrying my back-pack, much to my dismay. I open my bed room door and even though I expect it, I am shocked to see that nothing has changed, not even the red mark on my carpet when I had spilt red soda on it –which would make sense, considering Charlie isn't the best cleaner in the world. I throw my bag at the end on my bed and flop down, laughing.

Edward chuckles, doing the same on my right, his head right beside mine has his body repels from me. I sigh, "I remember this room…"

I giggle, "Yeah, considering that I had spent eighteen years living in it!"

He grins, "I remember sneaking up here at nights."

I blush, "You were lucky that Charlie was a heavy sleeper, you weren't always the quietest."

"Run's in the family," He winks, "Sometimes you wouldn't even notice I was in here. I didn't wake you, I sat in the rocking chair."

"Then where were you when I threw the chair away?"

"The floor, remember how Charlie walked in one morning and I was rested against the bed?"

I roll my eyes, "Why didn't you just use that pretty little head of yours to come and sleep with me."

"Because you were spread out on the bed! I had no way in to get in the bed without waking you, plus, what do you think Charlie's reaction would be if he saw me in the bed with you!?"

"Well, he's seen us before." I point out.

Edward snorts, "Yeah, and he was pleased with us for the next week too."

I shrug, arching my head forward slightly and grin at him, "I think it was worth it."

He grins back, rolling over awkwardly and kisses me, hard. My mind clouds instantly, I wrap my arms around my man and pull him closer to me. We start to get deeper, and a loud crash breaks us out of our own world. Edward jerks up, and instantly I push him off, "Dad?!"

I start to run down the stairs, fixing my hair incase it shows signs of a sinister daughter, knowing Edward is behind me, I walk in calmly to the kitchen, "Dad?"

Frowning, I walk in and instantly my eyes widen, "Dad!"

Charlie lie's on the ground, like a pained worm out of its natural habitat, the kitchen cloth coats over him with the fruit basket laying within inches' of his side. I run to his side, Edward hurries to his other and I grab his hand, "Dad? Dad, what happened?"


His mouth opens, but carbon dioxide is the only thing that leaves his mouth. My heart hammers as I grip his hand, Edward swiftly rips his cell out and dials, "Hello, I have an emergency, I need the ambulance, quick!"

He looks in pain, grunting. The arm on lying across his stomach I grip, squeezing it as I gently lift his head onto my thigh, "I think he's had a heart attack." I panic.

Edward hangs up the phone and places it on the counter, grabbing a cloth from a draw and wetting it under the tap, "We have to think positively."

Winching it, kneels and puts it onto of Charlie's head, soaking up the seat that's formed. Tears fill my eyes, I begin to speak to the half unconscious man lying on my lap, "Come on dad, you need to get though this, come on, I need you too."

Not too soon after, the ambulance makes it's appearances. The two men use both their strength to pick Dad up and put him on the stretcher. The paramedic tells me only one of us were allowed come along, Edward stays behind, promising that he'd be there in as soon of time as possible. I nod, hugging him tightly before hopping in the back with the paramedic and dad.

Tears continue to form as I grip my dad's limp hand while the paramedic hooks him onto various machines', I don't even pretend to pay attention. I squeeze my eyes close, "Dad, I'm getting married tomorrow, you can't leave me now."

The paramedic gives me a sympathetic look, before going back to whatever he was doing. I look up at the brunette, "Will he be okay?"

He looks at me with a serious expression, "From what I can tell it's just a mild stroke, we won't know the damage we get some scans."

Whatever air that fills my chest leaves, I whisper, "Oh god…"

"He should be fine…"

I wish I had the strength to give him a smile, or even a thank you for trying to make me feel better, lying, whichever, but I just…can't. Something inside me is numbing, I can barely tell whether or not I'm even awake, if this isn't just some sick, twisted dream I'm stuck in. I even attempt to pinch myself, but I'm still in a van with sirens, in the back with my unconscious father, a man trying to save him, and me, balling my eyes out.

The ambulance stops, medic's instantly open the doors and pull the stretcher out, I jump out and follow attentively. They take him into the ER and a young doctor tells me that I have to wait in the waiting room. I don't sit, I pace myself, pulling at my hair as I try to take deep breaths, not even bothering to wipe the streams of tears from my checks.

"Bella?" A familiar voice calls.

My head snaps up to meet the both concerning and confusing eyes of Edward's adopted father. He walks up to me, stretching his arms out and embraces me, "Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?"

"Charlie-," I choke out, "He-He's had a st-stroke."

His hand comes and strokes my hair, "And where's Edward?"

