OH MY GOSH! Thank you for all the reviews! I wasn't expecting so many! I really thought I might get one or two, but seven? That made my day, and also motivated me to make this chapter extra long. By the way, I took a different approach on this chapter. I tried to make it a little more serious and made it both from Orihime's pov and Ichigo's. Also, added some more characters so be on the look out! haha.

Anyways as always, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach

When Orihime was five she proclaimed she would become the worlds best astronaut. A declaration that earned over half of her classmates to laugh. At eighteen, she had graduated at top of her class, earning her a scholarship to the school of her dreams. At twenty-four, Orihime had graduated with a masters in biological sciences, her pursuit of becoming an astronaut just in arms length from becoming real, and now…

Silence filled the room. The light from the lamp above creating shadows against the wall as the minute hand of a clock ticked behind her. In the neighboring house, Orihime could hear laughter and the rhythmic beat of music playing in the background. Breathing hitched, she sat silent, only the pounding of her heart resounding in her ears, hands wrung tightly together against her lap. Orihime stared disbelievingly at the white folded paper in front of her. Expression blank, she gingerly reached for it, hands trembling. Opening it, her brown eyes quickly scrolled through the neatly typed words.

.you have been accepted….

Although it was her fourth time reading it, Orihime still couldn't will her body to move. She had made it. At twenty-six, Orihime Inoue was going to become an astronaut. Standing up, she made her way to the other side of the room, running her finger down a picture frame before picking it up. The photo of a young man, his expression smiling back at her. All at once the dim atmosphere of the room changed. As if a switch had been turned on Orihime's expression broke out into pure bliss. Her cheeks puffed out and she began to dance. Her voice coming out as though she was singing.

"ONI-CHANNNNN! I DID IT! I FINALLY BECAME AN ASTRONAUT!" Twirling the picture frame, Orihime let out a high pitched squeal. Her laughter echoing across the room as she started to gush.

"It took so long I was afraid it wouldn't happen but look!" Orihime excitedly grabbed the paper. "It says I got accepted into the Tsukuba Space Center for training! Oh I'm so excited!" Orihime continued to twirl, her auburn hair creating a ring of fire around her.

"Oh I have to call Tatsuki-chan! And Chizuru-chan! Oh and Michiru-chan!" Her cheeks rosy pink from happiness, Orihime reached for the phone, her fingers quickly dialing the numbers in acute precision.


"Come on Tatsuki-chan pick up!" Orihime glanced at the clock , the hour hand slightly passed nine.



"Orihime?" Tatsuki's voice came out shaky, a yawn escaping from the girls mouth.

"Tatsuki-chan guess what?" Orihime's excited voice yelled into the phone. Tatsuki sighed.

"I swear Orihime. If this is about the blue men who stole your red bean paste again-" Orihime cut in.

"No no! Tatsuki-chan I got in." Orihime waited, letting the news seek in. Silence ticked by in seconds.


"Tatsuki-chan you know I don't drink." Holding the phone to her ears, Orihime started to pull out clothes from her closet, examining a purple dress before tossing it to the side to look at shoes.

Tatsuki sighed.

"Fine Orihime, but you still have to come with us to the club, and no excuses like you have to get up early." Orihime giggled.

"Okay Tatsuki-chan. Ill see you at ten." On the other line it sounded like Tatsuki was also ruffling through her closet. Sounds of shoes being thrown ricocheted through the phone before a clicking noise cut her off completely. Orihime placed the phone down, a pleased sigh coming out of her mouth as she plopped down on her bed. A small smile forming on her lips as she stared at the ceiling.

"Okay!" Clapping her hands together, Orihime sat up, ready to get the night started.

Once everyone had met up, they had decided on a fairly popular club on the outskirts of town. It had become the "it" spot since its grand opening and was rumored to have good music and cheap drinks. Orihime found herself becoming giddy. She had been looking forward to checking out the new venue since its opening but had been to preoccupied with work to accompany the girls on their nights out. Now, she found herself sitting inside, hair and makeup done, and a tight purple dress hugging her curves. She was excited to see that their seats were facing directly across the dance floor, an excuse to use once Tatsuki started demanding she take a couple of shots.

