LORC: The Beginning
Epilogue *Short version*

Ryau and Naki stood in their room on the Shadow of Intent as it silently glided through Slip-space, headed for home. Ryau sat on the bed and set his head in his arms.

"You know... even after all these years, I thought that after we finished the series we would go home. And by home I mean our original universe," He said.

"Well who knows Ryau, maybe they actually made a Halo four after we left," Naki giggled.

"Oh of course they would, the Chief is still out there." Ryau chuckled and looked up at her. "I've been meaning to ask, where did you get the name Naki Cimutee?"

"Umm, well here I have parents..." She said shyly.

"What?" Ryau sat up quickly and stared quizically at her.

"I have a mother and a father. My mother, Na`an, lives in Maka in Zelso."

"And your father?" Ryau asked.

"... He was deployed on Standard, his name was Ryka Cimuete'ee. Nether my mother or I have heard from him since," She said solemnly.

"Oh, I'm sorry Naki," Ryau said while thinking if Ryka could have been one of the Sangheili he had killed while he was a Spartan.

"It's...okay Ryau, its war so many have been lost we've learned to deal with it."

"Let us end this conversation and go to bed, it has been a very long day."

"Indeed." Naki said taking off her armor and sliping into bed.

Ryau did the same and drifted off to sleep. A few days later the Shadow of Intent dropped out of slip-space over Sanghelios in to a mass of other Sangheili ships. Thanks to Ryau's warnings, the NOVA bomb over Joyous Exultation never detonated and far less ships were sent to Oynx. The Shadow of Intent flew down to the planet and held position over the State of Vadum. The grav-lift was activated and the Arbiter escorted Ryau and Naki to the temporary location of the new Sangheili High Council. After they explained what had occured with the device and why it would be wise for Naki to remain incharge of it the Council decided to wait tell they were of age to serve in the military again and sent them back to the State of Zelso. They took a Phantom and it dropped them off at Naki's home on the island, they had given Ryau and Naki orders to contact the Council of Zelso in the morning about job implications. Eventually Naki was given a teaching position at the Zelso State University in a scientific field. Ryau went through training at the Zelso State Military Academy insted of the closer Varo Military Academy and was put to work as a Training Major at the ZSMA.

AU: Heres the temporary epilogue and information of the sequel

The Life of Ryau 'Cinotee: Return to Standard
Act I

Three years after the end of the Human-Covenant War, a joint operation between the Covenant Separatists and the UNSC head to what is left of the colony of Standard. Ryau and Naki follow along to return to where his world shifted to a different point of view...again

LORC: RTS is now posted in its own story you can find by visiting my profile

*a longer more detailed Epolouge will be posted once the rewrite is complete