Author's Note:

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated this in such a long time. I wanted you to know that I have not completely abandoned this story. It's still in my thoughts and I did plan the chapters that are to follow. I am double majoring in a Science and Art field, so my time is pretty much booked. I also work and volunteer (teach a class and attend events), so I am pretty much booked. Life is just so busy right now, but I am willing to finish this story. It might take a while, but I'll try to get the next chapter up as soon as I can. Yeah I hate author's notes too, but I felt like you guys needed to know this. I will take this down when I update Chapter 4. I have big plans for the next chapters! More humor to ensue! Also, feel free to send me messages on what sort of pranks you wish to see!

Hint on the next chapter: Snow.

Lots of love,

Herbal Teaa