A Broken Heart Still Beats
Arthur and Morgana are best friends and both of them are openly gay. Morgana has her sights set on shy girl Gwen whilst Arthur is drawn to new boy Merlin and vows to have him in his bed. Morgana laughs betting that Merlin would never sleep with him so Arthur is set to prove her wrong and make Merlin fall in love with him.
Disclaimer-Yes, I own Merlin (well the DVDs anyway lol) but other than that…nothing…I just like to borrow characters without permission and make them…gay
This story will contain homosexual and lesbian themes/relationships so if that bothers you, fuck off (I mean that in a nice way)
This story is dedicated to Kironomi
Chapter 1-The New Boy
The very second the mysterious new boy walked through the door of Camelot College, Arthur Pendragon ceased his conversation midsentence and turned on his heel to watch the pale dark haired figure make his way through the throng of students looking timid and nervous.
"Excuse me, I'm stood right here." Morgana pointed out snapping her fingers in front of the blonde boy's face to regain his attention.
"Oh I'm sorry, did you miss not being the centre of attention for five seconds?" Arthur asked sarcastically.
"Funny." Morgana told him sardonically before linking their arms together and steering him to their first class.
Arthur Pendragon and Morgana LeFay had lived next door to one another since they were four years old and had instantly become best friends. Now at age nineteen their friendship was as strong as ever. All through school and right up to college the two had been almost inseparable. They mostly kept to themselves and rarely interacted with other people their age.
However, for almost two years now they had been in a band with two other people they had met at the college. The band's name was 'Excalibur' and consisted of Morgana singing lead vocals, Arthur playing lead guitar, a tall, dark and handsome guy named Lancelot playing bass guitar and a pretty blonde girl named Morgause who played the drums.
For many years, everybody had believed Arthur and Morgana to be in love. Even their own parents had assumed this to be the case. But as it happened, one kiss back when they were thirteen years old was enough for the two friends to discover that they had no romantic feelings for each other and were in fact gay.
They were not ashamed of this fact and though they didn't flaunt their sexuality they didn't hide it either. As soon as Morgana had realised that she had a romantic and sexual interest in girls as opposed to boys she had marched up to her parents during a family reunion and bluntly announced that she was a lesbian.
Arthur wasn't as dramatic as his friend when he told his parents of his sexual orientation. His mother was very accepting and supportive. His father on the other hand was not quite so enthusiastic. After hours of yelling at his son, Uther Pendragon had forced the boy to sit down and watch lesbian porn. Completely bored with what he was seeing Arthur had text Morgana telling her to come over and she had watched the film with a great deal more interest.
Eventually, Uther had learned to accept that his only son was gay and there was nothing he could do about it but he still didn't like that fact.
Taking their usual seats at the back, Arthur and Morgana pulled out their English notes as the class bustled around them. They shared most of their lectures together. They both took English Literature, Drama and Psychology but Morgana took dance as a fourth subject whilst Arthur, upon his father's insistence, took biology.
At the table to their right sat a coffee coloured girl with chocolate eyes and tight black curls named Guinevere. She was quiet and very shy and sat alone at her table. Though many would overlook or not even notice her in a crowd, Morgana found something intriguing about the bashful girl.
"You're staring at her again." Arthur pointed out sounding highly amused.
"I'm not staring." Morgana objected. "I'm admiring."
Arthur just rolled his eyes at her before facing the front. A few seconds later the door opened and the new boy stepped in uncertainly. Their lecturer, Mr. Hurt, spoke to Merlin briefly before indicating for him to sit down.
The dark haired boy scanned the room for an available seat before taking the empty space next to Guinevere. The two smiled shyly at one another before the boy introduced himself.
"Hi, I'm Merlin." He told her as he offered his hand out.
"Merlin." Arthur repeated under his breath in a quiet voice that only Morgana heard.
"I'm Guinevere." She replied. "But people call me Gwen."
The lesson began and the students listened to their teacher as they took down notes. Half way through the lesson Mr. Hurt set them a writing task to do.
As they worked, the room filled with light chatter. Merlin and Gwen talked easily with one another and were soon laughing and joking as if they'd been best friends for years.
"There's something about him." Arthur whispered to Morgana as he peered discreetly at Merlin. "I can't quite put my finger on it."
"Uh-oh." Morgana smirked. "It sounds like you're developing a crush on the new boy, and you haven't even spoken to him yet. That's either really adorable or really pathetic…you know what, as it's you I think it has to be pathetic."
"Go suck a dick LeFay." Arthur told her.
"No thanks." Morgana replied scrunching her nose up in disgust. "I'll leave all the dick sucking to you."
"Fine by me." Arthur replied. "I'm fucking good at it after all; it would be a shame to waist such a remarkable talent."
"Indeed." Morgana rolled her eyes before turning her attention to the page before her.
Rather than writing the work she was assigned she jotted down lyrics to a new song she was writing. Leaning over her shoulder, Arthur read some of what she'd written and he let out an annoyed sigh when he saw that the song was clearly written about his relationship with his father.
"Do you have to write shit like that?" He asked her.
"No-one will know it's about you." Morgana told him. "And it's good song material ok. Besides, I'll be the one singing it so if people do think it's real they'll assume it's about me and my dad not you."
"Fine." Arthur replied knowing he could never win with the raven haired girl. "I still don't like you writing it though."
"Does it really bother you so much to see your own thoughts and feelings written down on paper?" Morgana asked looking at him carefully.
"They're not my thoughts and feelings." Arthur answered as he averted his eyes and pretended to write more to his essay but Morgana could see that he was merely writing over the words he'd already written.
"Yes they are." Morgana said gently. "Just because you don't voice how you feel out loud doesn't mean I don't know. I'm your best friend Arthur; I know what goes on in your head better than you do."
Feeling uncomfortable with the serious direction their conversation was heading, Arthur abruptly changed the subject.
"That Merlin guy, I'm going to fuck him so hard he won't be able to walk for a month." Arthur stated confidently.
"You think?" Morgana asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I know." He answered arrogantly. "I'll be in the boy's pants before the end of term."
"That's just over two months." Morgana said as she added the dates in her head. She looked at Merlin thoughtfully as he chatted with Gwen. "You don't even know if he's gay."
"Gay, straight, either way I'm going to have my cock in that sweet ass of his." Arthur told her as his eyes swept over the pale boy.
"I bet you fifty pounds you can't get him to sleep with you." Morgana challenged as her red glossed lips formed into a smirk.
"Why don't we make it one hundred?" Arthur asked her as a smirk crept onto his own face. "In fact, I won't just get him to sleep with me; I'll get him to fall in love with me."
"You've got no chance." Morgana laughed.
"Just you watch LeFay." Arthur told her as he held out his hand for her to shake.
She grasped his hand firmly and they shook on their bet.
"Good luck Pendragon." Morgana told him as the class finished and everybody packed their things away. "You're going to need it." She added cheekily before disappearing off to her dance class.
To Be Continued
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Love and Hugs, IceQueenRia xxx