Meredith and Emma arrived home, and with Ellis' help they entered the empty house together. Emma ran into the living room and grinned. "Home!" She exclaimed happily as she took a deep breath, turning around to face her mother, she smiled. "We're home, mama."

"We are home…" Meredith said with a sigh as she looked around the house. "Did someone clean?" She asked, noting that the mess that she had left the house in, was no longer. Everything was put in its place, and it was strangely clean. "Mom…?" Meredith said again.

"I didn't touch anything, dear." She said, putting her bag onto the floor as she watched her granddaughter walk over to her. The bandage around her head was the only indication that anything had happened. "Well, I hope that you intended on showing me this bedroom of yours. I never got a chance to see it since you two up and moved out of Boston." Ellis said as she watched Meredith continue to stand and look around. "Don't gawk, dear. Make yourself useful, or rest…" She said as Emma took her hand. "I'm going to go see Emma's bedroom." She said as she smiled and let the little girl tug her hand.

Ellis walked toward the stairs and looked back at Meredith for a moment, concern shining in her eyes as she watched her daughter's worn appearance. She stood staring at the floor for a moment, as if she were trying to think of what to do, or what to say, and Ellis could feel the sadness in her heart clear across the room. She let Emma pull her up the stairs, all the while giggling as they walked up the steps.

Meredith stood in the same spot for several minutes. She wished for just a moment that her mind would stop racing, that her heart would stop pounding. All she could feel at that moment was the intense anxiety of being back in the house again. She could picture the scene in her head, no matter how clean her mother and Cristina had made the house, she was always going to see everything as it was that day. She could feel her stomach lurching as she pictured her daughter's pale appearance, she could feel the pain in her body as she had crawled across the carpet to get to her little girl. She could sense it all nearby, and like a ghost, it was haunting her heart.

She was just about to sit down, when the phone rang beside her. She grabbed it off the receiver and carefully leaned back onto the couch to elevate her knee. "Hello?" She said, her voice was soft and tender, sighing she listened carefully.

"Are you alright?" The voice on the other line asked. Instantly, the knot in her stomach was a different feeling. It was still a sick feeling, but a good sick feeling, a nervous feeling, a happy feeling as she smiled slightly at his voice. "Meredith?" He said softly. "Are you alright."

"I'm alright." She replied. It was only a half lie, for she was alright when she heard his voice, but her thoughts were still elsewhere.

"Are you sure?" He asked, listening to the hollow sound in her breathing as she paused.

"I'm fine… I'm good… I'm tired." She whispered.

"You're tired…" He repeated, waiting to see if she'd say any more. "Tired of me?" He asked.

"No! Don't be ridiculous!" She exclaimed immediately, listening on the line as he laughed. "What did you call for, anyway?" She asked.

"A beautiful woman gave me her phone number yesterday." He whispered. "I just had to call it to make sure that it was real." He said as he listened to her sigh and giggle.

"And is it?" Meredith asked.

"I'm not sure." He said, his voice teasing as she giggled again. "Now… if you're not the beautiful woman that gave me this number… I apologize… But you sound more beautiful than she sounded." He whispered seductively.

"Well then." Meredith whispered. "I don't think it is very fair, that you met this beautiful woman, and you liked her enough to call her… and now you're talking to me and you're flirting with me. Do you really think that's fair to her?" Meredith flirted back as she laughed.

"She gave me the wrong number." Derek said as he chuckled.

"That's true." Meredith said as she nodded her head and laughed. "That is very true."

"I mean… why would someone do that?" Derek pouted.

"Maybe you have too much baggage?" Meredith asked.

"Are you calling my son baggage? How dare you… I don't even know you." He teased, trying to make her laugh even more.

"Not Adam!" She laughed.

"How do you know my son's name? Who is this?" Derek asked, pretending to be accusing.

"Derek!" She laughed.

"Derek? Your name is Derek? That's my name too!" He exclaimed as he listened to her string of giggles as he tried to remain serious, the smile on his face never fading as he listened to her voice. "I love your laugh." He whispered.

Meredith stopped giggling for a moment as she tried to catch her breath. "Thank you." She whispered, leaning her head on the arm of the couch as she wiped the tear from the corner of her eye.

"I was wondering…" Derek said softly as he bit his lower lip slightly. "I mean… I know that you just got home and you're getting settled… but, I mean… if… if you wanted to um…"

"Spit it out, Derek." Meredith laughed.

"Hang on a second… I'm trying to figure out what I want to say…" He said nervously, laughing as he swallowed and cleared his throat. "I haven't done this in a while, I'm a bit rusty." He said as she giggled. "Would you be interested in joining me for dinner this evening?" He asked as he listened intently for her answer.

"Um…" Meredith chewed her lower lip as she tried to figure out exactly what to ask.

"Take your time… I'm just doing brain surgery while I wait." He teased as he listened to her giggle over the line.

"Dinner?" She asked, unsure of the words she was looking for to figure what she wanted to ask.

"Yes." He replied. "I have decided against the sarcastic remark in order to spare your feelings." Derek replied.

"Why thank you, Derek… that was very thoughtful."

"You're very welcome, Derek." He replied, listening to her giggle. "So what do you say?" He whispered. "I can get my sister to watch Adam… and if you're mom is into babysitting… she can watch your little princess… we'll go out for a nice dinner together, and we can pick up the kids later for some dessert. What do you say?"

"I… um… Derek… I…" Meredith started to stammer as she nervously tapped her fingers on her leg, picturing his face, her avoidance was becoming obvious.

"I can pick you up at seven." He said softly. "Not too dressy, not too casual… don't forget to bring your laugh. I promise we will have a great time. I promise." He said.

"Derek…?" Meredith said as she tried to stop him, losing her nerve quicker and quicker by the second.

"I'll see you soon." He said. "Gotta go… surgery." He said quickly before she could refuse. "Later, Derek!" He exclaimed as he listened for a split second before he hung the phone up.

Meredith paused as she listened to the phone click. "Pushy…" She said as she put the phone back on the receiver while she stared at her knee for a moment. Very slowly, however, her sad, sullen, anxiety ridden face had broken out into a smile, a smile that she just couldn't seem to get rid of.

Meredith sat in her closet on her back, staring up at the clothes that hang above her. She was on the verge of tears as she lay there. She sighed and closed her eyes, bringing her hands to her face as she rubbed her face with her hands and groaned into them. She pulled her hands from her face and nearly screamed when she saw her mother standing above her.

"Get off the floor, Meredith." Ellis said sternly as she watched her daughter close her eyes. "I'm still here, Meredith… you can't make me disappear when you close your eyes." She replied.

"I can try." She mumbled as she rolled onto her side.

"Get up… you need to get showered and dressed."

"I'm not going. Tell him that I fell on the floor and I can't get up." She groaned.

"I'm not telling him that you fell on the floor and can't get up. Get up." She said, holding her hand out to her daughter. "Come on…" She said with a sigh. "You have been lying around all day being mopey, someone wants to take you out to dinner, and you're going to say no?"

"I don't know what to wear." She mumbled.

"Clothes. Wear clothes." Ellis replied sarcastically as Meredith opened her eyes and glared at her mother.

"Thank you, mother." She mumbled. "You're the devil." She mumbled.

"Devil or not… go take a shower." She said as she reached down and grabbed her daughter's hand, gripping it tightly. Meredith tried to shake her mother from her hand, but Ellis only pulled harder, forcing Meredith to sit up, and eventually stand as Ellis gripped her tightly to make sure she didn't fall.

"I don't know what 'clothes' to wear." She mumbled to her mother as she walked her into the bedroom and led her to the bed. Meredith flopped backwards onto the bed and stared up at her mother.

"Well, what did Derek say?" Ellis asked.

"Not too dressy, not too casual." She replied. "What does that even mean? Could he be more cryptic? Stupid man… stupid idea… stupid… stupid…"

"The only person being stupid dear, is you." Ellis said as she watched Meredith's eyes meet hers in a glare.

"Devil." Meredith mumbled.

Ellis ignored her daughter's reply and sighed. "Well, it is obvious what he means… it means he's not taking you down to the docks to make you work and he's not taking you to a ball… so there's no need to wear a poufy dress and get your hair done all fancy. You need to just wear a nice pair of pants and a tshirt or something, Meredith… it's been a hell of a lot longer since I had a date… but even I know what to wear. Go take a shower." Ellis argued.


"Now!" Ellis barked. "No excuses, shower! The man adores you, and you adore him right back. You will not ruin this for yourself!" Ellis said as she watched Meredith's lip tremble as she looked up at her mother. "Meri…" Ellis said, shaking her head as she watched the tears begin to form in her eyes. "Meredith…" She said softly. "He's gone, Meri… he's gone and you have to get on with your life."

"I know." She said as she sniffled. "I know." She said as she rolled onto her side.

"Gma?" A tiny voice mumbled from the hallway as Ellis turned to see her granddaughter standing in the hallway peeking in.

"What is it, baby?" Ellis asked as she approached the little girl, crouching in front of her as she watched her look toward her mother. "I thought you were napping…"

"I was… you're yelling at mommy… why are you yelling at mommy?" She asked as she watched Meredith look up at her, she could see the tears in her mother's eyes. "Gma, you made mommy cry…" Emma said softly as she walked past her grandmother and climbed onto the bed.

"Gma didn't make me cry, baby…" Meredith said as she accepted the hug from her little girl, letting her settle on her chest as she rubbed her back. "Mama made herself cry." She sniffled as she looked up at her mother.

"Are you okay?" Emma whispered, looking into her mother's eyes, she gave her a sad smile as she watched her nod her head.

"Mama's okay." She whispered. "Mama is okay." She said soothingly as she rubbed her back and let the little girl rest her head on her shoulder as she looked up at Ellis.

Ellis sat on the bed beside Meredith and ran her fingers through her hair softly. She leaned down and kissed her daughter's forehead as she watched her look up at her. "You're not okay, Meredith." Ellis whispered. "You need to talk to someone." She whispered.

"I have to go take a shower." Meredith whispered as she kissed Emma's head and rolled her onto the bed, listening to her giggle. "You better get back on the couch and take that nap, young lady. After mommy has dinner with Derek, he and Adam are going to come over for some dessert." She said with a smile as Emma grinned.

"I like dessert." Emma said happily as she kissed her mother's nose and grinned.

"I know you like dessert." She said with a smile as she felt herself calming slowly as she looked into her little girl's eyes. "So go on and take that nap… and I'll get ready to go… because if I don't go…"

"Then no dessert." Emma replied.

"That's right…" Meredith said as the little girl giggled and rolled off her mother carefully, sliding off the bed. She leaned forward for another kiss and smiled. "Sweet dreams, baby." She whispered.

"Hurry and get ready… I'm hungry for dessert…" Emma said as she made her way quickly for the room.

Ellis looked down at Meredith and watched as she looked up at her mother, her eyes veiled with sadness once again. "You need to talk to someone, Meri." Ellis whispered.

"I'm trying to move on, Mom." Meredith said as she pulled herself up into a sitting position as she slid to the edge of the bed. "I don't need to relive the experience on a shrink's couch to know that my husband died and I'm messed up. I am not going to go on medication again. Once work starts up, I'll have less time to think about it. I need something to keep me busy, mom, not a stranger to listen to my problems."

"Derek doesn't know about your depression."

"Mom, Derek went through the same thing… he's going through the same thing. He knows how I feel, he understands. When the time comes, I'm sure that it'll come up. I don't need a therapist, I just need a distraction… and a shower…" She said as she carefully stood up and shuffled toward the bathroom. She walked around the corner and paused as she poked her head around the corner and glared at her mother. "Not sex, Mom." She said as Ellis laughed.

"Excuse me?" She exclaimed with a nervous laugh.

"Mark?" Meredith asked, raising her eyebrows at her mother. "Mark Sloan? Does that name sound familiar?"

"I know who Mark Sloan is, dear."

"Good… well, Cristina has been in this city for two more years than me… at a different hospital, and even she knows his reputation." Meredith laughed.

"He's a nice man, Meredith."

"Yes, he is." Meredith replied. "Very… accessible, I've heard."

"Well, yes… but he's no Derek." Ellis said with a smile to her daughter, who laughed as she turned the corner and walked back into the bathroom.

"No." Meredith laughed. "I will agree with you on that… he's no Derek." She said as she closed the door behind her, leaving her mother to laugh as she stood up and walked from the room, to make sure her granddaughter wasn't causing any trouble on her way to her nap.

Derek was smiling as he drove the car, his excitement was radiating from his body as he glanced into the back seat at Adam, who was giving his father a stare down. "Hey, what's that look for?" Derek asked, watching Adam look away.

"Nothing." Adam replied as he shrugged, staring out the window again.

"Come on, kid. Out with it." Derek replied as he watched Adam look back toward him.

"You're going out on a date with Meredith?" He asked, his voice was almost monotone as the question left his lips.

"Yes." Derek said, giving his son a confused look. "I thought you liked Meredith."

"Oh, I do." Adam nodded. "I like Meredith." He shrugged.

"You don't sound very convincing." Derek replied.

"Oh." Adam nodded. "Well, I do like her." He replied. "She's okay."

"What's with all the mixed signals?" Derek asked, watching Adam give him a strange look.

"I'm not giving any kinds of signals, daddy." Adam replied. "I think you're paranoid."

"Paranoid, you think I'm paranoid? Do you even know what that word means?"

"No… but I think you're being it." Adam said with a giggle.

"You're frustrating." Derek replied, giving Adam a scowl, who only grinned brighter.

"Maybe you're not ready for a girlfriend, Daddy." Adam sighed as Derek pulled into his sister's driveway and stopped the car, glancing back to his son.

"What is all of this about?" Derek asked as he glanced to the house and back at his son as he took off his seatbelt.

"Well… you shouldn't have a girlfriend because what if mommy comes back?" Adam asked, trying to think of exactly what Emma had said earlier.

"What?" Derek asked, turning completely around in his seat as he stared at Adam.

"Mommy… if she comes back." He shrugged. "Emma said that her mommy sometimes cries… and begs that her daddy will come back and take them with him." Adam replied. "So, maybe you and Meredith shouldn't go out on dates, not if mommy is coming back. She'd be disappointed if she came back and you had a girlfriend." He said as he turned and saw the house door open, and Derek's sister stepped out onto the porch. "There's Aunt Beth… I gotta go." He said as he leaned forward to his father's shocked face, and gave him a kiss, before swinging open the door, hopping out and running toward the door. He slipped past his aunt and into the doorway as Beth stood at the door looking out at her brother.

She watched as he just sat in his car, staring out at her for a moment, and she stepped down the stairs. He had been somewhat cryptic on the phone about where he was going, and so being the nosy sister that she was, she wanted to find out why. She approached the car and noticed that he hadn't even realized she was there. She even let out a little giggle when she knocked on the window and watched him jump. He looked to his side and his face relaxed as he opened the window. "What do you want?" He said in a teasing voice, watching the smirk rise on his sister's face when she noticed that he was dressed up slightly, a nice dress shirt and a tie, nothing too classy, but he was obviously going somewhere to impress.