I shrug, "I think Alice i-is bring him."

He sighs, "Bella, I'll go see what I can do for him, okay? I promise I will do everything I can."

Breaking the embrace, Carlisle leaves his hands gripping my shoulders lightly, I bite my lip, nodding weakly. He gives me a reassuring smile before turning and making his way out. Not too soon after I feel a pair of arms sneaks their way around my waist, his body pressing up against my back. I turn into his embrace and dug my face into the crook of his neck and let it all out.

Edward coos me, one hand firmly against my spine and the other entangled in my hair. He plants kisses against my hair, I feel myself calm significantly, but not enough to stop the water works. Pulling me down, Edward sits on a bench and pulls me with him, my legs stretch out on the seat. I don't remove my head from his neck, if anything I just borrow a deeper hole. His hands now rest on my side and thigh, gently rubbing.

I calm down further, pressing my forehead against his neck, now noticing Alice sitting at the end of my feet. She smiles at me, and I try, god I try, but it feels as if I'm committing a crime, my face just crunches up and I cry again. Edward rests a hand on my head and pressed it against his chest as he coos again. Alice leans over and places a hand on my knee, "He's going to be fine Bella,"

"Y-you don't know that Alice." I cry.

"Charlie has always been a strong one, he'll make it." Edward reassures.

Carlisle enters the waiting room, and instantly my head snaps in his direction, "How is he?"

He smile reassuringly, "He's going to make it Bella, he's just resting."

A huge amount of weight lifts from my chest, I wipe both cheeks with my wrists, "Can I see him?"

He nods, I jump off of Edward's lap and follow Carlisle, not even worrying to look back at my fiancée and future-sister-in-law, my mind only worrying about my father. Carlisle leads me to a room on the second floor, he opens the door and instantly I hear the sound of the heart monitor. Dad lays on the bed in the center, unconscious. I go to his side without hesitation and grip his hand.

"How long will he be unconscious for?" Edward asks.

"Well his heart has strained quite a bit today, it's only natural that all the stress and pain killers will have him out for at least the next twelve hours."

"And he will be okay?" I whisper.

"He will come out of this just fine Bella." Carlisle promises.

Alice walks around and stands on the opposite side of Charlie's bed, looking down with a serine expression, she doesn't speak. It feels like there's a layer of depression that wraps like a blanket of depression upon the room, no one speaks, we just, be.

Carlisle excuses himself once his pager goes off, and Alice comments that she has to leave to feed Anna, leaving just Edward and I.

"Do you want a coffee love?" Edward asks gently.

I nod, "Yes please."

He nods, kissing my forehead before leaving the room. I pull up a chair, never disconnecting dad and mine's hand connection. I sigh sadly, "You scared me dad, you know that right?"

"Why didn't you listen to me when I told you to cut back on the steak, you never did listen to facts unless it was convenient to you, do you," I laugh humorlessly.

Biting my lip, my eyes feel so raw that I wouldn't be able to cry again, but the tears still fall, almost painfully. Edward walks back in, with two cups in hand. Kissing the coroner of my forehead, he sits in the chair beside me and hands me the coffee. I take a sip and sigh, glancing at Edward's shirt to notice a small wet patch. He looks down to see what I'm looking at, I speak, "Sorry about that…"

He smiles lovingly at me, "Don't be love."

I run a hand through my hair, "You don't have to stay here with me Edward."

"I could never leave you here Bella, don't be silly." He frowns.

I muster up a small smile, he smiles in return, leaning over and pecking my lips, instantly causing my heart to accelerate. He pulls back, gripping my hand, "I'll call Alice and tell her to postpone the wedding."

My heart aches, I want desperately to marry this man, but I can't bare to walk down the isle with Charlie in this bed. Another tear falls, "I'm sorry."

Edward sighs, letting the coffee cup balance on the arm of the chair. He kneels down in front of me and elopes me in a hug, and I let myself crumble against him again. For that moment I hated my father for having a stroke, for him ruining my wedding, but that's purely selfish of me. Here Edward is, willing to put the wedding off for me, being the angel he is, and there's me, being a soiled, unworthy daughter. He presses his lips to my head every once in a while, reminding me that I really don't deserve this angel.

Edward scoops me up, allowing me to lay on his lap once more. Within minutes, everything goes blank.

I wake up still clinging to Edward like life support. A nurse must have seen the two of us and put a blanket on top of us. Edward's head rests on my shoulder, asleep. I frown, his position must not be a comfortable one. I press my lips to his jaw line in gratitude before resting my head in the crook of his neck.

