Hi, This Is My First Fan fiction =D I Hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own shugo chara or any of the characters.

Enjoy ^^

My New Home

Chapter 1: Divorced?

(Normal P.O.V)

The sun had already risen on Tokyo city; people were heading to work, students heading to school, and a lazy 15-year-old girl that was still in bed.

(Amu's P.O.V)

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I hit it the 'Off' button carefully not to break it…again.

'Atleast I didn't wake up to the sound of my parents fighting this time' I thought bitterly.

I sighed, and sat up straight on my bed.

I guess I should introduce myself.

Hi, my name is Amu Hinamori, I'm 16-years old and in 11th grade, I have shoulder length pink hair, which is weird, I know so don't judge me, and I have golden eyes… can I get any weirder? Anyway, I'm an only child, isn't that great? Not. Being an only child sucks because I don't have anyone to share the misery of waking up to my parent's fighting every single day.

Anyway, back to reality.

I streched my arms over my head and trudged towards the bathroom to get ready for school. I took my time taking a shower and getting dressed in my school uniform. The uniform consisted of a red plaid skirt, a white button up shirt with a black blazer. The whole outift screamed boring! So I styled it up a bit. I also added a bit of accessories. It wasn't allowed, but sometimes the rules have to be broken.

After I finished, I went downstairs to the kitchen expecting some food to be on my plate… which I didn't.

'Why am I not surprised?' I thought, while staring at the empty plate in front of me.

So yeah, this is how I spend my morning.

Waking up by my parents arguments, and if I'm lucky, by the alarm, then find no food on my plate, then go to school hungry, and get laughed at when the teacher says, 'Looks like someone here is on a diet' after hearing my stomach grumble.

I shuddered at the memory.

'Theres no way I'm letting that happen again' I thought, my eyes widening in horror and determination.

I decided to make my own breakfast.

Which of course lead to a disaster, which led to me cleaning it up so, I wouldn't get yelled at, and guess to what that leads…

''Crap! Im late!'' I said to no one in particular, while running down the streets to my school, my bag trailing behind me.

Once I arrived, I was welcomed by a glare from our supervisor.

''Why are you late?'' She asked, her eyes raising suspiciously behind her glasses.

''Um… I was caught in traffic'' I lied, scratching my head and giving her a what-could-I-do-about-it smile.

''And since when do you drive?'' She shot back.

I didn't allow myself to show that she had caught me in a lie. Stupid, Amu. You can't lie even if your life depended on it. You should have told her you accidently knocked down an old lady while walking to school and then got chases by some cops. She would have believed you. After all, you do look like some punk coming to school to do anything but study. ''Uh…Walking traffic. Yeah. I was caught in walking traffic,'' I replied, hoping to God she's believe me.

I laughed nervously.

''This is your last warning, next time you're not getting away with this," she said, her eyes looking stern and her mouth set in a straight line.

''Yes ma'am'' I replied.

I hurried to class before she said anything else. I pushed the door open, put the late note on the teacher's desk, who currently had his back to the class writing some undecipherable algebra equations on the board, and slid into my seat in the middle of the classroom.

The desk to my right was occupied by one of my best friends, Hoshino Utau. She had waist length blond hair, which was put up into two ponytails and she had sparkling violet eyes that always shone when she was buzzing with excitement.

The seat in front of me conatained another one of my best friends, Mashiro Rima. She also had waist length hair, but hers was wavy and was let down. She had brown eyes that always sized you up before declaring you her enemy. She was a nice girl nonetheless underneath all of her competitevness.

Behind me sat Yuiki Yaya, My last best friend.

She has shoulder length pumpkin coloured hair, which was also put up into two ponytails and she had honey coloured eyes that always widened in an adorable way whenever she saw – or should I say smelled – some candy nearby.

To my left sat my dear friend, the window.

Could my seating arrangement get any better?

I opened my bags to take out my Algebra book and set it onto the table, with no intention of actually opening it and solving some useless math questions that would do me no good in real life. Instead, I stared outside the window where some boys were playing basketball while Nikaido, our teacher droned on about quadratic equations and other meaningless crap.

After a few moments, a note hit my head. I sighed in frustration. I didn't need to look up to know who threw it.

I could tell it was Rima since she lacks throwing skills. Or any skills that required some physical labour for that matter.

I opened the note and read what was written inside,

'Got in trouble for being late this morning again?'

I took out my pen and wrote back.

'Yeah, thank god she didn't make it hard for me this morning.'

I threw it back to her.

Seconds later, it flew back to me, and hit me in the head… again.

We started sending notes to each other, back and forth between us.

And of course she threw it on my head every single time.

I swear Rima could be in the genus record for the most times to throw a note on a person's head, without looking.

I grew frustrated more and more whenever it happened until I couldn't take it anymore.

''Rima! Cant you get it right?'' I yelled at her.

Everyone was looking at me and laughing by the time I finished.

''Would you be a nice girl Amu and tell me what isn't Rima getting right?'' Asked Nikaido.

I scrambled for a good lie. ''Um… Uh… the equation! Rima didn't understand the equation you gave us,'' I replied.

''That's what I get paid for, if Rima doesn't understand the equation, then she can ask me,'' Nikaido Said.

''Uh… Ok… Sorry'' I said, while giving an innocent smile.

Nikaido turned around and wrote some more stuff on the board.

I sighed in relief.

''Amu, I swear you're like a trouble magnet,'' Rima whispered.

''Gee, thanks for the update,'' I whispered back.

Utau and Yaya chuckled.

