Just a little something for the holiday! Enjoy!

The smell of home cooked food seeped through the walls. The air was thick with the scent of plump roasted turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, and home-made bread. It was enough to make the mouth of any grown man salivate uncontrollably; to make him weak at the knees. A table was set with the finest of platters and fanciest goblets. Festive candles weaved with silver ornamented the center of the table.

A roaring fire was alight in the fireplace, crackling merrily in opposition to the bitter winter winds outside. Stocking were hung across the mantle waiting in anticipation of being filled with Christmas treats. To one side of the fireplace sat a beautiful emerald green tree, adorn with ribbons, silver tinsel, and meaningful little trinkets. A heavenly angel sat atop the tree, poised in such a way that she looked to be singing in glory to God for the birth of his Son.

From the depths of the house came the patter of feet and soon two small children, a boy and a girl, scurried into the room; their smiles were bright as they gazed upon the tree. The two were followed closely by their mother, dressed in her holiday best. She carefully balanced tray of steaming food, the source of that delectable scent, while the children whisked around her feet. After setting the patter onto the table, she guided each of the children into their seats. A tall, stately man appeared from around the corner and took his place at the head of the table. Each member of the family clasped their hands together and bowed their heads in prayer - thankful for this time together.

Ice frosted the glass of the window that looked in on the picture perfect family; snow piled up on the windowsill, framing it beautifully. Puffy, white snowflakes fell from the heavens, laying a thick blanket of snow on the ground. Standing in snow up to his ankles, looking in on the warmth and love, stood a shivering newsboy. He watched a few seconds longer and then sadly turned away, leaving fresh footsteps in the new fallen snow.

The streets were desolate at the end of another long day and the crunch of the snow echoed around him. All of the sudden he found himself longing for the life he had seen through that window. He wanted to be a part of a loving family. He wanted to be eating a hearty meal. He didn't want to be cold and alone, like we was now. It was another Christmas Eve, but there was very little to be thankful for.

Begrudgingly, he twisted the doorknob of Number Nine Duane Street and stepped inside, shaking off the percipitation that had accumulated on his tattered coat. Newsboys were strewn all about the house, relaxing from a hard days work, challenging one another in games, reading, or simply shooting the breeze.

"Hey, Kloppman made some hot cocoa, if yer interested. It's in the kitchen," one of the boys called as he picked his way up the stairs.

"Thanks," he grumbled, not bothering to stop.

He stripped off his wet clothes, leaving them in a heap at the foot of his bed and then climbed up. A tiny pile of poorly wrapped gifts made him pause from his ascent, but he quickly regained momentum and hurled himself over the side, pulling the blanket around him in one swift movement. He laid there for some time, listening to the noise around him and soon a smile crept across his face. He wasn't cold and alone; he was part of a family. It might not be picture perfect, but to him it was home - he had everything he needed. That was something to be thankful for.

Merry Christmas everyone!