Chapter 7: Wynner's Den

"No... you can't." Hinata said.

"I have no choice. Some... things have come up. I'll be leaving later tonight." Gaara replied.

"When will you return? In a couple days?" Hinata asked in desperation.

"A year, perhaps two."

Hinata painfully inhaled. It was as if the wind was knocked out of her.

"But... what about... us?"

"That's what I have to talk to you about. The reason I'm leaving will prevent any contact with anyone, including you." His eyes were apologetic.

"Gaara I-I don't know what to say. I mean so many things have happened especially today-"

"I know, but no matter what, I still have to leave. I can't tell you why but I will tell you this- I love you so much more than you can even begin to imagine. This is one of the reasons why I have to leave, because I don't want it to involve you any further." He hugged her.

"But Gaara, I need to-"

"I have to go now. I love you Hinata. Remember that."

Before he could let her say anything more; before it could become any more unbearable, he rushed out to his car and sped off.

Hinata fell to her knees.


It was early Saturday morning and Hinata had just finished taking a shower.

Somehow she managed to finish all her projects due next Tuesday, but other than that she hadn't been to school.

No one had come over to see her either. Sakura had called once Friday but Hinata didn't feel like answering the phone.

She didn't want to speak to anyone but him...

As she went downstairs there was a knock at the door.

She got her hopes up and ran to the door elated.

"It has to be him! He's back!"

She opened the door only to be let down.

"Expecting someone else, I presume." Itachi said.

Hinata slammed the door in his face.

"Hinata, wait!" He called through the door.

"Why should I?" Hinata yelled back.

"I noticed you weren't at school all this week so I gathered the assignments and notes for your classes, so you don't fall too behind."

"Thanks but no thanks. I don't need you or your brother's so-called help." Hinata snapped.

"Hinata, please I wouldn't do anything to cause you any more trouble than Sasuke already has. Besides, don't you think I would've done something already?"

"I haven't given you the chance to yet." She replied.

"Look, I came here to help you catch up in school and to set things right, because last time we met we hadn't really got off on the right foot. Please believe me." Itachi said.

"I don't trust you!" She replied.

"You don't know me enough. Here, how about I take you out to coffee or something. I'll help you catch up with school and we can use this as a way to get to know each other. Besides even if I wanted to do anything I wouldn't do it in broad daylight and I wouldn't do it in a public place. So, please let me take you out for coffee." Itachi offered.

Hinata thought about it for a while.

Then she hesitantly opened the front door.

Itachi smiled. "See, was that so hard."

She ignored his rhetorical question. "I need to make a call so give me a second. You can sit in the living room while you wait."

She let Itachi in but she kept a close eye on him.

Hinata pulled out her phone and dialed someone's number. "Hey Sakura? Yeah this is Hinata. I was wondering if you could watch Colene for a little while, I'll pay you and- Oh okay. Well, I'll drop her off in a little bit then."

She hung up and put her phone away.

"I don't feel comfortable leaving my puppy here alone so I'm gonna need a ride to a friend's place to drop her off. Could you take me before we go?" Hinata asked.

"Sure." Itachi said kindly.

He took her to "Wynner's Den" which was the most popular coffee shop downtown.

Hinata recalled Sakura talking about it all the time. She would talk on and on about how much she loved it there and how it was a great place to flirt with college guys. Of course this was before Naruto and her and started dating.

"Ever been here before?" Itachi asked interrupting her train of thought.

"Huh? Oh, no I haven't. I've heard about though, if that counts." Hinata said apathetically.

"Hehe! I think does in some ways. What do you want to order?" Itachi said holding the door for her.

"I'm not sure. What are their specialties?"

"A cherry caramel frappuccino topped with whipped cream and some chocolate syrup." He said matter of factly.

"I guess I'll have that."

"That makes two us of then."

After ten minutes of waiting in a line they finally ordered their drink and then sat down.

Whenever Itachi tried to make small talk Hinata would give it a one-word answer.

"So, I noticed Gaara hasn't been at school either lately. Do you know why?"

At the sound of his name, almost as if it were on cue, she burst into tears.

She couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Hinata? What's wrong? Did something happen between you and Gaara?" He asked. "Here let's go to the car so we can talk about it."

He gently walked her to the car and helped her in.

"Sir you forgot your drinks!" A worker said. She came outside and handed it to him.

"Thanks." Itachi said waving her away.

He got in on the other side and placed the drinks in the cup holders.

Hinata was still crying but it was slowly stopping.

Itachi handed her a couple tissues that he kept in the passenger's glove box.

"So what happened?" He asked once more.

Hinata wiped away at her face and turned to face the black tinted windows debating whether or not to tell him.

She did. She told him everything that had happened from the first day Gaara came to school to Monday when he left, for good it seemed.