"To Orihime, congrats on becoming an astronaut!" Glass raised in a toast, Orihime beamed as cheers resounded throughout the table, the sound of glass hitting metal as each girl slammed their drinks down.

"Thanks Tatsuki-chan." Flushing in embarrassment, Orihime took her one and only shot of the night, ordering a glass of water as a replacement.

"Man Orihime your twenty-six and ordering water at a club. Come on live a little!" Orihime laughed.


"I know, I know." Putting her hands up in defeat Tatsuki sighed. "Your body is your temple right?" Everyone at the table giggled. Orihime blushed.

"Still though." Tatsuki leaned over and smiled. "I'm surprised, especially with all that weird food you intake."

Orihime just sighed, a smile of contempt on her face as she played with her straw.

"Okay!" Tatsuki stood up. "I'm going to get us another round of drinks. Be right back!" Watching her walk away, Orihime brought her gaze to rest on the other occupants of the table. A comfortable air surrounding the girls as they talked.

"You know," Mahana crossed her arms under her chest, "I'm still shocked your going to be away for so long. Are you sure you'll be alright with leaving Karakura?" Ryo and Michiru looked up from their side conversation, their eyes now intently focused on Orihime.

Orihime nodded her head enthusiastically, her mouth still sipping the chilled water.

"Its just…" Mahana looked at the others, each of them nodding their head in encouragement. She sighed, "We don't want anything to happen to you, and what if something technical happens when landing? Or taking off? Are you sure this is something you really want to do?" Orihime stopped sipping her water, her face scrunching up in thought.

"Well-" Chizuru cut Orihime off.

"My dear little Hime wouldn't dare put herself in danger unless she knew what she was doing Mahana. That, and she wont be away for to long right my sweet O-R-I-H-I-M-E?" Pronouncing each syllable, Chizuru put her arm around Orihime's shoulders, bringing her in close against her body.

"R-right!" Orihime blushed, silently thanking Chizuru for taking Mahana's mind off the topic.

"Oh my sweet Hime! Your so beautiful when you blush, I could just eat you up!" Chizuru leaned in towards Orihime, her hand gently holding the girls chin.


"OW!" Chizuru grasped her head in pain, Tatsuki standing above with her hands on her hips.

"Get off her you pervert! You know Orihime's only interested in one person!" Chizuru scooted away, disappointed at missing her one chance to kiss the lovely Orihime. Tatsuki sat down, her expression still threatening towards the red headed girl. Michiru piped up.

"Wait, who does Orihime-chan like?" Orihime blushed in embarrassment, her cheeks turning a rosy red as Tatsuki smirked devilishly.

"Kurosaki Ichigo of course."

"Who's that?" Chizuru asked, still nursing her bruised head. Mahana gasped.

"Wait, you mean the Kurosaki Ichigo? The one who went into space at the age of twenty-four?" Tatsuki smiled.

"Yep! That's the one!"

Mahana smirked, glancing at Orihime who at this point had turned five shades of red.

"So that's why you wanted to become an astronaut huh? Have you even met him?" Orihime stuttered, her words coming out rushed as she tried to explain herself.

"N-No of course not! I've never met him!" Orihime waved her hands in front of her. "I started liking Kurosaki-kun after I had already decided to become an astronaut." She lowered her voice in embarrassment. "I just admire him that's all." Tatsuki patted Orihime's head.

"Were just teasing Orihime. I know you've wanted to become an astronaut since you were in elementary school." Orihime grinned, a small blush still visible on her cheeks.

"Still though," Bringing her finger to her chin in thought, Mahana looked up at the ceiling, "He does have a scary face, I wonder why you like him so much." Orihime just giggled, a flash of Ichigo donning a mustache running through her mind. Causing her to squirt out water in laughter. Tatsuki smiled, picking up her second shot before swallowing it down. Happy and sad that her best friend was leaving.