"Someone has a date." She grinned as Derek shook his head and looked out the window.

"No… no, it's not a date." He lied as he smiled slightly at his sister, and she immediately noticed the sparkle in his eyes.

"Come on, Derek… I can smell your cologne from here." She teased, watching him give her a faux shocked look.

"You can not!" he exclaimed with a laugh as his sister let out a laugh.

"Who is the lucky lady?" She asked with a smile.

"How about I handle the date business… you handle the babysitting part… and if it works out, I'll let you know when I come back to get Adam." He said with a smile as Beth shook her head.

"You are so cute when you're nervous…little brother." She teased as Derek shook his head.

"Oh, keep it up, Beth…" He said with a laugh, watching her giggle.

"You be good now, Derek… make sure to wear protection." She teased.

"Beth!" Derek exclaimed as she stepped back and waved.

"Don't forget to tell her about your video collection… and your…"

"Thank you for watching Adam, bat breath…" Derek said, pre-empting her sarcastic diatribe and giggle fest.

"It's no problem… you'll be back around nine?" She asked, watching her brother nod as he smiled nervously, and backed out of the driveway, waving to her quickly as he drove down the road toward Meredith's place.

Derek spent the entire drive to Meredith's house thinking. He had read the directions carefully, though his mind was constantly on what his son had said before he ran at top speed from the car into his aunt's house. Derek pulled the car in the front of a brownstone and looked up at the building. One of the windows had small pink heart stickers stuck to it, and he smiled slightly as he thought of the little girl who lived there.

He very slowly got out of the car, looking to the ground as he closed his door, he looked up to the top of the steps to see the door closing and Meredith standing with her back against the door. He smiled at her, the look on her face showed that she was a bit flustered, and he watched as she blushed slightly upon him noticing her there. "I was going to come up and get you." He said softly as he walked around the car toward the steps.

"I know." She shrugged. "I thought I'd save you the trouble."

"The trouble?"

"My mother's in there… and Emma… and you know Emma, she'll see you and want to talk your ears off." Meredith said as she watched him walk slowly up the stairs toward her. "I don't need help, I can walk down the stairs by myself, I'm a big girl you know?"

"You talk a lot." He said as he reached her and took her arm tenderly.

"You…" She stopped as she blushed again and shook her head.

"You're nervous, I get it… our first date that doesn't involve plane food or hospital food… we're taking a big step here, Meredith… I mean, you don't know my taste. I could be taking you to some far east restaurant where they serve monkey brains and sheep intestine soup covered in…"

"Okay… I think I lost my appetite." She said as Derek chuckled and walked her to the car, where he opened the door for her.

"Good… then… more monkey brains for me." He teased as he helped her into the car, watching to make sure she was all the way inside, he listened to her giggle and he smiled. "Good… you brought that laugh that I requested." He said as he closed the door carefully and watched her smile through the glass, as he walked to the other side of the car.

He climbed into the seat and buckled his seatbelt as he watched her fingers pull the seatbelt around her. He glanced to her and smiled. "I feel underdressed." She whispered, referring to the blouse she was wearing, and the skirt that she had picked, that just about covered her knee brace.

"You're beautiful…"

"You're wearing a tie." She said as she watched him smile. He lifted his middle and forefinger up and slipped it behind the tie and tugged. "No! You look good in a tie."

"Nope… not going to wear the tie tonight… I want you to be comfortable." He said with a smile as he pulled the tie from around his neck and threw it into the back seat. "Better?" He asked as he listened to her giggle.

"I don't know." She said as she shook her head. "I think I liked the tie better." She said as she shook her head and looked back at the tie.

"I bet that I can dazzle you without a tie… I don't need a strip of fabric around my neck in order to be cool." He teased as she giggled and watched him turn the car on, and shift it into drive.

"Where are we going?" She asked, watching Derek smile.

"Look at this… first you insult me and my tie, and now you want to know where we're going? Patience is a virtue, my dear…" Derek teased as he drove, his hand moving to the center console where he held his hand palm up, his eyes on the road.

Meredith noticed his hand out of the corner of her eye and smiled to herself. She knew he was being slightly forward, but she also knew that she liked him. Smiling demurely, she moved her hand to the center console as well, and slipped her fingers into his hand, resting her palm against his, entwining their fingers. She couldn't ignore the tight feeling in her belly, and the butterflies that seemed to have taken up residence there, and neither could Derek.

Adam's words seemed to swirl around in Derek's mind as he drove, and he hadn't realized that he had become very silent on the ride, his mind taking control and his thoughts causing him to grip Meredith's hand tighter at some points, as she watched him carefully. "Derek?" She whispered as she squeezed his hand, his head snapping in her direction as his eyebrows rose just slightly. "You have something on your mind." She replied.

"No…" He dismissed it playfully, a smile playing at the corner of his lips as he continued to drive, his eyes glancing to her quickly before returning to the road. "Do you have something on your mind?" He asked as he felt her lift his hand, she leaned to her left slightly and kissed his fingertips.

"I have a lot on my mind." She replied. "You look nervous." She whispered, watching his eyes make the trip to hers more often since she kissed his hand.

"I'm not nervous." He said, a slight waver in his voice deceived his claim, and he smiled as he glanced to her again.

"You're nervous." She replied. "I can tell. I think it's cute."

"I'm not nervous." He replied.

"How long has it been since you went out on a date, Derek?" She asked inquisitively, playfully, her eyes sparkling as she looked out at the setting sun.

"It has been a while, I told you that." He replied.

"Like how long? A week? A year? Several years?" She asked.

"I… don't think it's relevant." Derek replied with a smile in her direction.

"I do… I went out on a date just earlier this week." She said with a giggle.

"Mark?" He laughed. "You're counting that as a date?" He asked as she giggled.

"Actually… I was talking about you… when you took me to the garden with the fountain, but now that you mention it… I did have a date with Mark too." She nodded as she sent Derek a wicked grin.

"I think we should go through the rest of the evening not mentioning that name… what do you say? I want to have a good time." He said as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh, Derek… he'll get over it. Once he realizes that you and I were destined to be together… We're 'sole mates'…" She said as she nodded at her feet. She listened to him laugh as he watched the road.

"That reminds me… I think that it's best… that while we date… you never, ever wear heels. You have the worst footwear control of anyone I have ever met. One of these days, you're going to jab someone's eye out, and it won't be pretty… not pretty at all." Derek teased as Meredith giggled.

"You never answered my question." She said as she watched Derek's focus remain out the windshield. "Come on, Derek… you're hiding from me here. You know a lot more about me than most of my friends know." She whispered. "Talk to me…"

Derek glanced to her as he shrugged. "You know… you remember where I was coming home from for Christmas that night we met?" He asked as she nodded her head and watched his eyes.

"Seattle." She replied.

"Yeah… two days before that? That was the last date I had… that was the last relationship that I had… and it didn't end well, and…" He stammered as he sighed.

"And we don't have to talk about it anymore." She shrugged, watching his eyes flash to hers again as he gave her a smirk. "I was just wondering… we don't have to discuss it anymore…" She whispered.

"Meredith?" Derek asked, squeezing his hand in his as she tilted her head forward. "I…went through a lot of… hours on a doctor's couch… I've tried medicine and even hypnosis to get through the pain I was feeling… I've had nightmares and frightening moments that… no one I have talked to seems to understand. Do you think…?"

"I understand." Meredith said without missing a beat, without taking a pause, she jumped on his question before he could even get it out from between his lips. "I understand what you… are… were… I want to understand more… because it's not exactly the same, but…"

"Do you feel comfortable calling this a date, Meredith?" He whispered as he pulled up to a restaurant and pulled into the parking space on the road. "Do you feel… confident enough to call this a date, do you feel detached… enough from the past to call this a date?" He whispered. "I need you here with me on this, Meredith… because if you're not all in it, then I need to know. We both stand to lose from this, and there's no sense jumping in feet first if we're going to be treading water."

"Derek…" Meredith whispered.

"You can say no, Meredith, this isn't pressure… this is just a question, and there is no judgment." He replied. "You were avoiding on the phone earlier… and when I got off the phone, I immediately felt guilty. If you're not ready, then I understand completely, if you're not…" Derek stopped as she reached across and put her hand over his mouth, watching his eyes widen slightly as he watched her smile a closed lip smirk.

"You're the one that talks a lot." She said with a giggle as she slipped her hand off his mouth and listened to him chuckle.

"Full circle." Derek whispered. "I see where you're going with this." He whispered.

"We're on a date, Derek Shepherd… and if you don't like it… you can bring me back home." She said with a smile as she watched his eyes sparkle as a smile appeared on his face.

"You're not going anywhere…" He whispered as he leaned across the car carefully, and touched her cheek with his hand. "Unless it's with me." He said, his voice low and raspy as his lips touched hers delicately and his thumb ran across her cheek. "Meredith... I…" He whispered.

"Love you." She finished his sentence, as he smiled against her lips, and kissed them once more in the colors of the orange-red sunset that filled the car.

Derek held Meredith's arm and helped her to their seat in the restaurant of Derek's choosing. The ambience was casual and comfortable; a soft tune of jazz played over the speaker through the restaurant as he pulled her chair out for her and helped her with her coat as he assisted her in pushing the chair in. He walked to the other side of the table and sat down, looking up at Meredith he watched as she smirked at him across the table. "What?" He asked as she shook her head, pulling the napkin from in front of her, she gently placed it on her lap.

"Nothing…" She said softly. "You are a genuine gentleman." She said softly.

"You say that as if you're surprised." He said with a smile, listening to her giggle.

"Not surprised that you're a gentleman... just that you're a gentleman all the time." She replied. "I'm just waiting for you to…"

"Fail? You're waiting for me to fail? How polite is that? If you ask me, that's not very lady like." He said as he winked at her, making her giggle.

"I never said fail." She laughed. "You said that. I was going to say… that I was waiting for you to drop your guard, so that I could do something for you." She said as she watched him smile.

"And that, would be a failure on my part, my dear." He said as he looked up at the waiter as he approached. Derek smiled and greeted him, as the waiter smiled and commented politely to the two of them that they were a lovely couple. He remarked that he could see the happiness in their eyes that they were there together, and he smiled as the young woman laughed softly and blushed. They made their orders and talked with the waiter for a few moments as he turned and made his way toward the kitchen to make their order. Meredith was talking happily about something, when she looked up and noticed that Derek was watching her so intensely, that it nearly made her jump. "What?" He asked as he watched her surprised look on her face, and watched her smile.

"You didn't hear a word that I said." She said softly as he grinned and laughed. He leaned slightly on the table and shook his head.

"You are wrong there, missy…" Derek said with a playful laugh. "You were telling me about how excited Emma was go get home… and how your mother saw her bedroom and how they cleaned your house without your permission." Derek replied.

"You were listening…" She said with a smile as he nodded.

"Of course." He said with a soft chuckle. "Just because I hear the lyrics, doesn't mean that I can't enjoy the tune." He said as he reached his hand across the table at her, and watched her blush as she reached her hands across to his. She allowed him to hold her hands in his, running his thumb delicately over her skin as he watched her. "You are so beautiful." He said softly as she smiled.

"Don't you ever turn it off?" she whispered.


"The charm." She replied.

"Is it too much? Do I seem like I'm trying too hard? I just want you to have a good time, I want you to…" Derek started to stammer.

"Derek." She said, her voice was almost stern as she shook her head. "You're doing fine." She said as she squeezed his hand. "I'm having a good time… stop trying so hard to impress me… I'm impressed… I am… you're doing just fine." She insisted. "You're doing just fine." She smiled.

"You're sure?" He asked, swallowing nervously as she nodded and squeezed his hand again.

"You're doing perfectly." She giggled.

"Good." He replied with a laugh. "Then you won't object to a carriage ride in the park this evening beneath the stars." He whispered.

"I thought we were going to…"

"We are." Derek replied. "We'll get Adam, Emma… and your mother if she'd like to join us… and we'll take a carriage ride. I've already reserved it for ten o'clock. What do you say?" He asked as he smiled and watched her tilt her head.

"You reserved it?" She asked with a laugh.

"I did… and the best part…" he whispered as he leaned forward. "The driver is a friend of mine… and he says that the kids can sit in the front with him… he said he'll show them how to steer… and you and I can snuggle in the back… but only if you want to." He shrugged with a laugh as her eyes widened with a grin.

"What if I want to know how to steer the carriage?" She asked with a laugh as Derek gave her a surprised laugh.

"Oh… well, I could show you how to steer the carriage…" he laughed as he wiggled his eyebrows at her, making her laugh hard as she smacked his hand and tipped her head back as she gripped his hand in hers once again.

"You are so bad…" She laughed as he shook his head and chuckled nervously.

"I am not that bad…" He said with a smile, as they laughed together and enjoyed one another's company as the waiter delivered their appetizers and drinks.

Dinner was filled with laughter and good conversation, they enjoyed one another's company and jokes and were thoroughly entertained as they listened to the serene music playing over the speakers, and sipped at their glasses of wine as they finished their dinner. "… So then she tried to stay up all night long to see if she'd get a glimpse of the Easter bunny… and while she stayed awake, I fell asleep… and in the morning, she woke me up at six in the morning… and I hadn't hidden anything…" Meredith laughed.

"No way!" Derek exclaimed as the Meredith shook her head and laughed, reaching her hand across the table, she took his as she continued the story.

"Yes…" Meredith giggled. "So I had to roll the eggs in different places when she wasn't looking, and let her find them that way." She said as she watched Derek laugh. "We were still finding Easter Eggs when we moved out of my mother's house." She giggled as Derek kept his eyes on hers through the whole story, enjoying every moment that he had with her, his heart beating wildly with each giggle. "You're watching me so intently." She said softly as he nodded his head.

"Of course." He replied. "You are at the center of my attention." Derek replied. "You're the most important person in the room to me right now."

"Derek…" She shook her head as she blushed, his eyes taken from her as the waiter came to the table with their check. Derek pulled his wallet from his pocket as he placed his card in the sleeve and handed it to the waiter, as he nodded and walked away. "Derek, you don't have to keep trying so hard to make me smile, make me laugh… I feel like I'm not really getting to know the real you." She whispered.

"But you are." Derek said sincerely. "I'm always nice, polite, attentive… especially to people that I like." He whispered as he watched her smile, reaching for the check as the waiter approached their table. "And you deserve a nice night out. You've been wracking your brain for days with this stuff about Emma and her accident. You were hung up on seeing me again, and you're still in love with your husband, and you're trying desperately to rationalize that this is indeed a date, and you want to move on, but you have your doubts." He said as he watched the shock look on her face as she stared into his eyes. "Did I go too far?" He whispered as she nodded slightly. "Oh God… I'm sorry…" he whispered.

"No." She said as she cleared her throat and placed the napkin on the table, moving her eyes from his as she shook her head. "No, no… I mean… I mean you're right, you're right… the Emma thing has been on my mind, and of course seeing you again, and having you tell me that you love me…"

"I loved you before too, Meredith." Derek whispered. "It's been a lot longer for me to have had these feelings than it has been for you, and I understand that you're still grieving… it's been nearly seven years for me, and I'm still grieving. It's natural… and it's natural to cry at night, to have nightmares… and it's natural to not want to talk about it."

