*ahem* The third installment of the Mattie and Sophie series based around Sophie's daughter Sumi and her three friends.
it's Finally HERE!!!!
Chapter One: The Introduction
"Okay! I'm off!" The lilac haired teen called to the seemingly empty house as she turned to the door and opened it, leaving for school. She hopped down the stairs and patted the back of her short uniform skirt. Her aqua eyes sparkled in the light as she took off towards the corner where her friends waited. "Ohayou!!" She called.
"Uwaa!!!" The tall black haired girl cried as she spotted her friend. "Sumi you cut your hair!!"
Sumi blinked and touched her chin length hair. "It's still long enough for my hair style." She answered with a shrug; that's all she cared about, putting her hair up in the two mini pigtails she always wore.
"You know… I saw this picture the other day that my dad had been hiding away and in it was a girl with bright pink hair and the same style you like to wear Sumi…" The girl with black-blue hair mused as they walked.
"You too Ren?!? I've seen a picture with a pink haired girl floating around in my parents room too!!" The first girl added.
"You're crazy Akina…" The fourth girl in the group sighed as she tossed back her sea green hair. "You're giving me a headache already and we're not even at school yet…"
"Aww but Kaiya I know you have one too!! I've seen it!" Akina answered back as she stuck out her tongue.
Kaiya groaned and opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by a loud ringing.
"Looks like we've made it just in time. "Sumi called to her friends as she ran off to her first class. "See you at lunch!!!"
A soft knock on the back door caught Sophie's attention as she gazed at her computer screen. 'Now who would be knocking on the back door…?' She mused as she stood and made her way to the door. As she opened the door she gasped. "Hiei…"
The former demon member of the Spirit Detective team stood cloaked in his usual black at the back door. He stared silently at the woman before him.
"Well… Come in." Sophie answered as she moved aside to let him pass; she checked her bun to make sure it was secure and brushed back a few strays. "I wasn't expecting a visit from you…"
"I know." He answered as he gazed around the room; years in the demon world had made him a very cautious man.
"There's nothing here that will attack you Hiei. This home is secure to all threats, both Shuichi and I have made sure of that."
"Tch…" Hiei sneered as he moved to a corner of the room he was in.
Sophie shook her head as she moved to the kitchen to get some tea. "So what has spurred on this visit…?" She asked as she came back in carrying to cups of tea.
"Your daughter has been picked as the new spirit detective and now has been targeted by every demon in the demon world." Hiei looked down at the cup of tea Sophie had placed before him then back at Sophie. "Koenma now needs all the girls before one of them is killed."
Sophie's cup slipped from her hand and shattered on the floor. "My baby…?" She gasped. "We kept her away from the Spirit detectives for this reason! You're supposed to keep the demons away from finding her!!" She cried as she shook him. "How could you let them find her?!"
Hiei snatched Sophie's hands away from his clothing. "There's only so much I can do. Her spiritual powers are immense; they're stronger than Yusuke's when he first started. I can't keep protecting her forever, one day she is going to have to learn about all of this. Her father is a demon for Christ's sake! You can't keep her in the dark!"
Sophie yanked her hands free as she struggled with the knowledge that her daughter's life was now in immediate danger. "What am I suppose to do…?"
"She and the other girls are to meet with Koenma then possibly get sent to Genkai's former home for training." Hiei moved away from the wall and towards the door. "You might want to send her and the others there immediately…" He said over his shoulder as he opened the front door and left.
Sophie watched as the door closed behind her former friend then reached for the phone and dialed a number. "Shuichi…?" She asked as she heard the phone pick up. "It's time…"
Sumi laughed as she waved at her friends. "See you tomorrow!!" She called as she turned to head home. "Oofff!" She stated as she slammed head long into a man before her. "Oh my god I'm SOO sorry!" She cried as she moved back and bowed. "I totally wasn't paying attention, it's all my fault."
The man moved back then to the side without a single word and continued past her.
Sumi turned and watched him for a moment 'Just for an instant I thought I knew him…' She thought as she watched the man in black disappear into the crowd of people. 'Red eyes… I've never seen anyone with such vivid red eyes…' She shook her head as she tried to shake away the feeling nagging at the back of her mind that she really did know him.
"Mom!!! I'm home!!" Sumi called as she pushed open the door. "Dad…?" She questioned as she noticed the red ponytail of her father as he went around the corner. "You're home early from your trip."
Shuichi stopped, came back around and smiled. "I came home to surprise you." He said as he walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. "How's my favorite daughter??"
Sumi laughed as she buried her head in her father's chest, she always loved the smell of damp earth that always seemed to follow him wherever he went. "I'm your only daughter dad!"
"Well then. How is my favorite only daughter?" He said with a laugh.
Sumi laughed. "I'm fine dad." She said with a smile.
"Good, good." He answered as he kissed the top of her head. "Now… Would you accompany me into the study?"
Sumi leaned back and blinked, confused. "The study…?" She questioned as she cocked her head to one side. "I'm never allowed in there."
Shuichi just smiled. "Well you are today. You're mother and I want to talk to you about something." He turned and led the way into the one room Sumi had never gone into since they moved into the home.
Her eyes scanned the whole room quickly, taking in everything in a single glance. 'It's that girl!' She thought as her eyes caught on two pictures side by side, one of her mother and one of her father with a girl with bright bubble gum pink hair.
Her mother's voice pulled Sumi's attention away from the photos and turn to both her mother and father.
"Your father and I have something important to tell you…"
Shuichi sat down beside Sophie and took her hand lightly, giving it a quick squeeze.
Sophie smiled briefly at him before turning back to her daughter. "There are things your father and I have kept from you…" She stopped then took a breath. "Your life is about to turn upside down…"