"Ichigo-san?" The knock brought the orange haired occupant of the room to drop the folder he had been looking at on the table. A disgruntled scowl on his face from being interrupted during his free time residing on his features. He gave a grunt, signaling for the person to come in. A nervous looking man creaked open the door, his gaze resting on the scowling man sitting in the corner.

"Ichigo-san have you had the chance to go over the new recruits coming in this Friday yet?" Ichigo's brows furrowed more. Although, he always seemed to pop in and bother him, Ichigo could never remember this mans name. Damn. What was it? Hanako? Taro? Oh that's right. Ichigo sighed to himself, rubbing the back of his neck in exhaustion.

"What about it Hanatarou?" The shy man brought his fingers together, painfully aware he had interrupted at a bad time.

"W-well, its just that Abarai-san wanted to make sure you were fully prepared to start training. He's been saying to the director that your not ready to handle such a responsibility." Ichigo frowned, his expression becoming sour at the sound of the mans name. Renji that bastard. Ichigo closed his eyes in annoyance. His arms crossing against his chest as he bit back a retort. Dammit, when I see him I'm going to kick his ass for messing with my assignment. Realizing he was probably scaring Hanatarou with his silence, Ichigo opened his eyes to look at the poor man. Hanatarou was looking at the ground, his nervousness causing sweat to form on his forehead.

"Hanatarou." Hanatarou jumped up at the sound of his name, sweat rolling off him in waves.

"Y-yes Ichigo-san?" Ichigo sighed again. This is just getting ridiculous.

"Make sure you let that punk know I read the files this morning." Ichigo picked up a piece of paper, letting his gaze linger before turning back towards Hanatarou. "Oh, and make sure to tell him that I'm gonna win the bet he made with me last Wednesday." Hanatarou nodded before making his exit, closing the door behind him with a small click.

Ichigo brought his gaze back down to look at the paper in his hands, letting it fall onto the desk as he got up to leave. Renji's going to be sorry he ever bet me a years worth of free lunch. Putting his hands in his pockets, Ichigo followed Hanatarou out. A slightly amused smirk on his lips. In the room laying flat on the desk, the picture of an auburn haired women remained out for the world to see. The name Inoue Orihime printed in bold letters under it.

The room was huge. Looking up at the tall ceiling Orihime couldn't help but gape. She had been standing in the room for a couple of minutes, a happy expression adorning her features until she was snapped out of it by approaching footsteps.

Looking to the right, Orihime smiled at the young women who had entered. Side bangs framing her face and a tightly secured bun in the back of her head, the women bowed.

"My name is Momo Hinamori. Please allow me to welcome you to the Tsukuba Space Center Inoue-san. I will be escorting you to the waiting room where you'll meet your trainer and your fellow recruits." Orihime bowed, blushing as she quickly grabbed Hinamori's hand.

"Pleased to meet you Momo-san. I hope we can become friends!" Smiling gently, Hinamori moved her hand in a gesture to follow, leading Orihime through a large hallway. Orihime followed closely behind, making sure to keep just enough distance. They walked in comfortable silence, Orihime's mind beginning to daydream as she looked outside the glass window acting as a wall to her right. Just after making another right, Hinamori stopped in front of a grey door. Opening it for Orihime to walk in. Orihime turned and smiled.

"Thank you Momo-san." Giving Orihime a thumbs up, Hinamori left. Shutting the door with a small click. Orihime sighed inside. I hope I get to meet her again, she kind of reminds me of Michiru-chan. Finally turning her attention back to the room, Orihime made her way over to the table, two people already sitting comfortably and chatting away as she sat down next to them. Right when she was about to say hello four people entered through a door parallel from the one she came in from. Each holding a different expression on their faces. Orihime smiled, her eyes gazing at each of them before locking onto a man on the left. She gasped mentally, her eyes widening and cheeks blushing once she recognized who he was. Her and the other recruits stood up, bowing at the men who entered.

