Tony's First Christmas

This is my first NCIS story. I do not own the characters.

There is disciplining of an adult in this. If you do not like please do not read.

There was a groan from the hospital bed. "DiNozzo, you awake?" a voice said from beside him.

"Must be, don't think it would hurt this much if I was dead." Gibbs really wanted to smack him on the back of his head for that remark but didn't think that would be very sensible as DiNozzo probably had a concussion.

The door opened and a nurse came in closely followed by a doctor," Hi Brad," Gibbs said.

"Gibbs, Tony. This seems to be coming a regular occurrence. Think you could take a break from getting injured especially on Christmas Eve."

Tony laughed, "I'll try doc but you know how I like to keep you busy."

Brad went over and listened to his lungs," They seem to be okay."

"He gave his head a hard blow," Gibbs said.

"Should be nothing wrong with him then," Brad said laughing.

"Very funny doc," Tony replied.

Brad looked at Gibbs, "He's okay, Gibbs."

"Great," Tony said ready to swing his legs out of the bed.

Gibbs put his hand on his shoulder and kept him in the bed. "Stay right there."

"Come on boss, you know I hate hospitals. And he did say I was fine."

"He did not, he said your lungs were fine."

"Same thing," Tony moaned.

"No it's not and you know it. Who is his doctor this time?" he directed the question to Brad.

"Dr. Lewis. She's at the nurse's desk."

"I'll be back in 5, you move from that bed and you'll be sorry," he said to Tony.

"You can't hit my head," Tony said.

"Who said I'd hit your head? There are other places that will get my message across."

Brad laughed as Tony went red. "He's just joking," Tony said to Brad.

"Wouldn't like to test that out if I was you," Brad said leaving.

Tony shuffled to the edge of the bed and sat there until his head stopped spinning. He slipped his legs out of the bed and stood for a moment. This wasn't as easy as he thought. He was just about to take a step when," Stop right there," Gibbs said from the door. Tony nearly fell to the floor in fright. Gibbs took his arm, turned him around and made him get back into bed.

"Dr. Lewis meet Anthony DiNozzo," Brad said from behind her.

"Tony," he said.

"Well Mr. DiNozzo, you just lie back and let me look at you." Tony looked up at Gibbs. He did not look happy. "You feel sick or dizzy?"

Tony was about to say no but looked at Gibbs again. That was the look that had Probies shaking in their shoes. He was no Probie but he wasn't stupid either. "A bit." Gibbs coughed. "Okay, I felt dizzy and sick. You happy now?" Where had that come from?

"No Anthony I am not happy. Perhaps you can tell that from my face," Gibbs replied.

"Sorry," he said. He knew some damage limitation was in order. He'd just been called Anthony and that did not bode well. "Must be feeling worse than I thought." Gibbs wouldn't head slap a sick man especially with two doctors in the room.

"You must be," Gibbs said.

Dr. Lewis checked his pupils. "They are reacting a bit slow, I'd feel happier if you spent the night here."

"No please, I hate hospitals." Tony put on his sad puppy look and Gibbs could tell the doctor was ready to give in.

"Doctor, if it's alright with you, I'll take him home and look after him. I know what to do for concussion," Gibbs offered.

What? Tony thought. He'd stayed with Gibbs once before when he had nowhere else to go. The man had more rules than a prison. "No it's okay, I can look after myself."

"You can't stay on your own. You either have to stay here or go with your father."

"Father? Where?" Tony said looking at the door. Gibbs had an evil smile on his face and Brad looked as if he was about to wet himself he was laughing so much. Then he realised what she thought. "Gibbs isn't my father, he's my boss."

"Sorry, I just thought.." Dr. Lewis stuttered.

"Sometimes it's what I feel like," Gibbs said.

Tony shook his head. Gibbs couldn't be admitting he felt for Tony like a son. No he must have heard him wrong. "I really can look after myself," he tried again.

"You're coming with me, Tony. End of story. I'll just step out and make some calls and then I'll come back and get you ready." He stared at Tony. "You will not move from this bed, understand?" Tony looked up about to say something but changed his mind. Once Gibbs had made up his mind there was no changing it. Tony nodded.

Gibbs went out into the hall followed by the doctors. "I'll keep a close watch on him, I'll wake him up every hour. Any problems and I'll bring him back. Now I'd best phone my team and let them know he's okay. They'll need to bring his things to my house." Gibbs lifted the phone to his mouth and marched towards the open door.

Tony knew he had very little time to make his escape before Gibbs would be back. He got up and managed to reach his clothes. He got the hospital gown off and managed to get his things on. He couldn't believe how tired he was. Now to get of here.

That was when things went wrong. It had taken him too long. The door handle turned and Gibbs walked in. His eyes narrowed. "What did I tell you?"

"I'm fine Gibbs. She's just being over cautious." Gibbs could see the sweat on his forehead. He'd used up a lot of his energy just getting dressed.

"Bed," he pointed.

"No!" Tony replied. "I'm not being told what to do. I'm not a child."

"Now, DiNozzo."

"I said no." This was a battle Tony was determined to win. He didn't expect what happened next.

Gibbs grabbed his arm turned him round and delivered a smack to his backside that almost lifted him off his feet. "That's for disobeying me," he hit him again," and that's for the attitude." He made him sit on the bed and then swung his legs onto the bed. "You'll stay there until the wheelchair arrives."

"That hurt," Tony said.

"Was meant to. Now you behave yourself and I won't have to do it again."


"Worked for me. My dad was a firm believer in consequences if I did something wrong. Get used to it son."

Tony's heart jumped in his chest. He'd called him son. He didn't have time to think more about it because a nurse appeared at the door with a wheelchair. Tony made to open his mouth. "Don't think you want to argue about this do you?" Gibbs said.

"No sir," Tony said. No way did he want any more consequences and he wasn't sure Gibbs wouldn't do it in front of the nurse.

"Good boy."