Two more periods passed, then the bell rang telling us that its break time.

I walked next to Utau, Rima, and Yaya. All of us heading to the cafeteria to sate our grumbling stomachs.

We went to see the guys so we can head to the cafeteria together like we always do.

They are one year above us, A.K.A seniors. That's why we weren't in the same class together.

And if you're wondering who I mean by 'Guys' then I mean my other best friends which are guys.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have so many best friends. Sue me.

One of them is Tadase Hotori; he has golden hair, and pink eyes.

Second is Kukai Souma, he has brown hair, and green eyes.

Third is Nagihiko Fujisaki, he has long purple hair, and hazel eyes.

And last but not least is Ikuto Tsukiyomi; he has midnight blue hair, and same eye color.

I like them all as best friends. Even though Ikuto is annoying, I can't say he is not one of my friends since we've known each other since we were young.

We finally reached them. We said our greetings and started walking towards the cafeteria.

''So… anything interesting happened today?'' asked Kukai.

''Well… you know, the usual thing, Amu getting into trouble for being late and then gets embarrassed,'' replied Utau.

Everyone chuckled. I Groaned.

''Don't say it like it happens all the time!'' I yelled in annoyance.

''But it does, doesn't it'?' Said Yaya.

''Ugh… whatever,'' I replied, crossing my arms over my chest.

''Aww… My Little Amu is getting mad,'' said Ikuto while ruffling my hair.

I threw his hand back to his side.

''First, I'm not yours. Second, I'm not little!'' I yelled at him.

He just chuckled.

(Rima's P.O.V)

I sighed in annoyance.

''Can't those two just get along?'' I whispered to Nagi.

He chuckled.

''Just let them do what they feel like doing, maybe one day they will get together,'' he whispered back.

''I wish they'd hurry up,'' I replied, while rolling my eyes.

(Amu's P.O.V)

We finally got to the cafeteria, and each of us got our seperate trays of lunch. I had to admit, one thing I was grateful about this school, was their lunch. It wasn't disgusting and at least you could tell what they were serving and you didn't have to fear for your life every time you took a bite of it. We all sat down in our usual table, in the far corner of the cafeteria and started eating.

''Hey, did you hear Britney's newest song, 3?'' Utau Asked.

''Yeah, it was amazing'' I replied.

''I know, it was like whoa,'' said Yaya.

''Yeah, the video was even cooler,'' Rima said.

''I know!,'' all the girls said at the same time, and then we started giggling.

The boys sighed in frustration.

''Girls,'' said the boys, while shaking their heads in disapproval.

''Hey! Without girls, you guys wouldn't have been born,'' I told them.

''Wow Amu, so now your thinking about how we were born? You are such a pervert,'' said Ikuto with a smirk on his face.

I Gasped.

''I… I didn't say HOW I said that you wouldn't have been in this world without us,'' I shot back.

He nodded his head, and looked like he wasn't buying it.

''It's true,'' I added.

''There they go again,'' Said Rima.

''What do you mean 'Again'?'' I asked.

She sighed and shook her head.

''Never mind,'' she said.

(After School)

Finally the bell rang, signalling the end of school day. We packed our stuff, and walked out of school. We said our goodbyes, and then I started walking to my house.

'Ugh… Today was tiring, all I want to do is get back and take a nap' I thought.

After walking for a fifteen minutes straight I finally arrived at my house. I opened the door, and dragged myself upstairs, my body weighed down from fatigue.

I went straight to my room, not bothering to say I'm home to my mum and dad, knowing they won't bother saying welcome back.

I threw my bag on my bedroom's floor. And laid down on my bed. I tried to sleep.

I was almost in dreams land before I heard my parent's arguments from downstairs.

I groaned in frustration.

I put the pillow on my head hoping the noise will go away.

Which it didn't.

I sighed in annoyance.

I got up, knowing I won't get any sleep with this amount of commotion downstairs.

'I'll do my homework,' I thought.

Few minutes passed, and I still couldn't concentrate on one equation.

''Ugh!'' I yelled.

'Cant they just shut up?' I Thought.

''Amu! Come down here!'' Midori, my mum, yelled.

I sighed.

I just realized how much I was sighing today.

''Coming!'' I yelled.

I climbed down the stairs, taking my own sweet time. I found my dad and mum standing next to each other in the kitchen. My mum had an angry face, and her hands were crossed. My dad had an annoyed face, and he was tapping his foot impatiently.

''Amu, your dad and I, have an announcement to make,'' said My Mum.

''Which is?'' I asked curiously, raising my eyebrows at this.

''Your dad and I decided….'' She said, and tried to find a good word to say it.

''-To get divorced,'' my dad finally said impatiently.

I stared at them with my mouth hanging open and my eyes wide in surprise.

''What?'' I yelled.

''We figured out that we can't go on like this,'' my dad said.

''And until we decide whether you are going to be living with me or your dad, we decided that you will live with a friend,'' my mum said.

''But that's so sudden,'' I shot back.

''We know, but we already called her, and she agreed,'' said my dad.

''And who is 'She'?'' I asked, hoping it will be someone I know and not some distant aunt in some faraway country that would bake me cookies all day long to make me feel better and fatten me up in the process.

''You will be living with your friend, Utau Hoshino'' My mum replied.

'Awesome! It will be like a long sleep over,' I thought trying to keep my outraged expression on my face, since I was happy that I won't be hearing their arguments anymore.

'Wait a minute… if I m going to live with Utau, that means I'm gonna have to live with Ikuto too since they are siblings!' I thought.

''No Way!'' I yelled.