"Please, please, sit down." Smiling, a man with long flowing white hair gestured to the seats. "My name is Jushiro Ukitake, I am one of the lead supervisors that will be overseeing your training here at the Space Center. It's a pleasure to finally meet you three." As everyone took their seats, Orihime noticed that out of the four men who entered Ukitake was the only one with out a folder and clip board. She curiously wondered why.

"Now then-" Smiling again, Ukitake made a wide welcome gesture in front of him. "As you know, the three of you have been picked to undergo training under the JAXA program. Starting today that basic training program begins. From basic training, you will continue on to advanced training. From there you will be trained in a specific role that will be carried out while in space. Depending on how well you understand the material and master its knowledge decides on how long it will take you to complete training. For some, it can take less then three years. For others four. Once your training is complete you will be ready for flight. By this time, you will have become an astronaut." Stopping, Ukitake poured himself a cup of tea, the three men next to him silent as he took a sip. "Now where was I? Oh yes!" Taking another sip, Ukitake gestured to the men next to him. "These men will each be assigned to one of you for training. They will help you and teach you the necessary knowledge needed to finish." A man with red hair pulled into a pony tail stood up and Orihime briefly thought she saw a tattoo peeking out from under his collar.

"My name is Abarai Renji." Frowning, and looking as if he was ticked off, Renji quickly sat down. Next to him a man with grey hair stood up, slitted eyes and a grin making his expression look as though he was a snake.

"Nice to meet'cha! The names Ichimaru Gin! Please take care of me!" Still smiling as he sat down, Orihime noted that he hadn't stopped the entire time since she had first seen him. Finally, her brown orbs rested on the last man to stand and introduce himself. Short, messy, orange colored hair made him stand out from the rest, and Orihime quickly wondered if it was his natural hair color. Blushing, she tried not to look away as he made eye contact with her. It was her first time seeing him in person. Sure, she had read about him in newspapers and seen him on TV but never in front of her like this. He took one long breath before saying his name, a bored expression on his face.

"Kurosaki Ichigo at your service." Hands in his pockets, Ichigo sat down, his usual grimace back in place.

"Well, that went good I think!" Hand on his chin in thought, Ukitake stood up smiling, already used to the antics of the men next to him. "Ill let you become acquainted with your trainers now. They have already been assigned to you by folder. Please allow yourselves to become well familiar with them." Bowing, Ukitake left. Leaving the three recruits alone with the strange men. Orihime gulped, putting a shaky smile on her face as she introduced herself to each of them.

"H-hello my name is Inoue Orihime, please take care of me." Feeling a little bit more like she use to, Orihime shook each of their hands, starting with Renji. Smiling until she got to Ichigo. Although he wasn't completely scowling, Orihime still felt herself blush inside. Her brown eyes locking onto his as she shook his hand. Orihime slightly trembled, goose bumps forming on her skin at the contact. Orihime squeaked out.

"I-I-it's a pleasure to meet you K-Kurosaki-kun!" Stuttering, Orihime blushed a little. Ichigo's intense gaze making her feel nervous.

"Quit it dummy. Look at what your doing to the poor girl. Your scaring her off with that intimidating expression you have on your face." Gesturing to his own eyebrows, Renji tried to mimic him. Causing the orange-haired man to blush angrily in embarrassment.

"What was that?" Snapping at him, Ichigo turned, his face looking at him in a challenge.

"Alright, alright calm down." Renji put his hands up in defeat, a sigh escaping his lips. "I was only joking Kurosaki. I just didn't want you scaring your own pupil the first day you met her." Orihime gasped, feeling her whole face turn red. That means Kurosaki-kun is my- Before her thought could finish, Orihime felt her world spin. Her last thought how dumb she must look fainting on her first day.