"I don't want to talk about it, Derek." She said as tears began to spring to her eyes.

"Oh… Meredith…" he said as he started to stand up. "I didn't want to make you cry." He whispered as she stood up and reached for her coat, only to have him reach the other side of the table and pull it from her fingertips as he tried to help her with it. "Meredith please?" Derek said softly as she pulled away further, letting him put her coat on her, but refusing to look into his eyes. "Meredith, please look at me." He said softly as she turned and looked at him, the hurt so evident in her eyes.

"What? What do you want to say to me, Derek?" She whispered, her voice was stern and he smirked at her letting his eyes glitter as he tried to maintain his cool appearance. "What are you smirking at?" She demanded.

"You're using your 'mommy' voice on me." He said as he watched her jaw drop, and a hint of a smile appear on her lips.

"I am not!" She exclaimed as she turned and grabbed his arm, letting him lead her from the restaurant.

"You did so… you used your 'mommy' voice on me, and now you're embarrassed about it." Derek teased as he felt her arm tighten on his as she pulled it suddenly and swung him to face her just as they reached the door.

"You… you…" She grunted as she tried to find the words as he watched her become flustered as he smiled at her, leaning down to kiss the tip of her nose. "You frustrate me." She whispered.

"In a good way, or a bad way?" He whispered.

"I don't know." She said as she let her voice become slightly pouty. "I guess it depends on how you take it…" She said as she leaned forward and suddenly hugged him, feeling him grip her tightly as he took a step back, surprised by her sudden emotional display. "Don't hate me because I'm an emotional mess." She whimpered as she gripped him tightly.

"I promise you that I could never hate you…" He whispered as he ran his fingers through her hair and held her close, kissing her head tenderly as he held her. "I promise." He whispered again as he gave her a little squeeze. "Let's go pick up the kids… we still have a carriage ride, and dessert before bed time." He whispered as she pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"Bedtime?" She asked, in a slightly surprised tone as she watched the smile on his lips as he grinned at her.

"I mean for the kids." He replied with a laugh. "Bedtime for the kids."

"For the kids." Meredith repeated, nodding her head.

"Yep… for the kids…" Derek nodded as he put his arm around her as they walked from the restaurant. He walked her toward the car and leaned his lips to her ear as he whispered. "I don't think you and I are going to be getting much sleep tonight." He said as he listened to her soft giggle against him, as she refused to lead his answer on any further.

Derek helped Meredith to the car, opening the door and ushering her inside, he watched her look up at him. "So at what point in the relationship do you stop opening doors for me?" She teased as Derek smiled and shrugged.

"When my arms fall off from doing it too much." He said with a laugh as she giggled, watching him give her a wink as he closed her door and walked around. He got into the driver's seat and smiled over at her. "Think of it as a perk of dating me, not a form of me taking your secret door closing powers away from you." He teased as she giggled.

"You're ridiculous." She laughed as he put the car into drive, and they made their way from the parking lot.

"Ridiculous? I don't think so… I'm thoughtful and loving, and a little bit cute. I take that back, I'm absolutely adorable." He said as he watched her looking to say something more. "And modest, I'm modest." He said as he listened to her giggle. "And maybe a little ridiculous." He replied as his cheeks blushed slightly.

"You're just nervous." She replied as she reached for his hand. "Don't worry, Derek… I'm not going to run. I mean… I can't… I need you to help me with the door." She teased as he laughed.

"You mock… you mock… why do you mock so?" He asked as he drove toward his sister's house, taking her hand in his as he entwined his fingers in hers.

"I mock because I love…" She said with a giggle, her own cheeks burning as she said the words, all in a game of cat and mouse, but ultimately touching his heart. "So we're going to get Adam?"

"We are…" He said as he pulled into the driveway of a small house, the porch light switching on as his car turned in, and he groaned as the door opened. "And that…" He mumbled as Beth stepped out onto the porch. "That is my sister… Beth." Derek said as he nodded toward the woman coming toward the car, a little boy running out of the house behind her as he started to get out of the car. "I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?" She asked with a giggle as she watched him stand in front of the door, blocking the window.

"Hey…" Beth said as she approached the car, peeking into the front window, she saw Meredith and grinned as her brother tried to block her.

"Hey." Derek said as he ushered his son toward the car. "Hey, buddy… did you have a good time?" Derek asked.

"Uhhuh…" He shrugged as he reached for the door. He climbed into the car and smiled when he saw Meredith. "Hi, Meredith." He said with the door still open, he looked up to see Derek raise his eyebrows. Adam rolled his eyes and climbed in, leaning forward to give Meredith a peck on the cheek, Derek could hear her talk to his son as he continued to block his sister from her view.

"Derek?" Beth giggled.

"What?" Derek asked as he leaned on the car. "Thank you for keeping an eye on him… um… he'll be at your house um… bright and early tomorrow… last day before my week off." Derek shrugged.

"Derek…" Beth shook her head and giggled.

"What?" He said innocently.

"Nothing…" She laughed. "Aren't you going to introduce me?" she asked as her eyes went to the opening door as Meredith pulled herself from the car. "Hi." Beth said as Meredith smiled across at her and stood awkwardly against the car.

"Hi." Meredith said with a smile as she glanced to the surprised look on Derek's face. "You forgot to lock it." She said as Derek laughed nervously as Beth walked around the car.

"Wait… Meredith?" Beth asked as she glanced to Derek and back to the woman standing against the door. "You mean… you're… 'the' Meredith…?" She asked as Derek rolled his eyes.

"That's enough, Beth." Derek replied as he watched his sister reach out to shake Meredith's hand. "Meredith, maybe you should sit back in the car…?" Derek said anxiously as Beth walked around the side of the car and noticed the knee brace.

"Oh… oh, you didn't have to get out…" Beth said as Meredith shook her head.

"Nonsense… if he had his way, I would never be able to open another door for myself again." She teased Derek as he shook his head and laughed.

"I'm his sister, Beth." Beth said with a smile as she leaned against Derek's car and smiled. "You know… resident babysitter, therapist, and anything else Derek needs at any specific time around here."

"Alright…" Derek said as Beth rolled her eyes.

"He's so touché." She said with a laugh as Meredith giggled. "I'm glad I was able to meet you, Meredith…" She said as she gave her brother a playful glare.

"It was nice to meet you, Beth." Meredith said as she watched Derek stand nervously on the other side of the car.

"Make sure he's a gentleman…" She said as she took a step back.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that." Meredith giggled as Beth pointed at her brother.

"Behave, you two…" Beth said as she giggled.

"Bye, Beth." Derek said as he glanced to Meredith and started to walk around the car to help her inside.

"Don't forget you have a child with you…" Beth called.

"Get in the house, bat face." Derek called as Meredith smacked him just as he reached her.

"Derek!" She exclaimed as he laughed and looked back at Beth laughing.

"Term of endearment… get in the car, lady…" Derek said with a roll of his eyes.

"Hey, don't be so pushy…" Meredith teased as he helped her into her seat.

"Here…" Derek said as he reached for the door, popping the lock down. "Now you can't escape anymore…" He teased as she laughed, letting him lean down for a kiss on her cheek. "You all buckled in?" He asked as he looked back at Adam.

"Yeah." Adam said with a giggle.

"Good." Derek said as he glanced to Meredith. "Buckle up, lady… we don't go anywhere until you're buckled in…" He said as she laughed and reached for the seatbelt, buckling herself in just as Derek closed the door. He walked around the front of the car and glanced back to the house, as Beth shouted something to him that Meredith couldn't quite hear. She heard Derek laugh as he opened his door, waving to his sister as he climbed into the car. He buckled his seatbelt and glanced to her curious look as she watched him. "What?" He asked as he put the car into reverse to pull the car out of the driveway.

"Um…" She said softly as she giggled. "'The' Meredith?" She whispered.

"I knew you were going to ask about that." He said as he carefully pulled the car out into the road and put it into drive.

"And?" Meredith asked with a slight giggle.

"And… that's it…" He shrugged. "Doctor, sister confidentiality…" he teased as she let out a nervous laugh. "Don't worry, Meredith…" he whispered as he took her hand in his. "I have never spoken an ill word about you, ever." He said, as he looked into the rear view mirror at Adam, who was watching him with a curious look on his face. "Hey marshmallow head…" Derek said to the little boy who grinned brightly.

"Hey monkey brains!" Adam said with a giggle as Derek laughed.

"Are you ready for dessert?" Derek asked as the little boy nodded his head and smiled. "We were going to go pick up Emma… have a carriage ride in the park, and then stop and get an ice cream cone on the way back, what do you think?" Derek asked as Adam opened his mouth for a second and closed it.

"I'm not going to be Emma's boyfriend, Daddy." Adam said as he shook his head. "Sorry, Meredith." He replied.

"What?" Derek asked, glancing to the serious look on Adam's face as he drove.

"You want me to ride on the carriage with her and I know you're going to want to sit next to Meredith… I'm not going to be her boyfriend, she's a nice girl… it's not her, it's me…" Adam said quickly as Derek and Meredith exchanged a look with one another.

"Hey, I asked you if you wanted to go on the carriage and get ice cream… I didn't ask you to propose marriage." Derek teased.

"I'm not doing that either." Adam replied.

"Fine… fine, fine… how about you be her friend and help Kam drive the carriage, and me and Meredith will sit in the back and be boyfriend and girlfriend?" Derek asked.

"Are you going to kiss her?" Adam asked as he watched Derek's eyes as he gave his son a funny look.

"I may… is that any of your business?" He asked as Adam nodded.

"Yep… it's my business…" Adam giggled, settling into his seat as they drove toward Meredith's place.

Derek pulled the car up in front of Meredith's house, and put his hand on hers as he put the car in park. "I'll go get her." Derek said as he glanced into the back seat to his son. "Make sure she stays here… talk about something to keep her busy, distract her." He said as he listened to her giggle as she watched him climb from the car and jog up the stairs.

"Meredith… do you want to know a secret?" Adam asked as he watched her turn her head to look at him, a smile on her face as she watched the little boy's blue eyes implore her.


"Daddy snores." He said with a giggle as Meredith laughed a little at the boy's wrinkled nose, his secret tickling his funny bone as he covered his mouth with his hand.

"He does?"

"Uh huh, really loud…" Adam laughed.

"Well, that's okay… I do too…" Meredith nodded as Adam gigged again.

"Meredith?" Adam said softly as he tilted his head.

"Another secret?" Meredith asked as Adam shook his head.

"No." He said softly. "Do you think that my mommy is going to come back for me and daddy?" he asked, as he watched Meredith's head snap in his direction.

"What?" She asked as Adam watched her curiously.

"Do you think my mommy is going to come back for me and daddy? You said that you want Emma's daddy to come back… if he comes back, do you think my mommy will come back?" He asked as he watched Meredith's face turn pale. Her jaw opened and closed as her eyes became unfocused and she stammered a bit. "Meredith?" Adam asked.

"Adam…" She mumbled as she turned her head to see Derek bouncing down the stairs with a giggling Emma as he kissed her cheek and whispered something to her as she let out a happy laugh as they reached the car. He looked in the passenger seat and saw the stunned look on Meredith's face, and cursed in his mind as he approached the car.

"What is he up to…?" Derek whispered as he lifted the little girl to the ground. He took her hand and opened the back door to the car, watching Adam's eyes meet his as he helped Emma into the car. "Hey… so did you keep her distracted?" He asked as Adam nodded his head slowly, his eyes moving back to Meredith as he watched Emma buckle up and his eyes moved to Meredith. He noticed her try to wipe a tear from her eye without him seeing. "Adam?"

"I didn't mean to." He whispered as Derek gave him a glare. "Meredith, are you alright?" Derek asked as she nodded and sniffled, trying to remain composed.

"I'm fine." Meredith nodded. "I'm fine, just… I'm just starting to get a little tired." She said as she looked back at Emma. "Hey there sweet pea." She said with a smile as Emma watched her mother carefully.

"Did you make my mommy cry, Adam?" Emma asked as Adam looked at her innocently.

"I didn't say nothing! I didn't do nothing…" He said innocently.

"Well…" Derek mumbled as he watched Meredith shake her head as she watched him. "Let's get to dessert, we'll talk about this later." He said as Adam nodded his head. "All buckled in?" Derek asked Emma, who nodded her head and gave him a smirk as he winked at her and closed the door. "Off we go!" He said as he walked around the car and opened his door. He got into his seat and closed the door behind him, letting his eyes pass to Meredith as she turned her head to meet his glance halfway.

"I'm fine, Derek." She said as she nodded her head. "I promise."

"You're not." He whispered as he reached for her hand and tilted his head. "But that's okay." He whispered, as he held her hand and pushed her hand with his on the shifter, as he pulled the car slowly from the parking space, feeling her hand squeeze against his, as they made their way toward the park together.

The drive to the park was in relative silence, though Derek did look to the back seat to see that Adam was whispering with Emma, who would occasionally giggle and look up at his eyes, she'd smile and look down with a bashful expression as he smiled back at her. "What are they doing back there?" Meredith asked as she looked into the back seat, having seen Derek smile into the mirror for a fifth time since they had been on their way, she laughed as her daughter tilted her head at her and she looked up at Derek. "My mother didn't want to come with us?" She asked.

"She said she'd rather keep in contact with the hospital." Derek replied. "I offered to let her help drive the carriage, but she wasn't impressed." Derek shrugged. "Apparently, she'd rather run a surgical wing of a hospital. How boring." Derek teased with a chuckle as he glanced into the back seat at his son, who as again looking out the window longingly. "Hey… why the long face?" He asked as Adam looked up at his father.

"No reason, just looking outside." He shrugged as he looked back toward the window. Derek looked to Meredith, who shrugged slightly and watched Derek do the same. Derek drove toward the park and pulled into a parking space. Derek pulled his seatbelt off and looked into the back seat.

"Stay in the car until Meredith and I are out, please." He said to Adam, who had grabbed hold of the handle. His father's words made him sigh as he rolled his eyes and sat back, watching Emma giggle slightly at him as he smiled and watched his father climb from his seat and move around the car quickly. He opened the door and held his hand out for Meredith. Meredith thanked him and took his hand, allowing him to carefully help her from the car and to her feet. He then leaned forward and kissed her gently on her cheek. "I will be with you in just a moment." He whispered as she nodded, watching him turn and open the back door, where he held out his hand again. "My little lady…" he whispered softly as he watched the smile on the little girl's face light up her eyes as she reached for him and let him help her from the car. "Adam?" He said as the little boy nodded, sliding across the seat, he hopped out and looked up at Meredith and over at Emma. "Will you take Emma's arm?" He asked as he hooked Meredith's in his.

"Daddy…" He said in a warning tone as Derek shook his head.

"Adam." He replied in the same warning tone, though he watched Adam hook Emma's arm in his. "Now we're on our way…" he said with a smile as he nodded toward Adam, who moved forward and walked in front of Meredith and Derek with Emma, as the four of them made their way down the sidewalk.

