Disclaimer I do not own.. :( Please, por favor, plaire, gefallen, and kagustuhan review.. :)

(English, Spanish, French, German, Filipino) - what they were from. :p

Chapter 8


I was lying down in my bed of how my friends would have taken the terrible lectures.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

This time I got out of my bed, and took my alarm clock and threw it out the window.

"Take that stupid alarm clock."

I heard the alarm clock meet the ground with a smash.

I looked down to see the pieces of the alarm clock destroyed.

I looked up and saw Spiderman waiting for me by his car smiling.

"What haven't you seen an eighteen year old girl throw her alarm clock out of a window?" I yelled at him.

"I've only seen you. I think you have gone mad!" He yelled back.

"What is with all the yelling?" Charlie said walking into my room.

I pointed my finger down to Edward.

Charlie walked over to the window and looked down.

"Edward I think you are a bit too early?"

"I just wanted to see Bella, sir."

"Whatever." Charlie said while waving his hand at Edward. He turned to me and said, "You better hurry up."

"I think you should brush your teeth." I said pinching my noise. "It stinks." Then I waved my other hand in front of my noise.

"Oh just get ready and go today is my day off. I would like to spend it in peace."

"Whatever you say, Dad."

Charlie walked out of my room, and then I turned to Edward.

"I'll be down soon Spiderman." I called to him.

"Take your precious time Mary Jane."

I turned away and got dressed. When I was done, I closed my window and ran downstairs.

I grabbed my stuff and told Charlie good-bye and then I ran towards Edward.

"Slow down there Mary Jane you'll f-"

I tripped and fell right into Edward's arms.

"Thanks again."

"I remember the first time we did this we were this close to kissing." He said holding his fingers up.

"In your dreams Spiderman." I said backing away from him.

"Come on, I thought Mary Jane was supposed to fall in love with Spiderman."

"Spiderman, yes. Peter Parker, no."

"I thought I was Spiderman though?"

"Yes you are, but your Peter Parker inside." I said getting into his car.

He ran to the other side and got in.

"You are confusing me you know that right, Mary Jane?"

"That's the point, Spiderman."

"Then why do you call me Spiderman instead of Peter Parker." He said pulling

"Because Peter cannot climb into windows, only Spiderman can, and that is what you did."

"Spiderman gets to kiss Mary Jane so…"

"Not while you're driving."

"Is that a yes, but not while I am driving?"

"It is not yes, it is a maybe."

"Really, now?"

"Yes, really."

"Good to know." I noticed that he kept his glare on me.

"Idiot." I mumble under my breath.

"You know I can hear you" He said not taking his eyes off me.

"Not about that. Look at the road. Idiot." This I said a little louder.

"I can still hear you, you know?"

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"I keep hearing something."

"Bella what the hell is it?"

"There it is again."

"Bella seriously what do you keep hearing?"

"Oh. My. God. I think I hear ghosts."

"Bella there are no ghosts in this car."

"Who is driving the car? Did we just past a ghost?" I said acting freaked out.

"Bella, I am driving the car."

"Wait I think I see something." I reached out to Edward.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He said trying to pull away from me.

"Huh I guess there is nothing there."

"That's it I give up."

I was still trying to look freaked out.

"There it is again."

I tried to unlock the door and open it Edward locked the car up again. We kept doing to for five times.

"Bella stop trying to break my doors locks."

"There it is again. Stop, go away. Why can't you leave me alone?"

We pulled up into the school parking lot, and right when Edward stopped the car I jumped out and ran over to Alice and held onto her for dear life.

"Bella what the hell, are you trying to get yourself killed?" Alice almost screamed at me.

"Bella what's wrong?" Jasper asked me.

Edward started walking over to us looking very angry as always.

"Spiderman, where were you, you were supposed to save me, be my hero from the bad ghosts." I said punching him in the arm.

"Stop with the bullshit, Bella. I know you just did that to piss me off."

"Oh really? Does someone have a frowny face? Do I need to kick some ass because Spiderman did not save me from the mean ghost? I am ready to kick some ass. I am all pumped up and ready to do this." I said jumping up and down from side to side with my fist in the air.

I heard Emmett snort.

"What are you doing, Bella?" Alice asked.

"Please, just stop with that, you're making people stare." Edward said looking down.

"Hey guys. These are the new cheerleaders. Cough cough-sluts-cough. Sorry my throat is itchy." Rosalie said.