"YOU'RE THE ONE-" Although Orihime could hear loud yelling going on, she couldn't clearly make out the voices. Eyes still closed, she tried to perceive her surroundings. Expecting to be on the ground she was quite surprised to realize she seemed to be leaning on something soft. Her body, feeling as though she was being carried. Squinting open her eyes slowly, Orihime's line of sight rested on Ichigo's chin. Face turned and his jaw moving angrily. Slowly Orihime began to blink, her eyes becoming wider as she started to register what was going on. I-I-I'm being carried by Kurosaki-kun! Turning as red as a tomato all Orihime could do was stutter.

"Ummm…K-K-Kurosaki-kun." Stopping, both men turned and looked down at her. Orihime could feel her whole body heat up. She spoke softly. "Y-You can put me down now." Ichigo felt himself flush in embarrassment, realizing the awkward position she must have felt in.

"S-Sorry." Putting her down gently, Ichigo put his hand on his neck, his other hand stuffed deep into his pocket. Orihime had never felt so embarrassed. An awkward silence filled the air as the room got uncomfortable. Everyone that had been there already gone into their rooms.

"Well I gotta go! See ya later!" Walking away, Renji quickly made his escape. His hand in a backwards wave. Dammit Renji you bastard! Ichigo felt his eye twitch.

"Kurosaki-kun…" Gaze shifting, Ichigo brought his attention to the blushing women in front of him. Her cheeks slowly returning to normal. Great, he thought sarcastically, she probably thinks I'm a pervert. Realizing this wasn't a good thing, Ichigo tried to come up with the best way to tell her the truth. Without making it seem perverted.

"Yes Inoue?" Ichigo could sense her tense up, her hands grasped tightly against her chest as she looked down. He rubbed his neck.

"Look if this is about me carrying you I'm sorry. I didn't want to leave you by yourself and I just thought it would be better if I took you to the medical bay." Hoping he sounded sincere, Ichigo failed to notice the small blush that quickly spread on her face and disappeared. Bringing up a hand, Orihime gently brushed her hair in back of her ear. A small smile on her lips as she grinned back at him excitedly.

"Actually Kurosaki-kun! I havn't been carried like that since I was little. It made me imagine you as a prince!" Shocked and confused by her comment, Ichigo stared, not really the type to hold conversations. Let alone how to react to them.

"Uhhh thanks?"

"Your welcome!" Grinning up at him like a child, Orihime whistled before walking away. Her mood ten times better now that she had gotten that off her chest.

"Uh Inoue?"

"Yes?" Turning, Orihime looked at him expectedly, a happy expression on her face. Ichigo just looked at her thoughtfully, a small smile forming on his lips. With one hand in his pocket, Ichigo raised the other one in a wave.

"See ya tomorrow for training." Orihime smiled, waving her own hand before skipping away happily.

As he watched her walk away Ichigo felt something weird pull at his chest. Slightly smirking to himself, Ichigo had one last thought enter his head before quickly brushing it off. Mood as though he has just beat Renji at one of their duels. He made his way to his room. The whole training thing taking an unexpected turn for the better.

As months went by Orihime felt herself becoming more and more attracted to her male companion. Perhaps it was the way he said her name, or maybe it was the cute way he seemed to sneak strawberries when no one was looking but, Orihime bit her thumb and sighed, she found herself in love with him. True, she had liked him before, had a crush maybe, but now it seemed ever since that first meeting that he had opened up himself more to her. Orihime furrowed her brows in thought, biting down on bread filled with wasabi and red bean paste as she walked down the corridor.

"Oi, Inoue!" Orihime looked up in surprise, a blush forming on her cheeks as the said person in mind came walking towards her.

"Kurosaki-kun! What a surprise! I didn't expect to see you today after class." Orihime smiled at him, her usual cheery grin on her face. If Ichigo noticed the blush he didn't show it, instead he came to a stop in front of her. He looked at her curiously. Orihime started getting nervous, her hand going up behind her head as she giggled. "So did you need something Kurosaki-kun?"

"Inoue you have something on your face." Orihime froze, her eyes widening as Ichigo brought a finger to her cheek. Orihime felt her throat go dry.