They turned into the park, the lights showing them their way as Meredith shivered slightly against Derek. "Are you cold?" He whispered as she shook her head and looked up into his eyes.

"That wasn't a cold shiver." She whispered as she watched his eyes light up with his smile.

"Meredith, you're too much…" He whispered, listening to her giggle as they reached the small stable where a man was standing beside a carriage, carefully grooming the horse.

"Doctor Shepherd…" The man standing beside the horse said with a smile and a nod as Derek approached them.

"Kamil." Derek said with a smile. "Meredith, this is Kam, he's our tour guide…" He winked. "He's a good friend from several years ago… said he owed me a favor, and I guess this makes us even, huh?" He asked with a laugh.

"Doctor Shepherd, you saved the life of my wife… you can have as many carriage rides as you please for the rest of your life." He said as he smiled, looking down at Adam. "Mister Adam, you have a lovely date this evening."

"Kam, she's not my date… she's Emma… she's practically my sister…" He said with a roll of his eyes.

"I'm not even close to being your sister." Emma said as she elbowed him slightly in his side as the little boy scoffed.

"Jerk…" Adam said as Derek reached forward and covered his son's mouth with his hand. "Kam… This is Meredith…" he said as he nodded toward Meredith, who giggled at the little boy's struggle against his father's hand for a moment. As Kamil lifted Meredith's hand to his lips and kissed it softly.

"Meredith, it is a pleasure. Any friend of Dr. Shepherd's is a friend of mine." He said with a smile as his brown eyes sparkled in the lights. "Are we ready for our carriage ride?" He asked as Emma nodded emphatically, looking up between Derek and Kamil as they approached the carriage. Her grin was so bright and happy. She watched Derek step up to the carriage and turn around to Meredith, who wasn't expecting him to pull her to him quickly. She squealed slightly at his motion and giggled when he lifted her into his arms.

"What are you doing?" She squeaked.

"Shh…" he whispered as he walked up the portable steps and lifted her into the carriage with him, listening to her soft giggle the entire way as he rested her on the seat in the back. He glanced back at the kids and Adam rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as he looked back to Meredith. "You better watch it…" He said softly. "Someone short, that looks similar to me… is very jealous of you." He said as he pulled the blanket from behind her and watched her tilt her head and look into his eyes as he unfolded it.

"Adam?" She asked as Derek nodded his head.

"He's been acting weird since yesterday… don't worry, he's just adjusting… he'll be alright." He whispered as he covered her lap with the blanket. "Alright." He said a little louder. "All cuddled in… now it's time for the little ones…"

"I am not little!" Adam exclaimed as Derek climbed carefully from the carriage and hopped off the last step, standing in front of his son.

"Don't raise your voice." Derek said, his eyebrow lifting as he watched Adam look to the ground. He turned and watched Kam carefully climb into the carriage.

"Doctor Shepherd… you can lift them up, I'll tell them where they can sit." Kam said as he held his hands out to Derek, who very carefully lifted Emma into his arms. He kissed her cheek gently and watched her smile as he handed her over.

"Be careful with that one, Kam… she's a charmer…" He said as Emma watched Derek smile at her, and Kam set her carefully on the seat beside him.

"And Mister Adam." Kam said as he held his hands out, watching Derek reach for his son.

"Don't lift me up… I can climb into the carriage myself." He said with a grumpy grunt as he moved away from his father and climbed up the steps, hauling himself precariously into the carriage, he allowed Kam to lift him over the seat to his other side. Kam and Derek exchanged a look, and Derek glanced to Meredith as he reached down and pulled the steps away from the side of the carriage. He then gripped the spoke on the side of the carriage and lifted himself effortlessly inside, as Kam smiled.

"You're a natural." Kam laughed as Derek settled into the seat next to Meredith.

"Thanks…" Derek said with a laugh, his arm moving instantly around Meredith as he caught the glare from his son sitting beside Kam. "Adam…?" Derek said as the little boy turned his head. "Adam, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Adam mumbled as he turned his head and looked out to the horses, his posture sinking as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Derek kissed Meredith's cheek and shook his head, as the carriage ride began slowly, and soon they were on their way through the carefully lit park together.

The night was cooler than it had been for a few weeks, so Derek took it as a welcome opportunity to make himself very comfortable with his arm around Meredith while she cuddled in the provided blanket. They sat back on the seat, watching Kam as he instructed the two children, giving them each their own smaller reign as he held the primary reign in his hands, directing the horses down the path.

"Adam?" Derek said from behind, watching his son's eyes meet his for a moment as the smile on his lips fell slightly. "Are you cold?"

"No, I'm fine." Adam replied with a nod as he turned his attention back to the horses and asked Kam a question as he smiled once more.

"I'm not cold, neither, Derek." Emma said with a bright smile to Derek, watching as his concerned expression changed to a smile.

"Good." Derek said softly as he settled back and turned his head to Meredith, watching her stare at him. "What?" He whispered.

"You don't have to be so worried, Derek. They're fine." She said as she put her hand on his arm, rubbing it softly.

"I just wanted to make sure." Derek replied. "He doesn't always tell me when he's cold. He tries to tough it out or something."

"Then that's fine." Meredith said softly as they watched the two kids as Emma asked what the names of the horses were, and Kam went on a lengthy explanation of their names and why he called them such.

"Meredith?" Derek whispered as he watched her eyebrows arch slightly as she tilted her head. "Thank you for going out with me tonight." He said softly as he watched her smile shyly.

"I'm having a wonderful time." She said softly.

"I know… now you are, but I kind of pushed you into it, and I'm sorry if that made you feel rushed or something, you know? I mean… I know that you were probably trying to think of a good reason to decline, but I'm so glad that you didn't. I'm having more fun tonight than I've had in a long time."

"I'm having a good time too, Derek." She said softly as she squeezed his hand. "Now stop being so charming. I'm trying very hard here to find something wrong with you." She replied as Derek gave her a half smirk.

"You're trying to find things wrong with me?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Yes." She replied with a slight giggle. "If there's something wrong with you, then when I flake out on you, I don't have to feel guilty and so far, you've given me no good reasons to flake out on you." She said as he tipped his head back slightly and laughed. His laughter spilled over into the front as the two children looked back at them.

"Daddy." Adam said as he watched Derek's eyebrows rise. "Hush…"

"Hush?" Derek asked as Emma nodded and glanced to Kam.

"Kam is trying to let us listen to the crickets, and you guys are laughing too hard… Hush, please…" Emma said as Derek pretended to zip his lips and lock them, throwing away the key. "Good boy." She said with a smile as they turned around and listened as the horses slowly pulled them.

Derek glanced to Meredith with his pursed and 'locked' lips, and tried to keep himself from laughing. She grinned at his attempt and could hear his laughter start to slip from his lips. She tried not to giggle as she leaned forward and put her hand over his mouth, tipping her head forward to rest on his shoulder as she started to laugh into it. He made a sound against her hand, sending droplets of spittle on her hand as she screeched and pulled her hand away. "You licked me!" She screeched with a laugh as Derek began to laugh harder.

"I did not lick you! I did not lick you!" Derek laughed as Meredith giggled and wiped her hand on his cheek as he defended himself and laughed.

"You did so! My hand is all wet! Ick! Ick!" She exclaimed as she moved away from him laughing as they giggled together and then suddenly, she felt a nudge on her arm as she looked at him, watching him nod toward the front, noticing three sets of eyes on them as they straightened up and tried desperately not to laugh. Derek was holding onto his laughter until he felt himself be nudged by Meredith again, so he nudged her back.

"Now I am confused." Kam said as he glanced to the two children. "Who are the children here?" He asked with a knowing smirk as Meredith let a grin escape from her lips as she desperately tried to remain serious.

"She started it." Derek said with a grin as Meredith elbowed him.

Emma and Adam both rolled their eyes as Emma looked up at Kam. "Just keep driving… maybe they'll fall asleep…" She said with a smile as Kam chuckled and nodded, continuing the ride.

"I think we just got dissed…" Derek said as Meredith gave him a funny look.



"I know what that means…" Meredith giggled as she pushed herself into his arms a little more, cuddling up to him even more. "I just didn't think that anyone said it anymore…" She said with a laugh, as Derek chuckled and held her tightly, as they quieted and listened to the sounds of the crickets.

The carriage slowed in front of a series of shops, a small enclave that was designed for the horse carriages to pause without being on the sidewalks had been installed here, and Kam stopped in the spot to let the horses rest and get them some water, while his riders shifted and prepared to get themselves a cold treat at the ice cream shop across the street.

"You guys can all stay here…" Derek said softly. "I'll go get the ice cream and bring it back." He said with a smile as Meredith shook her head.

"I can go with you." She said as she sat up, watching Derek shake his head.

"Rest… rest your knee… watch the kids… talk with Kam. I'll get you your ice cream." He said with a smile.

"Can I go with you, Daddy?" Adam asked as Derek watched him squirm slightly in his seat as he tilted his head.

"You stay here with Meredith. You and Kam have to make sure they're safe and sound while I'm getting the ice cream." Derek said as Adam sighed. Derek took everyone's order and walked across the street quickly toward the ice cream shop.

Adam turned his head and glanced to Meredith. "Meredith, I'm going to go with daddy." He said as he started to shift toward the edge.

"Adam." Meredith said as she held her hand out to him, watching him try to slide to the edge of the carriage, she touched his arm. "Stay here with me… you heard what your daddy said." She said as Adam glanced at her and back at Derek.

"But…" He mumbled as he sighed.

"You heard what he said, Adam… he's in charge." Meredith said as Adam sighed and sat back, sliding down, he sulked as he stared at the ice cream shop that his father had slipped into.

"M-dawg would let me go." Adam mumbled as he sighed.

"M-dawg?" Emma asked. "You have a dog?"

"No… not a real dog… like… a friend… I'm his wing man…" Adam said as he gave Emma a confused look.

"Wing man?" She asked. "You're weird."

"I am not weird!" Adam exclaimed as he sat up. "You're ugly!" He shouted.

"Adam!" Meredith exclaimed.

"She called me weird!"

"Emma… no name calling." Meredith scolded as she leaned back against the back of the carriage and sighed.

"They fight like siblings." Kam said as he chuckled at the two children scowling at one another. "Have you and Doctor Shepherd been dating long?" He asked as Meredith's eyes met with the man's kind eyes.

"This is… actually, our official first date… but we've been friends… for a little while." She said, trying to carefully broach the subject without making it too complicated.

"Ah…" Kam chuckled as he watched the children continue to scowl at one another. "Well, I grew up with four brothers and three sisters." He said with a nod. "Their relationship is very normal… It's when they work together when you should be most nervous." He said as Meredith giggled.

"I'll keep that in mind." She said as she glanced over at the road, as she watched Derek emerge with a holder in his hands with four ice cream cones, and one in his hand that he crossed the street and approached them, with a smile on his face.

The ice cream had all been eaten, and somehow, the little girl who had fancied holding her very own bridle in the front of the carriage had ended up cuddled in Derek's arms, her eyes drooping sleepily as he adjusted the bandage on her head slightly. Her mouth opened wide as a yawn seemed to lift from deep within her, her hand covering it quickly as she pushed her head into Derek's arm.

"Are we ready to go?" Kam asked as Derek watched the little girl, whose eyes closed and her hand clasped over his.

"I think we're ready to go…" Meredith said as she watched Adam look back at his father, his eyes filled with an immature jealousy that rang out in his head, turning swiftly toward the front.

"Let's get out of here." He said with a huff as he sighed, swinging the bridle in his hand slightly as he tried to block out the image in his head of what he was beginning to feel to be his father's overt display of attention to the two women that were sitting with him.

"Adam?" Meredith said softly as she attempted to quell the tension that she could feel radiating from the body of the little boy, shown in his words and his actions.

He turned his head to face her and he tipped his head, his eyes moving to his father's, where he was met with a curious expression, and not one of frustration that he had expected. "Huh?" He said as Kam prepared the horses to return them to where they had begun their journey.

"Would you like to sit back here with us?" She asked, watching him mull over the idea of climbing into the back, cuddling amongst the group of people that was creating this feeling of resentment in his heart, his mind, his stomach.

"Um…" He mumbled as his eyes moved to his father's once again, as he shook his head. "No, its okay, Meredith…" Adam said with a shrug. "I'll stay up here." He replied. "Thank you, though. Kam needs help." He nodded. "And you guys look comfy."

"I'd be much more comfy if I had someone to snuggle with." Meredith said as Adam turned his head to look at her, his eyes moving to his father and back to Meredith.

"You can snuggle with daddy." Adam shrugged as he turned to look forward. Suddenly, Meredith leaned forward, reaching her hands around his waist, he let out a giggle filled squeal as she pulled him toward her. "Meredith!" He exclaimed as she slid him from the bench and pulled him into her lap, being careful not to let him hit her leg, he giggled madly as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek, feeling his hand come up to wipe it off, she started to tickle him.

"You wiped off my kiss?" She asked with a laugh. "You wiped off my kiss! So mean! So mean!" She exclaimed as she kissed him again and again as he wiggled and squealed, laughing the entire time as she stopped tickling him, and he sat in her lap breathless and giggling slightly.

"Meredith, you're so silly…" He said with a laugh as he turned his head and looked up at her.

"Are you going to wipe off my kisses again?" She asked as he shook his head and grinned at her. "Are you going to snuggle with us back here?" She asked as he nodded and giggled, his eyes glancing to Derek as he watched the happiness in his son's face.

"Yeah…" He said as he reached his hand up to his cheek, watching Meredith's eyes as she raised her eyebrows, and moved his hand quickly to her cheek. He leaned up and kissed her nose. "You can't wipe mine off neither." He said quickly as he watched her smile. "It's a rule."

"It's a very good rule." She said with a nod as Adam giggled as he looked over to Kam as he prepared for them to leave. Kam turned his head and smiled at the four of them all snuggled in the back of his carriage, a grin rising to his lips as he watched Derek smirk.

"I see that you are all ready to go…" He said softly as Derek nodded.

"We're all ready to go." He said with a nod, glancing to Meredith, who smiled slightly back at him, watching as he pulled one of his hands from around her daughter, he put his arm around her shoulder as he pulled her into him, snuggling both her, and his son as well.

"Snug as a bug in a rug." Adam replied as he yawned suddenly, closing his eyes as he nestled into Meredith, and they were on their way once again.

The carriage pulled into it's space, and the four in the back were cuddled together perfectly as the two smallest of the group found themselves sleeping soundly against their companion's chests. Kam turned as he climbed from his perch, looking back quickly at the foursome in the back, smiling at Derek who gave him a sheepish grin.

"You are as good a father as you are a doctor, Doctor Shepherd." He said as Derek chuckled softly against the hair of the little girl who nuzzled farther into his neck.

"You talk too much, Kam." Derek said with a laugh as he began to sit up slightly, glancing to Meredith as she watched Derek hold her daughter so tenderly, as if she were as light as a feather. "Are you going to stay here all night?" He asked with a smirk and a wink as she shook her head.