They all looked like Barbie dolls.

Jasper snorted this time as if he agreed with me.

"Who are they Rose?" Emmett asked.

"Tanya, Irina, and Kate." Rose pointed to them.

To me they all looked like the same, fake, plastic Barbie dolls. There is no difference.

We all heard the first bell ring and we walked off to the school building.

Again, Rosalie pretended to cough, "Cough-fakes-cough cough."

"God, I hope you will be able to make it to the football game. Wouldn't want that dreamy hunk to be all alone, now would we." Irina winked and walked after her clones.

I heard Rosalie snarl at Irina.

"Calm down Rose, no one can touch me with you around." Emmett soothed her.

"They better not."

I was heading to lunch with Rosalie and Alice at my side.

When we walked in the doors, Alice went crazy.

Kate was almost sitting in Jasper's lap. Even though Jasper kept trying to push her away.

"Bella let me go! I am going to rip her head off. I don't fucking care if it's fake or not!"

Rose and I pulled Alice aside to try to calm her down.

When we went to look back at the table Irina was doing the same to Emmett.

"That's it I'll tear all their heads off!" Rosalie yelled violently.

I tried to hold both back by their clothes but when Tanya walked up to Edward and sat on his lap I lost all control and released them like blood hounds going after an escapee.

"Tear a bitch up Rose!" I yelled to her. I calmly walked towards the ho sittin' on my man's lap and grabbed her by her extensions and pulled the slut off.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing sitting on Spider-man's lap, skank?" I asked.

"Well Isabella I think I am sitting on my new man. For. Your. Information. You have a problem with it bitch?"She told me with a glare. Like I care if you fucking glare at me bitch.

"Fuck yeah I have a problem with it when you sit on my man you bet your ass I'm gonna cut you." I made scissor motions with my hand.

"That's all you got whore."

"You skank ass-bitch, you need to stay the fuck away from my man or you are gonna face the wrath of Isabella Marie Swan and believe me mutha fucka I ain't pretty when I go all out on yo ass!"

She scurried away before I could do any more damage.

"What the fuck you lookin at Peter Parker?" Edward stared dumbly at me. After that encounter, I looked to see if my homies needed my back up.

Alice had Kate on her stomach with her on her back pulling her fake blonde hair out.

She yelled at Kate, "Bitch stay the fuck away from my jazzy or else you might get your ass handed to you by someone who is way prettier than you." She released Kate.

Kate ran screaming after Tanya. "That is one fucking messed up pixie get me out of here before I die!"

Looking to Rosalie, she had Irina screaming at the top of her lungs about leaving her fake breasts alone. I guess they costed a lot of money or some shit.

Jasper, Emmett, and I headed out to lunch. We sat at our usual spots waiting for the girls. Jasper sat down, and that Kate girl sat next to him almost on top of him. Poor Jasper.

"Kate I really don't think that is necessary."

"B-but Jazzy-pooh don't you want me?"

"Not really, and don't call me that it sounds like my name and poop put together."

"Okay I'll call you Jazzy."

"Only Alice can call me that, now get off of my lap or I'll do it for."

I looked over at the doors and saw Bell and Rosalie trying to hold Alice back from ripping Kate's head off.

I looked back at Emmett and saw Irina sitting on his lap shoving her fake tits into his face. Also poor Emmett.

Emmett had a muffled voice through all the plastic.

I looked back at the girls and now Bella was trying to hold them both back.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and then suddenly Tanya plopped into my lap.

"Hey there Eddie-boy." Tanya tried to sound seductively.

"Really 'Eddie-boy' what kind of name is that? Seriously where did you learn how to speak?"

"What you don't like it?"

"I don't like any of you Barbie dolls."

"Awe how sad."

Soon Tanya was pulled off my lap by her very, fake hair.

I saw Bella with a fistful of fake hair.

All I could do was stare at Bella with my mouth a gap.

(Skip the fight scene)

"What the fuck are you looking at Peter Parker?"

While Bella walked away I mumbled, "Will you marry me?"

Did I just say that aloud? I am glad she did not hear me though. That would have been hard to explain.

If the Denali sisters were cheerleaders than this was going to be a very interesting night.

Football game here we come.

Oh shit I forgot I lost the BET!

Ok the end is here.. :) will upload soon promise... Working on 9 now..