"I always thought you kids would end up together…"

My heart accelerates, I remove my head and look over at Dad, his eyes wide and knowing. I swallow, "Dad, you're awake."

He smiles, "It takes a lot to keep this old man down."

"Heh, I believe you."

"How long have I been asleep for?" He asks.

I look up at the round white clock against the plain white wall, it reading one thirty two. Whoa, that long, "Um, about twelve hours."

Charlie whistles, "Why are you guys still here then? It's your wedding day ain't it?"

My stomach drops, "Urh…we kind of postponed the wedding dad…"

"You postponed the wedding because of me, didn't you."

I bite my lip, "I can't go down the isle without you dad."

"Bella, you can't put your life on hold for me."


"No Bella, you're getting married today and that's final."

I sigh, "It's too late anyway dad, we've already called it off."

"Just because you won't have fifty, or a hundred people there, doesn't mean you still can't have a wedding." Charlie grins.

I grin back.


Twelve hours later


I still refuse to get married without dad, so we bring the to wedding to him. I don't even wear the dress that Alice made, much to her dismay, but I do wear a white summer dress that Alice owned. Jasper asks Mr. Weber to come to the hospital instead of the house, which doesn't mess up any plans, considering he wasn't informed the wedding was off.

I stand outside the door with the girls, and now, my mother. She has tears in her eyes, and a paper thin smile on her lips, "I can't believe my little girl has grown up,"

She hugs me, I laugh, "Mom, I'm thirty!"

Renee laughs, whipping the invisible tears that she thinks leaked, "Still, I can't believe it, are you sure about this? You don't want to wait and have a proper wedding like planned?"

I smile at my mother, knowing the doors closed, I speak, "I love Edward, I can't imagine waiting another week, or even a day, without being his wife."

"You are such a romantic Bella," Mom laughs, hugging me again.

I laugh, Alice squeals, "You're really going to be my sister in a few minutes."

I roll my eyes, Esme comes and hugs me as well, "I can honestly say I cannot find my son a better female for him. I'm proud to call you my daughter."


She shakes her head, "No, it's mom now,"

I smile, the door opens to my father's room –which Carlisle had changed for the biggest- Jasper comes out and speaks, "We're ready for you."

We nod, we don't go in formally, but I am the last one in. My breath hitches as my eyes land on Edward, unlike me, he's wearing his tux as planned. It finally sinks in, I'm about to marry Edward Cullen. My heart pounds in my chest, this is really happening –whether or not I can hear clear well dad's heart monitor-. I walk right up to Edward, not taking in anything else.

His expression I can only guess is mirroring mine, a lope sided smile consumes his face as he reaches for my hand, and elopes it with mine. He mouths, 'you're beautiful'. I blush, smiling before looking at the pastor.

Mr. Weber smiles and speaks, "Dearly beloved, we have gathered here in this hospital to witness Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan in holy matrimony.

"Edward, will you take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife, promise to cherish her, comfort and love her, keep her in sickness and health. Forsake all others, until death do you part?"

Edward smiles, looking deep into my eyes, "I do."

My heart skips a beat, as butterflies fly uncontrollably inside my stomach, "And to you, Isabella Swan, take this man as your lawfully wedded wife, promise to cherish him, comfort and love him, keep him in sickness and in health. Forsake all others, until death do you part?"

I gulp, feeling my throat run dry, I speak, "I do."

Edward face brightens up almost instantly, his skin glows under the pale light of the hospital room. Carlisle comes forth and hands Edward my ring, "With this ring, I take Isabella as my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part." He slides a gold band onto my finger, tiny diamonds surrounding it, I'm to happy to guess the worth.

Esme brings me Edward's gold band, and I speak, "With this ring, I take Edward as my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part." I slide his plain band onto his finger, his hand instantly covers mine as soon as it's on him.

We grin at each other, "By the power invested in me by the lord, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride."

He doesn't have to tell Edward twice, he pulls at my hands and smacks his lips to mine, kissing me passionately. Everyone in the room claps, but I don't care to notice, I wrap my arms around my husband and kiss him with twice the force.

We break free, grinning like mad people, and I press my forehead to his cheek, staring at only my family. Gripping my hand once more, I have everyone pouncing at us, hugging, kissing, and congratulating us. Our hands never disconnect, I give my father one last hug, Edward giving a hand shake, before both Edward and I leave the hospital, getting in the limo that awaits us, and off to our long awaited honeymoon.


Don't blame me if the wedding lines are wrong, I've never been to a wedding and my parents aren't married, so I don't know :P

I hope you enjoyed in, I'll update sooner, I promise!