"I'm sort of weighed down here." She teased, as Derek laughed and stood, climbing carefully from the back of the carriage, he turned on the top step.

"Here…" He said, watching his son grip Meredith tighter with his hands, his eyes closed, his breathing still soft as he grip her with the strength of a baby gripping its mother for fear of it leaving. It made Derek's heart beat a little faster when he watched his son's lips curled in a sleeping smile as he continued to hold the woman who held him, and he lifted his eyes to hers, where his own happiness was reflected in her eyes. "Slide… slide over in this direction, and I'll lift him from your arms."

"But you already have Emma." She said as she tilted her head and shook it.

"I can handle both… trust me… slide over and hand him to me… he won't even wake up, I promise…"

"He wont wake up? Derek…"

"The kid could sleep through a nuclear attack… trust me…" He said as he nodded. "Slide… and hand him over…" He said as Derek watched Meredith start to slide down the seat.

"If I hand him to you…" Meredith said softly. "Who is going to help me down?" She asked with a giggle as Derek rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Fine… drop him…" Derek said as he watched Meredith's jaw drop.

"Derek!" She squeaked, feeling Adam shift in her arms, she shook her head as she felt her cheeks burn "Derek…" She whispered, a soft growl as Derek laughed.

"Just hand him over…" he said with a laugh, as Meredith leaned forward, feeling Derek's arms wrap around the little boy, she carefully peeled his hands from her shirt, feeling Adam turn subconsciously and grip Derek, resting his head on Derek's shoulder, gripping his shirt as she watched him grip him tightly, and Emma, on one hand, all the while holding his arm out for her. "Okay, your turn." He said as Meredith raised her eyebrows. "Hurry, hurry…" he said with a chuckle as Meredith reached for his hand and gripped it tightly, pulling herself from the carriage, she stepped down onto the step and let him help her down, as she looked up at him, releasing his hand, he shifted Adam into his other arm. He glanced to Kam and back to Meredith as she looked up at him.

"What?" She whispered as Derek watched Kam tying up the horses, preparing to get them some water.

"My back pocket… wallet… can you…"

"You want me to pull your wallet out of your back pocket? Derek… that's kind of a second or third date thing, don't you think?" She teased as Derek gave her a surprised look.

"Just pull the wallet out, will ya?" he asked as she laughed, and reached in his back pocket. "Oh!" He squeaked teasing her.

"What?" She asked.

"Oh, don't you pretend that you didn't just pinch my butt…" Derek teased as Meredith's jaw went slack for the second time in the past three minutes. He laughed as she blushed, and shook his head. "Pull a twenty out… hand it to Kam. If he says he won't take it… hide it in the bridle of the horse." Derek whispered.

Meredith nodded and walked toward Kam. He watched her talk to him for a moment, watching Kam shake his head, pushing her hand from him as he glanced to Derek and shook his head.

"Your money is no good with me, Doctor Shepherd!" He exclaimed with a grin, as Meredith shrugged.

"Alright… Let's go Meredith... Kam is just too proud…" Derek said as Meredith smiled and walked toward him.

"And don't you dare slide that twenty dollars in the bridle Miss Grey…" Kam said as Meredith's eyes closed and she started to laugh as Derek chuckled, sliding a twenty dollar bill under the seat of the carriage as he nodded toward Meredith.

"Thank you, Kamil!" Derek exclaimed as he nudged Meredith as they walked toward the car.

"Bye, Kamil! Thank you!" Meredith called as she waved to the man beside the horse, as she caught up with Derek. "How is he going to find that?" She whispered as she walked alongside Derek.

"Oh, he'll find it." Derek said as he nodded with a laugh. "Probably find it on my doorstep tomorrow morning, but he'll find it."

"He'd actually return it?" She asked as they reached the car, and Meredith reached for the door handle, opening the car door so that Derek could slide the children into the back seat and get them buckled.

Derek stood up and glanced to her, having buckled the two sleepy children in the car, he smiled and faced her. "He will." Derek nodded. "He's a good man…" He said as he opened her car door for her and held his hand out. "And speaking of returning things?" he said with a sly grin that send a bright grin across her own face, and a loud laugh emitted from deep within her throat.

"What? You don't trust me?" She laughed as she slapped his wallet into his hand and grinned at him brightly.

"More than you know, Ms. Grey…" Derek said as he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it tenderly.

"More than you should, Mister Shepherd…" She said as she smirked at him and climbed into the seat, watching his eyes smile brightly, as he shook his head and closed her door for her, he laughed and turned, sliding his wallet into his back pocket as he headed for the driver's side.

Derek drove the car slowly through the streets, never wanting the evening to end, but knowing that it would have to, if only because he had one more day of work before his week vacation. He pulled the car up to the brownstone and parked directly in front of it, looking across the passenger seat to the stairs.

"So we're here." Meredith sighed softly as she glanced out the window, turning her eyes to look to Derek, who had a seemingly lost look in his eyes.

"Yep." He said, his voice wistful and sad as he gave her a supportive smirk, though the sadness in his eyes gave away his feelings.

"You have work tomorrow, huh?" She asked as she watched Derek nod his head. "Mom's leaving tomorrow afternoon." She said, watching him still nodding.

"She is probably missing a lot of work."

"Yeah." Meredith nodded. "She um… she works a lot."

"I'm aware." Derek said with an awkward pause that both of them could feel radiating between them.

"I um… I should go now, I guess… get her to bed." She said, nodding to the back seat, where the two kids sit sleeping, their seatbelt straps holding them upright as they snored softly.

"Probably… yeah… she's had a long day." Derek replied as he watched Meredith's eyes, watching her pause and smile softly at him. "I hope that we can have a lot more dates like that." He whispered. "It's nice to have a family again." He whispered as they both paused again, as if they weren't sure what to say next, what to do next, perhaps even forgetting to breathe for a couple of seconds as suddenly, Meredith turned and grabbed the door handle.

"Well, then… um, then thanks… it was a lovely evening. Thanks." She said quickly as she pulled at the handle as if she were trying to get away, as if she were trying to escape. She was feeling awkward and nervous, overwhelmed and almost frightened by the heart pounding feeling that Derek seemed to send through her veins, and she felt like she couldn't breathe. She yanked hard on the door handle, pushing her body against it, she nearly slammed her head into the door when she realized that the door hadn't opened, but instead was locked because the car was still in gear.

"Meredith…" Derek said as he put the car in park and reached across and touched her arm, watching as she flipped the lock quickly and nearly jumped from the car. "Meredith, hang on a second…" Derek said as he watched her slide out of the car and close the door at his grasping hand, flustered and full of anxiety, Derek climbed out of the driver's side as Meredith opened the back door.

"Emma bear… come on, sweetheart… let's go." Meredith said, tugging at her daughter lightly as she unbuckled her seatbelt, trying to ignore Derek from beside her. "Let's go baby…"

"I'm sleepy…" Emma mumbled as her mother fumbled with her seatbelt, trying to lift her from the car. "Mama…" she groaned as Meredith started to move backwards, her heel hitting the curb beside the car, sending her tumbling backwards as she felt the set of strong arms around her holding her and her daughter upright.

"You didn't expect that to happen, did you?" He asked as his lips found their way to her ear as she gripped her daughter tightly in her arms and tried to will herself from his arms.

"I have to go inside." She whispered as she felt a lump in her throat.

"Meredith…" Derek whispered as he held her tightly, refusing to let her go.

"Derek, just let me go… I have to go inside." She said as she felt the tears coming to her eyes as she struggled to keep from crying.

"Mama…" Emma whimpered as she tried to wake up, feeling her mother's arms around her tightly, she looked up to see her mother's eyes filling with tears. "Don't cry." She whispered as her eyes lifted to Derek's as a look of confusion mixed with disappointment filled his features. Derek took a step back, helping Meredith to her feet, he quickly reached for Emma and pulled her quickly from Meredith's arms.

"Derek, don't do this!" She exclaimed suddenly as he ignored her request and pulled her arm up, helping her turn around. He said nothing as he walked with her toward the stairs, holding her daughter safely in his arms, he helped them up the stairs, where he watched her pull her keys quickly from her pocket, reaching for her daughter, she refused to look up into his eyes as he handed her over with a tender kiss to her brow. "Thank you for the wonderful evening." She said to his chest, before turning as she slammed the key into the lock and pushed her way inside. She grabbed her key from the lock as she held the door half opened, tugging on it hard, because it wouldn't give.

Derek reached forward and touched her hand, watching her pull it back quickly as he very gingerly pulled the key from the lock and handed it to her. She grabbed the key from his hand and slammed the door with a mumbled 'thanks', leaving him standing, staring at the green painted wooden door, as his mind tried to catch up with his eyes and figure out exactly what he had done wrong.

Meredith stood with her back against the door for several moments, the tears in her eyes were threatening to fall at full throttle as she held Emma securely in her grip. The little girl turned her head to face her mother, seeing the tears in the corner of her eyes, the fear in her face as she held her against her. "Mama, why did you close the door on Derek?" She whispered as Meredith turned her face away from her little girl and caught her reflection in the mirror beside the door, her eyes reflecting a deep, dark fear, an emptiness that she had seen before in her eyes. She closed them quickly and let Emma slip from her grip slowly, setting her carefully to the floor.

"Go on up to your room, sweet pea." Meredith managed to squeak as Emma gripped her mother's shirt at the hem, looking up at her curiously.

"Mama, why did you close the door on Derek?" She asked again, turning, she reached for the doorknob and her mother's hand covered hers.

"Emma, upstairs… now." She said, her voice no longer soft and lost, but hardened and serious. The tone she used meant business, and Emma, though absolutely confused about the entire situation knew that now was not the time to argue with her mother. She took a step back and pulled her hand delicately from Meredith's.

"I am gonna see if Gma is awake." She whispered as she turned and ran quickly toward the stairs.

"Emma, do not run!" Meredith exclaimed, her hand reaching out as she watched her daughter slow down at the stairs, taking them one step at a time, her eyes watching her mother with each step she took until she disappeared on the landing.

She took this moment to turn against the door, resting her forehead against the wood, she held her hand to the white paint that covered it, the smooth texture beneath her fingertips was cold to the touch, her heart beating wildly as she felt the lump in her throat rising into a sob. The words that had escaped Derek's lips echoed in her mouth, the same words her husband had spoken before he had left for work that day, the last day that she had seen him alive. She was falling in love with Derek Shepherd, and while her mind could not deny that fact, she was not about to allow her heart to accept it, not with the possibility of losing him. She had loved and lost, and was certain in her mind that she would never be able to allow herself to play that game again.

Derek stood staring at the door, the overwhelming urge to bang his fist into it until it opened began to rise in his soul, but the moment he raised his fist to the door, was the moment he realized that there was no amount of pounding that would convince her otherwise. They had experienced a magical night, cuddling, talking, laughing. Their dinner had been perfect, the carriage ride superb, but there was something missing. Something missing besides the woman that had been by his side all evening. There was no shortage of care between them, he had made sure that she was as comfortable as possible, and she had shown him that she was conscious of his feelings and contented nature. There was no shortage of expression, she had returned each kiss, each hand hold, each stare, and he had done the same. There had been no awkward moments, there had been no lost or confused stares between them. There was no shortage of love, for even when she wouldn't vocalize her feelings, he could see it in her eyes. When he held her daughter in his arms, when he teased her about the bit of ice cream on her nose, when she had slapped his wallet into his hand and gave him that wide, beautiful grin. He could see the love. He could feel the love. He just knew that there was something missing, and he wished he knew where to find it.

He turned his head to see the car sitting in its spot, running as it sat with his son in the back seat, most likely still asleep, and he sucked in a deep breath, put one foot in front of the other and made his way toward the car. He climbed into the driver's seat and looked into the back, seeing his little boy's face, his puckered mouth open slightly as his black eyelashes twitched as he dreamed. He swallowed back his tears, his eyes moving back toward the green door in the distance, as he looked up to see a light turn on upstairs, illuminating the tiny pink hearts on the windows. "Goodnight Emma bear." He whispered as he chewed his lower lip for a moment. "Goodnight, Meredith." He whispered, as he put the car into gear and drove from her brownstone, with the sinking feeling in his stomach that he was leaving his family behind.

Derek's car pulled into the driveway slowly, his eyes moving to the sleeping boy in the back seat once more as he slipped the car into park and pulled the key from the ignition, sitting in the silence of the front yard as his son's gentle snoring wafted from the back seat. He felt guilty about having to wake the little boy, but knew that it had to be done, bed was a few long strides away and he probably wouldn't even notice that he was being moved.

He watched the little boy's chest rise and fall with each breath, his own chest tightening as he thought of the innocent heart that lie within his tiny frame, his tender temperament, his brave and trusting, vulnerable nature, and the fear that lie within his own heart that his son's innocence and trust could be stricken so hard and so sharply, that it could shatter it into a million unrecognizable pieces.

He clenched his jaw, and within his fear, anger began to run through his veins, and though he tried his hardest to push it as far down into his soul as possible, the thought of someone taking his boy's innocence was too much for him to bear. He opened his door quickly and quietly, securing it without a slam as he moved to the back door. He opened the door slowly, his hand reaching in to catch his son's head as it slid on the seat toward the door. He put his hand on his son's head gently, as he reached across and unbuckled his belt, reaching for his waist, he felt his son's arm instinctively lift and settle on his shoulder, as he allowed his father to pull him gently from the car.

His pudgy cheek smushed into his father's shoulder, his eyes remaining closed and his breathing slow and regular as his daddy closed the door to the car and carried him toward the front door. He unlocked it carefully and stepped inside, looking around at the life he had created for himself and his boy, the life that he had created and maintained on his own, with only a little help from his family, but undeniable support, and he couldn't help but feel just a little angrier.

He carried his boy up the stairs to his bedroom, lying him in his bed, he moved for the dresser and pulled a pair of pajamas from within its drawers. He quickly and without waking the boy, changed him into his pajamas, and slipped his limp, snoring body beneath the covers. He knelt beside the bed, leaning over to kiss the cheek of his sleeping son, watching his tiny nose wiggle with a tickle of his father's 5 o'clock shadow. His blue eyes flickered open as he looked into his father's eyes. "Daddy?" he whispered, his voice filled with sleep and concern.

"Yeah, buddy?"

"Mommy isn't coming back for us." He whispered, his eyes moving to the tiny bedside table, where a small picture of a woman sat framed, a beautiful smile on her face as she held her arms around a younger version of his father. It wasn't a question, it was a statement, and Adam watched closely as his father's breath caught in his throat.

"No." Derek whispered as he shook his head and watched Adam nod his head. "No, bud… she's not." He whispered.

"It's okay, Daddy." He said, a tiny smile on his lips as the tiny dimple on his cheek made an appearance. "You have me." He said as he smiled.

"That's right." Derek nodded as he smiled a matching smile, his eyes sparkling softly as he ran his thumb across his son's forehead. "I do have you."

"Daddy?" He whispered as he gave his father a thoughtful look.