"D-Do I?" She stuttered, fighting down a blush that was threatening to make its way across her cheeks. Ichigo looked before bringing his finger to his lips. He licked it.

"Hmm wasabi?" Orihime couldn't fight it back any longer. A blush exploding onto her face. Shes cute when she blushes. Smiling to himself, Ichigo leaned in towards her, his mouth next to her ear. Smelling her Ichigo couldn't help but pick up the scent of strawberries. She smells good.

"K-Kurosaki-kun are you feeling okay?" Even from this point of view Ichigo could tell the girl was blushing. Her petite body shaking from the contact. Ichigo shook his head, snapping out of it. Whats wrong with me?

"You know Inoue," Orihime could feel his breath on her neck. She shivered. "You should be more careful with getting food on your face." Pulling back, Ichigo covered his lower face with his hand, feeling a blush spread across his face as the temptation to kiss her overwhelmed him. Shit. I should get out of here before I cant control myself. Turning quickly, Ichigo began walking away. Feeling something grab onto the back of his sweater Ichigo turned to see Orihime, grasping on tightly, her cheeks red.

"Kurosaki-kun?" Looking up at him, Orihime looked like a confused puppy. DAMMIT. Cursing himself Ichigo knelt down slightly, his lips brushing against hers before quickly parting away. Orihime gasped, her hand going to her mouth so fast it looked like a blur. She stared at him, a blush so deep he thought she was going to pass out again.

"Inoue?" Suddenly, Ichigo felt something smooth and soft brush against his cheek before it disappeared.

"Sorry Kurosaki-kun!" Ichigo watched as Orihime ran, a feeling of disappointment filling his stomach. Orihime stopped, turning to wave at him before shouting, "See you tomorrow in class!"

Ichigo stared at her, a smile forming on his face as he turned to walk away.

"HAHAHAHA!" Ichigo frooze, his face scowling as he saw Renji, his hand covering his mouth in laughter as he tried to contain himself. Ichigo walked by him, a scowl adorning his features as a blush formed in embarrassment. Great, Renji had seen. He would never be able to live that down. Shit, I guess I'll have to eliminate the bet he made with me. Still, Ichigo touched his lips, it was worth it. Ichigo walked away, knowing he had one the bigger prize.

So what do you think? Tried to make it a little different. I really put alot of research into this story actually haha. Had to look up the different training and steps needed to even become an astronaut! By the way, Tsukuba Space Center is real. Look it up! :) Sorry if Ichigo seems more ooc towards the end. I kinda cheated and went ahead so Orihime and his relationship is a little deeper. Think how he acts towards her now in the manga, if your caught up. :) anyways thanks for reading!

MiszIceQueen10- Thank you! Thanks for reviewing both my chapters! It makes me really happy to know that you like my story enough to review it twice! And you give great insights that help me write each chapter. Thank you :)

nicky757- Thanks for the review! Im glad you thought its cute! Hope you enjoyed this one as well :)

cookies18- Awwwwwwww that was the nicest thing ever~~! When I read that, I was like "well now I have to update soon!" haha thanks.

lunarstar77-hahahaha after I read your review I felt like I wanted to change the whole story because I thought of what an awesome idea that was! Ichigo an alien! haha XD but I was really in love with what I had and I didnt know how to make everything fit. :( But! I really enjoyed your review! Thanks! Keep letting me know your ideas!:)

Pablo Hirunata- Ahh thank you! Just those words made me really want to write. They were very encouraging! Thank you :)

WestAnimeBrigade- ^_^ Thank you so much, that means the world to me, especially since sometimes I get really nervous about how I write the stories, and knowing you like them tells me Im doing something right. :)

pjsandwitch- agdhigfutgfhdsfareihd! THANK YOU SO MUCH! If it wasnt for your review I probably wouldnt have changed it to Orihime's pov throughout the story! I wasnt used to it but was very at the idea. Hope it didnt get confusing for you! Thank you so much really :)

And THANK YOU to all the others of you who read, alerted, or faved this story! It means alot to me! Still two more chapters to go! Bye!