I know its been awhile since I wrote but Ive been having problems with my computer.

So I hope you enjoy this one!

Last time

'Oh shit! I'm so dead!'


I couldn't help but run. I ran and ran until my lungs hurt. But it was too late.


I could hear the footsteps getting closer and closer and the hard breathing getting louder.

' What does it want!?'

I tried to make a turn, but slipped on the concrete.

'No! Why is this happening to me!?'

I try to curl up and protect my face (this is just a habit of mine) and make no sudden movements.

The footsteps stopped and the breathing came to a normal pace, but I could still feel his presence.

After what seemed like ages something touched my arm.

I made a stupid move by flinching.

"Hey, why are you on the ground?"

What? Are you serious? That's what hes asking me?!

" I said, why are you on the ground?"

He sounds like a grown man, maybe hes old! I can take care of that, right?

I turn over on my back to only be surprised to see a man who looks like hes in his late 30s.

' Dammit!'

" U-um, w-who're you"

He rubs his shaggy chin.

" You want to know the truth?"

Whats that suppose to mean?

"Well do you!?"

Man, does he have some issues.

I stand up and take a step back.


He smiles and he too takes a step forward.

"Can you handle the truth?"

Is he crazy?

"Well y-you see, I'm suppose to meet up with some friends of mine so I should get going"Then I get a brilliant idea.

" Have you ever heard of Erza?Or what about gray? You wouldn't want to do something you would regret . Well, if you treasure your life."

His reaction was totally unexpected.

"Hahahahahahahahah! You think that's gonna make me leave? You don't even attend to that god for sacking guild anymore! Hahahahahahaahah"

How does he know about that? And most of all, how dare he laugh about it!

" God dammit! What the hell do you want with me!?"

Whoops , I didn't mean to say that. At least it shut his laughing up, but maybe that was a bad thing.

"How could you talk to me like that, princess?"

I catch my breath. Why does that sound so familiar. This guy is really freaking me out.

"Oh, did I struck something there. Maybe a certain memorie?"

W-what is he talking about? O-of course that didn't bring any memories. I mean, I never even met this man in my entire life! And yet, I cant help but think.......

"Oh come now! Dont tell me you forgot who I am?!"

I open my mouth to yell for help, but get interrupted when he flings himself toward me. Now, I expected to be thrown to the ground and trampled on, or maybe even bitten( god knows what he really might be) but I didn't expect to be raped in his arms with his head resting on my head. I'm to stunned to even move.

" Ive lost you along time ago." He pauses and lowers his voice."Are you sure you don't remember me?"

I think about my response before speaking. I f I say something he doesnt like Ill have a one way ticket to haeven.

So I just shake my head.

I could feel his sigh, and to be quite honest it felt good, like a feeling that I longed for for so long. Tears begin to slip down my face.

He squises a bit harder.

"Its OK. This time I'm not going to leave. I wont let you suffer alone any longer." He starts to sooth my hair.

I close my eyes to focus on this new yet familiar sensation. He is something different, that's true, but who could this man be? A small voice in the back of my head whispered

'Dad.' It cooed.

Shock sweeps through me. No,no,! I shove him away as hard as I could and half of me felt total regret after seeing the hurt that was plain on his face.

No. I don't care. This to freaky!

I try to remember how to make my legs move but something was making me uncap able of that.

I look at him to see if hes gotten mad but the look was fool of frustration.

"Why cant you remember?" He skakes his head.

"I guess ill just have to show you then." He steps forward and put his hand on my face.

No, I don't want this, why cant I move?!

He brings his face closer and whispers something to low for me to hear but then my mind was engulfed in forgotten memories.

There was a man holding a little girl, then there was one with him holding her on his shoulders. But the one that made me most surprised was when he was tucking the little girl in bed.

He bent down and kissed her on the forehead(which was big) and whispered

"Ill come back, don't worry. If its the last thing I do." Hes studding her face as if trying to memorize it."I wont forget you" He gets up and walks to the door but turns back

" Goodbye.Princess"

My mind came to a blank and all the pictures came swirling to an end. I was now staring at the man in my memories. My real dad.

All of a sudden my feet were free and I ran, I couldnt dijest this. Not now, not after i had the false idea that another man was my own father.

Still I was afraid of losing him now, so when I heard his footsteps behind me, i was relieved.

What I wasn't expecting was to be surrounded in a brilliant Orange fire. I came to an arubt stop. Is it him,really him? I swing desperately around trying to find any sign of him,but what I found was just the man who claims to be my dad. My heart sinks and all of a sudden I didnt care anymore. He notices this.

" Whats wrong? Aerent you surprised about my power?" Hes studing my face now, but I dont care. I gave my hopes up like I told myself not to. Man this really sucks.

"Oooooooh OK. now I know whats going on. You thought I was your pink haired friend right? Well let me tell you something, hes not coming back. He left you just for a stupid mission. whats his name again? Nats-"

"SHUT UP!!!! You've gone to far already with saying those things about him, but to have to hear you say his name is too much." I step closer.

" Because you left me to."

It was quiet for a moment, but then he gets this serious look on his face.

"I can make it go away. The pain of your loss, I mean. Just with a touch of my finger."

I look at him and for a moment I see something dark about him.

"What do you mean?"

He chuckles.

"You have very strong powers dear, if only you could use them." He looks down. "I could teach you, but im going to have to release a side of you that you never seen before."

I take a deep breath.

" What kind of powers?"

I watch as he raises his hand and as flames engulfed it.

'So hes a dragon slayer.'

"I can also make a person do what I want. Like to glue them to the floor unable to move."

If I could do that stuff, I might be able to be strong enough to go back to fairy tail!

" Please. Please teach me!"

He smiles as he takes a step forward.

"Are you sure?"
I'm starting to get frustrated with this guy. Just hurry and do it already!

" Yes."

He smiles even wider as he places his hand on my forehead. He says his words and then there was a black out.

When I awoke, the power that was surging through me was stronger than ever before. It was like seeing through someone else's eyes. wait. I am seeing through someone else's eyes! Why cant I lift my hands or move my feet?! I knew now, that the man who did this to me wasn't planning to help me, but to posses me! Just great! Now what am I gonna do?But the worse part was seeing what the new me was thinking about doing to fairytail. I just hope someone can stop her.

Ok so this is finally up! pleaz review!