"If you tell Meredith that Emma's daddy isn't coming back for them… maybe she'll let you be Emma's daddy." He whispered as he yawned a big yawn, sucking in his breath as he closed his eyes for a moment, smacking his lips as he opened them again to look at his father's expression. "And Meredith can be my mommy." He whispered.

"You make things seem so easy." Derek whispered.

"It is easy. You just gotta do it." He said as he shrugged a little and leaned up, kissing his father on his cheek. "Go to bed… you have work in the morning." He said with a little giggle as he smiled at his father's eyes, and rolled over to face the wall as he listened to his father chuckle softly as he ruffled his hair one more time before whispering his 'goodnight' and leaving the room.

It was Friday afternoon, his last day of vacation and Derek found himself staring at the television screen in a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. He had been wearing the same clothes for the past two days, and was feeling more miserable with each passing moment. It had been nearly seven days since he had last seen Meredith, six since he had last heard her voice, if only for the message that she left on his machine while he was at work the day following their date, apologizing for being rude, and telling him that she just needed some time to think.

He had given her time, plenty of time, he had thought. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. By Wednesday, he was starting to get a bit agitated. He had been spending time with Adam, which was always rewarding, and Adam appreciated the time he was getting alone with his father. They had gone to the park and played catch or gone swimming. They had taken trips to the ice cream shop near Central park and taken long walks around the city in search of a good cheeseburger, or an event that they could both enjoy. Wednesday was a regular day, though the weather was starting to turn a bit blustery. The end of the summer was coming quickly, and the rain and bad weather didn't let them forget it. He glanced at the window as he contemplated getting a beer from the refrigerator, reaching up to scratch his face, he felt the rough bristly feeling of his beard coming in.

"Damn it…" He whispered to himself as he tossed his head back, glancing to the stairs, he watched Adam shuffle toward his father, it was nearly one in the afternoon and they were both still in their pajamas. Adam's hair was messy and sticking up, his hand moving to his head as he scratched the top of it. "What have you been up to?" Derek asked as Adam's eyes met his father's and he shrugged. "You don't know, or you don't want to tell me… or what?"

"I dunno." He mumbled as he shrugged again.

"You think I should take a shower and get dressed?" Derek asked as Adam nodded, shrugging his shoulders. "You think I should… take you to Funzone Planet, don't you?" He asked as his son's head snapped in his direction, and a very familiar grin spread across the little boy's lips.

"I think you should take a shower and get dressed first, though." Adam replied with a squeal as Derek grabbed him from his spot and began to tickle him. "Oh my goodness! Daddy! You're going to make me pee! Ahh!" He squealed as Derek stopped tickling the wiggling boy and rolled him onto the couch beside him. He tried to catch his breath as he giggled a little, scratching his head again. "You know what would be a great idea?"

"What?" Derek asked as he looked to his boy, his blue eyes meeting his father's as he smiled a small smile. The mischievousness that the little boy held in those eyes was simply overwhelming, but Derek couldn't help but fall for them every time. "What would be a great idea?"

"If we invited Meredith." He said with a confident smile, watching his father's grin disappear slightly. "Meredith and Emma." Adam said with a sigh. "Daddy, it's a great idea."

"Meredith doesn't want to see me anymore, Adam. She's made it abundantly clear that she is not interested." He said as he shook his head.

"Did you ask her?" Adam asked.

"I asked her to call me back. I can't tell her anything if she doesn't call me back, and if she doesn't want to talk to me, it's not polite to pester people, Adam. Meredith is a grown up, buddy… she has grown up decisions she needs to make, and having someone tell her what to do, or being pushy or bossy… it's not going to put me any more in her favor." Derek rambled as Adam watched his father's voice grumble and his head tip back as he rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Can I ask her?" He asked, ignoring his father's mumbling and grumbling as he nudged his leg. "Maybe she likes me more…" he shrugged. "She told me that she loves me." He said with a happy smile as Derek tilted his head in mock incredulity. "What?" He said, nudging his father's leg again. "She did." He said as he smirked at his father, giving him a mocking look that sent Derek's head shaking.

"Fine." Derek said as he sighed and looked his son in the eyes. "We can call and invite Meredith and Emma… but you have to promise me, that when they don't show up, you're paying for dinner." Derek said as he held out his hand to shake Adam's hand.

"It's a dealio!" Adam exclaimed as he swung his hand around and smacked his father's palm with his own, and ran to get the telephone.

6:48 PM-

Funzone planet was a pizzeria that was jam packed full of video games and entertainment choices for all ages of children, meaning it was also jam packed with children. The volume was loud, and the number of people was seemingly multiplying by the minutes. They had sat a good distance from the door, but still within view, and Adam had spent some time playing games, hurrying back to his table to prepare for Meredith's arrival, and the arrival of the pizza. The time was nearing the time he had told Meredith that they would be arriving at dinner, and the pizza was being brought to the table. "Pretty big pizza for just two fellas…" The waiter said with a goofy grin as he watched Derek's angry, fake smile return.

"Pretty big bowtie for a minimum wage, dead end job." Derek spat back as he watched the waiter's smile disappear, and his brow furrow in hurt. "I'm sorry." Derek mumbled as he shook his head. "I'm sorry, I'm waiting for someone, I'm just frustrated." Derek said as he watched the smile return on the waiter's face.

"Oh, it's okay, sir. I hope your night gets better." He said as he smirked at Adam, as the little boy watched his father. "Enjoy your dinner, I hope your friends show up." He said as he turned and walked quickly away from the table.

Derek glanced to Adam, whose mouth was practically watering at the sight of the pizza, he shook his head. "You better like this pizza kid… you're paying for it." He said as Adam smirked, his eyes lifting to see the door open to the restaurant. Immediately, a grin spread across his face.

"No way, Jose!" Adam exclaimed with a giggle and a laugh as he pointed at the woman walking through the door. Her hair was wet from the driving rain outside, her coat covered in raindrops as she looked around. Adam waved his arms toward her, and glanced to his father, watching as his father's look of surprise and happiness quickly turned to concern and confusion. "What's wrong, Daddy?" He asked as Adam glanced to Meredith, noticing that she was alone, and she looked almost lost, nearly frantic as she looked around for them.

"Stay here." Derek said as he watched Adam start to slide out of the booth. "Adam, I said stay here!" Derek said sternly as he watched Adam stop, his eyes on his father, understanding that he meant business. Derek pointed at the seat for emphasis, and slid from the booth and made his way quickly toward Meredith. Adam watched as Derek approached her, her eyes flashing to him and her eyes lit up slightly when she recognized him, though when he touched her arm she pulled back, her head shaking.

"Meredith… where's Emma?" Derek asked as he reached for her arm, watching her pull away as she shook her head.

"Derek… we… I… I didn't bring Emma… I didn't come here to um… oh God, this is so hard…" Meredith mumbled as she shook her head more, looking more panicked with each moment.

"Meredith, is Emma okay?" Derek asked, feeling a heavy weight in the pit of his stomach as she nodded her head. "Where is she, is she okay?" He asked as Meredith nodded her head.

"Emma is fine, Derek. She's fine." Meredith breathed, her eyes rimmed with tears as she shook her head. "She's with Cristina, I didn't… I didn't bring her because… because I thought you should know, and I didn't want to tell you on the phone."

"What?" Derek whispered, feeling the boulder in the pit of his stomach become larger, squeezing his innards angrily, twisting his stomach in such a way he didn't think possible. "Meredith… you're making me nervous."

"Derek, Emma and I are leaving New York at the end of the week." She said quickly, straight forward and emotionless, as if she were removing a bandaid from a cadaver. "We're moving back to Boston." She whispered.

Adam watched his father's body language, shifting from foot to foot as he shook his head and reached for her arm again. To him, it looked like they were talking, but from the way Derek's face had just paled, it appeared that Meredith had said something that his father didn't like. Just as quickly as Derek's face had gone pale, it began to burn with color as he shook his head, his lips saying, 'Why?' as his body language screamed 'Please, no.'

Adam took the moment as an opportunity, the pizza sitting in front of him, he reached forward and took his eyes off his father and Meredith for a moment as he pulled a large piece of thin crusted pizza onto his plate. It was warm to the touch, not too hot, and he raised his eyes with the slice to his lips, between his teeth, to see Meredith raise her hand and slap his father across the face.

Other patrons were watching now, and although they were trying to remain quiet in their discussion, it was loud enough to attract the attention of the people surrounding them, it was heated enough for them to be noticed, and Adam's ears burned with anxiety as he watched her slap his father again, dropping the slice of pizza from his lips as he whispered 'no' under his breath again and again, his voice whimpering in sadness as his hands moved to the table, his tiny fingernails scratching across the wooden table as he felt his lip trembling, his heart breaking. "No…" he whimpered again.

He needed to stop it. He needed to help. He shifted in the booth, edging toward the end as he watched Meredith take a step toward the door, her finger jabbing his father in the chest as she took another step backwards toward the door, Derek taking a step toward her, his own eyes showing the exact same rage, the exact same hurt as Meredith, as they continued their argument.

"How dare you say that to me! How dare you bring my dead husband into this conversation, bringing him up so cavalierly! How dare you desecrate his memory like that! Act like you were so much better than him, like you deserve to be the man to raise his daughter, to replace him!" She exclaimed, her voices squeaking as she tried to whisper her angry words, only to have them spat angrily in his face.

"I don't want to replace anyone! I don't want you to replace anyone! All I'm saying, Meredith… is that they're not coming back, Meredith. They're not coming back, and your little girl, she needs a…" Derek stammered, trying to appear innocent, but feeling the passion building up deep inside his body, the anger and frustration of her constantly denying him was becoming overwhelming.

"Shut up!" She exclaimed as she finally noticed the attention she was attracting. She lowered her voice and took a step toward him, poking his chest with her finger.

"Meredith, I love you." He said, hoping it may have some effect other than to enrage her more. "I love Emma, Meredith."

"We don't… we don't need you, Derek! I have…I can't… I shouldn't have agreed to that date, Derek. I wasn't ready! I wasn't ready, and you just pushed and pushed and pushed… and you saved… you saved her life, and we were just emotional, Derek. We were emotional because I almost lost her… and, it was just… you don't love us, Derek. You just think you love us, you're trying to make up for what you lost, and you've created a false idol. You've created something that isn't there."

"I am not delusional, Meredith!" Derek exclaimed, suddenly realizing that even more people were looking at them, her eyes flashing to the little boy who sit at the table, his blue eyes wide with an ungodly fear that she just had to look away.

"Derek… just… tell Adam that I… that I'm sorry." She whispered.

"You tell him!" Derek whispered angrily as he pointed his finger at his son without looking, not noticing him sliding from the booth, moving toward them slowly. "You tell them that you love something that is gone from this life more than you love him… a living, breathing, loving little boy who would walk to the ends of the earth to make his father happy, to make himself happy! He'd follow you, Meredith! He thinks you love him! You tell him that you're leaving him again. Look into his eyes and tell him that you never want to see him again."

Meredith saw the wide eyed expression of the little boy as he sit teetering on the booth seat, staring directly into her eyes as he seemingly whispered 'no' with his lips.

"I…" She whispered as she covered her face with her mouth. "I can't." She whispered. "I can't… I'm sorry." She said as she turned for the door.

"Meredith, you walk out of that door, and I never want to see you again." He whispered, angrily and hurt.

"I'm sorry…Derek." As she looked into his eyes. "But part of me died with Rick, Derek… part of me died with him, and I don't think anyone can fix it." She whispered, as she turned and pushed the door, walking back out into the rain, and out of the restaurant, and seemingly out of their lives.

Derek watched the door close behind her, the knot in his stomach squeezing angrily as he dreaded turning around to face his son. He dreaded seeing those hurt eyes, and when he started walking back to the table, he couldn't bear to look at them.

"NO!" A voice screamed, screeched angrily. "NO! MOMMY!" He exclaimed as Derek's eyes lifted to his son's as he realized that Adam was standing in front of the table.

"Adam…" Derek said as he started to walk quicker toward his son as everyone in the restaurant kept their eyes on the two of them, the noises of the restaurant quieting to just the hum and banter of the games. Not a person in the establishment was talking as suddenly, Adam balled his fists and ran as quickly as he could toward his father. Just as he was about to reach Derek, however, he turned sharply, and made a mad dash for the door. "Adam!" Derek exclaimed as in just a split second, his son was past him and out the door, into the angry early autumn rain.

She sat in the car, having closed it from the driving rain. Her hair was soaked through, her coat hanging from her shoulders as the freezing cold water ran off it in droplets. Her tears were hot and fresh, cascading down her cheeks like thunderous waterfalls, mixing with the rain that dripped from her hair, her nose, her chin, face and clothing. She put her hands on the steering wheel of the car, leaning in on the console, she began to sob.

Her cheeks were hot from embarrassment, and she was find it very difficult to catch her breath as the sobs began to force her into involuntary convulsive motions as she gripped the steering wheel. Her mind was reeling, the vision of his eyes still burning into her memory as she tried desperately to push the thoughts of him from her mind. She couldn't, wouldn't do this to herself. Fall in love. Fall in love again, she couldn't allow herself that luxury. She had experienced love, but she couldn't afford to lose it, and though that thought, that idea of losing love and the pain that she had thought she'd be saving herself was something that she was trying to avoid happening, she only succeeded in doing it to herself. The first, Rick she officially signed his death certificate with the slow stroke of a pen on the DNR sheet, and then just now, with that one swift turn, and the slam of a restaurant door, she had lost Derek too. Two men who would walk across the planet barefoot to follow at her side, and she had killed them both, one physically, the other emotionally.


She sobbed uncontrollably into her arms, completely unknowing of the chase that was ensuing in the pouring rain outside her car.

Derek's feet slammed into the floor hard, a bag in one hand and his son tucked neatly beneath his other arm as he raced across the linoleum floor.

"We're going to miss it!" Adam squealed loudly as Derek bounced him a little in his arm, listening to the little boy laugh. "Daddy! We're going to miss it!"

"We're not going to miss it!" Derek grunted as he turned a corner and started to sprint down the hallway, dodging people and baggage, two skycaps and a man carrying a garbage tote. "We are NOT going to miss it!" he exclaimed as he watched the number for their gate blink on and off as the final boarding call was given. He ran faster, his heart pounding out of his chest.

"We're going to miss it!" Adam squealed as several travelers laughed at the pair as the little boy hung upside down under his father's arm shouting and laughing as the older man puffed and wheezed as he approached the gate. He swung around the corner, his son nearly slipping from his arms.

He set Adam to the floor and pulled the boarding passes from his pocket, practically shoving them into the airline employee's hand. "We made it." He puffed as he wiped the sweat from his forehead and took slow, deep breaths. "We made it…" He said as he watched the employee scan the tickets. He handed them back and smiled at the father and son as Adam pulled his backpack onto his back a little tighter.

"Merry Christmas, sir." The employee said as he smiled, watching as Derek and Adam pushed through to the tunnel to the plane.

"Merry Christmas to you too!" Adam exclaimed over his shoulder, as his father pulled him toward the plane.

