Chapter One: Freak

Before I get into anything I should probably talk about how I met Matt and how he imposed himself into my life. Lets see, I'll start from when I fist encountered him on the first day of school.

It was my first day as a sophomore in high school, I was glad to no longer be at the bottom of the food chain (not that I was ever picked on) but more then anything I was glad school had started, not to sound like a nerd or anything but if I'm going to be studying I'd rather it be for actual grades rather then my parents stupid "summer schooling". "Hey Mello, glad to see you survived another summer." I turned to see Light walking toward me.

"Yeah. So how was working-- I mean helping your dad around the office?"

"Ugh, you think by now he would realize I'm smart enough to actually be helping him on a case and not just to do errands but most of the time I was able to pawn them off on Matsuda." Light Yagami was my only friend at school mostly because he was the only one that I could carry on a conversation with without feeling like my brain cells were dying.

I sighed "Well, did you get your schedule yet?"

"Mm-hm." he pulled out a yellow paper showing me.

I looked it over quickly and to my disgust we didn't have any classes together. "How many advance classes could there possibly be? I can't believe we didn't get even one together."

"Especially considering last year." Light nodded. "Maybe they were tired of us pointing out mistakes?"

"Maybe." I groaned as the bell rang to signal the start of school. "Well I have to get to the gym... I've got P.E. first."

Light's face went pained "That sucks you're gonna smell all day." Jeez, I forgot what a clean freak he is. I thought rolling my eyes.

"I'll see you later." I muttered turning to the gym.

This is where it started... the very fist time I laid eyes on him.

The teacher was almost to my name when she yelled "Mail Jeevas?"

I heard a loud gasping and turned to see it had come from a mousey looking boy, he had rusty colored hair with goggles strapped on top of the messy mop of hair and from what I could tell green eyes. Freshman. I frowned. "How do you know my name!?" he yelled. I turned back to the teacher, her eyebrows raised high and then I turned back to the boy, his eyes narrowed "Go to hell!" he muttered.

The teacher cracked a smile "Very funny smart ass. Mihael Keehl?"

Turning my head to the teacher I raised my hand "Yeah." I answered.

"Linda Knox?" I turned my head to take one last glance at him, he was looking monotonously down at his lap then, as if sensing my eyes he looked up at me, smiling then licked the right corner of his lip. After a slightly closer look I noticed on either side of his bottom lip was a small silver piercing. I grimaced and turned back to the front.

That was the first time I saw him but defiantly wasn't the last because of his crazy antics. Everyday he seemed to be saying and doing something stranger like his wearing knee-high rainbow socks when we ran the mile and another time he freaked out because a bee landed on the grass next to him while we played soccer. I also heard that he had other piercings besides his lips but I wasn't 100% inclined to believe the rumors because how many fourteen-year-olds have piercings on their dicks?

Well I'm rambling so I'll skip to a few days ago in my math class. "Well class," Mr. Aizawa sighed standing in front of the room "a lot of you didn't do to well on this last test so I'm going to allow those who didn't to retake it during class after some much needed reviewing. I'm going to hand the tests back now." he quickly shuffled around the room with the tests and exchanged a few words with some students then he walked up next to me with my test in his hand "Ah the only 100% in the class, good work Mello. You're excused from the re-take but if you want you can take it for extra credit."

"Thanks." Of course I'm gonna take it again. I thought rolling my eyes as he walked away. The rest of the period was uneventful but once the bell rang, signaling the end of school Aizawa called me to his desk. "What is?" I asked innocently.

"I was wondering if you could stay after school today and tutor one of my geometry students."

"Uhm." Jeez nothing like short notice but it'll get me some cookie points for sure. "Okay, just give me a second to call my mother and tell her."

"Oh thank you! I wasn't sure if you'd want to do it. I know he'll appreciate it, he's been asking me about this for awhile."

So you wait until the very last second you can to ask ME? "Oh well I'll be back in a jiffy." I only quickly texted my mom a short message about staying after school before going to the bathroom and then heading back to the class. I opened the door to see him, the school freak, Mail Jeevas. He stood up once he noticed me. "Where did Aziawa go?"

"He had to do somethings around school. So it'll just be you an' me." he walked up to me quickly and grabbed my hand shaking it "I'm Mail Jeevas but just call me Matt, everyone does."

Well that's an improvement from swearing at people when he meets them. "I'm Mello." I sighed "Well lets get to work. What exactly are you having trouble with in geometry?"

We sat down at two of the desks "Umm its just one or two things really, Aziawa isn't to good at explaining." he shuffled through his back pack and pulled out a few papers "Like this one." he pointed at a problem "Will you help me with this one? And that one?"

"Sure." I grabbed a pencil and began to explain step by step how to do anything he asked. I was surprised when he actually seemed to understand most of what I was saying or otherwise really didn't seem to need my help. "Are you sure you were really having trouble with that before?"

Matt licked the at the piercing in corner of his lips. "Yeah I just-- just needed some... whats it called? You now its like-- reassurance! That's it!" he smiled.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Hmm he said you were asking for tutoring for awhile."

"Well Math is my worst subject so I just like to make sure I'm on the right track, ya' know?" he grinned.

"You don't seem to bad at math for it being your worst subject."

He flushed "Well thank you for staying and helping me today."

"So there isn't anything else you need to ask me?"

Matt bit his lip "N-no."

"If there is anything else don't hesitate to ask." I never-ever should have said that.

"Okay." he nodded and I stood up to leave. I walked down the hallway to my locker and took my time doing my combination. Opening the metal door I took out my back pack and books, sliding my bag onto my back and tightly gripping my book I turned to leave. I abruptly stopped when Matt appeared in my way. "Uh Mello," he started looking at his feet.

"Yeah?" I pressed.

"I-I do have one last thing to ask you." I cocked an eyebrow as his face snapped up to look at me, it was completely flushed "Mello," he started quickly and a little loudly "will you be my boyfriend?"

I felt my eyes go wide and my arm dropped to my side when the book I held slipped from my grasp. I saw his face coming closer to mine but didn't think to move away even when his lips lightly touched mine, I even felt the light coolness of his piercings against my skin but still I didn't pull away. It was the surprise, this I'm sure of there is no other explanation, that made me mutter "Yes." once he moved back down from his toes.

A/N: My new story! I've been planning this one for awhile so I hope people will like it! Review thank you please!?

Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note or Silverchair.