Not like any other girl

CHAPTER 1- Julia's POV

Ok so, I'm not a complete tomboy, but I'm not exactly a girly-girl either. I'm quiet and boys don't fall in love with me, I love my life and my friends, but I just found out that I'm moving to a different country for my dad's new job. I'm leaving all of my friends behind, the only people who keep me sane, even if they aren't; well someone has to be responsible. I looked in the mirror, my blue eyes stared back out at me, my hair was a dark blonde colour with lighter blonde bits in it, just an average thirteen year old. I sighed, and then a voice shouted to me.

"Julia, are you packed?" my mum's voice ran through the house.

"Yeah, just a sec," I sighed and picked up a picture frame.

I peered at the picture, me and my friends, they were grinning and looking like idiots, it was from when we were on a school trip, and I smiled happily at the photo and placed it on top of my trunk.

I wasn't leaving until tomorrow so I called everyone and asked them to meet up at the park in half an hour. When I got there, everyone was sitting on the rocks chatting idly. It was a half-term Thursday and I was moving tomorrow.

"Hey guys," I called.

"Julia," my best friend ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"Hey Steven," I whispered.

My eyes welled up a little bit, out of everyone, Steven was the person I was going to miss the most, without him I wouldn't know what fun was if it smacked me in the face. I clung on to him, I'd only known him for approximately two years but I knew almost everything about him, I wasn't as open as Steven, Steven was almost the opposite of me; he was fun, loud and sometimes annoying, I was quiet and quite boring, Steven would randomly start talking to someone, whilst I had to wait until they spoke to me, he was rude sometimes and just blurted things out, I was usually polite and thought about what I was going to say before I said it, but when I was in a bad mood I could be blunt.

"I'm going to miss you," I whispered in his ear.

"Aww," Steven said pulling me by my arm to the others.

"So where are you moving again?" Katie asked.

"Can't remember, it's apparently small and pretty," I made rabbit ears with my fingers; this was our sign when we were being sarcastic.

"Hey, you'll probably like it," Penni said to me.

"Depends on if I can make friends or not," I replied.

"You will…" Jack took a dramatic pause. "Eventually."

I grinned, and pushed him gently. "That's not fair, I'm nervous enough."

"Well how did you make friends with us?" Steven asked.

"I met you through Stacey," I said, I'd known Stacey since I was little. "And most of you are… were… in my form."

"And lessons," Charlie injected helpfully.

"Yeah," I grinned. "Anyone know what time it is?"

"Three o'clock," Judy said.

"Ok, anyone want to go on the zip wire?" I asked.

"I'm first!" a ton of them shouted at once.

We all followed Jade, who had run and already claimed the zip wire. I tried to laugh and be normal, but there was something blocking me, I sat down by the lake instead just starring out onto the water.

"Are you ok, Julia?" A voice asked from behind me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I grinned and spun around and saw Steven behind me.

"You seem a bit…" he looked thoughtful. "Sad."

"Well, I don't want to leave, that's all," I said grinning, but I had let my guard down and a tear had escaped my clutches.

I wiped it away; I don't think he saw it.

"I'm really going to miss you," I said hugging him.

"I'll miss you too, you'll come and visit right?" he asked me.

I shrugged. "I don't think I'm going to come back here."

"Well, I can visit you then," he said.

I nodded and grinned at him.

"It's four o'clock," Steven sighed.

I grinned. "Race you to the zip wire?" I asked.

"Sure," Steven said and stood up.

He shouted. "GO!" and pushed me back and ran.

"CHEAT!" I screamed and ran after him laughing.

I was only just behind him, I was a faster runner but not that much, I only just lost.

"I win," Steven taunted.

"Cheater," I muttered.

Steven laughed and jumped on the zip wire, he flew off when it hit the other side. Everyone was laughing at him. A few younger kids had stopped and laughed as well.

Steven ran back with his face beetroot.

"Are… You… Ok?" I asked between giggles.

"Yeah, I'm fine," said Steven looking incredibly embarrassed.

"Steven, you idiot," people jeered through their laughing.

"Shut up!" Steven said while mock-crying.

After about five minutes everyone had stopped laughing and Steven went to go back on the zip wire.

"Hey mummy!" A kid squealed. "The funny boy is going back on."

This got everyone laughing again.

After that I started thinking about how much I was going to miss them and why I had to move now, I just made all of my friends and now I was leaving them.

"Well, I have to go, its five o'clock," Judy said.

She came up to hug me. "See you," I said.

"Yeah bye," she pulled back and walked away.

"Crap what time did she say?" Katie asked.

"Five," I replied.

"Crap, crap, crap," she muttered. "Me and Bex have to go."

They hugged me and ran off. I sighed and started to throw rocks into the water.

"Hey, cheer up," Steven said.

I looked at him and smiled but my vision went foggy and I started crying, not like the crying when you get hurt physically but the crying when you get hurt emotionally, the type of crying that rips your heart out. Steven put his arms around me and cried for a couple more moments.

"I'm sorry," I muttered.

"It's ok," Steven said. "I'm really going to miss you."

"I think I'll miss you more then anyone else," I said smiling.

He flashed me his cheesy grin.

"I'd better be going home," I said.

He linked arms with me and walked until we came to his street.

"Do you really have to go tomorrow?" he asked.

"Yeah," I sighed.

He pulled me into a hug. "Come back and visit sometime ok?"

"Ok," I said and walked home.

When I got home I sat down in front of the TV, when my mum called me for dinner, I wasn't hungry but I forced myself to eat it and watched TV again. At nine o'clock I decided to go to bed, but I couldn't sleep and I had to be up at five so I'm at the airport for half six.