Love Potion # 9 1/2

Part 5

by: Sarah-chan

A/N Finally after a long time of absence I have returned. Now the reason for my slowness has been medical problems. I have been suffering from servire headaches, dizzy spells, and fainting. Although I have been to the doctor, they can find nothing wrong with me. Also this is my junior year in high school so it is one of the most difficult years of school. I am trying to take all the nescssary tests, send for scholarships, finacial aid, and get accepted into a good collage. I really have no idea how long this story will be so let's see what I can do.

Bit and Jamie looked both ways to make sure that the hallway was absoluty empty of any stalkers. Tip toeing as quietly as they possibily could muster, praying that they didn't get caught, they made their way down the hall.

Both stuck there heads around the corner to make sure that the coast was clear. They sneaked their way toward the dinning room were they had last seen Leena and Naomi. Quitely they opened the door and looked in.

To none of their surprise Leena and Naomi were practically sitting in each other's lap cuddling. Jamie and Bit both blushed but Jamie swallowed, then walked into the room followed by Bit.

Naomi didn't even look up but said,"You guys are being looked for."

"Uh, yeah we know. Listen Leena, Naomi we need your help."

Leena looked up from where her head was resting on Naomi's shoulder. "Why should we help you?"

"Because..." Jamie racked his brain for a bribe.

"I'll give you first-person bathroom privlages for a month." Bit said without hesitation. Leena's eyes brightened considerabliy. "Don't like having Harry chase after you, huh Bit."

Bit nodded finally realizing what Leena must of felt all those times Harry annoyed her.

"So are you going to help us or not?" Jamie yelled. The two girls looked at each other then back at Jamie.

"That depends on your plan," Naomi replied. With a huge sigh of impatience Jamie explained to them the plan. "Well, then if that is all we have to do. Then sure we'll help you!"

All four tip toed through the hallways toward the hanger. They could see the hover cargo waiting for them with no one standing between them and redemption. "Yeah! We made it!" Bit began running towards the hover cargo.


But Bit was almost half way there when a net, that he hadn't known was there, picked him up with a whoosh.

"HAHAHA! You can not resist me now Bit Cloud."

"No, Harry I can't." Bit said sarcastically. Jamie, still hiding with Leena and Naomi, hit his head against the wall.

"That idiot,"Leena muttered. "It was obiviously a trap. Any fool should of seen it coming."

"Come on! Once we get our Zoids we can save Bit." Naomi and Leena followed Jamie towards the hover cargo (since Harry was obiviously occupied -_-'). But just as they were about to enter Jamie was grabbed from behind.

"Hello there kitten," Brad purred in Jamie's ear. Jamie couldn't stop his face from going bright red. Jamie desperately looked to Leena and Naomi for help but the evil women just watched with interested looks on their faces.

Jamie inhaled and prepared to do something that he hoped he wouldn't regret. He turned around and kissed Brad. The girls gasped as Jamie allowed Brad to ravish his mouth and then...

Brad fell over holding his groin and moaning in pain.

"Wow, didn't know you had it in you Jamie." Leena stated as she looked at Brad.

"Come on! Let's go get Bit!"

Naomi had already run off to get her zoid while Jamie and Leena got there own. "Leena go get Bit free. I know that you want to take a couple of shots at Harry."

The glint in Leena's eyes spread fear and sympathy for the person that was going to get seriously hurt. Leena immediately went over to where Harry had Bit tied up and after a some shots, and mechanical laughter on Leena's part, Bit was racing to Liger.

When Liger finally got outside to join Jamie, Jamie sent a message to Leena and Naomi. "You guys can go back to making out. We can take it from here."

"Okay!" They both said at the same time and both zoids disappeared somewhere. Jamie's Rhinos was still on the ground as Jamie talked to Bit.

"Now that we're in our Zoids it will be easy to get away."

"Think again, Sweet Lips!" A huge net covered the Rhinos making sure that Jamie wasn't going to get away.

"Jamie!" Bit tried to get to the Rhinos to help when the Elephander blocked his way.

"You are not going anywhere Bit Cloud unless you agree to go on a date with me!"

"Move it or lose it Stoller!" Bit yelled back.

"Fight me or go on a date with me it's you choice," Stoller yelled back.

Bit growled his anger finally beginning to catch up with him. He had been molested, kissed, chased, captured, and almost raped by Harry. (A/N:O_o Ehh, don't recall that!!) So when Bit looked at the person who dared to get in his way, if looks could Stoller would be burning at the stake.

"Out of my way!" He yelled as Liger thrust himself at the Elephander knocking it right off it's feet. Stoller was shocked when his system froze after that one attack. Man, Bit had alot of rage! But that just made him seem all the more attractive in Stoller's eyes.

Meanwhile Jamie was trying desperately to get out of the net before Brad, Jack, or Doc could come after him again but it was no use he couldn't. He had just begun to panic when Liger Zero jumped to his side and successfully slashed through the net.

"Let's get out of here before anything else happens!"

"TOO LATE!" A voice screamed almost psychoticlly. Two darts out of nowhere hit both the Liger and Rhinos. Both Zoids began beeping loudly before they went dark.

"What the hell?!" Bit yelled.

Doc's mechanical laughter from a outside startled them.

"I have infected your Zoids with a virus! You are totally helpless!"

"Not totally," Bit said as the opened the top and prepare to jump but standing below was STOLLER!

"Jump Bit! I'll catch you!"


"BIT, I'M HERE! NEVER FEAR!" Harry's annoying shrill soundedfrom his zoids which now stood in front of the disabled Liger.

"You can't have him you PANSY!" came Leon's reply shout from his own liger.

Jamie also tried to run from his Rhinos but was stopped by the hover cargo which happen to be right in front of him. To his right was the Shadow Fox and to his left was Jack's Lighting Syckes (A/N:How is that spelled?!). To put it in simplier terms, Jamie was trapped like a rat and so was Bit.

Jamie closed his eyes waiting for someone to either pounce or shot at the other but nothing happened. Jamie opening one eye and to his surprise none of the Zoids were moving. Over by Bit, the other Zoids had frozen to.

"Jamie! What happened?! Stoller just collapsed!"

"THE POTION WORE OFF!" Jamie yelled in relief. Bit gave a whoop and jumped down from Liger.

"So what now?"

"Well, I suggest you and I get our Zoids home."

"What about them?" Bit waved to the Zoids and sleeping man.

"Just leave them."

"Exactly what I was thinking." Bit grinned. They both rode off on the over cargo smiling. Only stopping to pick up the girls who were asleep in Naomi's Gunsnipper in a semi-compromising position.


A/N: AND NOW......THE AFTERMATH! You know in most love potion stories where the one who drank the potion can never remember what they did. WELL, YOUR WRONG! Everyone remembers exactly what they did and the result is some couplings coming together. Should be finished before June 27. REVIEW!