They stepped into the cabin of the plane, and collapsed into a heap onto the first row of first class seats, avoiding eye contact with the other holiday travelers, just in case they were upset that the flight had been held up specifically for them. Derek pushed his bag into the overhead compartment quickly, falling back into his seat beside his son as he glanced to the little boy, who was rooting through his backpack. "You couldn't wait five minutes before you opened things up?"

"I'm making sure you didn't crush anything." Adam said with a slight smile to his father beside him. "I don't know what the big hurry was." He shrugged. "We got here on time." He giggled into his bag, as he listened to his father's faux frustrated sigh beside him, watching the little boy's feet swing back and forth as he shook his head.

"ADAM! Get back here!" Derek exclaimed as soon as he stepped out into the parking lot, his son's tiny form was nowhere in sight, and the rushing of cars down the busy road beside the restaurant made him shudder. "Adam! Where are you!"

"MEREDITH!" Adam's voice screamed from the parking lot, the loud pounding of the rain on the cars around him, the lightning and rumble of thunder above made him jump. "Meredith! Come back!" he screamed, pounding on cars in the parking lot, not knowing which contained the woman that he refused to see disappear. "Meredith, Come back! Don't leave us! Meredith! Meredith!" He screamed, hearing his father's voice shout his name as he continued to walk between the cars, pounding on the sides as he peered in each of the windows. "Meredith… he mumbled as he choked on his sob, his tears mixing with the rain as his sneakers splashed in the puddles in the parking lot. "Meredith… Please…" He sniffed as he looked into another car.

"Adam! Where are you?" Derek shouted as he started to walk between the cars in the parking lot, filled to the brim with minivans and SUVs, it was virtually impossible to see around all of them, and he had no idea which way that Adam went. "Adam! Get back here right now!" Derek exclaimed as his fear and anxiety slowly turned to anger, misplaced and frightened anger, but anger nonetheless. "Adam!" He screamed as the rain pounded angrily and fiercely, the harsh wind sending waves of water into his eyes and face as he stalked around the dark parking lot. "Adam!" He shouted again.

Her sobs turned into hiccups as she gripped the steering wheel tightly, as if it were the only thing that was keeping her from breaking apart, as if it were actually what was keeping her heart beating in her chest, as if the idea of her letting go of that steering wheel, was officially letting go of the possibility of happiness. Happiness that she felt would inevitably lead to heart break.

She had no strength to pull the keys from her purse, no willpower to actually leave the parking area of the building she had fled, preferring instead to bury her face in her hands and listen to the pounding rain around her for just a few more minutes as she sobbed in the knowledge of the pain she had caused herself and someone she had tried desperately to admit that she didn't love.

The only thing that could rouse her from her self imposed misery was the far off cry of a man desperate to find his little boy among the throngs of cars that filled the dim parking lot of the restaurant, as the rain rapped angrily against her car windows.

"Tap, tap… tap tap… tap tap…" Adam's voice rattled amusedly at his father's shoulder as he watched Derek look over at his son.

"It doesn't work when you actually 'say' tap, Adam…" Derek said out of the corner of his eye as he put his book down and glanced to the little boy and his Cheshire grin. "What's up?"

"When are we going to be there?" He asked as he tipped his head slightly, leaning forward just a little as he kept his hand on the window beside him, his eyes on his father's as he watched them smile with him.

"It's not a long flight…" Derek replied.

"Not like Seattle." Adam said as he glanced out the window and then back to his father.

"No, not like Seattle." Derek replied, suddenly remembering that the last flight that they had taken together was when they had moved back to New York from Seattle. The long flight was exhausting, and the destination was familiar, but still very uncertain, and at the time his belly was filled with such anxiety that he had nearly become sick. "Definitely shorter than that." Derek replied.

"I'm excited." He said as he sat back and looked straight ahead, his eyes glancing out the window as the plane flew through the clouds, making a view virtually impossible in the December gloom that surrounded them. "I'm very excited." He said, grinning back at his father as Derek shook his head.

"You don't look excited…" He said as he watched Adam bounce a little in his seat.

"I'm excited, I'm excited!" He squeaked as he giggled.

"Why don't you pull out your construction paper and crayons… make us a sign… and that way, when we get there, they'll be able to find us." Derek said as he watched Adam reach for his bag eagerly, pulling it up onto his lap, he pulled a pad of brightly colored papers from within it, his other hand reaching in for his crayons, as the bag slipped off his lap onto the floor.

"Oops…" Adam said with a giggle as he held tightly to his paper and crayons as Derek shook his head, lifting the boy's backpack onto the seat.

"I don't know what I'm going to do with you." Derek said with a chuckle.

"Adam!" Derek exclaimed as he felt panic beginning to rise up in his chest, his eyes scanning quickly over the parking lot as he slammed his foot into a deep puddle, sending a splash of water up his leg. He stared down at the mud and water on his leg and swore under his breath with the realization that it really didn't matter, nothing mattered but Adam. "Adam… please!" Derek exclaimed as he spotted the little boy's yellow and blue shirt as it disappeared behind an SUV. "Adam! Stop!" Derek exclaimed as he ran toward the fleeing boy once again. "Adam, she's not here!" He exclaimed as he ran quickly, not noticing several cars pulling into the parking lot, their lights bright and blinding as they rolled unknowingly down the aisles of cars.

Tiny hands slammed against yet another window as he noticed his father's voice becoming louder, nearer. He breathed heavily as he slipped between another two cars and suddenly tripped over his feet, sending him tumbling. He looked up to see two bright lights coming in his direction, slowing not a bit as he opened his mouth to scream.

Hands gripped the seat tightly as the wheels of the plane hit the tarmac, and the two blue eyes of the little boy were looking out the window, aimed directly at the waiting terminals in front of them.

"Are they going to be there waiting for us?" He asked excitedly as he swung his feet and grinned at his father, his eyes sparkling happily as he held his green sheet of construction paper in his hands.

"I hope so." Derek said as he smiled at his son, running his hand over the boy's hair, newly cut and combed, his father rustled it just a bit. "They're our ride."

"Don't mess with the hair, Daddy… it has to be just right…"

"What? You have a hot Christmas date?" He asked as Adam made a grossed out face.

"Get real…" He said with a laugh as Derek shook his head and pulled out his cell phone. "Can I talk?" He asked as he held his hand out to his father, watching Derek give him a shake of his head as he wiggled his fingers.

"You'll see her in a minute…" Derek said as he shook his head, listening for someone to pick up. "Besides, she's not answering her phone anyway." Derek said as Adam shook his head.

"Women." He said as he sighed heavily, eliciting a sideways glance from his father as he reached forward for his bag.

"Wait… wait…" Derek said as he watched Adam reach for his seatbelt to pull it from his lap. "Just wait for the plane to park, okay? I don't need anyone getting a concussion or anything." Derek said as Adam rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat, watching his father nervously dial the phone again.

The lights disappeared in a flash, as Adam felt his body yanked back violently by his shirt, his body lifted from the ground. "OW! LET GO OF ME!" Adam screamed as he struggled against the hands that gripped him tightly, turning him quickly, his body soaking and trembling as two arms surrounded his body.

"Adam…" Derek whispered as he felt his son suddenly start to struggle, and as the car drove on past them, the reality of the situation slammed head on into Derek as if it had been the car that had just passed them. He just about dropped his son to the ground, grabbing him by the shoulder. "Jesus fucking CHRIST! ADAM! What were you thinking!" He screamed as he held his son by his shoulders, his thumbs pushing into the boy's arm as Adam stared at his father in shock. "You could have gotten yourself KILLED! You could have been killed! What were you thinking! How…. What… Mother fucking goddamned jesus fucking Christ!" Derek screamed as he stood up, slamming his foot into the pavement as wave after wave of realization came over his mind, his heart pounding violently in his chest, having just ripped his son from certain death as he stand before his father soaked to the bone, his eyes red rimmed and scared as his father stand above him swearing. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" Derek exclaimed suddenly as he grabbed his shoulders. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!" He shouted again, unable to grasp his emotions, when suddenly, the little boy was grabbed from behind by someone else, and a hand reached out and pushed Derek's shoulder.

"Oh my God, Adam!" The voice exclaimed as she held the petrified boy in her arms, realizing who it was, his arms went around her instantly. "What on earth are you doing to the poor thing!" Meredith exclaimed. "Derek, look at me! Look at me!" She exclaimed as her own red rimmed eyes tried to look into his, his mind still reeling from the situation that had just occurred, from the accident that had almost happened.

"Meredith!" Adam exclaimed. "Meredith! Please don't leave! Please don't leave!" he exclaimed as Derek stood dumbfounded staring at Meredith, standing before him holding his son as he screamed and sobbed into her, their eyes clashing in a battle of unbridled anger and passion. The little boy's cries were drown by the rain, but Meredith heard each one as they entered her ear violently, her arms holding the boy to her body as he trembled.

"What the hell were you doing to him, Derek!" She screamed as she pushed him again, watching the clouds in his eyes clear slowly. "What the hell were you doing to him?"

"I was saving his life!" Derek exclaimed angrily as he walked closer to her, reaching for his son.

"Saving his life? Saving his life by yelling swears at him? By bruising him and manhandling him? Poor baby…poor baby…" Meredith said as she tried to soothe the boys tears.

"MANHANDLING HIM? MAN HANDLING HIM? Give me my son!" Derek exclaimed as he reached for the boy.

"No!" Meredith exclaimed, the rain pouring around them, soaking them all as her eyes showed a deep passion as she held the boy, her love for him shining through as she let the water soak her, trying to shield the poor boy from the onslaught of the early fall rain. "You were grabbing him! Hurting him!"

"He ran out in front of a car, Meredith! He wouldn't even have been out here if it weren't for you! If it weren't for you and your cold, angry, hateful…"

Suddenly, Meredith reached out and grabbed Derek's shirt, her cold hand gripping his sweater in her grasp as she pulled him close. "Watch your mouth." She growled in his face, pushing him backwards slightly as she held the boy in her arms tighter.

"Why? Why? Are you going to slap me? Are you going to slap me again? Slap me again, I dare you!" Derek exclaimed. "Slap me!" He exclaimed. "Do it again! Slap me in front of my son again! I don't think twice was enough!" He exclaimed as he reached for the boy as Adam gripped Meredith tighter. "Hand him over to me!"

"No! he doesn't want to go with you! You're scaring him!" Meredith exclaimed.

"Me? I'm scaring HIM? I AM SCARING HIM! HE ALMOST GOT HIMSELF KILLED JUST NOW!" Derek exclaimed as his eyes moved to the front door of the restaurant, wishing that they could have just sat down and had a nice dinner together, knowing that wish was washed down the gutters with the rain. "He could have been killed, and it would have been your fault! Give me my son back! Give him back to me, or are you going to take him too? You already ripped my heart out tonight, are you going to try to rip my fucking soul out too?" he exclaimed angrily as he took a step forward.

"Stop being dramatic! Stop being dramatic!" She exclaimed as she took a step backwards, her foot landing in a puddle as the little boy continued to grip her tightly, crying his heart out as they both trembled, he from the cold, and she from her own emotional struggle.

"Dramatic? MY KID RAN OUT IN FRONT OF A FUCKING CAR!" Derek exclaimed. "TO FIND YOU! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO FUCKING SAY FOR YOURSELF?" he shouted angrily as he reached for his son once again, happy when Meredith finally handed him over, and though he fought to hold her, the little boy's hands were far too cold to keep a grip, and he was pulled into his father's arms.

Derek held Adam securely in his arms, moving through the airport quickly as he could, his bag in his other hand as Adam hold his sign. "Daddy, I'm a big boy, you know… I can walk…"

"Big boy or not, you have short dinosaur legs, and you're slow." Derek teased as Adam's jaw dropped.

"I don't have dinosaur legs!" he exclaimed.

"You sure do… good for stomping, bad for walking quickly…" Derek teased as he bounced his son, listening to him giggle.

"Did she ever answer the phone?" Adam asked as Derek's eyebrows shot up and he shook his head.

"We'll try again when we get to baggage claim…" Derek replied. "They may just be at the front of the airport to pick us up…"

"Maybe she doesn't like us anymore…" Adam teased his father as Derek shook his head. "Maybe they deserted us!" he exclaimed.

"That's not even a possibility." He said as he shook his head and bounced his son as they made their way toward baggage claim.

They stepped up to the baggage carousel, and stared at the belt as it went around in a circle. Derek looked around at all of the different travelers, some families hugging and greeting one another. He sighed softly as he carefully lowered his son to the floor, grabbing his hand before he had a chance to disappear.

He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and dialed her phone again, waiting patiently for her to answer. He sighed when it went to voice mail and looked down at his son. "We're dessert." Adam said with a smirk as Derek shook his head.

"We are not dessert…" he said as he gave Adam an incredulous look.

"Try again." He said as he smirked up at his father, pulling his winter hat from his pocket, the string for the ear flap was looped in his hand and he twirled it around and around. "There's some bags…" Adam said as some of the bags started going around the carousel.

Derek rolled his eyes and turned from the carousel, his attention back on his phone when it rang one, two, three times, and on the third ring someone answered. "Hey!" Derek said as he smiled, looking down at Adam, whose eyes sparkled up at him as he shook his head and giggled. "It's about time. I was starting to feel like a lemon meringue pie." Derek said with a laugh. He laughed at the person's response and shook his head, laughing again. "Adam says you deserted us." Derek looked down at his son, who looked up at his father. "She didn't desert us…" Derek said as Adam giggled. "Where are you?" He asked as suddenly, Adam grabbed his father's arm.

"Daddy!" he exclaimed excitedly.

Derek missed what the person on the line said, and he glared down at Adam, who was looking at the baggage carousel. "What was that?"

"Daddy! Daddy!" he exclaimed. "Daddy, look!" Adam exclaimed as he pulled Derek's arm, and attention to the baggage carousel, and what he saw there, made him laugh out loud.

"Oh my…" Derek started to say as he laughed into the phone line.

"God, Meredith! Must you be so goddamned difficult?" Derek exclaimed as he shook his head angrily, their argument was still out in the rain, though the screaming had tapered down to frustrated grunts and ramblings between the two of them, as Adam stand beside them. "This is not the way this should have ended up… this is not how things should be left, and you just… you should be ashamed of yourself to think that I was going to react as anything less than livid about your decision. You have a daughter that you need to think of, you have… you have a job…"

"I can get a job in Boston, Derek… my mother is chief of…"

"Yeah, I know what your mother does for a living, and I'm sure that you'll have a great time trying to prove yourself in her shadow! You had a real opportunity here, Meredith! You had the opportunity to be a member of one of the most prestigious internships in the country, and you're going to turn it down because I took you out on a date! That's STUPID, Meredith… it's stupid and careless!" he exclaimed as she took a step back, the anger in her face was unmistakable as their argument continued to be heated as they shouted at one another back and forth for several minutes.

