Apologies for the length of this chapter, but I found it quite difficult to write, despite knowing where the story's going. Thank you to the people who have reviewed and I hope you enjoy. :)

"Do something with this," Owen told Tosh, dumping a laptop onto her desk in front of her. "Neither Ianto or me can make heads or tails of it."

Tosh huffed at him, not touching the laptop as if it might infect her with some deadly alien STD. "You can do your own paperwork, I hope." She stared at him over the rims of her glasses. "I'm busy trying to trace the phone call Jack received and the outlet with which my system was hacked and shut down."

"Didn't Jack tell you not to do that?"

A frown burrowed her eyebrows. "No one gets through my firewall." She returned her hands to her keyboard, tapping away furiously as lines of data scrolled down the screen. "No one."

Own smirked. "That's our Tosh. Just as shallow as the rest of us." As she opened her mouth to reply, he nudged the laptop again. "We need you to get through some UNIT red tape."

He could tell her interest was piqued by the fact that one eye flew to the laptop, even as the other stayed on the screen. "UNIT?"

"To do with what you were looking for before: the Doctor, where our fearless leader was, etc, etc." He waved a hand, opening the laptop and tapping a few keys. "This is what we have so far."

Tosh's eyes flicked to the laptop before looking away with a decidedly unimpressed expression. "It's a payroll."

Owen gave a frustrated sigh. "It's the payroll of a man who worked for UNIT with the Brigadier. Called himself 'the Doctor'."

She spun to face him immediately, her eyes lighting up after a moment. "It's a deluxe transindental circuit! And look! A cross platform monochrome memory bank." She grabbed the laptop. "This is amazing!"

"Um..." Own replied, feeling lost. "What does it mean?"

Tosh was ecstatic as she answered, "I have no idea!"

"Doctor!" For goodness sake, he was wondering around Judoon headquarters, screaming for the Doctor like one of his little companions, thought the Master.

Not that he even wanted to find the idiot anyway. Any minute now, he'd find the exit - which he most certainly hadn't lost in the first place - and he would leave. It didn't matter that the TARDIS probably wouldn't obey him immediately. She would obey him in the end and all other things were immaterial.

He would go back to Earth, finish his business, and damn the Doctor to hell. It wasn't exactly responsible to put someone who had long recorded issues with killing the people around him into life-death situations, after all.

As usual, it was all the Doctor's fault.

"Doctor!" he roared, fast losing what little patience he had left. "I swear, if you don't come out right now I'm never going to try to take over the Earth again!"

On reflection, there could have been better things to threaten the Doctor with.

There was a slight hissing noise from behind him. Whirling, however, he found there was nothing there. Again it sounded from behind him. Again, there was nothing there. He had a moment to blame the Doctor for this also before the drums rose to a crescendo and he doubled over in debilitating pain.

He was assaulted by a series of fast moving images, bonding together to make a jerky sort of scene before him.

A man in a grey suit sat at a bank of controls, eyes fixed upon them. "We will find him."

Lucy stepped into view.

The Master felt a growl rise in his throat.

"We will most likely find them both," she replied.

The man turned to her, question in his eyes.

"Harry was taken by the Doctor. He is his prisoner."

"Ah." The man turned away from her, displeasure flashing across his features. "You are, however, sure of our bargaining power?"

"Oh yes." She stepped forward, seating herself at his side. "If there's one thing I know the Doctor to have, it's mercy.

The man inclined his head slightly, offering her something with one hand, eyes fixed again on the controls. A small yellow pill nestled in his palm.

"What is it?"

"Something that will null all attempts by the Doctor to track you."

"Don't," the Master hissed.

After only a moment's hesitation Lucy reached out and took the pill, swallowing it.

The scene faded as quickly as it had come, leaving the Master shaking slightly as his ability to track his wife cut out sharply, the drums flaring and then falling silent for a heartsbeat.

It is a great tragedy, to be destroyed from the inside out, by the things you have done. No one is blaming you for them, no one even knows they are there, but the small voice in the back of your head is raging. It is making you feel guilt. It is tearing you down and setting you aflame.