Lupin's Story

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Page 68

He felt more ill then he ever had after transformations. The atmosphere was tense around him, but Remus didn't think about that. All he could think about was Tonks. She should've been back by now. What if she was hurt, or worst?

Remus stopped himself going any further on that thought. He turned to face George to distract himself, when suddenly; Hermione screamed 'It's them!'

Remus moved faster than the others, and saw Tonks and Ron and the broom skidding along the gravel. Tonks staggered off the stick and cried 'Remus!' before falling into him. He was unable to say anything; all he could do was hold her and breath once again, because he had Tonks safe in his arms.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Sometime after Lupin and Harry argue at Grimmauld Place

Remus stormed down to the Leaky Cauldron - as he had nowhere else to go – and ordered the biggest goblet of Firewhisky available. As he drank, all he could think about was what Harry said.

'I'd be pretty ashamed of him...'

'My father died trying to protect my mother and me, and you reckon he'd tell you to abandon your kid to go on an adventure with us?...'

'The man who taught me to fight Dementors – a coward.'

With every sip he drank, the words pulsed in his head. He couldn't believe how he had been on top of the world at the start of the summer, and now, he felt as though he had sunk to the very floor of the deepest ocean. He knew what he had to do. He stood up, left a galleon beside his half empty goblet, and left the bar. He walked for what felt like days and as the rain poured down, he saw what he had been looking for. He went straight through the gate and walked around the backyard until he could see her through the glass sliding door. She was sitting, flipping pages of the Daily Prophet vigorously. She appeared to have changed since he last saw her, which had only been a month ago, but was too long. She threw the Daily Prophet to the floor angrily, and stared at the wall in front of her. Suddenly, she turned her face to the right and saw him. She stared at him for several minutes and he stared back. The gap between felt bigger than ever before, and for the first time since being with Tonks, he didn't know if that gap could be closed. Slowly, Tonks got to her feet and slide the door open. Remus stood there in the rain, not being able to, not knowing what to say. Suddenly, Tonks began to quickly step toward him and he began to walk forward too. Never taking their eyes off each other, Remus grabbed Tonks when she was close enough and kissed her. They did not separate for quite a few minutes. Then they broke away and looked at each other and Remus saw a tear escape Tonks' eye, but she was smiling. He lifted his hand gently to wipe the tear off her cheek and he smiled back at her. Then she hugged him, resting her head against his shoulder, and everything that had happened before, seemed to leave him completely. Keeping one hand around Tonks as they walked into the dry house, Remus put his hand on Tonks' stomach, and even though the baby was too small to kick or anything, he felt it there and smiled. Tonks looked at him and he knew inside of her, she was dying to say 'I told you so!', but she just smiled. Tonks had said when she first fell pregnant that he was going to be a great dad. Remus wasn't so sure, but all he knew, was that he was going to be a father. And that made him smile wider than ever before.