"And what about Emma, huh? What about Emma? She is supposed to be starting school this month, and you're just going to drag her to ANOTHER area? I came here and live in this neighborhood because my son's school has an exemplary record, and the children that go there are gifted, talented, and…" Derek said as he reached for his son, noticing that he was no longer standing beside them. Somewhere in mid argument, he had disappeared, and a look of panic spread over Derek's face. "Oh God… where is…"

Suddenly, from somewhere in the parking lot, the sound of a horn sounded. It was loud and insistent, obnoxious and angry. "Shit!" Derek exclaimed as he ran toward the sound. He reached for his pocket to realize that his keys were no longer inside, he huffed and puffed as he felt his feet slapping the wet ground as he rounded the corner toward his car, noticing the little boy soaked and insistent, sitting in the driver's seat, his entire body pressed against the horn as his father came running toward the car. Derek swung open the door and watched Adam sit up, his eyes shooting toward his father as the mud from his shoes and the water from his body dripped all over his father's car. "Adam! What the hell are you doing?" Derek exclaimed as Meredith swung open the passenger side door, peering in on the boy as she and Derek locked glares across the car.

"STOP! YELLING!" He exclaimed, for each word, he slammed down on the horn as Derek reached in the car.

"Back seat!" Derek exclaimed as he watched Adam turn and leap head first into the back seat. Derek's eyes moved to Meredith as she stared into the car at him. "Are you getting in the goddamned car, or are you going to stand out in the rain and catch pneumonia again?" Derek asked. "God knows I don't need you getting sick again… you look like shit when you get sick." Derek grumbled as he watched her stare back at him. "Meredith." Derek said again as he watched the tears in her eyes as she looked as if she contemplated running.

Derek opened his mouth to say something, and she suddenly just climbed into the car and slammed it behind her, as Adam crouched on the middle console, his head between the two of them as Derek climbed inside and began to immediately shout.

He was angry, frustrated, disappointed, sad, and he had absolutely no idea how to explain to Meredith how bitter he was feeling toward her, how angry her words had made him feel, how mortified he had been when she slapped him in front of all of those people.

Derek began to shout, explain, babble, diatribe and scream about the entire situation, from the end of their date, to that very moment as they sit in the car together, water dripping off them, their clothes soaked and ruined from the rain. "Explain yourself." Derek finally said as he finally shut up, staring at her angrily as he contemplated just asking her to leave.


"I have been nothing but kind to you, Meredith. I asked you out on that date because you needed it. You didn't know it then, and you probably don't realize now… but you needed it. You have to get on with your life, Meredith. Your husband would want you to… and I'm not saying…" Derek said, catching her ready to interrupt. "I'm not saying… you have to get on with your life and replace your husband and find a new father for your daughter… Meredith. What I'm saying is… You… deserve… better, Meredith. Emma deserves better. You have earned someone to take care of you, to love you, to dote on you and buy you ice cream and flowers and treat you like a princess… you deserve that, and if you're too stubborn to realize it… then you need to… just…"

"Stop!" Meredith exclaimed. "Stop it!"

"Stop what? Stop sticking up for myself? Stop being myself? Stop refusing to hold back? I love you, Meredith Grey! I love you!"

"Derek, stop it!" She exclaimed. "Just stop it! I can't love you, Derek! I can't!"

"I know you can't… but do you? Do you love me, Meredith? Why are you doing this? If you … feel nothing, why are you here? Why are you in my car right now? Why did you confront me outside, because I know it wasn't because I was shouting at my son. Why did you do it? Do you love him? Is that why you did it? Did you want to protect him from me? What is your problem, Meredith? Why are you here? Why are you here! WHY ARE YOU HERE! Why do you continue to just torture me!" He exclaimed as suddenly Meredith grabbed hold of him angrily and swung her face toward him as she came nose to nose with him.

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, GODDAMN IT! YOU HAVE BEEN THE FIRST THING I HAVE THOUGHT OF WHEN I WAKE UP AND THE LAST THING I THINK OF WHEN I GO TO BED SINCE THE MOMENT I LAID EYES ON YOU, DEREK SHEPHERD! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU MORE THAN I HAVE EVER LOVED ANYONE, AND IF I LOSE YOU LIKE I LOST RICK, THEN I WILL DIE!" She screamed as she found herself staring straight into his eyes, the fire and passion that was hidden behind those eyes was unmistakable. "I'll die, Derek…" She whimpered. "I love you." She whispered. "I love you."

The car fell silent as tears rolled down her cheeks, her eyes staring directly into Derek's as his jaw set, and his eyes sit unwavering on her features. The rain pounded violently on the car as a roll of thunder was heard in the distance, the rain picking up even more as not a word, a motion, a breath was exchanged between any of the three people in the car.

Eventually, the silence became too much for at least one occupant. "Aren't you gonna say you love her too, Daddy?" Adam whispered.

"No." Derek whispered in return, his eyes never leaving Meredith's, not for a second.

The grin that appeared on Derek's face when his eyes graced what his son was pointing at, would have held enough energy to have powered the city for eternity as he listened to the tender giggle over the line. "What are you giggling at?" He asked into the phone as he watched his bag in the carousel moving slowly in his direction.

"Nothing." She giggled again as she waited to hear his reaction.

There was a pause as Derek reached forward and lifted the woman's winter boot from atop his suitcase, along with the tiny pink winter boot that accompanied it. He lifted the bag from the belt and looked around the crowded room, trying to spot her. "Isn't your foot cold?" He asked as he listened to her giggle.

"No…" She giggled again as he looked around quickly, watching Adam look around too, when suddenly the little boy's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"MEREDITH!" He exclaimed as he suddenly broke free from his father's side and ran as fast as he could in the direction of the blonde woman holding a phone to her ear, standing several feet away beside a bench, one boot on, and the other mysteriously missing. The little girl at his side, dressed for the winter weather grinned brightly as she ran toward him, her arms outstretched as she shuffled along, one boot missing as she catapulted herself into Derek's arms.

"DEREK!" Emma squealed with all of her might as Derek literally caught her mid leap, pulling her into his arms as she squeezed him tightly around the neck, kissing his cheek again and again. "I missed you! I missed you! I missed you! I missed YOU!" She exclaimed as he kissed her back, giving her hugs as he held her close, slipping her tiny pink boot onto her foot as he watched Meredith hug his son from where she was standing.

"My goodness, you've been away for three days… you act like you haven't seen me in years…" Derek teased as the little girl clung to him tightly as Derek slowly made his way toward Meredith, a smile on his face as she stepped forward as she held the little boy, meeting in the middle, their lips immediately found one another.

"EW!" Adam and Emma exclaimed in unison, as the separated lovers embraced with the two children in their arms, complete with loud fake squishing complaints from the two kids, as Derek kissed Meredith's cheek again and again, breathing in the tender scent of her hair, skin, reveling in the sparkle in her eyes as he smiled.

"No?" Meredith's voice was able to squeak as she tried to catch her breath, Derek's word seemed harsh, cold, and she immediately regretted her outburst.

"Why?" Adam asked as he watched Derek and Meredith continue to stare at one another. Derek watched the hurt in her eyes as she tried to internally cover the soul that she had bared, finding the covers too thin and worn to even begin to cover the pain, the love, the admiration.

"Because she doesn't care." Derek replied, his voice was despondent and distant, it was angry. "She doesn't care."

"She said she loves you!" Adam insisted.

"She said she loves me, but she's still leaving." Derek said, his eyes torn from hers, taking with it the cover of her soul. "She's still leaving, Adam."

"No!" Adam exclaimed, sitting up. "No she's not! She said she loves you!"

"She doesn't love me, Adam!" Derek exclaimed angrily, knowing that Meredith was hurting with each refusal to recognize her words. "She doesn't love me, if she loved me, she wouldn't leave us. She wouldn't leave you."

"She loves me! She loves me! She does, daddy! She loves you and she loves me! She's not leaving, she's not leaving… Meredith, tell him you're not leaving! Tell him!" he exclaimed as he pulled on her arm. "Tell him, Meredith! Tell him!" He shouted.

"Stop it, Adam! Stop it, leave her alone! Let her go!" Derek exclaimed, his eyes darting to hers as she continued to stare into his eyes, the pain so evident, that it was starting to hurt himself. "She's going to go… she has to go." He said angrily.

"Tell Daddy, Meredith! Tell him you're going to stay… tell him that you love me." Adam whimpered. "Tell him… tell him that you want to be my mommy…" He said, the last two words whispered across the car as Meredith's eyes flashed to the little boy, his soul was bared to her as well, as his eyes sparkled with understanding, his heart was in his hands and he was begging for her to not reach across and grip it angrily in her hand.

"I…" Meredith said as she stared into his eyes, her head tilting as she watched those blue eyes that matched his father's, the lips that trembled as he spoke, trembled from the rain, the pouring rain that he had ran out into in pursuit of her, rain that he had risked his life to run through, whether he realized it or not, and whether or not he realized it, Derek did. As did Meredith. "Adam…" She whimpered.

"Meredith." Adam whimpered, his lip trembling as he waited for her response. "Do you love me too?" He whispered.

Their eyes were meeting as each held on to a child, shimmying their way down their hip to the floor where they sat down beside one another in one of the waiting chairs. They could see the look in their parent's eyes that they needed a moment to reacquaint with one another. "You look good." Derek whispered as he tilted his head, the smile on his lips was almost awkward as he watched her nose wrinkle as she smiled.

"Can I have my boot back?" She asked as she nodded toward the boot sitting on the suitcase beside him, his eyes moving to it as he grabbed it in his hand.

"This is my boot." He teased as he watched her jaw drop slightly.

"You better give that back to me, Derek…" She shook her head as he laughed, watching her balance on one foot slightly as she almost lost her footing.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said as he caught her, his arms around her instantly as he bent her backwards slightly.

"What are you doing?" She asked as he dipped her and gave her a smile as he watched her tip her head back, lifting her up into his arms again, he dropped a kiss on her lips.

"Making you forget what you wanted…" He said with a laugh as she giggled, reaching for her boot as Derek laughed.

"Boot!" She exclaimed as she growled playfully at him, swatting his arm as he finally relented, handing the boot over to her as she dropped it on the floor, slipping her foot into it with a grin. "Perfect fit." She said with as smile as Derek chuckled.

"So… you get an extra two days off… slacker intern… you leave me for three days, and you don't even bring me my Christmas gifts?" He asked as she laughed.

"They're at mom's… I told you I was bringing them to mom's… she's looking forward to seeing you." Meredith said with a smile, glancing to the two kids as they appeared bored, staring up at their parents with rolled eyes and smirks. "We should go before they start revolting." Meredith said with a laugh. How was your flight?"

"It was lonely without you." Derek said with a smile as he watched her smile and shake her head at him.

"Look on the bright side." Meredith said sweetly as she nudged him lightly with her elbow. "At least I'll be on the plane home with you." She said as Derek grinned, nudging her back as he reached for his bag.

"Very true." Derek said with a smile. "Oh! Gifts…" he said as he reached into his carry on bag and pulled two packages out quickly.

"Gifts?" Meredith asked. "Can't they wait until…"

"No, you have to open them in the airport." He said with a mischievous grin.

"Derek…" Meredith said with a laugh as Derek shook his head.

"No…Christmas rules… don't make me grab that tree over there and put your boot on it." He said with a laugh as the kids giggled. Derek handed Emma a box, and Meredith a smaller box, and he sat beside his son and pulled him into his lap as Meredith took his seat.

Emma immediately began ripping her package open, a gasp coming to her lips when she saw the red slippers sitting within the tissue in the box. "Oh my…. Oh my…. Oh my God! I love them, Derek!" She exclaimed with a squeal as she leapt from her seat and ran around to Derek, hugging him tightly as she kissed his cheek. "I love them so much…" She said with a kiss. "You're the best daddy a girl could ask for…" She said with a giggle as she kissed him again, missing the slight sad look on her mother's face as it passed quickly, her eyes on the package in her own hands.

"What's in it?" She asked Derek as she watched him smirk and shake his head as he held the little girl on his lap, her fingers moving over the gentle fabric of the red slippers as she smiled happily.

"Open it." Derek said with a slight laugh as he watched her fumble with the wrapping, her eyes bright and happy as she looked up at Derek and back down at the box, pulling the wrapping from around the box, she grinned so brightly, Derek waited patiently, and was eventually rewarded with a tender giggle.

"A slinky?" She said with a laugh. "You got me a slinky for Christmas again?" She asked with a laugh as he watched her eyes sparkle in appreciation.

"Well, I heard the last one was misplaced… or lost… or something… I thought you could use a replacement." He teased as she laughed. "Why don't you take it out… we'll take it for a spin." He said with a laugh as she watched him smile tenderly.

"We can wait until we get home… it's okay." She said as she pulled it out of his reach as he went to grab it.

"Tradition… here… give it to me…" He said as he laughed as she turned from him, her back to him and the children, as she opened the box. It was this time that he was absolutely certain that he had heard a gasp, the exact reaction that he had intended on creating. He waited patiently as she slowly turned around, the slinky box open, her hand wrapped around not the toy, but a small black box that had been carefully slipped into the middle of the toy. Her eyes lifted to Derek's, a slight tear forming in the corner.

"Derek." She choked out as Emma's mouth widened in surprise, as did Adam.

"Holy crap, Dad!" Adam exclaimed, seeing the ring box in Meredith's hand as it trembled violently.

"Meredith?" Derek whispered as he very carefully placed Emma on his seat, turning to kneel before her, he stared at her dumbfounded expression as her mouth opened and closed, and her mouth went dry, her voice absolutely missing. He slipped the box from her nimble fingertips, the felt in his hand felt warm as he carefully opened the box.

"Derek." She managed to squeak as she tried to find her words as she stared into the box, a diamond ring winking at her from within its confines.

"Meredith Grey?" he whispered, suddenly aware of the attention that his gesture had attracted. "Meredith… will you do the honor of becoming my wife?" He whispered. "Do you… will you… um… will you marry me?" He whispered as he watched her eyes water with surprise, happiness, and so many emotions that he had yet to discover. Her eyes were like looking into the eye of a kaleidoscope, the color changing with each passing emotion, and he couldn't imagine anything more beautiful. "Meredith?" He whispered.

"Meredith!" Adam exclaimed as he grabbed her hand. "Tell him you love me and you're going to stay. "Tell him." He whispered. "Tell him that Emma's daddy is dead, Meredith… that he's dead and that we're alive, and we're alive and we need you! Tell him! Tell him that you love us, Meredith! Tell him yes! Tell him that I love you, and you love us back. Tell him, Meredith… Do you love me?" He whispered.

"Yes." She whispered to the little boy, her eyes sincere and full of tears. "Yes, of course I love you." She exclaimed as a grin covered her face, and her mind was reminding her to breath as she leapt at the man, her arms encircling his neck as she began to cry.

"Meredith?" He whispered softly, every eye in the airport was focused on her as her eyes focused on his. "I love you." He whispered as he smiled, sending a arrow straight through her heart and nestling it within her soul.

"I love you." She managed to whimper.

"Is that a yes?" Adam exclaimed as he leapt from his seat, Emma following suit.

"Of course it's a yes." Meredith finally whimpered. "Of course it's a yes!" She said as instantly she was gathered up into Derek's arms, her daughter, his son and she, as the family finally made it home for Christmas.

The end.